Setting Her Up


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"We have both wanted a piece of your fine ass since high school."

At that point Merrie tried to close the door, but Tony stopped her and said:

"You give us a taste and we don't tell Barry about you and Jim Reynolds."

"Are you insane? Get the hell out of here!"

"If we leave it will be to call Barry and tell him about your sucking Jim's cock and then leaning against the dumpster at the Strip and letting Jim fuck you from behind. And then we will tell him about seeing you leave Jim's last week. Do you really want that?"

Merrie stared at them for maybe twenty seconds and then she turned and walked back into the house and Mike and Tony followed. She led them into the bedroom and then Tony fucked her while Mike watched and then Mike fucked her while Tony watched. Next Tony fucked her while she sucked Mike's cock followed by Mike's fucking her while she nursed on Tony's pole.

When Tony said, "Let's DP her" she didn't protest. She let them get her into the position they wanted and then let them do it. That pissed me off even more that I already was because she had never let me do anal with her and she was doing it with them as if it was nothing new to her. What made it even worse for me was the way she responded. Begging for it harder and begging them to make her cum and then watching her have a screaming orgasm.

I couldn't watch any more of it and I fast forwarded to where Mike and Tony left. As soon as they were gone Merrie went to the phone and made a call.

"We have a problem" she said into the phone. Mike Bellah and Tony Anson were just here. They know about us and they threatened to tell Barry if I didn't put out for them."

"Of course I did. What choice did I have?"

"What do you mean what did I do? It was the same as what you and Kenny do with me."

"Don't be an ass. Of course I enjoyed it."

"I wasn't paying attention and Mike took cell phone pictures of me fucking Tony. They are going to come back tomorrow. What should I do?"

"Oh great! Easy for you to say. You aren't the one they are sticking it to."

"Well you have been pushing me to do a gangbang. Would you, Kenny, Mike and Tony be enough for a gangbang or do you need more?"

"Don't be silly. He's clueless. We've been fucking for three years now and he hasn't a clue."

"Okay; see you then."

I was as close to committing murder as I had ever been. Three years? The bitch had been cheating on me for three years? The fucking cunt had been hanging horns on me for one third of our married life! Maybe more. Maybe Jim wasn't the first. Maybe I needed to check the paternity of my kids. No! I wouldn't do that. They were mine regardless. I'd been with them when they were born and I had been with them every day since. I would not give them up!

I shut down the laptop and headed for my motel. There was a bar next door and I needed a drink. Fuck!! I needed a hell of a lot more that one.

I settled on a stool and ordered a Bud and considered my next move. I needed to see an attorney and I needed to decide just how bad I was going to fuck Reynolds up. And I WAS going to do that! You could bet the farm on it.

I was on my second Bud when a woman slipped onto the stool next to me. She tapped me on the shoulder and said:

"Looking for some company stud"?

My immediate thought was that she was a hooker and I was all set to tell her that I wasn't interested when she said:

"Was I that easy to forget?"

I turned and took a close look at her and then smiled as I said:

"As if. How you been Shelly?"

"About as good as you."

"That bad huh?"

"Yep, and for the same reason."

"How's that?"

"I'm not here by coincidence. I followed you here when you left your neighborhood."


"I was following my husband. I've suspected that he was cheating on me and tonight I followed him to your house. I drove around the block meaning to find a place to park and then I was going to sneak over to your house and see if I could see find a window to peek in and catch the asshole fucking your wife. I saw you sitting in your car and figured that you were doing the same thing. When I saw you pull out I followed along."

"Who is your husband?"

"Kenny Howzer."

I took a good look at her and asked, "Why would any sane man cheat on you?"

"I could ask the same. Why would any sane woman cheat on you?"

"I guess we really fucked up in picking our mates. I found out tonight that Merrie has been cheating on me for at least three years with Jim Reynolds."

"What are you going to do?"

