Shadows of Resentment: Dawn and Derrick


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He leaned in and kissed her gently."You are what's important to me. You are all that matters right now. Yes, I want you to meet them, but not if you're not well or if you're not ready. You're it for me girl and I will not jeopardize you for them or anyone else. Understand" Then he kissed her soft lips.

Gunther cleared his throat to remind them he was still in the room.

"Ug! Enough, stop slobbering all over my kid sister." He teased Derrick. "Dawnie, Derrick's right. If you don't feel up to it, we don't have to go."

"Hey, we? Gunther, what's going on?" she laughed.

"Hey, Momma Marge fed me tonight and I'll take every chance I get at another homemade meal like that one." He laughed at his sister's expression.

"Man. I agree." Derrick chimed in,"My mom can cook."

Both men laughed, so hard that Dawn ordered them to stop. "I think I'd like to go. Derrick, I want to meet them."

"OK, we'll go. I'll confirm with Mom tomorrow." He replied.

Gunther realizing the time, decided to go back to his place.

Derrick help Dawn get into bed and left her for a moment to shower. When he made it back to their bedroom, she was fast asleep, clutching the t-shirt he'd just taken off.

He simply stared at her for moment and then climbed into bed behind her. He held her close to him for the rest of the night.

Dawn reported back to work four days later. Everyone was glad to see her, especially her patients. It was a bittersweet moment for Dawn, because even though it was her first day back, it was Cameron's last day at the facility. He was being discharged to go home.

Dawn made sure she stopped by his room to see him before he left. She wasn't really sad, because even though she wouldn't see him every day they'd see each other pretty regularly now that she was dating Derrick.

She was actually joining Derrick's family for dinner and she planned to drop in and check on her friend before returning to Jackson.

"Hey girl, glad you're back." Cameron greeted her with a hug.

"Glad to be back. I see you're set to go. Excited?" she queried.

"Hell yeah! I am ready to get my life back. Sierra said you're joining them for dinner Sunday. Finally meeting the 'rents, huh?" Cameron teased.

"Yea, I just hope they..." she paused. "I know I'm not what they will expect." She finished looking away.

For the first time since he'd met her Cameron saw something he'd never seen in her before, self doubt.

"Dawn, come on. You're a great person. They're going to love you." Cameron sighed wanting to reassure his friend.

"Derrick's parents are great. You'll see. Don't be nervous, alright" Cameron embraced her.

"Son, are you ready." Nick asked as he knocked on his door and entered. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt."

Laughing Cameron answered, "You're not Dad. You know Dawn. She was just telling me goodbye and I was telling her not to stress about dinner on Sunday."

"Sweetheart, he's right. The Grangers are the nicest people ever. And the way Derrick feels about you, I can promise you they love you already." Nick assured her.

Then turning back to Cameron, he said, "Ready son." Then they grabbed Cameron's things and left the center for the last time.

Everyone who worked with him bid him farewell and Dawn walked with him to his Dad's car.

After he left, Dawn went back to working with her patients.

Sunday arrived quickly and Derrick drove up to pick her up for dinner. Although she'd met Sierra and Darius before, she'd never met his parents.

She'd spoken with Marge on the phone Saturday when she called to confirm that she and Gunther were coming to dinner.

Dawn thought it was nice of them to invite both her and her brother, besides having Gunther come along helped calm her.

Dawn rode with Derrick, and Gunther followed in his own truck. Derrick wanted him to ride with them, but Gunther stated that he would rather drive himself. He didn't want to be trapped in the car with them making googly eyes at each other.

Pulling up in the driveway, Dawn was visibly shaking. "Baby, we don't have to do this." Derrick assured her.

"No, I'm just anxious. I'm fine." She said. Gunther drove up behind them. Derrick got out and opened the door for her. Dawn stepped out of the car.

No one told neither Marge or Marvin what this girl looked liked, so they were expecting a average height, small to medium frame, girl with longish hair and extremely feminine.

This girl was one of the largest women they'd ever seen. Wide chest, muscular, and completely different from anyone Derrick had ever brought home in the past.

But they also noticed how he looked at this girl, and how she looked back at him and they knew, she was it for him.

Walking briskly to open the door, Marvin welcomed his guest.

