Shanti's Sexual Exploits Ch. 04


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"What do you think of this, baby? Have you ever seen a cock as big as this before? Let me tell you my darling Radha – I will fuck you longer with this today – provided you carry the load from your dick spewed into your pussy all the way to your neighbor arrogant bitch Shanti and make her eat it out of your pussy, and listen, I want to fuck her after that, you will prepare her for me, I want that bitch under me now as soon as possible – you understand, better understand." he told Radha crudely, his lips curled back in a wicked sneer as he took the massive penis in both hands and waved it obscenely at her joyfully bulging eyes.

Radha who lay calm under him was surprised by this question- actually this was a double edged sword at Shanti – and only Riaz knew that and under the appalling crudity of his obscene words, Shanti was aghast and sensual at the same time knowing his true feelings–and yet their very lewdness excited her more and more, so that she was at a loss to understand her own reactions to what was happening, she could feel the increasing moisture seeping out her pussy walls and crossed her legs to press them closer together, trying to ease the burning sensation that was churning madly in the pit of her slim belly. Shanti was burning inside and wanted to rush inside and throw the woman off the bed and take the cock.

There on the bed, Riaz's fervent licking and sucking of the experienced young vagina had turned Radha's entire body into a tense bundle of raw nerve-ends that she was powerless to control. She continued to stare at the impassioned company P & A Manager's hard cock as it grew even larger, soaking up more blood and standing out further and further, a granite-hard pole of flesh that was an inflamed pink right up to the collar of skin under the head. The head itself was purplish, larger in diameter than the base, like a fist at the end of an upraised arm and he was enjoying the insulting effect it was having on Shanti as he pointed the semen-oozing tip directly at her hidden behind the curtain.

Then, as though he had heard her thoughts, he stepped proudly up to the side of the bed and sat down beside Radha, reaching over with both hands to seize her lush breasts and squeeze them together like huge straining grapefruits. She could feel small pin-pricks of a wildly rising sexual excitement racing through the tips of them as he rolled the light-brown ever hardening nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

Shanti tried to turn away, reflexively, not wanting to succumb, to make a last futile stand against the impending surrender of her wifely honor and return to her house, but the pressure of this strong male grip on her mentally and on Radha there on the bed was altogether too much for her in her present state of mind. Nothing mattered but her feelings and she had forgotten about being a proper young housewife, about her husband, father in law's brother, about everything except the sheer joy of having this middle-aged man's nakedly lusting body sweating hotly against her woman's tingling female flesh, assaulting her and piercing her with his spear soon.

His hands dropped from Radha's bulging dark brown breasts and they went down to the curved young nudity of her hips and trace the lovely full convergence of her sides. Radha felt the hardness of his huge cock against her thigh as he leaned over her, his hands busy with their manipulations of her lower belly and his hot mouth now clamped over one breast, sucking and pulling at it, frequently pausing to nip and nibble with his teeth at the erect bud-like nipple.

"Now do you want it? Now do you want some stiff prick shoved in your madam next door?" he asked harshly, his voice sharp and rasping, glorying in making the sensual young wife hidden behind the curtain of one of his employees listen to their crudeness.

"Oh ... yes but I ... I'm afraid, Shanti could be difficult?" the beautiful young woman responded innocently, unaware that her very helplessness served only to excite him more on how to reach out to Shanti, he knew that she was raging inside behind the curtain, that her body was exploding with desire from what was going on in the Bedroom and the aphrodisiac she would trustingly swallow once Radha gets her to eat her pussy.

Behind the curtain, despite her real fear, Shanti could not tear her hot gaze from the indecent sight of his enormous cock and as she watched, it jerked slightly higher, causing her to shiver and blush reflexively as she despised herself for the surges of base desire that made her ache to have him sunk deep up inside her eagerly waiting body but for now had to watch him fuck Radha.

In a remote corner of her mind, Shanti kept repeating over and over to herself that she only wanted this burly man, a man who was probably old enough to be her Uncle or elder brother, because she had no choice but to appease him for fear of her husband losing his incentives and perks. But even she knew in the foremost part of her consciousness that it was only an excuse to her and that sheer sexual craving was the real force behind everything she was experiencing. Erotic tremors ran up her back at the sight of his fully erect prick standing out from his virile loins like a massive cobra whose head fanned out menacingly at the end of its pulsing length. God, it was huge she marveled, unable to take her eyes from the tremendous fleshy length.

"Yes ... I want it," Shanti finally murmured to herself training her smoky, desire-clouded eyes for a moment on their copulation as she faced the man who was now hoisted on his haunches as he feasted on Radha's breasts, now flushed and swollen from the mauling of his mouth.

Was it telepathy or some clairvoyance but Shanti could feel that the candor of her self confession seemed to have reached him and was delighting him and he seemed to be wasting no time as he lifted himself from Radha, grasping her shoulders to move her into a better position, length-wise, on the soft mattress.