"They are being filmed even as we sit here. I'm going to use the film to dump her sorry ass."

"Any chance I could get a copy of that film to nail Kenny with?"

"It'll cost you?"


"A date as soon as we dump the dead weight."

"Why do we have to wait?"

"I don't want to take a chance on giving Merrie anything she can use to counter sue."

"Dinner and drinks can't be used against you. Neither can dancing or going to the movies. We would just have to be careful not to touch inappropriately."

"I don't know about that sweetie. I couldn't keep my hands off of you when we used to date and you have definitely improved since high school and you were super hot back then."

"I guess I will just have to supply the will power for both of us. When are you going to drop her?"

"I'm supposed to be on a long business trip right now. She will have four days to hang herself. I've already seen the lawyer and I'm just waiting to gather the evidence. I'll go home Friday night or Saturday morning and use the weekend to put together the tapes of what she has done while I've been gone and then hit her with it Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. I should be able to give you copies by Monday evening."

"I'll see an attorney tomorrow and hopefully hit Kenny when you hit Merrie. So our first date will be on the weekend after we put out the garbage, right?



The next night I went back, parked the usual block over and reviewed what was on the recorder. I watched as Reynolds, Mike, Tony and a guy that I assumed was Kenny turn Merrie every which way but loose. It is kind of weird watching your wife being made airtight and wanting to kill her and yet be part of what she is doing at the same time.

I fast forwarded and saw Reynolds and three guys I didn't know doing her and I had to wonder if I ever knew Merrie at all

The next night I was back and I watched as Merrie got the gangbang I'd heard her talking about. Reynolds, Mike, Tony, the guy I presumed was Kenny and four guys I didn't know lined up on the whore and fucked her senseless.

It started out as a poker game which by itself pissed me off royally. It was something that Merrie had absolutely refused to let me at the house with my friends and yet there she was walking around naked and serving the players food and drink. MY beer and MY booze and MY food. It went on for a while or so and then one of the guys I didn't know grabbed her, pushed her down on the table scattering cards, chips and money in the process and shoved his cock into her. The gangbang was on.

After the third hard dick had dumped in her the party moved to the bedroom where Merrie took on two, three and four at a time. That's right. Four! She was airtight and was jacking off one of the unknowns. My wife! The mother of my children! Being used by four guys at the same time while the other four watched and waited for their turn at the whore.

I was so upset that I opened the car door and puked on the ground. I was less that a second from going into the house and killing them all when I got a grip on myself. I shut off the laptop and drove back to the motel, parked the car and then walked over to the bar where I proceeded to get blind, stinking drunk.

I was so fucked up in the morning that I had to call in sick to work. After a breakfast the included probably ten gallons of black coffee I decided that it was time to pull the plug on things.


I checked out of the motel, drove to the airport and got my car and then killed time until the evening, I was pretty sure of what would be going on at the house after everyone got off work and I wanted the pleasure of ruining the evening for everyone.

I parked my usual one block over, turned on the laptop and clicked on the 'real time' icon. I toggled through the cameras until I got to the living room where I saw Merrie on her knees giving the guy that I presumed was Kenny a blow job as he sat on the couch. She was wearing a black teddy that I had given her on our last anniversary. He was in the middle and Reynolds was on one side of him and an unknown sat on the other. Both had their cocks out and Merrie was going from one to the other and taking turns sucking on them. Mike, Tony and a guy I didn't know were standing there watching.

I took out my cell and called her. The phone in the house rang and she took her mouth of off Kenny long enough to say:

"Someone bring me the phone. It might be doofus making his nightly check in call."

She went back to sucking until Tony brought her the cordless.


"Hi baby. Finished early and I'm back. Just left the airport and should be home in a bit."

"Oh goody. I can't wait to see you. I'm feeling pretty damned horny right now. Be ready for some exercise when you get here."

I saw panic on her face when I disconnected and I heard her say:

"God damn the worthless fuck! He wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow."