"Dawn," he greeted, "Thank you for joining us today. We feel like we already know you."

Dawn was shocked. He didn't hesitate or pause when he saw her. He didn't stumble over his words and his welcome seemed genuine.

Marge followed her husband. First, she embraced the large woman, "Welcome, Honey, I want to smack that boy of mine for not bringing you home sooner." She greeted her kindly.

"Come on in and let's make you comfortable." Marge continued not letting her get a word in edgewise.

"Mom," Derrick called out. "Dawn is my-"

"Excuse me young man. I think you are in enough trouble." Marge scolded him. "You should have brought her home sooner."

"Gunther, glad you could make it." Marvin greeted their other guest.

"Me, miss Momma Marge's dinner." Gunther laughed. "No sir. Not gonna happen." And the three men entered the house together.

Marge made Dawn feel so comfortable that she forgot all about being nervous. After a while, the doorbell rang and Sierra, Deidre and Darius walked in.

Marge allowed the five young people to talk while she and Marvin worked on dinner.

Next the Richards arrived. Dawn was so happy to see her friend Cameron that she almost choked when he walked in.

The two friends embraced each other lightly, not wanting to upset their partners.

Darius was silent. He recalled what happened the last time they had dinner. He started not to come, but Mom insisted and Deidre wanted to meet Derrick's girlfriend.

Darius knew Dawn's feelings toward him were ambivalent at best, so he decided to be polite, but stay out of her hair.

Everyone was sitting around talking when Darius snuck out of the room. Dawn saw him and asked to be excused for a moment.

Following him outside, she found him sitting in an old tire swing in the backyard.

"Hmmm, I never pegged you for a coward." She stated.

Darius looked at the woman. He knew she held his brother's heart and that she was a good person. "Dawn, my family and I, well... I just don't want to upset everybody."

"OK, so hiding out makes everything better?" She asked. "Darius, come back inside,"

"Why? I know I am one person you can't stand." Darius asked, his heart pounding because he wanted to be a part of his family again more than anything.

"Because, you will be my brother-in-law one day and that makes you my family. Besides, you belong in there." Reaching her hand out to him she said, "Come on. Walk back in with me."

As they entered, Marge called everyone into the dining room. Rosa saw Dawn and rushed over to hug her.

Hey Dawn, can I be in the wedding too? Daddy, Momma Marge, and Papa Marvin said that you and Derrick were having a wedding."

Dawn laughed, for the first time. She actually laughed and the tension she'd felt earlier vanished. She hugged the precocious child and said. "Yes, you have to help me plan the wedding. I don't know a lot about girly stuff."

"Yaay, Daddy, can I help her, please?" Rosa pleaded.

"Dawn, I hope you know what you're setting yourself up for." Nick laughed.

Then Marge served the dinner. Everyone ate until they were stuffed. Finally, they had peach cobbler for dessert. Gut her ate half of the cobbler with Marge promising to make one for him at another time.

Dinner ended and it was time to head home. Derrick was about to drive Dawn home when Gunther said he could take her.

Derrick was about to insist when Dawn intervened and reminded him that he had class Monday morning and needed to rest. She promised to call as soon as she made it home.

Derrick walked her to her brother's truck and kissed her so possessively that no one doubted that were in love. He stood in the driveway as they drove away.

Deidre headed to her Mom's to pick up the twins. Sierra and Cameron went back to her apartment. Nick and Rosa headed home. Derrick offered to help Mom clean up before returning to his own place.

Darius walked out with his brother. He had to tell him something. "I like her. She's nice. She talked to me Derrick, not at me. She made me feel like I mattered. She's special Derrick. You are one lucky man."

"I know thanks. She means everything to me. I don't know..." Derrick paused. "Darius. She likes you. At first she didn't but now she does. That means a lot."

Then Derrick went home.

An hour later his phone rang. It was Dawn. She told him that she was home and missed him. They made plans for her to stay over at his place the next weekend.

Hanging up he whispered, "Dawn, I love you."

Dawn smiled and sighed, "I love you too."

Then they hung up missing each other terribly.

Meanwhile Gunther had some missed calls. One of the numbers was his old former friend Henri. He wondered what this guy wanted. Dawn was finally happy, and he'd better not try to get in touch with her.

