Sex in Sci-Fi Ch. 03


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'I agree with what you suggested. We'll give it a try, I just hope I have enough of the right data for us to do a full reconstruction when we get home - that's now my only real worry. I'll take more samples from us tonight, although yours will now be skewed by the extra quantity of fruit you have had - and we can't be sure just how much that was.' she added accusingly. 'Then tomorrow I'll get more fresh fruit samples and load the results of my tests on them into the mini-lab too, just in case there's something I've missed so far. That's about all we can do - then hope I've been thorough enough.'

'I'm sure you have darling. Have a bit of faith in yourself. Now, before we do anything else, I need something to eat, I'm simply famished.'

'Yes, that's a good idea, I could eat something too Slate.' she answered, which, as we had only finished eating just before I went out for my walk, of course immediately aroused my curiosity. I put my own hunger down to the energy draining experience I'd had on the beach, why should Mierka be hungry again so quickly?

I looked up questioningly, then went over to where she was storing the samples we had cut and weighed earlier - I felt sure there were a couple missing and she was grinning sheepishly when I looked across at her again.

'O.K. - O.K. I sneaked another go too.'

'And you had the cheek to try to make me feel guilty, about spoiling the results of your trials - and risking reducing my ability to perform again?' I added with a grin.

'Well, at least I measured how much I had and recorded the effects properly. Not like you - just wolfing down some unknown amount of fruit just for a quick thrill.'

'So, what happened to you - how was it, on your own I mean?'

'Something similar to what happened to you, if you were telling me the truth that is. A series of pictures, first of you, then of other men - quite a variety of men - and in a variety of situations.' she said, giving me a very meaningful look.

I had cut-out a number of my experiences when I told Mierka what had happened, toned down some of the things I had imagined, reduced the number of women I had done them with - obviously Mierka's experience had been just as varied as my own.

'And the finale, how did your brain deal with that lover?' she flushed and for a moment or two I thought she wasn't going to answer me - then, realising that we had both been at the mercy of our imaginations, she answered quietly.

'A man - a man I couldn't see - and another woman. Another woman's hand frigged me while the man was fucking me - that's what was happening when I came.'

'That's something we've never done, had you before - I mean before we met?'

'No, never. It never really appealed to me, a threesome I mean, either sort of threesome. But the imagery was powerful all the same. I'm surprised you didn't hear me, I made enough noise at the time.'

'If it was about the same time as my own I wouldn't have heard you if I'd been standing right beside you darling. So, food for two then - and you had better do some 'before and after tests', to see just how much energy and nutrition the stuff uses up.'

'Yes, that's a good idea, obviously it's quite a lot.'

Mierka took more blood samples and we added the results of our separate, individual tests to the growing data bank, then sat down to have a snack together.

We ate in silence for a while, each engrossed in their own thoughts - but we hadn't been eating long when, to my surprise, I became aware of a faint tingling sensation in my hands, which was soon followed by the familiar prickling sensation and then, as my cock began to respond, a growing awareness of Mierka's presence. Of the way her hair fell and framed her face, of the shape of her mouth and lips as she slowly chewed what she was eating, of the way her breasts rose and fell as she breathed.

Then I saw that she was watching me closely, her eyes held a questioning look. 'Tingling?' She asked.

'Prickling.' I answered.

'So you do respond faster. And there is a cumulative build-up.' She got up quickly and fetched her sampling kit. 'Quick, while I can still concentrate, I'll need some more blood samples. This is amazing.'

'What's happening?'

'Sorry, just a small experiment. I didn't want to say anything in case it affected your reaction. I've added a very small amount, as juice, to the sauce. Too small to work on its own - but I needed to test the idea about the strength of the residual build-up in our bodies. It looks as though I was right. The samples will confirm it I hope.'

As she took the samples I noticed that her hands weren't as steady as they usually were. But at the same time, having her so close to me, the smell of her filling my nostrils, her fingers brushing over my skin - all combined to send a rush of arousal coursing through me and I needed all my willpower to stop myself wrapping my arms around her and pulling her to me.

