Shadows of Resentment: Dawn and Derrick


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At this point Henri had tried to explain. "Gunther, I'm sor-" Gunther's fist connected with the side of his face.

Gunther wasn't listening and Henri had to fight back. He knew he'd just lost his best friend and any chance he had at even speaking to his sister.

In his fury, Gunther gained the upper hand and punched Henri some more knocking him to the floor. Then he issued a final warning.

"Stay the hell away from my sister. If you so much as look at Dawn again, you will pay." Then he kicked him and walked out.

When Gunther made it back to their trailer, he checked on his baby sister, she was still sleeping.

Gunther knew it was hard for Dawn, but he raised her the best that he could. To know that someone he classed as a friend hurt her this way, was a hard blow for him. Why did Henri do this to her? How could he hurt her this way? He has known us for years. He was there when Dawn came to me, scared, broken, and a small girl who needed guidance. I trusted him and he does this to her. I won't let anyone else hurt my sister again. Gunther silently vowed as tears rolled down his cheeks. Dawn was his heart. If he ever met the men that tried to molest her they were as good as gone. But for now, he'd protect her.

A few days later, Henri did try and apologize, but Dawn wouldn't talk to him. She was too hurt, if Henri said those things to her, then they must be true. So she reverted back inside her shell even deeper.

In a few weeks, she was starting school. She'd get to have a normal life, maybe be around regular people.

Once Dawn went to school, she immersed herself in her studies. She made a few friends but simply didn't date any one. Focusing on her studies, she was able to maintain a high grade point average. She graduated at the top of her class and had several job offers for clinics, and hospitals all over the country.

Dawn really wanted to work in one place, but they didn't have any positions available, so for a few years she worked at a residential facility and several hospitals.

Riiiiinnnnnggggg Dawn hated that stupid alarm clock but this morning she was excited. She'd earned her credentials in physical therapy three years ago and today when was reporting for the first day at her dream job at Parkview Rehabilitation and Treatment Facility which was the one placed Dawn really wanted to work at.

When Dawn was told that she had the job, she called her brother immediately. Gunther was across the country, but was so proud of her and happy that she finally got the job of her dreams.

After securing her position, Dawn had to find a place to live. Having spent most of her life living in a trailer, Dawn wanted a house.

So, she found a small two bedroom bungalow with a modest mortgage. She did her application for a loan and was promptly denied. So instead she found a small efficiency apartment to live in, never mentioning her loan being denied to her brother.

Gunther came to help her move to Jackson two weeks before she started her new job. While carrying in some boxes, he saw a letter from a realtor. Being concerned, he opened and read the letter.

Gunther vowed that he'd keep her safe and no one would hurt her, so he called the realtor.

"Dawnie, come and show me the house you wanted." Gunther asked his baby sister after eating dinner one evening.

"It's not a big deal Gunther, I didn't get it." Dawn said crushed.

Putting on his jacket, Gunther said, "Did I ask you that? Come show me the house."

Dawn gave her brother the address and they drove to the quiet neighborhood.

Wow! Gunther thought when he saw the small house for the first time. This house is perfect for her and I'm going to make damn sure she gets it.

Gunther was proud of Dawn, she'd overcome so many obstacles and all she wanted was this small house.

He called the bank and spoke to her loan officer. Using all of his charm, he learned that her finances, or lack of resources, were the cause of the problem.

Once he learned what she needed, he called in a few favors from his friends on the circuit. Over the years, Gunther had made a few influential friends and they stood behind him also. He had no problem purchasing the small house for his sister.

Her brother Gunther surprised her again a few days later. He came home for a short visit and asked Dawn to accompany him to a show. While they were at the show, Gunther had arranged for some of his buddies to move Dawn's furniture from her small apartment into the house he'd bought for her.

The next day while driving Dawn home, Gunther drove past her apartment complex. He pulled up to the house she'd been admiring months earlier. Gunther smiled at his sister. "Hey, Dawnie, I've got something for you."

Clearly confused Dawn noticed the sold sign in the front yard of the house and wondered why they were here. Did Gunther know who bought the house? Why were they here?

"Come on, girl" he called walking ahead of her, "Check this out before the owners arrive."

