Sex, Lies and Videotape Ch. 03


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"Yeah, they are. By the way, your wife is with them."

"Did you ask Charlie about her?"

"Yeah, sorry if I'm overstepping but I thought I'd find out in case you wanted to join me when I go and meet up with them shortly. Mark and Dwayne are married up and will be heading home any moment now, so if you want come join me, I'd be happy to have you tag along."

"I'm not so sure I want to see her right now, don't know if I'm ready for that."

"Hey, the offer is there anyway. Just thought you should know."

"Thanks Jerry. I'll think about it."

"Don't think too long, I'm going after I finish my beer."


I walked back out to our table to sit down with Mark and Dwayne. Just as Jerry got back to the table, Dwayne announced that he was leaving for home. Jerry looked over at me shaking his head as if saying I told you so. Mark asked Dwayne to hold up, that he'd catch a cab with him.

"Alright, have a good night, Roger. Hopefully you'll feel a little less miserable next week." Mark stated as her patted my shoulder.

"Thanks Mark, I've enjoyed it, I'll see you at work on Monday."

That left Jerry and me to finish our beers after both Mark and Dwayne had left the bar.

"So, do you want to come next door and catch up with the ladies?"

I thought about it for a few seconds, I did want to see Taylor, more than I was even willing to admit to myself.

"Sure, why not."

We downed the rest of our beer and then got up and left the bar. Just a few doors down is the bar that the Comms team were all drinking at, as we walked in it was a bit darker with louder dance music than where we'd been, a lot more like a club than a regular bar.

We both made our way to the bar to get a drink before finding the team. I had to think to myself for a moment, what was I going to say to Taylor, would me being here ruin her night? I had to stop myself, the real question was do I want to get back with her? Everything else is just noise. I had to be honest with myself that I was still in two minds of wanting her to come home, and for moving on with my life. I still haven't figured out which one was the right path for me, I just don't know.

As the barman handed us our drinks, I thought to myself that I would figure it out when I see Taylor. Maybe talking with her would help decide the right path for me.

"Jerry, do you know where they're sitting? Or are we going to wander around here looking for them?"

"They normally sit at the back area next to the dance floor, come on I'll show you."

As we made our way to the back area, I could see a bunch of women at a few tables joined together next to the dance floor, I didn't recognize anyone from work or from being out with Taylor. As we approached the table, I realized that Taylor was not one of the women sitting there. There were a lot of people on the dance floor though.

I took up a spare seat beside Jerry who was sitting beside his girl Charlie I'm assuming. I was glad that all the women looked too drunk and too busy talking amongst themselves to ask about who I was, as I looked around the room to see if I could spot my wife.

I found her, she was dancing on the far side of the dance floor from where we were sitting, she was dancing with another woman and two guys. The girl with her was her friend Jess, the girl she moved in with a few weeks ago, the guys I've never seen before. Maybe they work with them, maybe they're just two guys looking to pick-up.

Jerry engaged me in some small talk every now and then, but I was starting to feel like a third wheel without Taylor being here with me. They were still up dancing for the third song since we got here. The guy dancing with Taylor was getting pretty obvious about his intentions, he found ways to get up close to her, rubbing against her body whenever he could. Taylor didn't seem to mind either, she looked like she was enjoying dancing with him.

I was thinking that this wasn't a good idea. What if she comes back to the table with this guy to see me sitting here waiting for her? Just then Jerry asked me something, he was still trying his best to keep me involved in the conversation at the table. After I answered him, I looked back over at the dance floor and realized that Taylor and the guy were no longer up there dancing. I looked around the room and couldn't see them sitting at any other table either. Jess was still dancing with the other guy, but Taylor had disappeared.

They must have gone to the bar, but what if they decided to leave together? I'd be left sitting here like a fool if the other women figure out who I am, knowing that my wife has just left with another man right in front of me. I quickly finished my bourbon and told Jerry I was going to the bar, did he want another one? He agreed and off I went. At least if I ran into Taylor with another guy out here, it wouldn't be in front of everyone.