She only needed a couple of minutes to take and prepare the samples for the mini-lab and when she had done that she stood and looked at me. 'I'd like to try something, if you don't mind that is.'

'What love?'

'The amount that's left in us is probably quite small, we may not have such a frenzied reaction this time. I'd like us to see how long we can hold off - actually making love I mean, see how much control we actually have over ourselves.'

'Could be interesting. What do you want us to do?'

'I'm not really sure - any ideas?'

The ideas I had right at that moment were for us to head straight for the sleep-pads, strip and fuck. That wasn't what she had in mind though, so I tried to think about alternatives instead - but my head was already so full of what my body wanted to do with hers that I really wasn't getting very far. Mierka saved me from any further mental struggle by saying.

'How's this sound. We strip off and lie next to each other, just holding hands, just see how long we can manage to stay like that. Then do whatever we have to.'

'At least you're not proposing to tie me down or anything like that - that's something. O.K., let's give it a try. But I warn you, the way it's building up, I may not be able to last too long.'

She grinned. 'Don't worry lover, I'm starting to feel horny too.'

Just watching her strip was bad enough, she took her top off first and I saw that her nipples were already slightly swollen, a little darker than normal, then I watched them swaying seductively to and fro as she took off the rest of her things. She was watching me as keenly as I was her of course and when I stepped out of my trousers, freeing my cock and it sprang straight up, quivering as it continued to grow, she stared across at it and, lifting her hands to her breasts, lightly caressed and squeezed them.

'Just hold hands, that's what you said, so no cheating.' I said.

'What? Oh!' she pulled her hands away from herself and, looking quite guilty, said. 'I didn't realise I was doing that! Seeing you in that condition is pretty arousing stuff Slate.' she added, as she looked back down at my still rising cock.

'Just remember that it's the same for me, seeing you naked lover - and this was your idea, not mine.'

'O.K. - O.K. Maybe we won't last too long after all. Come on, lie down next to me.' she said as she settled down on the sleep-pad.

I made myself comfortable, lying flat on my back, looking straight up at the roof of the dome and feeling the coolness of her slender fingers inter-twining with mine.

'What's happening inside your head Slate?'

'Right this minute?'


'I can see your breasts, soft, full curves, their tips swelling, getting stiff - and the look in your eyes as you stared at my cock, hungry for it. Now I'm letting my eyes drop lower, down over the sweet curve of your tummy, to the dark, curly hair below - and I'm seeing the moist pinkness of your sex, I can smell it, now I can taste you, feel you opening up for me.

Heavens I want you Mierka!!!'

My voice was hoarse and gruff, but as I started to roll over towards her, she gently but firmly restrained me.

'Wait! Wait just a little longer love. Do you want to know what I'm seeing?'

I really wanted to plunge my cock into her, to cool the fire that was burning inside it with the moistness of her cunt - but I somehow managed to hold on to myself - and answer.

'Yes, yes please.'

'I'm seeing your cock - your big, proud, angry, beautiful cock. Tall, strong - so very strong. Its head is so swollen, it's quite glossy. I want to taste it, to feel the smoothness of it inside my mouth - yet inside my sex too. I wish you had two of them, one for me to suck on while the other is fucking me.'

While she was speaking the sensations inside me were continuing to grow in intensity, her words and the pictures they produced inside my head only fuelled the power of it - the affect was the same as spraying neat spirit on an already blazing fire, explosive. Then, through the thickening haze of lust I heard her voice again.

'I want to suck your cock Slate. Stay as still as you can, close your eyes, let me please you that way for now.'

I did as she asked and felt her move around, ease my legs apart, then felt the softness of her skin against my inner thighs as she kneeled between them. She slid one hand beneath my already swollen balls, the touch of her fingers as she lifted and held them sent a sudden shower of sparks of pleasure up through my body, bursting like fireworks inside my brain. Then the cool touch of her fingers as she wrapped them around the heat of the shaft, squeezing it, stroking up and down it. Finally the moist warmth of her lips and tongue on the head, her teeth lightly grazing its super-sensitive skin, her tongue swirling around it - then her mouth engulfing it.