Looking around someone else's house was not exciting to Dawn. But she went on and followed her brother inside. Upon entering she noticed her living room furniture arranged in the front room. Her small dining room table stood in the dining room. She even recognized her pictures and other knick-knacks placed carefully around the room.

Gunther was silent until she looked at him with questioning eyes. Slowly he pulled the keys to the house from behind his back and whispered, "Congratulations, Dawn. Welcome to your new home."

Dawn was elated, as she threw her arms around her brother's neck; she finally had a home. This was a home she'd share with her brother. When he wasn't traveling, he could come and stay with her.

Gunther took a weekend off to help her finish moving in and Dawn made him promise to come and stay with her when he had down time.

Today, she started her dream job. She arrived at work early and reported to the director's office. After introductions were finished, Dawn went out to see her patients.

Her assignments were with people who were paralyzed who could possibly walk again.

She was a hard worker and soon was well known for her no-nonsense approach to her patients. She gave them her best, and she took nothing less than their best in return.

Her patients loved her and worked hard for her. At the end of the sessions with her most of them were mobile again. Dawn worked at Parkview for several months and made a few friends there.

One day she was at work when one of her coworkers, a man named Brian asked her out.

"Dawn, I've got tickets to see Jodeci this weekend. Will you go with me?" Brian asked nervously.

Dawn flashed back to a few years earlier to her one and only date with Henri.

Her heart slammed in her chest, "No, I'm sorry, Brian. I can't." she rushed away. Brain was stumped and couldn't figure out what he'd done wrong.

Dawn liked Brian, but she knew she wasn't like other girls. She was hideous. If he went out with her, people would torment him. She liked him too much to cause him embarrassment.

Brian was a nice looking guy. A little on the slim side, but he was cute. Chocolate brown hair, brown eyes, and the cutest dimple in his chin, Brian was one of the nicest guys she'd ever met. But she wasn't the type of girl he should date.

One day as they were leaving work, Brian asked her out again, but as part of a group. Gunther was visiting and was waiting to give her a ride home when and she started to beg off because she had a guest.

Gunther heard her decline and knew why. He stopped her and asked Brian to wait. "Dawnie, he's not Henri and he seems nice." He whispered to his sister. "Besides it's going to be a group. Go you need to get out. I promise, if he hurts you, I'll crush him."

Dawn looked at her brother and he saw her fear. "Gunther, I'm not like other girls. Guys don't-"

Her utterance broke Gunther's heart. He cursed Henri for making her feel this way. But it wasn't just Henri. Guys simply didn't ask her out. He didn't understand why. She was beautiful.

This guy, had courage. Gunther saw how he watched her. The few times he stopped by her job, he noticed that Brian always found a way to spend just a little extra time with her.

He was a little scrawny, but he seemed nice. Maybe I'm wrong, I thought Henri was nice and... Shaking his head, Gunther forced the memory of his former best friend out of his head.

Dawn needed to go out, be with other people.

"Stop, Dawn, Henri was an idiot. He was wrong." Looking over at Brian, he called him to them.

As Brian approached he saw the tears in her eyes and he knew someone hurt her badly. He saw how protective her brother was of her and he swore to keep her safe.

"Hey, Dawn; let's not call it a date then. We can call it a group of friends hanging out and acting like fools. But please come with us."

She laughed, then gave her brother a big hug. "Ok, Brian, I'll go." She smiled at him.

"Woooo hoooo! This will be awesome!" Brian cheered.

The rest of the week went by uneventfully as Dawn became more nervous about the outing, and the weekend could not get there fast enough.

Finally, Friday arrived and it was the night of her outing. Brian arrived at Dawn's with another couple in his car. They left her house and headed to the nightclub. Quite a few people from her job were there and Dawn found herself having a great time.

Some of the girls asked about her weightlifting and bodybuilding. They wanted to know how she stayed in such good shape. She explained about lifting and the exercise regimen she followed. They actually asked for pointers and she was happy to advise them. The girls decided to form a fitness club and let Dawn train them.

Dawn had a great time; she danced, played darts, shot pool, and even beat a couple of guys at arm wrestling.

When it was time to drive home, Brian drove the other couple home first, because he wanted a few minutes alone with Dawn.

Dawn had such a great time hanging out with her friends from work that it became a weekly occurrence. One night after hanging out and singing karaoke, Brian was driving Dawn back home. He had something he wanted to talk to her about.