As I approached the bar I couldn't see her, I quickly stuck my head outside the entrance to see if they had left but she wasn't outside either. I got the two drinks and headed back to the back area where Jerry was sitting. I handed him his drink, taking a swig of my own. Taylor still wasn't at the table or on the dance floor. I had no idea where she could be.

After a few seconds, I downed the rest of my drink and decided I should go. Sitting here waiting for Taylor to come back wasn't a good idea and I told Jerry I was leaving, he just nodded back at me as I got up from the table. I decided to go for a piss before I'd get a cab home, as I turned into the hallway where the restrooms were, there she was. Standing close with her dance partner, their arms around each other, kissing.

I stood there frozen in my tracks, fuck. This can't be happening.

Then in between their kissing, Taylor turned her head to look in my direction. The moment she saw me she flinched, pushing herself away from the guy she was with. I turned and walked back out, heading straight for the entrance. When I got outside, I looked down the street wanting to hail a cab. Within moments I heard Taylor say my name.


I looked back at her as she came out of the bar's entrance, I shook my head and looked back down the street for a cab.

"Roger, what are you doing here?"

I turned, looking back at her.

"I just thought I'd come and talk to you after Jerry's girlfriend told him you were here. We were drinking at the bar a few doors down. She never mentioned you were here with a date though. I'd never have come and interrupted you."

"He's not my date, he's just some guy that was dancing with us."

"Do you make out with all the guys you dance with, normally I thought you saved that just your work colleagues."

"That's not fair."

"Life's not fair, I'm learning that the hard way."

"Roger, that guy didn't mean anything. I've had a lot to drink and I've missed you so much. This is the first time I've been out since we broke up. I was trying to not think about you, I've been so angry with you."

"Here we go again. I catch you making out for a second time and again it's my fault and you're angry with me. Let's hear it, how did I force that guy's tongue down your throat, Taylor? How did I force you to dance with him and hold him tight? Just how the fuck do you plan on blaming me for this?"

"I'm not. But why haven't you called me? Three weeks and nothing, not even a text message."

"Where were my calls and texts from you? You left me, remember. Yet you expect me to come crawling back while you're making out with more guys."

"How many times do I have to tell you, nothing happened with Phil apart from a slap to his face. I was hoping you'd have believed me by now."

"What does that even matter now? You were just making out with another guy right in front of me, or are you going to tell me that was a slap as well?"

"Fuck Roger, why do you have to make it so difficult. I never kissed Phil, and I only kissed this guy because I was trying my best to not always be thinking about you. If you'd believed me to begin with, we wouldn't be here right now."

"But we are here, and I don't see a way back for us now."

"Roger, wait!" Taylor yelled out as a cab pulled up and I got in, leaving her standing out front of the bar as I drove away.

By the time I got home I was still angry, with Taylor, with myself, with that little fucker Ben. I got into the shower trying to wash the night away like a bad stain.

Up until now I wasn't sure whether I should get back with my wife or not, now the path was clear. We really were done. I thought I'd be relieved to have a resolution, to know my way forward but that wasn't the case. I was just heartbroken.


Saturday was hard to get through, Sunday too. On Monday back at work Jerry popped into my office shortly after I got in.

"Hey Roger, how are you doing this morning?"

"I'm guessing you found out what happened on Friday night?"

"Yeah, Jess told Charlie about it, that you found your wife kissing the guy she was dancing with."

"Yeah, it turned out to be a great evening. I'm sure everyone had a good laugh at my expense."

"We didn't even know it happened on the night, Taylor went home when you did."

"Well, they all know about it now I guess, don't they?"

"Only Jess and Charlie. Jess felt responsible for the whole thing, she dragged your wife out and was getting her drunk to help her forget about her breakup. She even encouraged Taylor to have some fun with the guy. Apparently, Taylor spent the rest of the weekend in bed crying, and Jess feels like shit for what happened. She said she didn't realize how much Taylor was still in love with you. Anyway, she asked Charlie if I could talk to you, to apologize for what happened."

"I don't blame Jess, neither should she."

"She also asked if you could go see your wife, I've got their address written down here."

Jerry handed me the note with an address on it.

"Thanks, but I doubt I'll be visiting her."

"Anyway, I promised Charlie I'd pass it on."