She got to here feet and said, "Everybody out. The dumb shit is on his way and I've got to get this place cleaned up."

"We have time to finish up" Kenny said, "It will take him forty-five minutes to get here from the airport."

"He said he'd already left the airport. He might be halfway home for all I know. Every one out. Now! The last thing I need is for him to get here and find all of you with me and I do have to get this place straightened up."

The guys grumbled, but they got up and started moving out. All except for Jim Reynolds.

"I'll help you clean up."

"No. He can't catch you here."

"When he gets here I'll go out the back door. I'm parked on the other side of the street so he'll never know. I'll start picking up while you go change."

"I'm not going to change. I'll tell the dumb shit I put it on to welcome him home."

The two of them got busy picking the place up and I got an idea. I got out of the car and got the tire iron out of the truck. Then I took a gamble. The house I was parked in front of was the house of my across the back fence neighbor. I rang his doorbell and Tim, his eighteen year old son came to the door. I wanted his dad, but Tim could do what I wanted. I asked him if he would like to make a quick twenty bucks.

"Doing what."

"I'm supposed to be out of town on business and I want to surprise my wife and her lover. When they see my car pull into the driveway he will run out the back door and I want to be standing there to say hello to him."

"Cool" was all he said. I handed him two tens and the deal was done. I took the tire iron, climbed the back fence, tip-toed up onto the back porch and waited.

I heard running and then the back door opened and Reynolds came rushing out and into a tire iron right across his mouth. I saw teeth fly out of his mouth as he went down and then I used the tire iron to try and see that his cock would never be able to more than pee ever again. Maybe not even that. I wouldn't mind at all if all his urinating had to be done through a plastic tube.

Merrie was standing just inside the door looking on in horror as I worked over her lover.

"Pack your bags and be out of the house by the time I'm done with him or you will be next."

She turned and ran! I took out my dick and pissed on Jim's head, shook the last few drops off my dick, put it away and went into the house. I took out my cell and called 911 and told them I'd caught an intruder in my house and that I'd had to subdue him.

"He put up a pretty good fight and I'm afraid I hurt him rather badly."

I walked around to the front of the house, got my bags and went into the house. I went into the kitchen to see if I had any beer left and found that there were four left. I wondered how Merrie would have explained the PBR since I was a Bud drinker. I opened one and then went into the living room and sat down on the couch to wait for the response to my 911 call.

Merrie was dressed when she came into the room and said, "We need to talk honey."

"So it's honey now. I thought I was supposed to be doofus, clueless, dumb shit or worthless fuck. What did I do that suddenly gets me promoted to honey?"

"You don..."

Just shut the fuck up Merrie. I don't want to hear that it isn't what I think. I don't want to hear that you love only me and that it was just some meaningless sex. I don't want to hear that it was just a one time mistake and it will never happen again. I do not want to hear that we love each other and we can get by it. I don't want to hear any of that ridiculous shit that cheaters say when they get caught. All I want to hear is "Goodbye" when you walk out the door. I don't even need to hear that. The sound of the door closing behind will work just fine. All you need to do is let me know where you are so I will know where to have you served."

"Served? What do you mean?"

"It means that I'm divorcing your cheating ass."

"I don't want a divorce."

"Sure could have fooled me. Gangbangs and having a lover for over three years sort of tells me that you didn't want a marriage so I'm getting rid of it."

"That's all bullshit Barry. None of that happened. I just got into trouble and was having a hard time getting out of it. If you would just let me explain."

"Okay. Go ahead and explain."

"It happened the night you got pissed off at me and left me at the bar. I was drunk and somehow Jim Reynolds got me out of the bar and into the parking lot. He took advantage of my condition and had sex with me. I was so drunk that I thought it was you. Two days later Jim came to see me. He had cell phone pictures of me giving him a blow job and he told me that if I didn't want you to see them I had to have sex with him again. I panicked. I couldn't let you see those pictures so I gave in. He means nothing to me honey. Nothing at all. I just didn't know how else to keep him from showing those pictures."

