Shameful Desires!

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Prim and proper woman turned into a filthy whore.
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Disclaimer: for those of you familiar with My work this one is a bit different and I prefer to warn that the content is a bit more filthy than my normal stories. Nonetheless I hope you enjoy and continue to read My stories. Love, Elana.

Hannah had been with Michael for almost five years and had never been happier. They were discussing marriage and talking about raising a family. They had just opened up a small clothing store featuring an exclusive deal with Hannah's sister, who had her own line of recycled wool clothing and business was booming. When she opened shop on a rainy Tuesday morning in May, nothing at all could suggest that she was about to meet someone who would change the course of her life forever.

It was a little after nine when she entered the shop. She was an out of shape older woman, perhaps in her mid fifties, with a large ass and heavy sagging tits. Her dress did nothing to flatter her as it was probably a size or two too small. She was wearing a tight form hugging skirt which showcased her thick fat thighs and knee high leather boots which were spotted with what looked like mud. Hannah fairly cringed just seeing her walk in and forced herself to smile at the woman. Her wild shoulder length brown hair showed signs of having been dyed red a while back and then left to fall into total neglect.

Hannah herself was quite the opposite, looking immaculate and perfect in her form hugging navy blue designer dress, with black sheer pantyhose and 3 inch heels on her feet, she looked like she would be at home on any runway. She believed that in business appearances were essential and maintained her twenty nine year old body in perfect shape, working out two hours every day. Her 5'8 slender yet muscular physique showed it and she knew she could turn heads in any setting. She was not sure if her best feature were her ass or legs, which were both toned and firm... even if Michael swore it had to be her amazing 36DD breasts, which were as firm today as they had been when she was ten years younger. She had piercing blue eyes and pale blonde silky hair which ran down to her mid back and was done in a perfect french braid.

Hannah returned her attention to the woman as she stepped around the counter and approached her. God, she thought, she smells bad too. It's as if she has not showered for a week. "How may I help you Miss?" she forced herself to ask politely as she stepped next to the woman.

The woman turned and smiled at her, her hair was unkempt and seemed quite filthy "Well I am looking for a sweater for my grandson, his birthday is coming up and I want something nice and warm for when he plays outside. That kid is always outdoors." The woman continued chatting about her grandson for a few moments before Hannah interrupted her, asking what size and what colors her grandson might like.

Her customer smiled some more and told her about her grandson. He was a teenager and a fairly big boy for his age, she said it ran in the family. The woman took a step closer as they talked and after a few moments Hannah took a small step back, feeling quite uncomfortable with the proximity of the other woman. She turned and walked quickly to the back of the store where the young men section was, inviting the woman to follow her as she did so.

When they got in the back, Hannah showed the woman their range of clothing for young men. She tried to mask her concern as the woman touched every piece shown to her. Hannah could almost smell the odor from her wafting through the air and coughed a little. The older woman handed her back each piece as they did not stand up to whatever criteria she had set.

The woman finally settled on a piece and Hannah sighed in relief as they walked to the cash register. She could not wait for her customer to leave the store, this woman was annoying her just being here. She was wondering if she would need to wash all the clothing she had touched.

She scanned the sweater's price and the woman handed her a credit card. She was named Danielle, as Hannah noticed. She rang up the total and passed the card, waiting for an approval which came momentarily. She handed the bag back to the woman and turned back to look at some paper she had behind the counter.

A few seconds later she was surprised to hear the woman speak "Young lady, it is very rude to turn your back on a customer before they have left the store."

Hannah turned and looked at the woman with disbelief in her eyes "Excuse me?" she asked in a shocked tone.

The woman gave her a stern look and smiled, a cold smile which touched her lips only but not her eyes "From the moment I walked in you have been nothing but rude and judgmental. I could see in your expression and actions that you did not wish for me to be here and were very annoyed by my presence. This is quite unbecoming of someone working in customer service."

Hannah stared at her in complete shock, she had not expected such a speech from the woman and she blushed. Of course every word was true and she felt awful. "I am very sorry Ma'am. I am the manager here and let me make it up to you with a 20 percent discount on your next visit, and a promise that I will never again behave in such a manner with a customer."

The woman looked at her for a moment and then smirked at her. Hannah was utterly shocked at the crude look. The woman held her gaze and told her in a very demanding tone "Step out from behind that counter right now young lady and come apologize to my face."

The woman's tone brooked no argument and Hannah almost felt like a chastised school girl as she stepped around from behind the counter and stood before the other woman. She felt humiliated and could hardly meet her gaze and she stammered an apology. The smirk on Danielle's face widened and she looked at Hannah with cold eyes "It's a good start girl , but I think you need to be taught a lesson. Kneel down and wait for me here." Her tone was stern and commanding.

Hannah looked at her with shock and stammered "excuse me?" had she heard the woman right? Did she really just ask her to kneel?

The look in the other woman's eyes did not change and she stared hard at Hannah "You heard me girl, I will not be repeating myself. If you cannot follow a simple instruction, I will walk out this store right now and you will lose a potential customer. I will also let others know that the service in the store was quite poor."