Mustering up his courage, Brian asked her the questions he'd been wanted to ask for days. "Dawn, are you seeing someone? I mean if not, would you be willing to date me?"

"Wow! Brian, OK. Um, so how does this work?" Dawn asked.

Brian was ecstatic and he laughed. "We just sort of hang out like we did tonight."

For the first time in a long time, Dawn felt happy. Brian pulled up in her driveway and helped her out of the car. He walked her to her door and kissed her softly on the lips.

Dawn let herself into her house and Brian waited until she was inside before he drove away.

Of course, Gunther was waiting up and he was relieved when Dawn came home. He was happy she'd met such a nice man.

Gunther visited for a few days and got to know Brian. He liked him and he was happy that his sister had met someone that treated her so well.

On Valentine's Day at work, Brian had a beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered for Dawn. She placed the flowers in the lobby for the day because she wanted to share their beauty with everyone.

Dawn gave Brian tickets to a basketball game that she knew he really wanted to attend. He idolized the Bears, so she had her big brother to use his connections to score a set of tickets.

The people at Parkview loved Dawn, she had a great rapport with the doctors, nurses, therapist and patients. They were happy for both her and Brian.

After dating for six months, Brian and Dawn decided to take their relationship to another level. So on the night of their six month anniversary, they became intimate.

It was a Saturday night and Dawn prepared a special dinner, smothered lamb with three cheese sauce over bow tie pasta. Brian was picking up a nice white wine to complement the meal and they would have fresh strawberries with chocolate sauce for desert.

Dawn started her dinner and when it was ready put it in the warmer. She went to dress. What do you wear when you're about to make love for the first time.

She'd bought a new outfit for tonight. She dressed in a simple ivory dress that was covered in lace with matching pumps. She fixed her hair and makeup. Waiting anxiously for Brian to arrive, Dawn began to doubt herself.

Then she heard his car pull up, and nervously invited him in. He was so handsome. He'd chosen to wear a pair of ivory shirt and slacks with a dark sports coat. Their style of dress was totally in sync.

He was nervous because he'd never been with anyone before. Dawn offered him a seat as he presented her with the wine he'd bought for the evening.

Sitting nervously they tried to make small talk, but they couldn't help but think about how the night was slated to end.

Brian grabbed Dawn's hand as she sat next to him on the sofa, "Dawn, I am a twenty-seven year old man, and this is embarrassing, but I've never been with anyone." Looking at her anxiously, he waited for her to laugh at him.

She smiled, "Brian, it's my first time too."

Brian wrapped his arms around her and held her as his heart pounded in his chest.

He was speechless that this beautiful amazing woman would share her body with him for the first time as he was sharing his with her.

Then Brian chuckled. "Um, Dawn, if this is my first time and also your first time, do you have any idea what we should do first?"

"Hey, we'll figure it out together." She told him as she held him close.

"Brian, do you have a problem with how I look? I mean I lift, so I have clear muscle definition over my entire body. If I gross you out, and you change your mind, I'll understand." Dawn whispered terrified that he didn't really want her.

He kissed her. He pulled her to him and kissed her. Dawn melted into his body, indulging in the feel of him. He lay back on the sofa and pulled her body on top of him.

He ran his hands all over her body. Reveling in the feel of her, Brian groaned. He loved the feel of her body covering his. Brian had removed his jacket earlier, and Dawn was busily stroking his chest and back with her hands.

"Stop, maybe we should undress," Dawn suggested.

"OK," Brian replied and hurriedly began to disrobe.

Dawn sat staring at him wide-eyed and apprehensive.

Brian stood before her in all his glory. He was a little over six feet tall, dark brown hair cover his head and body, broad shouldered with a slim waist. He sported a male member which looked to be at least seven inches in length and an inch and a half in diameter.

He was now nervous because Dawn was still dressed. Dawn reached to the side of her dress and unzipped. Slowly and sensuously she removed her dress. She stood before Brian wearing simply her underwear, and he was speechless.

She was beautiful. Slowly he stood and walked to her, pulling her into his arms, he held her body next to his.

Taking his hand, Dawn led him into her bedroom and guided him to her bed. They sat on the bed and started kissing. As they kissed they explored each other bodies with their hands.