"That's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

"Honest to God honey. I swear on my mother's grave."

I laughed and said, "You sure are a piece of work Merrie. The only true thing you said was that you and Jim fucked in the parking lot. Jim didn't have a cell phone in his hand when you sucked his cock or while he fucked you as you leaned against the dumpster. You want to try and explain Mike and Tony? How about Kenny Howzer?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Did you not hear me mention gangbangs and having a lover for over three years? I have had this house wired for a week Merrie. I have it all on disc. Everything you have done and everything you have said. Where do you think I heard clueless, dumb shit, doofus and worthless fuck? You are busted Merrie. I know it all Merrie. Every last little bit of it.

"I finally understand why you have been so disrespectful toward me these last three years. Why you constantly put me down and humiliate me in public. You can't respect someone you are fucking over and who is letting you get away with it. The fact that I didn't know didn't matter to you. Well maybe you can respect me now Merrie because I've finally done something about it and you aren't going to get away with fucking over me any more.

"Just sign the papers when you get them next week. I've been more that fair considering your actions. We split everything equally and I buy you out of your share of the house. I'll give you two thousand a month in alimony for two years or until you remarry whichever comes first. Although I doubt that Jim will be able to do you much good as a husband after what I just did to his equipment, but there is Mike, Tony and even Kenny to chose from. They are all single and seem to like the group sex you enjoy. And yes, Kenny is single or at least about to be. I'm giving his wife a copy of all that I have and he will be served about the same time you will be.

"There will be no child support because I'm keeping the kids. I will not allow them to live with the whore you have become. You can have unlimited visitation and have them every other weekend and for half of their vacations. And face it Merrie; you don't want them around where they can inhibit your sex parties.

"Just sign Merrie. Once you have done that and the divorce is final I'll destroy what I have. Don't sign and I'll go public with what I have and you won't be able to hold your head up in this town."

"You hate me that much?"

"I don't hate you Merrie; I just don't have any use for a cheating whore. Just like you apparently had no use for me these last three years."


Merrie moved out and signed the papers when they were served on her. A week later she was living with Tony. Did she continue to party with Tony, Mike and the others? I have no way of knowing and I don't care to know.

Shelly served papers on Kenny and he did not take it well. He slapped her around a bit and that night after he had fallen asleep she took a cast iron frying pan and worked him over and then she drug him out of the house and dumped him on the front sidewalk.

The Friday following the serving of the papers on the two cheaters Shelly and I had our first date and I do have to say that things look promising.

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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

As usual, it almost made me puke.

FluidswallowerFluidswallower7 months ago

As usual, another good one! Thanks for another fun read!

NitpicNitpic8 months ago

How can he drive his car on to his drive for Jim to run out,when he is stood at the back porch.?Also why did he go to the trouble of putting cameras in the house,when he already had photos of her and Jim at the dumpster?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

'Shelly served papers on Kenny and he did not take it well. He slapped her around a bit and that night after he had fallen asleep she took a cast iron frying pan and worked him over and then she drug him out of the house and dumped him on the front sidewalk.' -- Good for Shelly. My favorite option is to wait for them to go to sleep and make sure they are well wrapped in the bedsheets. Then we pour a bucket of body temperature water over them. Make sure we get the sheets nice and wet. Now we can proceed to beat them with a baseball bat. Avoid breaking too many bones, don't want to cause an embolism now, do we? Plus we wouldn't want them to be out of work. Also avoid blows to the head. "Lovetaps" are allowed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I enjoyed the story, but he had sex with his out of a wife after he saw her fucking another man, STD anyone.

A minor criticism of something that seems to crop up quite often, drug is a chemical compound used for either medicinal or recreational use, e.g. Advil, morphine, cocaine, it is not the past tense of drag, which is dragged.

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