Seven Tails: Tail 01


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"Yes, Sir."

I didn't take into account how long it took her to wash and dry and braid all of that long beautiful hair. It took her closer to thirty five minutes, but I didn't mind. Learning about each other was an ongoing process. I could see that she was trying to hurry to meet my deadline. I got back on and told her to take time and make sure she was done and ready. I also told her that she was more than worth waiting for. That brought a small smile to her lips as she went back to brushing out her hair.

When I walked into the stables I stopped and pulled the curtains around her cage all the way open, letting her see the entire room. She watched me for a moment, then a flush spread over her cheeks as she realized I was staring at her naked body. Her hands came up for a second uncertainly, trying to cover herself. Then she closed her eyes for just a second and took a deep breath, letting her hands fall to her sides with an almost imperceptible nod. One more breath which came out in a small huff and she walked to the front of her cage and knelt down, eyes on the floor and her hands laying on her thighs. I could see her trembling just a little.

"What are you doing, Sarabeth?"

"Kneeling for you, S... Master."

"Why, love?" She shook her head.

"It... It just seems right, Sir." Her eyes came up to mine. "Don't you like it?" I gave her a warm happy smile.

"I love it, little ponygirl. It is absolutely perfect. I'd like you to do that for me every time." A spontaneous little grin spread across her lips and a giggle escaped before she could cover it with her hand.

"What's so funny?"

"You called me 'ponygirl', Master. It... sounds kind of funny, but... I kind of like it." I smiled again.

"I like it too, Sarabeth. After all, that is what you are going to be. My ponygirl. My champion. My heart and soul and pride. The sweet little center of my universe."

"I... I hope that I can be all of those things for you, Master."

"I know that you will, Sarabeth. I have no doubt in my mind. Now..." I rubbed my hands briskly together. "I have a few things I want to show you, love. You might have noticed the locked cabinet there, just below the shelf." I pointed and her eyes followed my finger. My other hand thumbed the remote and the cabinet door popped open. "This is where your things will be stored until they are needed. All of your pony gear and any toys that we might acquire in the future. Go take a look."

"Yes, Sir." She rose and padded to the cabinet and opened it. Her eyes went a little wide at the collection of leather and steel things hanging from little hooks. One hand went to her mouth and she said "Ummmm... I don't..." Another push on the remote and her cage door popped open as I stepped inside. A few steps brought me to her side. Without even really thinking about it, My arm went around her waist and just as naturally she leaned against me, her shoulder up against my chest. We both just sort of froze for a split second, then smiled at each other. We turned just enough to make the kiss seem completely natural and it lasted for longer than either one of us expected it to do at this early point.

My mind was whirling around in my head like crazy. Just yesterday afternoon I had basically kidnapped a total stranger off of the highway and locked her in a cage. Now I was kissing her like she was my new bride.

How could one man be so impossibly insanely lucky as to find a girl like Sarabeth? Possibly the only girl in the world who would have heard what I wanted her to hear in my voice and who had a heart big enough and strong enough to follow my voice to see where it led her.

I had to fight quite hard to keep from dropping to one knee and asking her to marry me right then and there. And twice I almost opened my mouth so say "Sarabeth, I love you."

But it wasn't the right time for either of those things. Not on her first day.

To break the spell of the moment, I pointed into her cabinet. "Right there, Sarabeth. That is what we will need first." She reached in and brought out a long thin strip of leather with a brass ring and buckle. It was nothing fancy. Just plain black leather with brass fittings.

"Is this... a collar, Master? A dog collar?" She looked at me with a little frown of concern on her pretty face. "Am I to be nothing more than an animal to you?" I shook my head.

"Sarabeth you will never be 'nothing more than' to me. You will always be a precious treasure. And while you are going to be a pony, you are not going to be an animal." I took a deep calming breath and said slowly "Sarabeth, if I knelt down and slipped a ring on your finger, would it make you happy?" Her eyes went wide and the hand clutching her collar went to her chest in between those little perfect breasts. And it was hard not to notice that both of her nipples crinkled up hard at the same time. So I did.

"Y-yes, Master. I think that would make me very happy."

