Seven Tails: Tail 02


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We both enjoyed the "newness" of being in a place other then my bedroom or the stables. It was a bit exciting and we were both a little giddy, like teenagers on our first date. Of course when we went to gatherings we traveled in my RV and slept together either in the big king sized bed in the back or in a hotel suite. Getting out and experiencing a new place was exciting for us both. Sarabeth fell into the role of the beautiful blond wife of a rich eccentric with no problem. She would have made it big on the stage if she had ever made it there.

Since the trip was a relatively short one, we took the Mercedes rather than the RV. It had been awhile since I'd driven it and I don't think Sarabeth had ever even been inside it before. She reveled in the soft luxurious leather seats and the fine woodwork and chrome of the dash and accessories. Like a kid in a candy store, she cooed and exclaimed over each new find, playing with the reading lights and adjusting the a/c vents and fiddling with the radio. Me, I just smiled and enjoyed the ride and the company.

Once we had checked into the hotel and worked out the kinks of the trip with a long hard fuck and an equally long shower afterward, we settled down on the bed with my laptop between us to plan our little foray into meeting Nathan.

Was just seeing him in person enough or did I want to actually hear his voice? Engage him in conversation? About what? Where? The coffee shop or the park nearby were the ideal places, of course. A location where a stranger could approach another without arousing suspicion. The discussion went long into the evening and, as we neared the dinner hour, we tabled it until after we had eaten.

Since the hotel was fairly classy, all pseudo-Victorian, dark oak and fine rich carpeting everywhere, we dressed up for dinner. I wore my "casual rich guy in disguise" outfit. Loose fitting jeans with highly shined cowboy boots, a white button down shirt and an Italian silk jacket that cost me close to a thousand dollars by itself. For this excursion I had dyed my hair jet black to cover the dark brown and salt and pepper gray that was it's usual state. Sarabeth combed and styled my hair for me, sweeping it back from my forehead and moussing it into place with a little of that rumpled "I don't really care how I look" look. That, combined with a little pair of round tinted glasses changed my appearance enough I don't think anybody from my own family would have recognized me.

Changing Sarabeth's appearance wasn't so easy. She stood out no matter how she was made up or what she wore. She was a pocket sized goddess with long luxuriant blond hair that draped all the way down to the bottom of her tight little rump. Smooth pale creamy skin and startling blue eyes that seemed to draw people in like a magnet.

But when I had taken her she was a ragamuffin street girl living out of a backpack, wearing almost obscenely short cutoff jeans that left very little to the imagination and thin tight t-shirts over her small compact braless breasts. She was a trailer park sweetheart that men would write country songs about. If you could just see her now....

A long black tight evening gown that reached almost all the way down to the floor. Snug enough to accent her perfect dancers body. It was strapless and scooped down a little in the front to just barely enclose her small but wonderful breasts and make you wish for a little accident with gravity. It also went far enough down in the back that it exposed the small fine peach fuzz of hair at the base of her spine and stopped just north of the cleft of her bottom. A pair of tall high heeled shoes brought her up to my chin. Her long hair was tightly braided and swung behind her as she walked, drawing your eye. She used just a modicum of makeup to accentuate her lips and eyes and had dazzling diamond earrings in each lobe. They shone so brightly it was instantly obvious that they were not only real but extremely expensive. Around her slim beautiful neck she wore a thin silver chain. In the center of it were the letters "MxR" which, if you could lift the heavy mass of shiny blond hair and look at the back of her neck, you would see tattooed there as my mark. I'd inked that mark into her skin the first day I had taken her, marking her as mine for life.

"Sarabeth you look absolutely amazing. Mouth watering. It makes me want to tear that dress off of you and drag you into bed again just so I can watch you get dressed all over."

She blushed a little, just a hint of color coming to her cheeks. Compliments like that always embarrassed her just a little bit. "Thank you, Master." she said. "Of course, I am yours. If that is what you wish..." Her eyes went demurely to the floor. I shook my head.

"I think not. Not at this moment, anyway. We should go to dinner. I want everyone to see what a dazzlingly beautiful woman I have on my arm. It will make me proud, as I always am, to be seen with you."

