Sex in Sci-Fi Ch. 03


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'Maybe they just like eating together, or perhaps they're into group sex.' I said with a grin.

'Or perhaps some flavour or other aspect of it is stronger here, concentrated as a result of the number of trees growing in one place. I wonder...'

Before I could stop her she had taken a small bite out of the fruit and I held my breath as I watched as she held it in her mouth, concentrating hard as she savoured the flavour.

She swallowed, smiled and said. 'Well, unless it's a totally new form of poison, there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe a touch sweeter and I think that slightly acidic after-taste that we find so refreshing may be just a little stronger too. Still absolutely delicious. Go ahead, have some yourself darling, tell me what you think.'

I picked a piece for myself and with only a moment's hesitation, took a similarly small bite from it. She had been right of course, there was a subtle difference in the taste, if possible, it was even nicer than what we had become almost addicted to.

While I was enjoying it Mierka was staring at the piece in her hand, a puzzled expression furrowing her brow, talking softly to herself.'

'What's so dramatically different about it that they'd expend the extra energy needed to come all this way? Is there some mineral in this island's soil? Perhaps they are group feeders. There must be something - where to start?'

I interrupted her concentration. 'Maybe the night-flyers are gourmets - they know where the very best pickings are and don't bother with the second-best varieties on the other islands.' I said jokingly.

She thought for a moment then grinned happily at me. 'You know, that just may be the answer darling. Sometimes I don't see things because it's staring me in the face, it's too simple - I get bogged down in looking for a scientific solution. Maybe the creatures just simply prefer the taste of this island's fruit! Thank you for the idea.'

'So what's next? Do we move camp to here?'

'Could we manage to do that, move all our gear I mean?'

'Not if we had to lug it all the way darling but I think we'll find that over on the far side, the trees stop just below a line of sand dunes, less than half a klick from the sea.' I showed her the map and pointed across to where I meant. 'We could bring everything round in the skimmer and camp on the dunes themselves, we could see virtually the entire area from there. There's no fresh water, we'd have to rely on the skimmer for that but because a lot of the time we've been eating fruit instead of drinking from the supply on board we've used very little so far, so that wouldn't cause a problem.'

Could we get to the skimmer and back before dark?'

I checked the time. 'No problem, we'll get back much quicker than we came because we know the way, we could be back and have the dome set up well before the sun sets.'

'Let's do it then, you really don't mind do you darling? I mean you're not just being sweet and kind and generous to me - while inside you'd much rather be off cruising around the islands?'

I grinned and hugged her. 'Of course not. As I said, it's like a detective story, I'm just as curious as you are - even though not for such scientific reasons.' Adding with a grin. 'Anyway, when we've got ourselves organised I intend to make a pig of myself on the fruit here!'

So that's just what we did, hiked quickly back to the skimmer, again packed everything into it, zipped around the coast to a spot that I thought left us with the shortest walk, secured the skimmer to a convenient rock and then began to carry what essentials we'd need up through the dunes. I'd been pretty accurate with my interpretation of the map and we set up the dome beside a particularly tall dune, from the top of which we could see clear across the shallow bowl which the trees filled. Probably because of the proximity of the sea and the more sandy soil the trees closest to us were neither as numerous nor as big as those we had seen from the other side but we could see that those growing just a short way further from us were much healthier, just as laden with ripening fruit.

We were both sweating from the climb up through the loose sand and the sight of the fruit trees was enough to make my mouth water. 'Stay here, I'll go and get us some fruit darling. You must be as thirsty as I am, neither of us is used to quite so much physical work - I'm absolutely parched.' I said and went down the firmer, shallower incline towards the trees.

At the edge I noticed that the bird droppings were less concentrated than we had seen on the other side but, as I moved deeper into the trees I saw that as they became healthier looking, it increased. In a matter of minutes I had picked as many fully ripened fruit as I could carry and headed back up to where Mierka was standing, handing one to her I chose another for myself and put the rest down inside the dome.

