Seven Tails: Tail 01


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The first time I slid that strap between her sweet little thighs and snugged it up tight, Sarabeth turned a soft shade of pink all over. And the more she moved, the pinker she got. Her nipples hardened and stayed that way until we took it off again much later.

At the time, since I wasn't sure how this whole thing was going to work out, we only had three harnesses for her to use. A light training harness, the medium sulky rig and the patent leather parade harness. As I watched her move in front of the mirror I was already designing more gear for her and any others I might acquire later.

The leather craftsman I was using was a genius in his own right, but he didn't have my imagination. He was going to be quite busy very soon and even though I was going to be poorer by several thousand dollars it was going to increase my emotional wealth a thousandfold.

Well worth the investment, in my eyes.

Sarabeths eyes were wide again as I slipped the halter down over her head and adjusted it to fit. I could see that the blinders on either side disconcerted her some. I turned her to look at me. Using the universal sign, I pointed two fingers at her eyes then at mine.

"These will help keep you focused, Sarabeth. When you run, I want you watching your run, not anything else. I don't want you seeing the crowd. I don't want you seeing the other ponies. The only thing I want you to see is the finish line." I paused and gave her a little smile.

"And of course your proud Master waiting there to reward you."

"Oh..." She said. "I'm... really going to race against others? Like me?" One hand cupped her cheek, my thumb caressing her skin.

"There are thousands of ponies in the world, Sarabeth. And yes, you are going to race against some of them." I leaned in quickly and kissed her, maneuvering between the blinders. "But none of them are like you, little ponygirl. You are beautiful and brilliant and..." I kissed her again. "Unbeatable."

She smiled shyly at my obvious flattery. "Master, stop. You haven't even seen me run yet. I'm not very fast. I run more for endurance than speed." I chuckled.

"Remember I saw how you reacted in the arena, ponygirl. I believe you will run quite fast for that kind of reward."

"Oh..." That dusky rose color returned to her face. I turned her and gave her an affectionate swat on the bottom.

"Let's go for a run, ponygirl."


It took me half the night to get things done to my satisfaction. Luckily for me, I didn't need all that much sleep. The fact that I needed a cool shower by the time Sarabeth finally laid down to sleep helped me wake up a little bit for the evenings labors.

We'd spent... almost four hours in the arena. Running and walking around and around the track. Trying out all of the equipment in the weight room. She even managed to keep up with over half of my Tai Chi routine. Then we ran some more.

In between sets Sarabeth earned more of the... intangible rewards... that came with being my ponygirl. We both enjoyed that considerably. She had always been a runner all of her life, though never in any sort of competition. Mostly I think she ran to keep ahead of the ghosts in her head. Now I had given her something to keep those ghosts at bay and a very firm goal to work towards. Her Master's pride.

We had also both learned the difference between running in shorts and a t-shirt and running mostly naked with a pony harness pulling at some of your most sensitive places. She didn't say it out loud, but I suspect that she had reached orgasm a few times in the middle of a lap. All of the signs were there and believe me, I was watching.

Just like the Grinch, my heart grew ten sizes that day.

All of this served to send a seriously exhausted but happy ponygirl to bed that evening. Even though she did whine once again about being sent to bed in her cage alone, Sarabeth barely had the strength left to clean her harness and take a shower before she fell into bed and was asleep in seconds.

Which was exactly what I was shooting for. I needed some alone time to get things ready for her. In retrospect, it time was well spent.

It wasn't something that I had wanted an audience for, anyway. There was quite a bit of trial and more than a bit of error on my part. A few things had gotten thrown across my workshop in disgust. But when I finally laid down to sleep I had a smile on my face. Laying in the middle of my desk were three perfect pony tails with attached plugs, all in a perfect matching blonde. As a final touch I had even braided one just as Sarabeth always did.

Although it had been a tedious and somewhat frustrating project, the mere notion of those tails and what they meant had me rock hard by the time I lay down in my bed. Just the thought of seeing my sweet little ponygirl with that tail hanging from her bottom as she ran and danced for me had me stroking my cock. The thought of what would come afterward brought me quickly to the edge and over it.