"Then this..." One finger touched the buckle of the collar clutched in her fingers. "This is the ponygirl equivalent of an engagement ring. Not marking you as an animal. But showing proudly to anyone who would see it that you are Owned and loved by your Master. Just like that mark on the back of your neck, love. It shows anyone and everyone who you belong to." Her free hand went to the nape of her neck and gingerly touched the still raised welts of her fresh tattoo.

"I wish I could see it, Sir."

"Yours is still fresh and a little raw, Sarabeth. We will put ointment on it every day to make it heal up nice and pretty. It will take about a week, I think."

"Yes Master. But still..." I got a flash of inspiration.

"Wait right here, love." I walked out of her cage to the cabinet where I kept my supplies. The template I used was handy and from another bin I grabbed a permanent marker and returned to her side. In the little alcove just to the side of her cabinet was a sink with a mirror above it. Slapping the template on the top of the mirror, I quickly traced my mark out onto the glass, leaving it there for her to look at each time she looked into the mirror.

"How do you like that?"

"It's... beautiful, Master. When... when mine is healed will you let me see it, Sir? Will you take a picture for me so I can always look at it and be proud of your mark?" The girl just never ceased to amaze me. Once again I raised my eyes and gave thanks to whoever it was that seemed to be watching out for me.

"Of course I will, Sarabeth. Of course I will."

"Thank you, Sir."

"So... just like an engagement ring, this collar is a promise to you. That I will always hold you in my heart and take care of you in all ways and in all things. And accepting it is a promise to me. That you will always be mine, love. When... when I put my mark on you I didn't give you a choice in the matter. I took you and made you mine and marked you forever. That mark will never come off of you as long as I live. But with this collar you do have a choice whether or not to wear it willingly."

"The question is, Sarabeth, will you accept my collar and wear it willingly and proudly?" Those amazing blue eyes looked into mine for a long moment, flicking back and forth as if she were searching my soul and looking for the truth in my heart. Then she lowered her eyes and lifted the collar to her lips. After placing a small kiss on the brass buckle she whispered "Of course I will, Master." and slipped it around her slim throat, buckling it into place.


Sarabeth wanted to explore the rest of the things in her cabinet. There were only a couple of harnesses in there so far but she was intrigued enough to want to try them on. Pleased by her enthusiasm, I told her to wait until we returned to her cage, as I wanted to take her on a tour of the grounds. In her backpack she had a pair of worn comfortable looking running shoes so I fetched those and a pair of socks for her.

Something else I hadn't thought of before hand. Shoes! I couldn't have my ponies running around the place barefoot. But... I didn't have room to stock an entire shoe store in all sizes, did I? Something I'd have to think about, I guess.

With her small soft hand clutching my bicep, we started out in the stables. I drew back all of the other curtains to expose the other five cages. Her eyes looked down the aisle wonderingly. "Are... Are there going to be more ponies, Master? One for each cage?" I patted her warm hand.

"Maybe one day, Sarabeth. My dream is to have several champion ponies. All of them proud of who and what they are." I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye. "Maybe I should just clone you instead." That enticed a giggle from her lips.

"Master, you are silly. I'm sure one day all of these cages will be full of happy ponies. All of them making you a proud Master." She squeezed my arm.

It was a little cool outside when we stepped out the door and Sarabeth shivered slightly. Not just from the temperature but also the reality of being outdoors wearing nothing but a collar. I slipped my arm across her bare shoulders as she looked across the farm. She huddled under my arm as we looked out across my land. I was proud of my property. The hills and the trees made everything beautiful and serene in my little valley. And the walls of the mountains made it seem as if we were protected here, shielded from the useless noise and bustle of the rest of the world.

"It's... so beautiful here." I smiled and hugged her shoulder.

"And you have made it even more beautiful, Sarabeth." She shook her head a little at my words.

"You don't have to flatter me, Master. I'm already yours." I shook my head back at her.

"My life was almost perfect here, Sarabeth. I had almost everything I wanted. But the one thing that I was missing was you. I knew it was something, but I didn't know for sure what it was until you climbed into the cab of my truck. Now I do know. My world has become brighter and warmer because you are in it. Don't ever forget that, little ponygirl." Her arms tightened around my ribs.