I did my now usual trick of burying myself back into my work to avoid thinking about Taylor, by Wednesday I was starting to be able to not be thinking about her every other moment of the day.

I got home from work late this evening, taking a shower and then contemplating what to do for dinner when my phone buzzed. It was an unlisted number, most of the time I don't bother answering these calls but tonight I did.


"Hi Roger, It's Ben."

"What the fuck do you want? I told you not to call me again."

"Calm down, this will be the last time I call you, I swear."

"What do you want?"

"I heard some good news about you and Taylor, I just wanted to voice my congratulations for the end of her marriage."

"What? No more 'trying to help' bullshit, huh?"

"Yeah, you're right, that was all bullshit, you got me."

"So, you're congratulating me for breaking up with my wife then?"

"No, I'm congratulating myself for making it happen."

"They were right, you really are a crazy fucking nutjob."

"Me? Nah I'm not crazy. Vengeful maybe, but not crazy."

"Was this all about you getting back at her for leaving you?"

"No, you still don't get it, do you? I've been seeking my revenge on her since we were freshmen. That fucking slut rejected me for brain-dead gorillas. She was more interested in a big cock than a big brain, so I decided back then that I'd make her pay. That I'd own her and have her doing whatever I wanted, when I wanted, just like the slut that she is."

"Fuck, you need some help, really."

"Nah, I feel wonderful now. Victory is sweet."

"That's funny, it didn't look like victory every time you ate another guy's cum from her pussy. That you sat there pulling on your little dick watching her cum on their cocks, and never yours. Then crying like a little bitch when you realized she was leaving you."

"Wow, you're still coming to her defense even after I showed you what a slut she is. I'll admit I have a few kinks of my own, we all do. As for the crying like a little bitch, a copy of that video played well in court when Jay got put away for three years for assault. He'll probably get back with Taylor again when he gets out in a year or so. I'm sure she'll have a great life with a convicted felon with no job, he'll knock a few kids out of her, he'll probably cheat on her too before ditching her just to add the cherry on top."

"Are you trying to claim that you planned for that video, to have him beat the crap out of you?"

"She thought she could leave me for him, I showed her otherwise."

"You really are an angry little man, aren't you? I guess that's what happens when you think that you can't please a woman. You get hard thinking about getting revenge instead so that you don't have to face the fact you're a pathetic loser."

"Come on now, Roger. You should be thanking me for helping you out. If I didn't send you all those videos you wouldn't know what a depraved little slut you're married to."

"That's not why we broke up."

"No, I think it's because you suspected her with another guy, wasn't it? Just so you know, she never used to make out with other guys behind my back like I told you. I was the one encouraging her to do it, to get those guys excited, it used to get me hard watching her. I just knew that after I told you that she cheated on me, and after you'd watched the videos, you'd suspect her at every turn with every guy. You wouldn't be able to help it, you wouldn't be able to trust her one little bit."

"You must really hate her something bad, huh?"

"Hate's a strong word, I just needed to teach that slut a lesson. She wanted to fuck other guys and not me, well, who's fucked now?"

"You're a joke, you're trying to tell me that you spent seven years from when you two were freshmen together trying to 'teach her a lesson'. I'm calling total bullshit on that too. You loved her, she just never loved you back the same way. That's the real truth, isn't it? She later tried to love you, I'm sure of it. But in the end, she realized what an unlovable twisted and controlling little prick you are. That's why she left you."

"Fuck you! How's your marriage doing? Huh? She thought she could be happy without me, but like I showed her with Jay, and now with you, I get to decide when she's happy, I decide when I'm done with her. If she doesn't love me, she not going to love anyone else, I'll make sure of that. You've got no comeback for that have you?"

"That's the thing you little worm, she still loves me. If I wanted her back, I could have her. That's a choice you'll never have, asshole."

"You won't take her back, because mixed in with all the bullshit I told you, there was a certain amount of truth too, and you know it."


"She really is a slut that loves cock. Lots of cock, big hard cock. How the fuck can you be married to a slut you know is wanting to get plowed by cocks bigger than yours? Sooner or later, she's going to want it, I never lied when I told you that. She'll always eventually cheat on you to get some, and you know it."