Time well spent indeed.


"Are you happy here, Sarabeth?"

A small nod.

"Do you want to stay here and be my pony?"

Another nod. "Mmmm... yes..."

"You like being a pony, don't you?"

"Mmmmm..." a small smile and a sinuous stretch. "Mmmm-Hmmm..."

"Do you want to run and dance for me, Sarabeth?"

"Mmmm-Hmmm... Only for you, Master."

"Do... do you love me, Sarabeth?" Yet another nod, a little more emphatic.

"Yes, Master. I do love you more than the heavens."

After a moment I blinked away something in my eye. It couldn't possibly have been a tear. I don't cry. Even in happiness.

"Your master loves you too, little ponygirl. More than you can know."

Throughout the whole conversation she had never even opened her eyes. I'd just idly whispered that question through the intercom, never expecting her to respond.

The girl never ceased to surprise me.

"Go back to sleep, sweet ponygirl. Goodnight."

"Mmmm... good night Master..."

A few moments later after I had left for my morning workout, Sarabeth opened her eyes and looked around her cage. She blinked a few times, then laid her head back down on the pillow with a smile and drifted back to sleep.


I don't believe that I would ever get tired of looking at that sweet little body. In my eyes, she was absolutely perfect. Most "beautiful" women needed makeup and a thousand dollar dress to look as good as Sarabeth did with no help at all.

Sarabeth was startlingly beautiful without any enhancements. Perhaps it was because she was just simply who she was. And who she was, was simply a beautiful woman who was eager to please the man she was with.

Fortunately for me, I was the man she had chosen to please. And I was ecstatic over everything about her. Every little blink of her eyes, each intake of breath, watching each muscle ripple and flex beneath her skin made my heart skip a beat in joy.

I was either going to keep this woman by my side for the rest of my days or kill myself trying to be worthy of her.

Possibly both.

We'd stretched and exercised lightly and run a few warm-up laps around the track then gone inside the gym in front of the large mirrors where I usually did my morning workouts. I had my ponygirl practicing stances and moves in front of the mirrors so she could see what they looked like in my eyes.

I'd also taken casts of both of her feet and sent them off to a certain artisan I knew who made boots and shoes for the fetish industry. Aside from more harnesses, there was one other item I wanted to add to Sarabeths cabinet that I thought would accent her style perfectly.

I was keeping my fingers crossed, anyway.

It was turning into an auspicious day. The chemistry between us was bubbling over and we could barely keep our hands off of each other. Not that I needed an excuse to put my hands on that exquisite body, anyway. I wanted nothing more than to...

Well, you know.

As I said, we were working on moves and stances in front of the big mirrors in the gym. Now and then I would step forward to move a part of her, or show her a small correction. In each instance a kiss landed on her somewhere. If I was behind or beside her, it was on her shoulder or back or the side or her head. Once I lifted aside her ponytail and planted a long slow kiss right on my mark on the back of her neck, which made her shiver deliciously. If I was close enough standing in front of her of course, I got a sample of those sweet soft lips. It was becoming increasingly more difficult each time I kissed those lips to pull away and continue with the training.

We both knew what was coming. Before this day was through Sarabeth was going to end up in my bed, whether that location was literal or just figurative.

The next kiss came really close to getting out of hand. Her hands were running through my short brush of salt and pepper hair as she stretched up to reach my lips and I fully believe that maybe only five percent of her body wasn't plastered up against mine. I was getting lost in those wonderfully soft lips.

Hard? Of course I was hard. I'd been that way for hours. Knowing that Sarabeth existed made me hard. Just thinking about Sarabeth, let alone being around her or seeing her practically naked would do that. Even a marble statue of a saint would get hard seeing her in that harness.

But I digress.

I had a plan and needed to stick to it.

One hand came up her back and gripped the base of her ponytail, gently pulling her lips away from mine.

"Master...! I..."

"Sssshhhh... hush, Sarabeth." I whispered into her lips. "I know, baby girl. I want you too. I can't tell you how bad I want you, ponygirl." I gazed down into those blue eyes.

"But first I have a question."

"Anything, Master. I... I am yours."

"Can you dance?"