It took all of my strength to stop my body's natural reaction to simply thrust myself hard up into her throat, to lie as still as I could, let her do what she wanted with me.

And it felt as though she was determined to drive me crazy before she let me climax.

In my mind I could see her hands and her mouth, nothing else, just her hands and her mouth - as though they were disembodied.

Her hands, one holding my aching balls, fondling and rolling them - the other curled around the shaft, forcing the loose folds of skin downwards, making the way smooth for her closely following mouth.

Her full, glistening lips - her mouth forced wide open by the sheer size of me - slipping slowly down over the curve of my cock-head, closing fractionally tighter as they slipped into the deep groove behind it, then forcing themselves down the long, hard length of my shaft. Feeling her throat muscles relaxing as she took in more and more of the rigid length of me, until she had it all and my cock-head nudged against the back of it.

Having taken all of it she paused for a moment, then, as both hands continued their gentle, but insistent caressing, she began to move her head up an down. Most of the time she used a shorter, bobbing action, triggering much sharper responses by tightening her lips so they rubbed up and down over the sensitive rim of my cock-head. Interspersing that with several long, swooping pushes down to the base, pausing each time she reached bottom, letting my cock bathe in the velvet moistness of her mouth.

As the thrills of what she was doing to me combined with the effects of the fruit, I felt the pressure inside me swiftly rising. Her mouth and hands seemed to sense that growing need and began to move more quickly, more quickly and more strongly, as though urging me on. Then, just as I felt the first surge rising, her mouth began to suck me - but far more powerfully than I had ever, ever felt it do before, as though she was trying to suck the very life-force out of me.

And it did!

And, just as that first gout exploded up through me her fingers tightened their grip of my balls, and as my body pumped and jetted the thick stickiness high above me, I felt their rhythmic squeezing, as though they were trying to force every single drop out of them.

As release came I became aware of my surroundings again, heard the rasping gasps of my breath, felt the shuddering convulsions of my body as the final spasms lessened in strength - and opened my eyes - to see Mierka staring hard at my still jerking cock, from where she squatted, down between my feet!

But the confusion that span around in my head went unanswered for a while. Her eyes looked up into mine and in them I saw her own unsatisfied hunger and, without saying a word she slid my legs back together, straddled me and lowered herself down on to my still rampant cock.

That second climax was less intense - but in a way even more delightful because of that. My mind was clearer and I was able to appreciate her body and its growing response to what my cock was doing for it as she powered herself up and down it.

She came strongly and noisily, I watched as her body arched itself backwards, the muscles across her belly flexing as the force of it gripped her - and felt those inside her rhythmically gripping my cock as she rode it, as though she needed to feel it climax too. And it did, with nothing like the power of the earlier one of course but, from some deep inner reserves, my body found more to give her and I saw a tight smile of satisfaction appear on her face as she felt my cock erupting inside her.


Chapter 7

Results and Rewards

Later, after we had both recovered a little and we lay quietly in each other's arms I asked her the question that had been nagging away inside me.

'How did you do it?'

'What lover?'

'Get me off, I mean, from where you were?'

'I didn't - you did.'

'Explain please.'

'You did it yourself - your imagination, the same thing as happened to you on the beach.'

'But - I felt you.'

'Your brain felt me. Oh I kneeled between your legs, for a moment or two, so you would have felt that - but then I slid backwards and just watched. It was wonderful Slate, so powerful - very, very arousing. It's a picture I'll never forget, seeing it pumping all that semen out, so strongly - unbelievable! Then I couldn't help myself, it had got me so sexy I just had to, well help myself I suppose.' she said with a smile. 'I didn't think you'd mind.' she added cheekily.

I was confused, the images had been so realistic, the effect so incredibly strong - yet, with only her original suggestion to trigger the scenario, my brain had supplied everything else.

'But why, what made you want to do that?'