He called him back to issue his warning.

"Hello" Henri answered when his phone rang.

"You'd better have a damn good reason for calling me. If this is about Dawnie-"

Henri cut him off, "You need to come get Christiana. They are going to put her in a foster home. They will not let me have her since I am not really her Dad. But you can get her, she's really yours."

Stunned Gunther yelled out, "I don't have any kids. What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Remember Olga. She had a little girl. She didn't want to interfere with your life, but she got hurt and may not make it. The state wants to put her daughter, your daughter, in foster care." Henri sighed.

"Gunther, please get to Kentucky as quick as you can." Henri concluded. Henri then gave him his address and the directions to his home.

I'll be there in a few hours" he told his former friend.

Gunther's head was reeling. I might have a little girl. I've got to let Dawnie know I'm leaving town. He then called his sister and caught her before she went to sleep.

He didn't tell her about the child, just that something urgent came up and he'd be out of town for a few days.

Dawn understood and told him to call her if he needed anything. She heard the apprehension in his voice and wondered what was going on with him.

The next day, Dawn reported back to work and everything seemed normal. She missed Derrick, which was silly, because he called every night and even planned to drive down mid week.

Wednesday arrived and Derrick picked her up from work. They ate dinner at a local eatery and then went back to Dawn's house.

Derrick stayed overnight and decided to prepare breakfast for them the next morning. Dawn awoke to the smell of coffee and eggs.

Her stomach revolted at the scent of the eggs and she had to evacuate its contents immediately.

Derrick, extremely concerned, joined her in the bathroom and held her close for a miment.

"Dawn, when was your last period?" He asked recalling a conversation he'd overheard between Sierra and Deidre.

"God, I don't know. A couple of months ago, but I'm irregular anyway. It doesn't mean anything." she explained.

Dawn went on to work and Derrick didn't have class so he just stayed at her house and slept. On his way to pick her up, he stopped at a local pharmacy and bought an EPT test.

When he and Dawn arrived home, he asked her to take the test.

Dawn agreed and took it. A deep dark plus sign appeared on screen. She and Derrick were pregnant.

They called a local doctor and went in to confirm the next day when Dawn left work.

Dawn was four weeks pregnant. Derrick sat in the cold plastic chair at the doctor's office, stunned. He was going to be a daddy. She had to marry him now. He'd convince her of it.These thoughts raced through Derrick's head.

"Dawn, do you have any questions?" Dr. Garrison asked after giving them the news

"Will my baby be normal? I mean, look at me doc. I..." Dawn swallowed. "Will the way I'm built affect the baby? I'm not really feminine" she whispered.

Dr. Garrison removed his glasses and looked at the young woman sitting I front of him. "Dawn, your baby will be fine, excellent even. You are the first young mother that is in perfect health. But you can't lift for a while. You can exercise in other ways, just no lifting."

Then looking at Derrick, who was frozen, Dr. Garrison shook his hand and said, "Congratulations, young man. Take care of them."

Then looking back at Dawn, he added, "I will see you in four weeks."

Derrick and Dawn then headed back to her house. On the way home, Dawn was extremely quiet. She was happy, excited, scared, and worried. Would her baby really be alright?

Pulling into her yard, Derrick spoke for the first time since leaving the doctor's office. "Dawn I love you. This news is the best I've ever received."

Nervously, he looked at her. "I know we never really talked about having kids, but are you happy, upset?"

Dawn realized that she was not alone in this. Derrick was just as important. She swallowed and chose her words carefully.

"I never really thought about kids, even though we took risk. I honestly didn't think I'd get pregnant. Silly, I know, but the way I'm built led me to think it wouldn't really happen." She sighed.

"Derrick, I love you and I already love this little one. He or she is the best part of both of us and I couldn't be happier at this moment. Are you upset. I know you may not want this, a baby this soon I mean, but-"

Derrick cut her off and kissed her. "You are mine, Dawn. I'm yours. This baby is the fruition of our love for each other. I am so happy, I want to burst. Don't ever doubt how I feel about you ever again." Derrick demanded.

Now, I know you wanted a spring wedding, but I need for my child to have my name. Can we get married next month?" He begged. "Please Dawn, I want to start our lives together, marry me before Christmas."