That took her by surprise. It took a second for any sort of reply to come out.


"A simple question, love. Can you dance?" She was still a bit disconcerted.

"I... suppose so, Master. I've been out dancing lots of times. But..." She colored just a little. "I think I dance like a..."

"Hush, ponygirl." I interrupted softly. "I have seen how you move. Now..." I added that little bit of edge to my tone. "Close your eyes. Ready position one." I stepped back as she straightened her spine and lowered her head with her hands behind her back and one foot forward. A simple bow to her Master, as was appropriate for the beginning of any routine.

"Do you love me, Sarabeth?"

"I do love you, Master. More than the heavens."

"Do you want me, Sarabeth?"

"More than I have ever wanted anybody in my life, Master." While we were talking my fingers were busy on the controls of my remote. There were applications on there I had rarely ever used before. One of those dimmed the lights in the whole arena, including the gym. Another one brought up my music playlist. I pulled up a trance song called "Supernova" that was one of my favorites for when I was writing. The music began swelling softly from the speakers in the corners of the room.

"There's nobody here right now, ponygirl." I said softly over the music. "Nobody but you and I. But very soon you will dance for me out there in the arena. The stands will be full of people watching you. And wanting you." Her face turned pink. "They will all desire you, ponygirl. Who will you dance for?"

"Only for Master Max Rambeaux. I am his."

"Do you want me, Sarabeth?"

"Mmmm... Yes, Master. I do want you." I smiled, even if she couldn't see it.

"Then when you are ready ponygirl... Open your eyes and show me how much you want to be mine."

She did.

After a long slow breath in through her nose and out through those sweet lips, Sarabeth opened her eyes and her body began to move. Hands still clasped behind her back, those hips began to move sinuously. Around in a slow grind then back and forth, as if fucking something that wasn't there. Then her hands came up and ran down her sides, fingers gliding over the straps of her harness while the rest of her body slipped into motion.

Sarabeth danced just for me.

I was spellbound.

While I consider myself fairly good with words, there just aren't enough adjectives and superlatives to describe the way she moved for me that day.

Sometimes I hated my brain. While I watched I analyzed at the same time, trying to come to grips with my lack of words. The only way to describe her moves would be to use technical terms which would denigrate her performance to something sterile and cold. Her performance was anything but that. Despite the thousands I had spent on temperature control equipment it was suddenly extremely warm in that little room. It was as if she was radiating her desires like waves of heat from that slim pale form.

If Eros or Aphrodite came down to earth to enrapture me with their raw sexuality, they could have taken lessons from Sarabeth. I had to close my mouth and swallow before I started drooling on myself. That action forced my brain to reset and I remembered what I was supposed to be doing.

"Trot, ponygirl." She took one step and began to include the pony trot in her dance. That one reminder was all she needed. She went from there to show trot to canter to a brief gallop and interspersed them with the jumps and leaps we had practiced.

Oh my... she was absolutely perfect.

In my mind I could already see the frown on Lord IX's face as his Adriana was replaced as the reigning champion.

From that moment on, I knew two things. One... that I was seriously in love with both being a pony owner and with my first and only ponygirl. And two... my hat was safe. I wouldn't have to eat it after all. Even with nasty onions.

As the music swelled and then faded to a stop, Sarabeth too stopped. She placed her hand behind her back and bowed to me as her Master. I bowed back, deeply. And as I rose, she flew into my arms and once more I got to feel and hear how much performing turned her on.

Hearing those sweet sounds of joy she made into my ear was like tuning into the radio station of heaven.

When she could catch her breath again, Sarabeth placed her lips to my ear and whispered "Master, I want you." Still holding her tight in my arms I kissed the side of her head whispering back "Your Master wants you too, little ponygirl."

Reaching behind my neck, I unwound her arms and held her at arms length so I could look at her. My pale beauty was pink with her need and possibly the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. Nodding, I said "I think it's time. Come, Sarabeth." I held out my hand and she took it, squeezing my fingers as I led her out of the arena.