For the next minute or two neither said a word, we were both too busy simply enjoying the succulent, juicy mouthfuls.

'How about a quick swim to freshen ourselves up a bit more?' I suggested when I finished.

'Mmm!' Mierka mumbled, nodding, her mouth still half full with the last of her fruit.

I grabbed a couple of towels and made a sling out of one of them into which I put some more fruit, handing her another piece to eat on the way. 'I told you I was going to make a pig of myself.' I said as I took a mouthful, 'They really are beautiful though, aren't they.' I added as juice started to run down my chin.

'Mmm!' she agreed as she immediately began to bite deeply into hers too.

We slipped and slid down the dunes to the beach, quickly stripped off and plunged straight into the water where we swam, splashed and generally behaved like a couple of kids, letting the sea wash away the sweat and dust of the day and refreshing and invigorating us both.

Afterwards, as we were towelling ourselves dry, I suddenly became momentarily dizzy and, when that passed after a couple of seconds I then felt a sort of warm, prickling sensation starting to run through my skin, as though very small charges of electricity were being passed through it. As I stood still I became conscious that the sensations seemed to be converging, each individual charge running into the next and the next, growing in strength as they did that and that the resulting streams seemed to all be heading for the one place - my crotch!

I looked down and saw that my cock was thickening and stiffening even as I looked at it - and I felt an urge, a need that was growing as quickly as it was, an urgent, overpowering need to have sex!

Looking across at Mierka I saw that she too was standing quite still, staring at me, or to be more precise, at my swiftly rising cock and that her eyes had an almost glassy look about them.

Then I felt my heart racing, pumping blood more powerfully through me, pumping it down to my cock - and when I looked down again I saw that it had already become massively swollen, rising almost vertically, the veins on the surface of the shaft grossly distended, the head tightly smooth and already a dark plum colour. Sex, I had to have sex!

Again I looked up at Mierka and, as though through a red haze, saw that her body was reacting just as powerfully as mine. Her breasts were swollen, their already jutting tips had become dark red, she had both hands down between her thighs, clutching at herself and, as she looked up at me I then saw a desperate hunger burning in her eyes.

I grabbed her, virtually threw her down on the sand, kneeled between her already widely splayed legs and immediately, without any hesitation simply thrust my seemingly white-hot cock into the quenching wetness of her cunt.

Her eyes stared up, their pupils dilated, staring right through me - and as I began to fiercely pound in and out of her I felt her fingers dig sharply into my back, wincing as her nails cut through my skin and she cried out at the top of her voice.

'Fuck me! Fuck me! For pity sake fuck me - harder, harder, deeper, faster!'

I felt her body opening wide, to take in all of the monstrous thing I felt my cock had become - and though I was driving down into her with all my strength, even that didn't seem to be enough for her - I saw her shove both hands beneath her arse and she used them to add still more force to her body as she thrust her hips even harder up to meet me.

As our bodies pounded together, with a force that seemed to knock the wind out of each other each time, I heard us grunting, sounds that got ever louder and, as our action got even faster, even more desperate, our separate sounds blending into one continuous noise.

Mierka lifted her legs, twined them around me and, gripping me tightly with her thighs, locked them behind me and used them to pull me down harder, still deeper into herself.

Then she came! Loudly, wantonly, frenziedly - but still urged me on, if anything even more desperately.

I felt it gathering, boiling, surging up through me - then it jetted, fountained out of my exploding cock, blasting deep into her body - yet the need didn't seem to lessen, just grow even stronger!

My balls were a hard swollen mass, my cock was still rock-hard, felt just as massive and my body, demanding still more of her, drove it in and out of her pussy like a greasily flashing piston.

Sweat poured from us, muscles ached, breath rasped into near-starved lungs as whatever it was that had control of our bodies compelled us on and on. Mierka came again and then again until finally the orgasms seemed to blend together and she slipped into an almost trance-like state, her body quivering rhythmically beneath me as wave after wave of unsatisfying pleasure rolled through her.