"Yeah, that's just your insecurities speaking to you again. You must really hate your little dick, that it makes throw hate on every woman, thinking that they're all sluts, that they'll all cheat on you because you're afraid you can't ever satisfy them. When in the end it's not your tiny ass dick that's the problem, it's that you're just a terrible little spiteful cunt that blames women for everything bad in your life. You're just fucking sad."

"And you're delusional. I might just have to show everyone what a slut Taylor really is."

"And show everyone what a total fucking pathetic loser you are in the process? I don't think so. But if I do ever find one of these videos online, I'll be coming for you. And you can be damn sure something bad will happen to you, you won't know when or where, but I guarantee it'll happen. Now just like Taylor, I'm bored with you so go away and live out your miserable pathetic life. Don't call me again or I'll come and find you."

With that I hung up. What a fucking sorry little prick. I didn't feel hungry after all that, so I crashed on the couch watching TV before going to bed.


On Friday morning I was busy as hell, with back-to-back meetings from the moment I stepped into the office. By the time lunchtime rolled around I felt drained, just mentally exhausted already. I sat in my chair with my head back and my eyes closed just trying to clear my head when I heard my office door shut.

I opened my eyes to see my wife Taylor, sitting down in front of me.

"Can we talk, please?"

"Taylor, what are you doing here?"

"I had some meetings here this morning, but mainly I needed to speak with you."

"Fine then, speak away."

"Can we talk about this properly without you acting like a petulant teenager for once?"

I glared at my wife, for her part she glared right back at me. I took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

"Fine, let's talk about this properly then, but not here. Let's go get some lunch."

We sat down in the deli across the road, at the exact same table that I had sat at with her ex-boyfriend Ben those many, many weeks ago. Now that I was separated from my wife, the irony was not lost on me. I bit into my Philly roll as I watched Taylor pick through her salad, both of us seemed to be avoiding starting the conversation.

"Not that long ago I sat at this very table, Ben was sitting in your chair." I stated.

"How did that even happen? Why didn't you tell me he was contacting you or that you agreed to meet with him?"

"I met Ben here just before Paige had her baby, but it was a month or so before that I got an envelope in our mailbox. It contained a USB drive with a note. The drive had your videos from four years ago, from the first year of your monthly hook-ups with other guys."

"What did the note say?"

"Just that I should watch them alone and that I'd have questions that would be answered later."

"Why didn't you come straight to me? Why would you keep that a secret?"

"I just watched my wife, the woman I loved, fucking some guy in front of her ex-boyfriend. I didn't know what to think."

"Still, you should have told me."

"You're right, and I thought about it. After I had watched a couple of them, I stopped. I wasn't going to watch anymore. I did want to understand why you did it though. That's when I asked you questions about your past relationships, about your relationship with him, I was trying to understand."

"If I remember, I told you that you it wasn't a normal relationship, that you wouldn't understand it. But you already knew what we did, why didn't you say something then?"

"I don't know. I think I was trying to figure you out, the person I saw on the videos didn't seem to be the same person in my bed beside me."

We didn't speak for the next minute or so, we kept eating our lunch until Taylor spoke up.

"So, what happened next, did he call you?"

"No, he sent me another envelope a few weeks later. It had all the videos from the next year, along with another note. It had his phone number this time, although I never watched the videos at the time or called him either."

"And yet you still kept this from me? What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was trying to ignore it, to pretend that I hadn't seen my wife acting like a porn star for different guys. The person I'd seen in the videos and the person I was married to, seemed like two completely different people. And I knew that you didn't want to talk about it. You made that clear when I spoke to you about your relationship with Ben."

"But I didn't know he was sending you videos of me fucking other guys. Christ, you don't think I wouldn't have wanted to explain that to you?"

"I wasn't sure if I was ready to talk with you about it. That morning that you went to the hospital for Paige, I ended up watching some more of the videos. I started to enjoy watching them yet feeling so guilty at the same time. Then Ben sent me another envelope shortly after as I hadn't called him. It contained the rest of your videos from just before we met. Then he called me a week later, he wanted to meet to talk about it. I almost told him to fuck off, but curiosity got the better of me."