Her smile had dimples this time. "Master, you are always so gallant."

I raised a finger. "I do have one more fashion accessory for you, my dear. While there's nothing I could add that would accent your outer beauty, I do have something that will make you glow from the inside." While she looked on quizzically, I reached into my bag and extracted a medium sized butt plug, just like the one she wore with her tail attached to back home at the ranch. The other hand held the bottle of lube.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, coloring just a little more. "Of course, Master." Moving carefully so as not to wrinkle her dress, she gathered it up to her waist, exposing her tight smooth bottom to me as she bent over the bed.

I preferred staying invisible to most of the outside world and having my sweet ponygirl on my arm accomplished that quite well. All throughout dinner everyone's eyes were on her and nobody noticed me at all. The slight pink flush on her cheeks and the way she sat up straight and tall in her chair due to the influence of that plug in her tightest hole added a scent of sexuality which permeated the room.

By the time we finished dinner and left every man in the dining room between the ages of eight and eighty was highly aroused. Most likely half of the women as well.

The following afternoon we spent drifting around town, browsing some of the shops on the town square and actually buying a few things. Since Sarabeth loved music so much, I bought her a small mp3 player with ear buds that you almost couldn't see. The kid at the music store had an extensive collection of music on his personal laptop and I slipped him a hundred dollar bill to load it up with music for her. The way he was drooling over Sarabeth as she bent her head next to his over the computer screen and picked out songs, he probably would have given me a hundred just for the experience. And afterward when she kissed him on the cheek he shivered so hard I'm pretty sure he came close to unloading in his pants. I just smiled. I'm sure if he could have seen her the way I did last night, hands bound to the headboard with a pillow under her hips while I fucked her long and hard in the ass, he would have had a heart attack and died happily on the spot.

Afterward she walked alongside me with her hand on my arm while she listened to her music, her body swaying and shaking in time to the beat only she could hear. Many many eyes followed her lithe body as we strolled. And nobody paid any attention to me at all.

All the while we were roaming around the small town, we stayed within eye shot of the coffee shop, the park and the library, our eyes peeled for a glimpse of Nathan. He was, after all, the reason for our little foray. I had a rundown of his schedule and knew that he always visited one of those three places after his afternoon classes.

Sure enough, at ten after three, there he was. Nathan rode his mountain bike up to the coffee shop, got a large paper cup of something and pushed his bike across the street to the park, where he sprawled on a bench with his backpack on one side of him and his laptop open across his legs. Sarabeth and I took over a bench about twenty yards away and just looked. We'd both donned sunglasses so it would be difficult to tell just exactly where we were looking in case anybody noticed.

"Beautiful, isn't he?"

Sarabeth reclined into my shoulder and ran a hand softly up and down the inside of my thigh. "Mmmm..." she murmured. "He's gorgeous, Master!"

"Now imagine what he would look like wearing nothing but a harness and a tail." She made a quick intake of breath and her hand tightened on my skin.

"That would make him almost as beautiful as you, Master." She turned her head up and I could see a little twitch in her cheek as she winked at me. After I bent and kissed her she added "Almost, but not quite."

He was quite attractive. Aside from the feel of Sarabeth's small warm hand stroking my leg, I could feel my prick twitching around in my pants while I thought about taking him and making him my pony. As far as physical attraction was concerned my mind was already made up. I wanted to take him and chain him up in a cage naked and tease and prod him unmercifully until he begged me to fuck him long and hard. Woof! My desire was almost enough to make me want to discard my plans and take him immediately.

But that would have been premature and might have ruined everything. There were still a few more steps to take before he became mine. I had patience.

While we sat there and watched a girl came up to Nathans bench and started speaking to him. She was young and fairly pretty but way too thin for my tastes. I'd seen her picture before. Marie, his on again off again girlfriend and online submissive. I'd discussed her with him several times in some of our chats. Their D/s relationship was a large source of stress in his life. Bastard that I was, I used that stress to my advantage.