'It was what you said about what happened to you on the beach. You said you hadn't touched yourself. I believed you of course, yet I needed to convince myself it was possible - I needed to see it for myself.'

'It's even more amazing than we first though, isn't it?'

'Yes lover, yes it is. It not only creates a powerful sex-drive, it stimulates the brain in some way, to enable it to create an appropriate fantasy to heighten the climax, make it more real if you like. There are all sorts of implications for its use - not just as a physical aphrodisiac I mean. That's research I'll have to leave to others, I'm not qualified to do that. But it'll keep people busy for quite some time, I'm sure of that.'

'But just think Mierka. All the billions of lonely people in the galaxy, not just the space-crews, the terra-formers and the people on remote mining sites - the lonely people in the middle of the cities too. We won't just be able to help couples have better sex - as I was first thinking - this stuff will be like a miracle for all those lonely people, providing them with the 'company' they can't find, straight out of their own particular imagination. It will give each one of them exactly what they want. It could even help people with major socio-pathic problems, the weirdoes and perverts I mean - by providing an acceptable release for their needs too.'

The possibilities were rushing through my head in an endless flow. The commercial and medical markets expanding with each thought. The potential was limitless, the rewards, beyond my imagination.

And they have been!

It took a little longer than I had hoped but then once the bureaucrats get involved it always has done - and human nature doesn't seem to change much over time. But in the end it was well worth the wait.

We finished our trials a few days later, packed-up all our gear and headed back for the resort, then home. Once back Mierka worked feverishly for several weeks, all in her spare time of course, we couldn't afford to let anyone know what she was up to. In spite of her worries the laboratory's equipment had very little trouble extending the data that she'd piled into the mini-lab and although the number-crunching took longer than she had expected, mainly because the chemical composition was just so damn complex, the night she finally got the results out was one neither of us is ever likely to forget.

The stuff was replicable! Not only replicable - but by relatively simple and inexpensive processes, it wasn't going to cost a squillion credits to get under way.

We treated ourselves to a night out at the most expensive place in town and, as it had the reputation of being the place all the glams and trendies went, I persuaded Mierka to wear her Seltire outfit, the body-suit. She finally agreed, on condition that I wear the one she had bought for me too - and between us we caused a minor sensation, with people almost queuing up to touch, then watch as various parts of us appeared through the transparent section of the fabric. As its constant kneading kept me in a state of almost permanent arousal my crotch came in for a lot of attention from the women - and quite a few of the men too! We were both too keyed up from the results of Mierka's work to care and revelled in the unusual situation of being the centre of attention for the night.

If I had been more fashion conscious I would have seen the potential market for the fabric and worked-up some kind of deal with Seltire's supplier. But then if I had done that Mierka and I might never have followed the night-flyers and found the island...

After all that we didn't need any additional stimulant when we got home and I think we spent most of the rest of it making love to each other.

Then came the months and years of real work. Raising enough credits to get the initial batch of purified material produced. Applying for patents and then testing approval. Trials of a hundred different sorts. Developing commercial manufacturing plans, marketing arrangements, lines of credit. And trying to do all that in as much secrecy as we could maintain.

I guess my selling skills had as much to do with our ultimate success as Mierka's scientific work and I was able to convince the key people very early on that the rewards were going to be far greater for all of us if we were able to market the final product with a real 'bang', rather than have bits of what we were doing leak out over a period of time in a series of smaller 'pops'. And amazingly that's just what we were finally able to do.

We brought out a whole range of products, all based on the same stuff of course, just in various levels of strength. Mild for couples looking to enhance what they already had together. Stronger for the lonely and more elderly ones. Stronger still for the medical needs of the mentally and physically handicapped and a variety of strengths for further scientific trials.

It was one of the fastest marketing successes the galaxy had ever seen. I suppose that wasn't really surprising, after all sex is the most basic of drives and just about everyone has an interest in improving what they're getting, or finding a substitute for what they're not getting.

'Starsex' is what we called the product line intended for normal use. Mierka actually came up with the name - my description of what happened to me on the beach still fascinates her.