Hannah looked around the store. No one else was around. Michael was out of town meeting a supplier and she was not worried he would walk in. She did not want a negative review. It could be a disaster for a fledgling business. If all it took was to kneel down for a moment, well where was the harm?

She made her decision and dropped down to her knees. Danielle looked down at her, large and imposing as she towered over the kneeling Hannah. At her height she did not often look up at women like this. Danielle turned and walked to the door, warning her to stay kneeling. She locked it and turned back to Hannah.

She smiled widely and approached slowly "Now I think it's time to teach you some manners, girl." She roughly grabbed Hannah's hair and gave her a smack across the face. Nothing hard really but the sudden sting caught the kneeling girl by surprise. What was even more surprising was the way her body reacted. She felt a stinging pain in her cheek but also a sudden fire erupt between her legs as her pussy responded with deep, deep arousal. A soft groan escaped her lips and she saw the look in Danielle's eyes, a sort of self satisfied smugness which made her shiver. The bitch was utterly enjoying her humiliation. Or perhaps it was her arousal?

She still held Hannah's hair and looked at her with delight in her eyes "Now girl, you are going to kiss my feet and I better feel the need to atone in those kisses, or things are going to be a lot worse for you." The young shopkeeper looked down at the woman's black leather boots and shook her head. She started to say this was going too far but another slap across the cheek made her reconsider. Danielle tugged her hair and pulled her down till her head was inches from the knee high boot on her right foot, which she was holding slightly ahead of the left one.

Hannah felt utterly defeated and leaned in to kiss the dirty boot but Danielle held her firmly by her hair. "Did I say to kiss my boot dear girl? I said the foot. Be a good girl and take my boot off right now." The younger blonde cringed as she removed the boot carefully, breathing in a whiff of the strong odor of stale sweat which assailed her nose. She was trying not to gag but at the same time she felt a sharp spike in her arousal. How was this unclean brutish woman making her so aroused? She could not hide from herself that it had been a very very long time since Michael had made her this wet.

Danielle's foot smelled as bad as the boot and did not look much better. It was short and flat with stubby little toes which all sported broken toenails awkwardly painted black. Hannah knew she should have fought more but leaned in as the stronger woman pulled her head to her feet. The truth was, as disgusting as they smelled and looked, Hannah wanted to kiss them, to taste and to lick them. For some weird reason the fact that they were smelly, sweaty and so unappealing just made them irresistible. Hannah felt utterly humiliated but also incredibly aroused. She let out a loud moan as her mouth touched the feet and she breathed in their strong aroma even as her tongue started to slowly move over the skin.

Danielle simply looked down at her and let out a gentle purr "Good girl, I could tell you were a natural the moment I called you out on your poor service. Such a prim and proper girl, everything so perfect around her, but so eager for someone to take control and bring her back down to earth." As she cleaned and licked the foot which had become the center of her world, Hannah could not help but agree with every word. She could not believe how aroused she was as she moaned in whorish lust.

Danielle lifted her foot and pressed the sole against Hannah's face, right across her nose. She held it there for a second and let the groveling girl breathe in the scent off the bottom of her foot for a moment before pushing her away "You lick my foot so well girl, but it will take more than that to earn forgiveness " She moved past the girl who was suddenly on her backside on the floor, turned and leaned against the counter presenting her backside to Hannah. Her ass was still clad in the ill fitting skirt which Hannah now saw had a zipper running down the back of it.

She commanded Hannah to unzip her and the girl moved forth, still on her knees and reached out with trembling fingers to grab the zipper. She pulled it down slowly, revealing the plain white panties that Danielle had beneath the skirt. They were stained with a bit of filth and the smell of Danielle's arousal filled the room. It was a powerful, musky smell, a stench really which assaulted Hannah's senses and made her retch but also drove her wild.

Danielle looked back at her over her shoulder and smiled "go ahead you little slut, I know you want to pull those panties down." the kneeling blonde reached up and touched them gingerly before slowly pulling them down. She could see the crack of Danielle's ass as she slowly slid them down and could almost taste the strong flavor of her asshole.

Hannah was beyond aroused and moaned unabashedly at the sight of the older woman's ass. Danielle heard her and wiggled it a bit, making her fat ass cheeks bounce up and down tantalizing "Oh is this what you want girl?" she asked teasingly. Hannah stared at it mesmerized and nodded in response.

Danielle smiled and let out a soft laugh "Surely a proper young lady like you is not starring in desire at my fat ass? Surely you can smell it and don't want to taste it too?" she knew perfectly well what Hannah was going through. She could tell that the young, proud, pompous woman was staring at her fat pungent ass with lustful, hardly contained desire.

Denise reached back and grabbed a handful of Hannah's hair and pulled her in so close to her ass. Looking down at the kneeling girl she told her in a strict voice "Smell it but no touching it, at least not yet." the blonde whimpered and sniffed at the plump domineering woman's ass, breathing in the strong stench as if it were a flower at bloom. She could not believe how much she craved to lick and taste it even as she knew how filthy and dirty it must be.