From the way Marie was standing, her body rigid and her arms folded tightly across her chest I could see that she was angry. She spoke without hardly moving her lips, which were compressed into a tight thin line. Nathan was frowning and trying to pretend he was ignoring her by staring at the screen in his lap. But I could clearly tell by the way his body was tensing up that he was getting angry. We weren't close enough to hear her words or his terse replies. It was clearly obvious that they were arguing about something important to them.

Finally Marie threw up her hands, shouted something at him and walked away, her hands thrust angrily in her pants pockets, head down and moving quickly. Staring after her for long moments, Nathan finally closed the screen on his laptop with an angry snap and sat forward with his head in his hands.

I wanted to go to him and say something soothing. In my mind he already belonged to me and I was a sucker for a pony in distress. My heart ached for him in more ways than one. I longed to take him in my arms and sooth away his troubles. Run my fingers through his hair and kiss his full warm lips then take him to my bed and make love to him until his troubles were nothing more than a distant memory.

That thought was just way premature at this point, however. I still had days and maybe even weeks of work ahead of me before I could even safely take him, let alone bring him to my bed. That didn't stop me from thinking about it, though. Fantasies about Nathan were looming larger in my mind with each passing day.

We watched surreptitiously while he sat on the bench for awhile in apparent misery. Finally he got up and thrust his computer into his pack and slung it over his shoulder as he rose. Grabbing his bike in hand, we watched him walk back across the street to and into the coffee shop. When he paused long enough to chain the bike to a lamp post I figured he was planning on staying there awhile. Sarabeth slipped her hand through my arm as we rose and followed him casually inside.

Once inside I chose a table not too far away where I could see Nathan clearly and also catch a glimpse of what he was doing on the computer. If my suspicions were correct, he would be going to look for somebody to pour out his troubles to. If I'd have thought to bring my own laptop.... But no. This was about meeting him in person even if he was unaware of who I was. I wanted to get a good feel for him as a person other than his online persona.

While I chose our table I gave Sarabeth a handful of bills and had her get us some refreshments. Since I strictly controlled her diet and limited her intake of sugar and caffeine, I cautioned her on her choices, suggesting a "low sugar half-caff" or even a fruit juice. She stuck her tongue out at me as she took the bills from my hand then bent and kissed my cheek whispering "As you wish, my Master" in my ear as she departed. If things went well, I had a role for her to play and I didn't want her all cranked up and jittery on sugar and caffeine.

Nathan slumped in his seat and sipped his coffee, a dour expression on his face. I watched while he flipped through a few web pages and checked his email, never pausing long on any one page, just pretty much randomly browsing around. Sarabeth returned to the table and gave me a large Colombian coffee, thick and black, just the way I liked it. She had chosen a diet English Toffee cappuccino that smelled sweet and very good. And since it had been a long time since breakfast, she scored us a couple of blueberry muffins that were light and fluffy and fresh and very tasty. On my recommendation, she went back up to the counter and dropped a twenty dollar bill in the tip jar. That ensured that we would get some good service while we were here.

There! That's what I was looking for! Nathan was logging into the BDSM chat room where we had met initially. He almost had a hopeful look in his eyes as he scrolled down the list of users currently online. But when he reached the end of the list he logged off again with a small sigh. He went from there directly to his email and, after a moment in thought, he started typing. I had a suspicion who he was writing to. I watched while he typed for a few minutes and it looked like he was finally done. His cursor hovered over the 'send' button and he sat there in indecision.

That was my cue. I nudged Sarabeth and she rose and walked over to Nathans side and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me?" Startled, he glanced up at her and then looked back at the screen and hit 'send' before closing his browser. At first he looked up in annoyance then blinked hard at Sarabeth and a broad smile spread out across his face. I could see his eyes flickering up and down her body as he drank in all the details. Since it was warm in the coffee shop, Sarabeth had taken off her leather jacket and was wearing very tight jeans and a snug t-shirt that showed off her body and those small braless breasts perfectly. And since she was both excited by playing a role and turned on by Nathan himself, her nipples were hard and prominent and very much in view. His mouth flapped open and closed a few times, trying to form a coherent sentence. Finally he managed to blurt out "Can I help you?"