Using her huge, firmly brown breasts for leverage, he pulled himself on top of her, his heavier weight along the length of her body squashing her down into the sofa. He came to rest directly between her helplessly pulsating legs, forcing them wider apart with his own thick hairy thighs as he pulled her tightly against him and dropped one hand down between them to take the long hard throbbing cock in his fingers and guide it forward, using the thick rubbery tip to part the wet fleshy lips of her now voracious demanding pussy.

She flung her head to one side on the cushions, closing her eyes and groaning in mingled excitement and despair as she felt its first hot startling contact against the ragged pink edges of her moistly glistening cunt.

Shanti held her breath for what seemed an eternity, watching Radha lying there in utter wantonness beneath him, not even daring to breathe or move. "Oooooh, God, hurry!" she finally moaned, no longer caring whether they can hear or not at he thought of Radha for allowing this indecent attack on her young, desirable body. But then he pushed forward, splitting Radha's cunt lips wider, and it was Shanti who felt the first wave of pain from the cruel pressure of his inhumanely huge cock on the tender outer walls of Radha's pussy.

"Oh, nooooo, waaaaiiiit–it's too big!" Shanti cried internally as the thick tip slipped further in, stretching wide the tiny, hair- fringed entrance until Radha felt as if her abdomen were splitting wide-apart from the relentless outward force of his merciless


Shanti felt like crying loudly, "Stop, please, for God's sake, you're hurting her, you're hurting her!" She was almost screaming as she jerked open her eyes in agony and saw that they were oblivious to her emotions and obviously had not even heard her and were lost in the perverted delight of conjugating their bodies and suddenly his no longer handsome but now lustfully staring face twisted into a contorted expression of sheer animal desire as he looked down at the sensual woman lying spread-eagled beneath him, the head of his large virile penis disappearing inch by inch into the soft, black curling hair of her pussy.

He fell forward then, his weight smashing her full rounded breasts tightly back against her heaving lungs as he thrust his hips forward and rammed into her soft hot belly, the long, thick prick gliding into cunt like a driving clutch and pushing the delicate moist flesh of her cuntal walls before it in helplessly rippling waves. There was no stopping him and he rammed on, deeper and deeper, until with a loud groan, his sperm inflated balls smacked loudly against the wide held cheeks of her naked buttocks.

"Aaaaagggghhhh!" Radha wailed in delight and softly screamed beneath him.

She had never been so utterly filled in her life either by him or someone else and she understood that he was fantasizing about Shanti and his bone-hard, heavily- veined cock felt as though it had ripped her vaginal passage into a thousand tiny shreds as he slammed into her without thought of mercy or injury to her tender insides. And now it laid sunk deep in her belly, filling it to the point of bursting.

There was not a single tiny ridge of flesh on it that she could not feel as it pressed tightly against the soft flesh of her young pussy, encased in the moist hot sheath like a great spike planted heartlessly in its victim's stomach.

"How's that, how will your Madam Mrs. Shanti take this?" he tormented, feeling her insides opening to receive him deep in Radha's womb. Shanti was whimpering and pleading to herself desperately now as she thought of her own time to come with this lusty man while he began to fuck ruthlessly into Radha, gritting his teeth with lust and luxuriating in his awareness that she was compulsively following him, beginning to hump in wild, spasmodic jerks beneath him.

Radha groaned as if in anguish, shocking herself as she threw up her arms to wrap them tightly around his neck, pulling his solid well-defined chest into the velvety softness of her beautiful white breasts. He plunged his long cock in and out, filling and emptying her, sinking his long slippery prick back and forth between her vaginal lips and on up to her cervix until she felt as though it would tear up into her internals.

Shanti's mouth moved against her will, opening and closing in response to each stroke of his cock in Radha's pussy, her shining dark brown hair flowing out behind the curtain and fanning like silken threads, glinting subtle highlights of glitter as her head rose and fell with her movements. There was nothing that could stop her insane race for fulfillment as Riaz fucked Radha like a savage to end it for both of them.

"Oh, yes, oh yesssss," finally Radha breathed without thought of shame, her entire being lost in the overpowering pleasure that had replaced the initial pain of his impalement of her. He slipped his hands down her sides and grasped the wildly pumping cheeks of her ass, jerking them up off the cushions to gain better access to the moist wet hole of her cunt.

Then, pressing further forward, he slid his palms down to her knees and forced her legs up off the couch, wide, and pushed them brutally back over her shoulders until her toes pressed painfully into the leather on either side of her head. Her luxurious body was bent back double, jack-knifed, the stress on her painfully strained muscles almost causing her to beg for mercy.