"Mmmm..." she sighed. "I am learning to love it when you call me that." I chuckled softly and steered her towards the arena.

"Then let's give you some more insight into being my pony, Sarabeth."

Pulling the double doors open wide, I stopped and switched on the lights and the heaters and we walked into the middle of the track onto the artificial turf. I guided her to the exact center of the building and, with my hands on her shoulders, spun her in a slow circle so that she could take in the view of all of the empty wooden seats arranged down either side of the arena.

Leaning towards her ear from behind, I spoke softly. "Imagine all of those seats being filled, little ponygirl. Every face in the crowd a stranger, except for one. Right there." My finger pointed to my special box in the center of the seats. "See that one? That's where I will be sitting, waiting for you. Watching." My hands moved down her arms and pulled her hands behind her back. "Like a proper pony should, you will put your hands behind your back, put your right foot forward and bow your head to me as your Master." Mimicking my words, she did so. What an amazing girl she was.

"And now little pony, dressed in nothing but that skimpy harness, with all of these eyes on you and your exquisite little body.." My hand waved to take in all of those empty seats once again." "You will perform just for me, love. All those others will be watching you... but you will dance... just for me."

Sarabeth stood, her head moving slowly back and forth across the empty seats. I could feel her tremble under my hands as they rested on her shoulders. From the side I could see her lips move slightly as she whispered something too softly for me to hear and she trembled even harder. I worried for a moment that I might have pushed a little too hard or touched on a phobia or something. But she suddenly turned and threw her arms around my neck and plastered herself against my body. Sarabeth clutched me like she was drowning, whispering "Oh my god... Oh my god... Oh my god..." over and over. As my hands went down her smooth back she trembled even harder and I could feel every muscle in her back in motion.

Sensing we were getting close to something very important I whispered. "We are all watching you, ponygirl." At those words she thrust her pelvis hard against my hip as her whole body just froze for an instant before she shivered hard and a small squeak erupted from her lips. From my obstructed view I could see her skin turning a rosy shade of pink. She mewled into my ear and writhed her hips against mine as she shivered hard again.

A light went on in my head.

Did I just bring her to orgasm using only my voice and some visual aides?

Holy snap.

Could this girl be any more perfect? Once again I raised my eyes in thanks to whoever it seemed was watching over fools like me.

"M... Master...I'm..." I held her tight and stroked her trembling back as she clutched against my hip and buried her face in my neck.

"Hush, Sarabeth. Don't talk right now. Just take a deep breath and relax..."

I held her for a moment then decided that we both needed to be some place more relaxed where we could discuss what just happened. Turning slightly, I slid my hand down behind her knees and scooped her up into my arms. Sarabeth let out a little squeak and held on to my neck. A brief glimpse of her face showed her skin was still flushed pink before she buried her face in my chest again, hiding it from my view.

When I sat down in my office with her still in my arms, Sarabeth buried her face against my neck, refusing to look at me. Patiently, I petted her and rocked a little and waited for her to relax. After a long moment, she muttered something into the skin of my neck.

"Beg pardon, love?" She shook her head.

"Tell your Master, ponygirl."

She trembled again then said in a very small voice "That... was...embarrassing..." Her arms tightened around my neck. "I... I don't know what you just did to me out there..." I fought against the urge to chuckle, even softly. Instead I kissed the top of her head.

"Sweet Sarabeth.." I spoke softly into her hair. "I didn't mean to embarrass you. I would never do that on purpose. But that did tell me a lot of things about you. One very important thing."

She waited for me to continue and when I didn't she raised her head, still without looking in my eyes and asked. "What is that, Master?" Leaning down, I kissed her forehead.

"It tells me that you are going to be the most amazing ponygirl ever, my little cornsilk flower. It showed me your passion. And most important of all..." I paused again and waited until she looked up at me. I smiled softly. "It showed me how proud I am to be your Master, Sarabeth." A smile flickered across her lips and she hugged her face into my neck again. Those soft beautiful lips pressed against my skin. She whispered something into my neck again that I didn't quite hear.

