Sexual Biography of a Young Woman Pt. 03


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He simply stared at me for a while. And then magically, just as it happens in the movies, our heads moved towards the other and we were kissing. As we broke for air I heard his magical reply.

"Yes Sammi, I rather think that I would like a preview."

And that's how my affair with Mr Deekins, a, nearly, forty year old lecturer began.

Chapter 4.

Ok so let's get onto Steph's tits shall we? Mmmmmmm what a proposal?

We met through the drama club. We didn't see each other much at college, because she was studying economics and I was doing English, and nair the twain shall meet on those subjects; so it was only at rehearsals or club discussions that we got together.

We hit it off immediately. We shared the same sort of humour, had similar likes and dislikes, were both spoiled, rich bitches and each of us was sexually adventurous, she even liked older men!

Were we flirting with each other? Did we come onto each other? Was each of us exploring our sexuality? Questions I often asked myself later, but didn't even consider at the time it was all happening. How did it start? How did we start? How did Steph and I both take that same step at the same time? That step that took us both outside the conventions on sexuality. Bloody easily actually.

Lesbianism was quite a fad at the time. Remember this was 2004. Madonna had kissed Brittany on stage, girls were "coming out", there were les scenes in lots of films and it was nowhere near as frowned upon then as it had been earlier and maybe was later as well. And of course the example set by rock and film stars trickled down to the impressionable masses of fans. It was then as good as impossible to go to a club, certainly in London, and not see girls dancing together very intimately, holding hands, cuddling and even snogging; what they did after the club is for the imagination to fantasise about. And of course university students are always at the forefront of such fads and fashions, particularly if they are sexually driven. So if clubs and society in general were accepting women being together then university life was positively embracing it, almost insisting on it.

Of course with most of us, it wasn't real lesbianism. Not many of us cut our hair short, wore dungarees and let the hair grow under our arms. Few of us developed penis aversions and hardly any of us became out and out man haters. No, we were sexual pioneers, free thinkers erotic explorers, or so we thought. So we were examples of what the media termed lipstick lesbians, basically good lookers that admired the beauty of other women and wanted to experiment.

Having said all that it was still pretty frightening admitting to it and even more so doing something about it. It wasn't for everyone, not all girls could accept the idea. Maybe there's some genetic thing that makes it easier and more palatable for some females than for others; if so then I had, and have still got, that genetic thing in quite a big way.

I'd first noticed it at school. I found other girls more attractive than probably i should. I remember when I was in the lower sixth having the most luridly sexual dreams about girls in the upper sixth, older, more experienced and grown up girls. I also remember one of them coming on to me, but I backed away, mainly I think because she was overweight and unattractive. Now had it have been Pauline Nash, the upper sixth beauty that would have been a completely different story. I also realised at school that I liked women like kd Lang, Sharon Stone in that wonderful film, Basic Instinct, that I'd seen several times on TV, Kylie and Madonna and others who had a bi or lipstick les side to them. I was intrigued and attracted by it and was, I suppose, what I learned on the net is termed, bi curious.

University gave me the opportunity to explore my curiosity; Stephanie and her glorious tits the opportunity to satisfy it.

I suppose it started just before the end of my first year, Steph's second. We were at the drama club's end of term party which was quite a big do held off campus at a restaurant cum bar in the centre of town. We were all having drinks prior to dinner and she came up to me. We'd got to know each other quite well by now, although there had been no hint of anything between us.

She was looking particularly lovely that evening for, in keeping with tradition, she along with all of us had dressed up for the occasion. She was wearing a black, probably silk dress that was quite low at the front. The front of the dress wrapped around her between her boobs and was tied at the waist giving the distinct impression that if that was pulled undone everything would fall out. The skirt was tight and impressively, but at the time, somewhat unfashionably short. The whole garment clung to her like a second skin accentuating every voluptuously wonderful curve of her stunning body.

I was wearing a white dress. It was high at the front but the back plunged down to beneath my waist, almost showing the start of the crease of my bum, I'd noticed when I'd done a quick twirl just before leaving the flat. It was of an on the knee length, but the ultra tight skirt was slashed up the side almost to panty level. I'd put my long blonde hair up leaving a few tresses tumbling down by my ears and neck. I though I looked pretty good.

"Wow you look marvellous," I said to Stephanie, my eyes automatically being drawn to the vast array of flesh above the top of her dress.

"Well I thought I should give the old tits an outing, they don't get out much," she smiled leaning forward giving me an even better view of her wonderful chest. She gave me a peck on the cheek as she whispered. "And you look absolutely fantastic." Steph straightened up glancing at my chest and then looking behind me. "Forget anything did we by any chance?"

I laughed at her obvious references to the clear indentations of my nipples, indicating a lack of a bra, and the lowness of the back of my dress, suggesting a lack of panties.

"No, I'm wearing panties," I smiled back, admitting the lack of bra.