Danielle held her there a long time, making her breathe her aroma in, letting her arousal peak as the young broken shopkeeper sniffed at her old admittedly disgusting asshole. She knew the woman was cracking and craving this like she has never wanted anything in her life. When she felt the girl could take no more she smiled and ordered Hannah to beg for it, to beg for the right to lick and worship her odorous anus.

Whimpering in needful lust and without a moment of hesitation, Hannah did so. She begged for the chance to taste and lick the ass of the woman who only moments ago she had wanted out of her shop do badly. She begged and cried pathetically. The desire she was feeling earlier had blossomed into a burning need and she craved Danielle's asshole more than anything she could recall. She knew that she would be hooked on it even before she tasted it.

Danielle held her back a long time before she finally pulled her in. Hannah broke the second her tongue licked the filthy asshole. She moaned with arousal as her juices flowed openly. She came the moment she tasted that disgustingly delicious asshole. She could still taste the filth which clung to it. She could tell Danielle had not thoroughly cleaned after her last visit to the washroom. She licked, lapped and kissed it, pushed her saliva inside and sucked it out, tasting strongly of Danielle's asshole as she swallowed them down. She reached up and pulled Danielle's ass cheeks apart as the older woman leaned over the counter of her own store, using her for her pleasure in the shop her and her long time boyfriend had spent their life savings to open. And she loved it. She loved every dirty filthy second of it. She felt pleasure like she never had before and worshipped with an eagerness she never knew she possessed. She could smell Danielle's arousal as she licked and tongue fucked her filthy ass, the juices running down her chubby legs as she ate and kneaded her ass.

Danielle shook and knocked a display of small woolen mittens off the counter and then spilt Hannah's cold coffee all over the counter, but neither of them cared as both women came hard from the incredible arousal they both felt.

Danielle spun her around and pushed her back against the front of the counter. Hannah felt her head hit the counter and was stunned for a second, but only until the older Dominant woman stepped forth and presented her smelly cunt to the young woman. It was hairy and smelt like Danielle had not washed it in a week. "Eat my pussy girl, and make me cum." She ordered sternly, her voice demanding.

Without a second of hesitation, Hannah whimpered out a weak "yes Ma'am!" and buried her face in the hairy smelly bush, licking and sucking at it as if it was the most delicious thing in the world. Hannah's head was spinning , this was the first time she had ever licked a pussy and while she had thought of it before, this was certainly not the way she had imagined it. Somehow she knew though this would be exactly how she would fantasize about it from now on. The unshaved pubes tickled at her nose and seemed to amplify the odor coming from the mature pussy. Hannah groaned and was surprised to find she had slid a hand into her own pants and was shamelessly masturbating as she pleasured Danielle.

Neither woman lasted long as both were aroused beyond words. Danielle came first with a loud primal grunt as she pushed Hannah's head back against the counter. Hannah was still seeing stars from the sudden impact as her own orgasm followed suit and she collapsed to the ground.

Danielle leaned against the counter, breathing heavily as she slowly recovered. Hannah stayed on the floor, catching her own breath.

After a few moments Danielle smiled, pulled up her panties and smoothed out her dress "Well I must say, that was the best service I have ever had in a store, I am really looking forward to my next visit."

The younger blonde shopkeeper nodded and smiled "Thank you so much for helping me learn more about customer service Ma'am, I truly look forth to your next visit."

Both women knew, as Danielle left, that this would not be her last time visiting the store...

Continued soon... Hopefully

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Badwolf8015Badwolf8015almost 3 years ago

I really enjoyed reading this story and I cannot wait for a part 2. However I hope you do not spoil it by taking away the phone and making her into soon lesbian submissive. It would be nice for it for it to be a secret affair where she learns her bisexual self. Not one where she has to choose between her partner and this woman. You need to keep the balance well she's happy and loved by her partner but controlled and her sexual awakening in the degrading and humiliating.

amazon_joselynamazon_joselynalmost 3 years ago

No doubt this is very different from your normal stories, I do like this story, the way you describe Hannah is so lovely and how she felt when Danielle start domming her. I do wish to read the part 2 ...

Also I will always continue to read your story :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I hope you continue to develop the plot.....great work......this situation is the same way I turned bi-sexual.......after a few drinks at a bar when I was in my 20’s, and older lady paid for my drinks and asked to take a walk......that walk led to her hotel room.....She stripped me and performed oral on me.....It would be the first of many times with this married lady.....from doing 69 to mild bondage to strap-ons, she had converted me.....for days to come, she changed my wardrobe from conservative to slutty.....she paid for everything but I knew I was her fuck toy.....and she demanded that ........

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is a very nice story, though the content is a bit more filthy than normal one, it is a whole new story, I do enjoy the story very much, I feel that the continued story will be even more interesting during Danielle next visit... I do love your story

garagegodgaragegodabout 3 years ago

Don't bother with it sucked.

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