My cocked pumped a second gout of semen into her and though I felt sure that with that it had emptied me, something still drove it on and it was only some time later, after a third, much weaker series of irregular spurts that I felt the power of the compulsion actually lessening.

I rolled off her, gasping for air, weak, near exhausted but, through the dazed fog that my mind had become, I knew that between my legs the raw thing my cock had become still twitched, wanted still more.

Stumbling to my feet I pulled Mierka up with me, grabbed her hand and began to pull her towards the sea.

'Get in the water - maybe that will help!' I croaked and as we floundered through the first line of waves I felt the coolness quenching the heat - but at the same time the salt, burning it.

'What happened to us?' she spluttered, flinching as the water splashed high up between her legs.

'The fruit! The fruit we've eaten here - it's the only thing it could be.' I answered as I struggled to get my breath. 'And I wouldn't mind betting that's why the night-flyers come here too. But for now, just swim, exhaust yourself, try to work whatever it is out of your system.'

I swam too, trying to drain what little strength I had left, hoping that would also sap the power of what had taken us over. Sure enough, after a while I realised that I was not only chilled to the bone but that the urgent need had all but gone. I swam across to where Mierka was then floating on her back, noticing that her hands were pressed between her thighs, her face tensed and tried to imagine the pain she must be feeling from the salt water inside her much abused pussy.

She opened her eyes as I slipped my arm tenderly around her and I saw that the desperate need they had contained earlier had gone. 'Let's get you back to the dome, get some soothing medication on you. Get some energy fluids into us.' I said, steering her towards the shore where we hobbled rather than walked and I had to support her for the climb up the dunes. But, after we had liberally applied some creams to ourselves, guzzled a fair amount of additive filled water and rested our weary bodies, we talked over the incredible experience we had shared.

'You're right Slate - it must be the fruit. I've been thinking back over the time since we left the resort. We've both been far more sexually active than usual.'

I grinned. 'You'd noticed that too had you? I don't recall any complaints until now.'

'I'm not exactly complaining even now darling. What happened down there was a bit frightening in the way it happened - but I'm not complaining about the activity itself. Are you?' she responded with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

'No way! Though I think a slightly smaller dose would have been better. Less wearing on the system - and perhaps a bit more conscious enjoyment of what was happening would have been nice.'

'True. But, as I said, we've had sex far more often than usual - I'd thought that was just because we were away from the usual pressures, alone together, more relaxed, those things - but we have been eating the fruit regularly. Maybe that's it.'

'But why the difference darling. If you're right - and I'm sure you are - why haven't we reacted as we did, before this?'

'The difference in the fruit, remember we agreed it tasted different, a little sweeter, a slightly more acidic after-taste. I bet that when I put some of the local fruit through the mini-lab we'll find there's a strong shift in that component group, remember the one I pointed out to you before?'

'But before you start on that, the sun's not far off setting now so let's get something to eat, then settle down to see what happens when the night-flyers get here. And I don't think either of us have any doubts about the fact that this is the place they come to, do we?'

She shook her head and together we prepared a meal and after eating, gathered together some equipment and moved out to find a suitable spot from which to watch what would happen below us when the creatures arrived, using branches from the nearer trees to disguise the place and hoping that nothing else gave away our presence.


Chapter 4

The Night-Flyers

After a while our eyes grew accustomed to the star-light and even without the night-scopes we found we could see reasonably well, in fact quite well enough to eventually spot the dark shape of the head of the flying column when it appeared over the rim of the bowl opposite where we sat. The first creatures headed straight for the centre of the trees - as usual in nature, the strongest, fastest flyers got the pick of the food supply - and it was quite some time before the trees on our side began to also fill with the night-flyers. Then it was only a few seconds before one of them settled into the tree closest to us.

The creature was quite large with relatively short but very wide wings that seemed to be smooth, almost leathery rather than feathered and we saw that it had a short but powerful looking bill. After landing, it perched quite still for a short while, then hopped in a rather ungainly fashion from one branch to another, as though exploring the tree, looking for the best perch or closest, ripened fruit. Other creatures landed in different parts of the tree and unlike the fruit-bats we had first compared them to, there was no squabbling, no noise - each seemed to pick one section of the tree and was quite content to explore just that area.