We sat together at dinner and after we were in the same groups of girls and blokes standing around the bar drinking. Several of us danced in a circle and then broke into couples when a slower number came on. I danced with a nerd studying maths and then somehow Steph and I were dancing together, as indeed were several other girls; we by far outweighed the guys.

The music was very loud so conversation was as good as impossible. But we didn't need that. I was pretty sure she was feeling similar to me. The booze, our closeness, the conversations we'd had about sex and sexuality over the past few months almost guaranteed that. Guaranteed that she, as well as I, would be feeling those tremors in our breasts and tummies, those slight shudders running throughout our bodies, the extra warmth and the tingling that indicates arousal. Where I was holding her round the waist her body felt taught, like a coiled up spring waiting to be released. As I looked into her eyes they were sparkling and staring back at me with a look of sheer want and desire. Her awesome chest, that to be truthful, despite my mentions here, I hadn't looked at with lust and desire until then, was heaving slightly as she, like me, was breathing quite heavy.

I wanted her to do something, say something that confirmed what I was hoping and thinking. I wanted to kiss her, hold myself tight to her and I wanted to see and stroke her boobs. At the same time I was so nervous, apprehensive and scared, I suppose. Sure I was full of bravado, yes I kidded myself on how adventurous I was and for certain I gave the impression of being very experienced and up for anything. But really I was still a kid; I was after all only just past my nineteenth birthday. I wasn't that experienced in sex at all, let alone with women where there'd only been that isolated experience at school.

But she didn't. I guess she was as unsure as me, after all trying to pull one of your close friends is a risky business isn't it? Especially a close friend in a community such as a university; particularly in such a public setting. So in the end nothing happened. Nothing that is other than us walking off the dance floor holding hands and staring deeply into the others eyes when we got back to the bar and let go of each other. Her hand in mine, though, was one of the most erotic things I'd ever experienced. The feel of her skin on mine, the softness and the warmth of it, the slight, almost impossible to discern, caress of her fingertips on the back of my hand and the gentle squeezing from both of us was, quite frankly, as exciting as having a man's hands on my breasts, in fact the reaction in my body and mind was very similar to that.

It was those feelings that filled my mind as I lay on my bed later that night. Those feelings and my imagination creating pictures in my mind of Steph naked beside me. Of her gorgeous breasts in my hands and my mouth on her nipples. Of her hands between my legs doing exactly what mine were doing; stroking round the almost impossibly wet lips and rubbing alongside the clitoris that seemed more sensitive than it had ever been before. It was her mouth licking my small breasts not my fingers, her teeth gently chewing my nipples not my fingernails and her tongue that was sliding up my pussy not my fingers. And of course it was Steph I was holding as I climaxed alone in my bed.

I didn't see her for a week or so and I suppose those feelings I'd had that night subsided a bit. But when she walked into the drama club meeting they returned, if anything more powerfully than before. The way she held my gaze just that few seconds longer than was necessary was so like DD had that I wondered whether the evening might bring a similar conclusion to that one.As the meeting went on I couldn't help but keep glancing at her noting that she caught my gaze, held it and smiled back at me nearly every time. Her wild mane of chestnut coloured hair that she was wearing loose was tumbling onto her shoulders and falling down her back, the longest tresses reaching to where her bra strap was. The bra strap I could clearly see through the white, cotton blouse she was wearing. She was wearing jeans; tight, blue jeans that fitted her long legs and pert bum so snugly. She looked gorgeous and I thought so eminently fuckable. The first time I realised with a jolt I'd ever thought that about another woman!

"Thanks for the lift Sam, would you like to come in for coffee, the rest will be there?" She asked as I pulled up outside the large house that six of the economics group rented.

Holding the steering wheel I half turned and looked at her."No, I'll give that a miss if that's ok."

"Sure," she said softly holding my gaze but making no move to get out.

We just sat there for a moment or two, very close but separated by a mutual fear. A fear that was partly of being rejected and partly, I think, in a strange way, of being accepted. But in retrospect I could see that something had to happen, something had to give, something had to change, something had to make us share our feelings.

"Steph," I said turning and looking at her just as at exactly the same time she said.


We laughed. "Go ahead," I said as she again at the same time said.

"After you."

I could hear the nervousness in her voice and see the apprehension in her eyes, even though it was dark in the MINI. We looked at each other for a moment or two until she said, in almost a whisper.

"Are you feeling the same things as I am Sam?"

The look on her face as she said that was so caring and intense that my heart went out to her. Instead of responding with the rather smart-arse remark about "how would I know" that firstly came into my mind, I replied, in a voice that was croaky with emotion.

"Yes Steph, I think I am."

"Oh God Sammi," were the wonderfully confirming last words I heard before we were in each others arms her lips on mine stopping any further talking.

It was simply the most exciting kiss I'd ever had: the most intense, the most arousing; the most succulent and the most enjoyable. It was long and tender; long and passionate; long and enquiring and long and inviting. It was a kiss of relief that we'd found each other and one of demand that we wanted more. It was asking and accepting at same time. It was everything a kiss should be and everything that I'd imagined it would be as I'd lain so many nights now, masturbating over exactly what we now doing.