The whole of her wetly glistening groin was opened to him as he increased the power of his thrusts, driving in with long, hard lunges that seemed to receive their momentum from the very tips of his toes, cramming the very last inch of his cock into her with thundering lust, until fresh ecstatic moans fell from her lips, resounding through the office like the cries of a wounded beast. Her nostrils flared and her eyes rolled back, fixing hypnotically on the ceiling above the rhythmically groaning bed.

He sweated above her, driving with longer smoother strokes into the hotly steaming passage up between her drawn back thighs as her long tapered nails clawed frantically at him, pulling him wildly into her. Deliberately teasing her, he pulled his cock almost all the way out of her hungrily clasping young vagina on the back stroke, then thrust forward again into her uplifted buttocks until he could feel the hard slap of his testicles against the unprotected crevice of her anus.

Juicy wet smacking sounds filled the office with each brutal fuck-stroke he made into her, blending in tempo with the sounds of their hoarse breathing and the rhythmic lurching squeaks of their naked, sweat-soaked flesh on the soft bed.

Riaz placed his hands on either side of her and lifted himself so that he could watch the young woman's exquisitely beautiful face.

It was something he did not want to miss, the sexy surrender of this smooth, soft-bodied young woman who had bounced so innocently into him just a few years ago.

Well, she was bringing another sexy housewife – Shanti to life this afternoon and he could think of nothing nicer than having Shanti's hot cunt at his disposal whenever he wanted her. He yearned to hear her sharp gasps of pleasure as he will fuck heavily into her, skewering her, and she would love it, fucking back shamelessly, urging him on with every lunge and shout "Oh, God, fill me, fill me! Give me more!" she would beg, gasping as if she were close to death.

He came out of that reverie around Shanti and was back to the woman, "You love it, don't you? You love cock just like any other whore?" he demanded, ramming harder into her for emphasis.

"You're going to be my little whore, aren't you?" he spat at Radha – all the while conveying the message to Shanti behind the curtain.

"Whore?" Radha faltered for a moment, not certain that she understood what he was saying to her. Then she realized that it was true–she had allowed herself to lose control over all the things she knew were right and was now no better than a slut from the street. No, she would never be the same again.

Just then, though, he decided to complete his conquest and "Tell me, whore, tell me what you want," he growled as he deliberately slowed his stroking movements and teasingly ran his massive length only half-way into her, "Do you want me to fuck you and shoot my cum up into your snooty little cunt?"

"Oh yes, pleeeeease!" the voluptuous woman gasped, her body completely drenched in sweat and completely pinned and naked under his male weight. The thought of begging him to drive the huge cock into her and empty his sperm-laden balls into her belly was a great feeling, and she was beyond caring now and yearned only for her own climax, now so close.

"I ... I want It." she said, "Oh, please, for God's sake, do it! Fuck me! Shoot you're cum in my cunt!"

Grunting with approval of her submission, the older, heavily sweating man increased the tempo of his thrusts, grinding hard and deep into her so that his rigidly hard cock bored far up into the hidden recesses of her swaying young belly. Her naked breasts heaved and quivered up against the pressure of his sweating chest, the tiny hard nipples digging into him like the buttons of a coat.

"Oh, ooooohhhhh, Goooooddddd! I'm cumming ... I'm cummmmming nowwwww!" Radha suddenly squealed in a high-pitched voice as she locked her slim ankles in a death grip high up behind his laboring, sweat slackened torso.

Her passion-imprisoned body heaved and she held on to him desperately, not moving but quivering and jerking around him in a pulsating rhythm that served to spew her orgasmic fluids out around his sShift hard driving cock. It trickled hotly down the wide-split crevice of her buttocks, soaking his heavily slapping balls and the two fingers buried all the way to the hilt up in her tiny puckered rectum.

He felt her jerk up toward him, the lips of her hotly seething little cunt working and sucking at his imbedded, marble- hard prick as though trying to milk him dry.

Her breath was coming in short, panting gasps and he frantically withdrew to thrust deep in again, feeling his own hot boiling sperm suddenly race up from his balls, jetting from the tip of his heavily throbbing cock and far on up into her soft quivering belly.

"Oh, Radha, my dear," the older man smiled condescendingly down at her. "Here, let me pull it out and you hold the stuff to feed your madam right after this, I am sure she will be waiting."

Radha smiled in satisfaction and held the pussy lips disallowing the jism to creep out, and after ten minutes slowly got up to put her clothes on.

Meanwhile, Shanti had quietly left the place and upon reaching her house, laid on the bed, closed her eyes to the sight of his lewd grin and quivered slightly as she started to think how it would feel to have him lift his hips, slipping his now- soft penis into her cunt shortly.

A cool rush of fresh air flowed over her loins thinking of the roll her body was to receive, by his lowering his dick into her pussy, and she heaved a long sigh of anguished relief in a fear of anticipation.

She knew what and who was coming – Radha with his load between her legs.

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