Having found whatever it was looking for, each creature then attacked the chosen fruit, stabbing deep into the ripened pieces, swallowing the resulting chunks in a single gulp then stabbing again and again until either the fruit was finished or, more usually the remaining section fell from the tree. The feeding didn't actually take very long and I would imagine that each creature probably only got to eat less than a quarter of a full-sized fruit. Then, when it had had enough it perched quite still and by comparison with the previous flurry of activity it was almost as though each creature had suddenly become frozen in place.

Just then, from the centre of the bowl we heard a squawking sound - one, then two, then a group of creatures, the noise getting progressively louder and louder, waves of rising sound rippling outwards from the centre as more and more creatures joined in the cacophony until those in the tree in front of us began too. Soon after that we saw creatures flapping up from the trees in the middle and, just as the squawking had steadily radiated outwards, so did the dark rising shapes.

I gave Mierka a pair of night-scopes so we could both watch what happened next and as I peered upwards I focussed on one creature, it's wings were flapping fast as it rose in a tight circle, it's individual cry lost amongst the almost deafening sound of all the other creatures. I saw it circle close to another, which banked and fell away, then another, which didn't and then watched as the pair circled closer and closer, their wings almost touching. Then, as though responding to some signal, they fell, just closed their wings and literally fell to the ground - landing heavily just in front of us.

There was no preamble, no courting dance, the male simply grabbed the female's neck in his bill and then spent half a minute or so energetically fertilising her. When it was done both creatures squatted there, apparently dazed by what had happened to them, gave a couple of half-hearted squawks, clumsily took to the air and flapped back to wherever they had come from.

We sat there, looking at each other in stunned disbelief.

'That's what we must have looked like - a simple fucking-machine.' I said.

'Whatever it is, it's certainly effective. The creatures obviously have a much lower reaction to whatever it is though. If you compare their weight and mass with ours and the amount they ate, we needed much less.'

'And were affected much more dramatically darling.' I reminded her. 'The creatures just did it once - we were going hammer and tongs for a lot longer than that.'

'We certainly were!' she replied, squeezing my hand and even in the dim light I could again see that mischievous twinkle in her eyes. 'How about another a nibble or two of fruit before we settle down for the night?'

'I thought you'd want to get some samples ready for your mini-lab.' I said in mock surprise, grinning from ear to ear as she answered.

'Oh, I think that just for once, personal observation might be even more useful than scientific analysis, don't you?'

Of course I agreed - and in spite of us both being a little bit sore, although the medication had certainly done wonders for us, we managed quite well to both advance the frontiers of science and at the same time increase the sum total of our personal experience of pleasure.


Chapter 5

Trial and Error

It was long after dawn when we finally woke and the sun was already high and hot outside the dome, in spite of the various exertions of the previous day I was surprised to find that I had no traces of fatigue, no aching muscles and even my cock was in remarkably good shape, considering the pummelling it had taken. Mierka said she felt just as good too and that like me, was showing no signs of over-use.

'Maybe there's something other than just an aphrodisiac, or whatever you want to call it, in the fruit. Maybe there's a rejuvenator of some sort too.'

'Hopefully we'll find out more about the composition today, I plan on running a whole series of trials - on us as well as on the fruit and I'd like you to work out some way of catching one of those creatures tonight.'

'Catch one? What on earth for?'

'I want to run some tests on it as well, see just what's going on inside them, compare those with whatever I find out about our reactions. That makes sense doesn't it?'

'Of course. O.K., I always had a secret ambition to be a wild animal trainer.'

'But before you get started, how about something to eat?'

'Yes, I'm famished - but no fruit, not today, nor tonight either I'm afraid. I want to give our bodies a chance to get back to normal, then we'll run some stepped trials, you know, gradually take larger amounts, see how much of the fruit we need to get us, well stimulated. Will you help me?'