Our arms went round the other and our hands, as if on autopilot, found the others breasts. No words were exchanged, we didn't ask permission or give approval. There was no need, it was what our bodies wanted and our minds demanded, it was perfectly natural, the logical extension of the kiss and probably the most sexually exciting thing that had ever happened to me.

Somehow a couple of buttons on her blouse had come undone and my hands were on her bra and the bare flesh above it while hers were inside my sweater.

"Not here Sammi, not here, it's too public," Steph broke our kiss long enough to whisper.

"Where then? Where can we go?" I asked knowing it wasn't in her house or my flat that I shared with two others.

"Just drive Sam, take me somewhere quiet, where there's no one around."

I almost smiled as I drove into the country her hand stroking my neck, for once again I realised, I was going to make love in a car.

And make love we did. Wondrous, magical, exhilarating and tantalisingly stimulating love; love that was so different, so gentle, so exciting and so incredibly satisfying. It was soft and slow and tender, but it wasn't complete love, it couldn't be, we didn't have the time or the space on the back seat of a MINI for that.

But we did have the time to bare our breasts for each other, to stroke and caress them, to squeeze and pinch them and to kiss and lick them. We had the time and the space and the will and the desire to make each other cum by stimulating our breasts.

It was on the back seat of my MINI that I think I fell in love, well at least in lust, for Stephanie's tits. They were even more absolutely gorgeous naked than covered up, well I suppose that's natural and inevitable isn't it? They were so full, so heavy, so round and so firm, yet soft, if that isn't a contradiction in terms. They felt amazing in my hands and incredible in my mouth. Her nipples were big and excitingly crinkly and tasted like nectar as I sucked them as a baby would at her mother's teats. And her reaction to my oral attention was fantastic and so horny. The groans and moans, the long sighs and deep grunts, the tight gripping of her hands on me and the straining of her body, all combined to thrill me so much. As I made love to those fantastic breasts I didn't know just what it was that was giving me the greatest sexual pleasure, the feel, taste and look of them or the wonderful way she responded. But did I care? No not one bit. I just accepted, enjoyed and loved every second of the pleasure and extreme sexual stimulation I was gaining.

It wasn't by any means one way, for Stephanie was pretty much mirroring what I was doing to her breasts by doing the same to mine. And also it wasn't just me gaining the fantastic pleasures and stimulation for she was moaning and groaning as she had sex with my smaller, but I felt, equally sensitive tits and nipples.

We made each other cum twice like that. But we didn't go any further. I wanted to touch her between her legs but as she made no move to touch me there I was too shy to start that, maybe Steph felt the same, I thought.

As she opened the door to the MINI an hour or so later outside her house she held my face in her hands and we kissed each other very tenderly on the lips.

"I want you so much Sammi," she whispered.

"Oh yes, yes Steph," was the only sort of rather inept reply I could make.

"I want to make full and complete love to you, very, very soon," she whispered as she got out of the car.

Tomorrow 2.00 pm. The Royal Hotel, I'll txt the room number at 1.30.

I want and need u



I read on my phone when I got home.

Smiling, I went to bed happy and thrilled at what had happened and excited and expectant about tomorrow

Can't wait to give myself 2 u

Loads and loads of luv


I txd back.

For the first time for a week I didn't fantasise about her, nor did I masturbate. But then I didn't need to did I, for tomorrow she was going to fuck me wasn't she?

We've got a lot to follow up on haven't we?

How thing's progressed with DD, what happened with What the Butler Saw and, of course Steph's tits.

They'll all be covered soon, I promise

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starmann2000starmann2000almost 12 years ago
Hot and Hotter

This series is only getting the one 0n one with Steph.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Great chapter! Want to go back and start all over

You Brits DO know how to write- I can hear the accent as I read. This adds to "exotic" nature that makes fantasies work (just as a Tropical setting.

Hope you continue.

lovercat2942lovercat2942over 15 years ago
Sammi branching out

Sammi finishes up with this hurtful jerk Richard but tells the story in her usual matter-of-fact fashion and, again, tries to be fair to him even though he has done and said some very hurtful things to her. Now she moves on to college where a lesbian relationship and an affair with a married man await her. As for the former, she describes the initial development of the relationship so realistically and so beautifully, just showing how wonderful it is when two people connect with the same feelings for each other at the same time. As for the latter, Sammi's talent as a seductress seems to come to the fore, and we wonder how she is going to pull it off to fruition. Great story writing, continuing to be up front and matter-of-fact.

Uncle DavidUncle Davidover 17 years ago

Another example of delightful, delicious writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Oddly enough, this being literotica, I, unlike you, think that relationships between students and faculty are not good examples of adult behavior. Being a professor, I would be untruthful, if I said I wasn't attracted often mutually. The issue is one of power. Its acceptable only if the student is not in your class or in a position to be influenced by your decisions as a faculty member. On the other hand, you would certainly be hard to resist.

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