"What kind of computer is that?" Stunned, he mumbled something about the make and model.

"Is it good and reliable? Are you happy with the performance?" Eyes wide, he nodded. Taking advantage of his discomfiture, she slipped into the chair next to him and laid a small warm hand on his arm. I could almost see the waves of heat radiating through his body from her touch.

"If you don't mind me asking... I'm here with my employer for a business meeting." She waved her other hand at me. Like he was fighting against a magnetic pull, his eyes flicked towards me and fastened back to her in an instant. "And I've been trying to talk the boss into getting rid of his ancient computer and buying a new laptop. Something we could carry with us when we traveled and compatible with new tech."

When we were discussing the possible scenarios beforehand, we decided that "employer" and "boss" were more acceptable than the other options. We discussed "husband" and "boyfriend" and even "father", which I disliked immensely, even if I was old enough to fit the role. Figuring that "boss" would let her seem more available, we went with that option.

"What kind of work does he do?"

"He's a writer and a personal fitness guru. Writes novels and short stories and he advises some influential people on their fitness regimes. He spends a lot of time at his computer and he really needs something new to work with."

The story was mildly true, up to a point, anyway. I was getting a reputation in the pony field and did give some advice to other owners and trainers. And I had written a few stories about my experiences. And some fiction about the things I would like to experience in the future.

"Well...." he said "This would more than certainly suit his needs. It's more set up for gaming and programming, which is what I do. But it would be more than enough for word processing and personal internet...." Sarabeth cut him off with a squeeze on his arm and pointed at me again and asked "Do you mind if the Boss joins us? I want him to hear it from an expert. I can't seem to convince him to give up his old dinosaur computer by myself."

He shrugged and said "Sure, I guess." And he gave her a look that was partly in annoyance at having to share her attention and dubious that she couldn't convince somebody to do something. My good girl already had him wrapped around her finger so tight that she could have convinced him to do naked cartwheels in the street. She sat very close to him with her back straight and shoulders pulled back so each time he looked at her that sweet face and those gorgeous tits were only inches away. Once I brought our drinks and sat down, he rarely even noticed that I was sitting there. At the beginning, anyway.

As we had set up the story beforehand, I was Jackson "Jax" Winters and she was Sarah Monroe, my personal secretary and Gal Friday. I stayed mostly quiet during the introductions and had to restrain myself when he shook my hand. His hand was warm and soft and that first touch sent an electric warmth buzzing through my body. I took a slow deep breath and could feel my cock getting hard in my pants. It's a good thing I preferred loose fitting jeans. If mine were as tight as Sarabeths I would have gotten really uncomfortable really quickly.

I sat in silence for the first few minutes while they discussed the different types of computers and the pros and cons of each. Sarabeth had done some research on the subject before we left home and knew just enough to be able to ask the right questions. In reality, she had never really used a computer before in her life. Coming from a fairly poor background she had never finished High School and although she had taken some typing classes in school she had never gotten far enough to use a computer. Oh, she'd fooled around with my laptop a little now and then while I watched and gave advice, but nothing very serious. And I've always done my own typing. Even though she was bright and a quick study, Sarabeth couldn't type worth a bean.

But she could act and got into a role like a natural. I almost felt guilty for maybe depriving the world of a wonderful actress.


Mostly I just sat there and looked at him while they talked. Listened to the sound of his voice and the way he spoke. I kept my dark glasses on so he couldn't tell that my eyes were constantly running up and down his body and getting lost in his face. Sarabeth just sat there chatting about computers while her fingers ran idly up and down his arm. I could see goose bumps rise up on his skin and, by leaning back a little in my chair, I could see a pretty substantial hardon running down the inside of one pant leg. Oh my.... The pictures I had seen of him naked were a little far away and he was mostly out of the frame. But up close and personal like this I could plainly see that Nathan had a pretty good sized piece of meat hanging between his legs. My mouth watered and my hands itched with the thought of getting hold of it. And all the rest of him.