When we reached my bedroom, I think I caught her a little by surprise by not leading her straight to my bed. Instead, I led her past the end of the bed to the thick carpeted bare space near the foot and stopped her there. Slowly and methodically I began loosening her harness until I could have her lift her arms and take it off over her head. As her arms came down I tossed her harness aside and took both of her hands in mine.

"Sarabeth" I said "There are a few things I want to say to you right now."

With that infinite patience she showed the first day in my truck she said simply "Yes, Master." Once again, the way she said it was total acceptance. That "eternal yea" that poets and philosophers have discussed since the beginning of human language. Whatever it was I wanted, whatever I had to say... she was willing.

And once again, that beautiful wonderful sweet girl left me totally speechless.

I could count the number of people who had managed that in my life on the fingers of one hand. And not even all of them would be required for the task. In the last three days this girl had done it to me several times.

I was definitely going to have to keep her. Even if it was for no other reason than to keep me humble and from getting too big for my britches.

From the very first moment she climbed into my truck, this girl seemed tuned into my wavelength. Not as if she could read my mind, but as if she could sense my mood and divine the direction I was going, like an expert sailor reading the waves and tacking from one crest to the next. The kind of navigation that often left the less able pilots foundering in their wake.

And damn me, I seemed to be foundering again.

Fortunately this girl seemed to care about me enough not to let me drown. She gently disengaged her hands from mine and put them behind her back. With her spine straight she put her right foot forward and lowered her eyes in a very formal bow to me.

"Master Max," She said softly "This pony is yours." After the briefest of pauses she added "In all ways and in all things, Master. Yours."

That was what was needed. All the fans and motors and cog and gears in my brain whirled back into life and I had to almost bite my lip to keep the words from spilling out before I was ready for them.

"Yes, ponygirl. Mine in all ways and in all things. And in a very few minutes we will be together in all ways possible. Not just as pony and Master, but also as man and woman." Sarabeth started to say something and I raised a hand to stop her. "Hush, love. I'm on a roll and if you interrupt I'll lock up again. There are things I need to say." Just the barest hint of a grin appeared in the corner of her lips to be quickly wiped away.

"Sarabeth, I have been alive for... a very long time. Longer than I am willing to admit right now. And I had thought up to this point most of my life was a happy one. Apparently I was wrong." One of her eyebrows went up slightly.

"I thought I was happy with my life and there were a couple of times that I actually thought I was in love. Once again, I was in error." Her eyebrow went a little higher and a hint of concern seeped into her look.

"Compared to the time which has passed from the moment you first climbed into my truck, the previous part of my life has been abject misery. But since then..."

"Since then, Sarabeth Quinn Abernathy, my life has been a constant joy. All of my dreams have come true. And I have never been more in love with anybody or anything they way I am in love with you right now." A little gasp escaped her lips and her eyes widened before she squeezed them tightly shut. Still holding her bow, she whispered "I love you too, Master."

She'd said it before, but it did wonderful things to my heart to hear her say it again when she was sure I was listening. My mind galloped off in all directions. With a concerted effort, I pulled my thoughts back to the present moment. I had to continue with my agenda before I got sidetracked and just took her into my arms and straight into my bed.

Right beside my chair was a small folding table covered with a cloth. I pulled it slightly forward and waved a hand in it's direction.

"Before we continue, there is one more item that I wish to introduce into your pony life, Sarabeth. This will be just as much part of your life as the collar and the leash and the harness. Come here and look, little love." I held out an arm and she straightened, then came and snuggled herself under my shoulder, her arms around my waist.

"What is it, Master?" I hugged her.

"The one thing that no pony is complete without, love." I swept the cloth off of the table to reveal her three tails.

To my delight I finally managed to leave her speechless for a moment. My fingers wrapped around her braid at the back of her head and tugged on it lightly. "As much as I love this ponytail, from now on you will have two matching ones for me and everyone else to admire."

"They're... they're beautiful, Master." She raised her eyes to mine. "Did you make these? Just for me?" I nodded.

"Just for you, my sweet ponygirl. Handmade by your Master."

"They're... beautiful. Do... does..." As her eyes returned to the tails one finger went to her lips for a moment, hesitantly. "Does... that go... in... my bottom?" She had turned a little pink again at the question.