But I suspected it was "I love you."

Right before we continued with our tour of the arena, I said "There is one more accessory I want to introduce to you this morning, Sarabeth. Consider it... an adjunct to your collar."

"A leash?" My eyes widened in surprise.

"Why, yes. It is a leash. How did you guess?" She shrugged.

"That just seems natural, Sir. If I am to always wear your collar, then it makes sense that you would wish me to wear a leash as well." I shook my head in wonder.

"So... if you were me, how would you justify that, little pony?" A little frown of thought creased her brow between those beautiful eyes.

"It would be another symbol of your ownership, Master. Like my mark and my collar. Excuse me... your mark and your collar, Sir. Just in case anyone missed those subtle hints."

Even sweet and beautiful was no barrier to sarcasm, it seemed. I put two fingers under her chin and tipped her face up to mine for a kiss.

"Right and wrong, my snarky little ponygirl. Right in that it is another symbol of my ownership. But wrong, for now, in assuming that it is to show others. What I want to do with these things is all for you, Sarabeth."

"How is that, master?"

"As I have stated, I want... will... train you to be a ponygirl. That is going to be your life... for as long as you wish it to be. I want to make sure that right here..." I placed my palm on her chest, right over her heart. I was acutely aware of those delicious firm little breasts only millimeters away from my fingers. "Right here in your heart... you are aware every time you put on your collar and slip the handle of that leash into my hand, that I am your Master and that I am very proud to be so."

A tinge of color returned to her cheeks and she lowered her eyes.

"Yes, my Master."

"So... here is another test, Sarabeth. Do you know where the tack room is? Right next door?" She nodded. "In that room there are six cabinets. Only one... yours... has any gear in it at this point. I would like you to fetch the leash from there and bring it back to me."

"Of course, Sir." She climbed down off of my lap and slowly left the room.

This was a test not only of her but me as well. She was out of the room and out of my sight. Nothing between her and the front door but her will. Her will and the fact that she was naked and in the middle of nowhere, of course. The door to the arena was not locked. As a matter of fact, aside from the front gate and the cage doors, there were very few locks anywhere on my property. There was nothing physically to keep her from running away.

As I mentioned, it was a test for me too. I had to force myself to resist leaping up and watching her as she walked out of the door. Sarabeth seemed so perfect. Sometimes a little too perfect. This would prove to me one way or another that I was either deluding myself or I was, after all, the luckiest man in the world.

It seemed that my luck proved itself out.

After only a few seconds which stretched like hours, Sarabeth walked back into the room with the leash in her hand. The clip was already attached to her collar. While she was gone I had pulled a small rug over in front of my chair. When I pointed to it, she knelt there and raised her hand, the handle of the leash presented to me.

Walking around for the past hour or so with Sarabeth naked had kept me hard off and on all morning. When I rose and took the leash from her my cock went so hard down the inside of my pantleg that I got really uncomfortable really quickly.

And though her eyes were cast down, her head was right at the same level and she did not miss the fact that I was both right there and hard. Her eyes flickered up and down and her hand came up and then retreated, finally coming to rest on my knee.

Sarabeth's face flushed a deep red and she whispered "I could... help you with that, Master." I groaned a little with desire.

"Oooohhh... Sarabeth." I groaned. "I do want you, ponygirl. Come up here." My hand clasped hers and I pulled her to her feet. Those slim strong arms came up around my neck and she plastered her body to me as our lips met hungrily. One hand went to the back of her head, gripping that thick ponytail in my fingers while my other hand wandered up and down her back while I ravished her mouth with mine.

I wanted her. Of course I wanted her from the first time I saw those legs on the side of the road and my desire just kept increasing with each new facet of her I uncovered. I wanted to take her in my chair or on my desk or even the floor. I wanted to scoop her up in my arms and take her to my bed and make love to her over and over again for hours.

But now was not the time, no matter what the raging lust chemicals in my brain told me. I wanted things to be just right and I wanted to push this sweet girl into giving herself to me not as a woman, but as my ponygirl.