Dawn laughed her heart light and free of worry about his reaction. "Yes," she whispered, "but you have to tell Rosa. She's quite the little planner."

"We need to tell everyone about our baby. When will Gunther be back?" he queried.

"Today, he got in four hours ago." She answered wondering what he was up to.

Derrick called Marge. "Mom, can you have a family breakfast on Saturday. Dawn and I have to announce something. I'll call everyone."

Derrick called a family meeting at his parent's home. Sierra and Cameron arrived at the Granger's home first because they had plans to spend the day together. Then Deidre arrived with the twins, followed by Derrick, Dawn and Gunther.

Marge and Marvin watched Derrick and his new girlfriend, Dawn. At first they wondered if Derrick was serious about this girl. She was so unlike the usual girl that he dated. However, when they saw how protective he was of her and her of him, they knew it was the real deal. They welcomed the young woman into their family with open arms, along with her brother Gunther, who they instantly adopted as another son.

"Mom, Dad, everyone," Derrick began. "I know you all realize that Dawn and I plan to marry in the spring, but some news has come to light and we are moving our wedding date to December."

Everyone gasped. "When is the baby due?" Deidre asked grinning from ear to ear. Derrick and Dawn burst out laughing. Soon everyone joined in.

"The baby is due next summer, in July." Dawn explained as Derrick held her from behind gently caressing her stomach.

Gunther was speechless. For a second, he was upset that Derrick had the nerve to even think about let alone touch his sister in that way. Then one of the twins, Camirra, cooed and he looked at her. His face split into a huge grin as he thought about his future niece or nephew. Realizing that this family was now truly their family, his and Dawn's, he arose and gather his baby sister in his arms.

Next he faced Derrick, "You hurt either of them," he warned, "there is no place on this earth where you can hide from me."

Looking at Gunther, swearing solemnly, Derrick stated, "I'd lose my life before I hurt my family."

Gunther then gathered Derrick into a staunch hug as everyone sighed because they were relieved.

While celebrating the news, Gunther got another mysterious phone call. At first, Dawn did not let it worry her but one look at her brother's face and she knew something was wrong.

As he made his excuses to leave, dawn stopped him. Gunther looked at this baby sister, who would soon be a Mom and saw the worry on her face.

He didn't like causing her to be upset, so he told her. "I have a little girl. She's in trouble and I need to go get her."

Everyone was speechless, "Then go. We can talk when you get back. "Dawn told her brother and he left.

Four weeks later, Dawn was in Sierra's old room preparing for her wedding. The ceremony would be small, only friends and family, but she was still nervous.

After Gunther left, she was worried, but her new family stood behind her. They stood behind her brother too as he fought for custody of his little girl Christiana.

Christiana and Rosa were flower girls in her wedding,somehow within hours fused together as best friend. The two girls could not stand to be away from each other.

Gunther stood at the bedroom door and for a moment just looked at her.

"See, Dawnie. I told you one day you will meet a man that will help you know how special you are. And he'd be Damned lucky. Derrick Granger is one lucky bastard." Gunther surmised.

Dawn, overwhelmed with emotions, hugged her big brother tightly and thanked him for being there for her.

"Girl, let's get you married." Gunther teased.

The wedding party proceeded to the altar followed by the bride. The Granger's backyard was packed. Some of their friend from when they were lifting heard about this wedding and crashed the party. All were welcomed, even Henri, because despite the fact he'd hurt Dawn. He was really a good person and a true friend.

They happy couple exchanged vows and a deep kiss later were introduced to the world as Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Granger.


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MizTMizTalmost 12 years ago
Almost Caught Up

The third story has 2 chapters I need to read. But I wanted to let you know it was nice to revisit Dawn and Derrick. That Dawn needed someone special was never a question but that she would find that man in Derrick was a really nice revelation. I can't wait to find out what happens next....

fluerflueralmost 12 years ago

Yay. I am glad Dawn has her own story.

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707almost 12 years ago

Thanks for the update! glad that things worked out for them!

Mostera1Mostera1almost 12 years ago

Good continuation with their story. Derrick is very good for Dawn.

Thank you,


mokkelkemokkelkealmost 12 years ago

nice to see how dawn became the person she is today and how derrick made sure she didn't hide herself but fought for her.

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