Laying back on the bed, Dawn spread her thighs as Brian climbed on top. She was terrified because she'd never done this before.

Brian was nervous as well, but he was determined to make this good for her. He'd never had intercourse with a woman, but he was more than adept to bring her pleasure.

Brian lay beside her and kissed her softly. Slowly he made her way down her body, kissing, tasting and nibbling. He enjoyed the taste of her.

Dawn was overcome with sensations. She loved the way he made her feel. Sliding his hands between her thighs, he stroked her slit. Dawn moaned.

"Ahhhh, Brian. Oh goodness" she sighed. The feeling overwhelmed her so that Dawn instinctive slammed her thighs shut, effectively trapping his hand between her thighs.

"Spread your thighs, baby." Brian whispered. Slowly kissing her stomach and Mons, Brian encouraged her to open up to him.

Slowly she opened her legs and her scent made his head swim. She smelt divine. Brian extended his tongue and licked her slit. An explosion of flavor covered his tongue.

Brian indulged in Dawns pussy, He licked her slit, sucked on her puffy lips, tongued her clit before sucking it deeply into his mouth.

She found herself grinding her pussy in his face, as she came for the first time in her life.

Brian greedily drank her juices as Dawn begged for the one thing he could give her. "Brian, please. I need you. I need you inside me. I need you so badly."

Needing no more encouragement, Brian mounted her and gently inserted his cock inside her.

He entered her slowly, inch by inch, he pushed inside. Before long he was buried to the hilt. He didn't move at first, but waited for Dawn to set the pace.

"Ummmmmm, Brian" Dawn groaned. "Please!" That was all he needed to hear.

And he made love to her as slow as he could. She felt incredible to him. All hot, wet and soft, Brian could not hold on. Before he knew it, he came.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry." He apologized to Dawn. "I'll do it better next time." He held her close whispering in her ear."I love you Dawn. God, you're beautiful. You're perfect. I love you."

Dawn chuckled, "Baby, it was perfect." Then they went to sleep.

After sleeping for a few hours, Brian and Dawn spent the majority of the night exploring each other bodies.

"Dawnie," Brian whispered, "I want you on top. Will you ride me?"

Dawn blushed, "Brian, I..."

"Dawn, please, climb on top, ride me." Brian pleaded.

Dawn straddled his hips and placed his cock at her opening, and slowly slid down on him.

He felt huge as he entered her. Slowly she began to rock back and forth, taking him in and out of her body. From this position, Dawn was in complete control.

Brian was completely engaged in the feel of her hot sheath shielding his hot hard member.

Then she felt it. It started in her stomach, and worked through her limbs causing her body to shake. Her pussy was throbbing, and she pumped harder. Brian grabbed her hips to help hold her in place as she pounded her burning cunt on his cock.

Before long, she climaxed. Her body convulsing as Brian held her close waiting for her breathing to return to normal.

Six months later, Dawn and Brian were spending a quiet evening at Brian's apartment watching movies. They'd loved each other every day in every way possible. Brian was so happy to have found this amazing woman. He knew he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life.

"Dawn, can I ask you something?" Brian queried.

"What?" Dawn asked concerned.

"Where do you see us a few years from now? I mean do you see us together?" Brian asked, nervously.

Oh no, he's going to break up with me. Dawn was thinking sitting up concerned.

"Brian, are you breaking up with me. I thought... Never mind, I'll go." Dawn replied as she stood to leave. I'm so stupid! I should know better by now.She was thinking fighting back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Dawn wait!" Brian stopped her by grasping her hand. "I want to know if we have a future. You see, I really like you and I hope we'll be together for a long time. Not just as boyfriend, girlfriend, but maybe more."

Dawn stopped, her breath caught in her chest, and turned to look at him as a tear spilled down her cheek.

She smiled and his heart sang. Dawn's face glowed when she smiled and Brian loved being the one who brought a smile to her face.

"Brian, wow!" Dawn whispered. "I love being with you. You are such a great guy. When I'm with you, I feel... I believe... You mean so much to me Brian. I don't want to lose you. You make me feel, special."

"Baby, I feel the same way. I am so lucky to have found you, Dawn." Brian whispered as he held her close for a moment.