Sharing a Bed with Little Sister

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Accident happens when two siblings share a hotel room.
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It was two hours to midnight and I was exhausted. I'd left the house at eight that morning, and had been driving ever since. My goal was to make the trip in one day, but that was seeming less and less likely as the night went on.

My brother Eric and his wife had had their baby three weeks earlier, and I'd finally been able to get away from work long enough to go visit them. I'd timed the trip with my sister Emma's spring break, and I'd picked her up at her dorm along the way. We were both stoked to meet the newest member of our family.

The road trip was a blast, and it was nice catching up. Emma filled me in on how her first year of college was going (good), and I caught her up on how things were going with my job (also good) and wife (great). After that we took turns picking podcasts and which music to listen to. We'd managed to make the trip fly by pretty quickly. It was hard to maintain high energy over a fourteen hour drive though, and I wasn't sure how much longer I could keeping going.

"Come on Bryan, let's stop for the night," Emma said.

"I'm alright," I said, rubbing my eyes. "We're almost there."

"No, we aren't. We have three hours left, at least."

"Yea, but we've been driving all day. What's three more hours?"

"If you fall asleep and we die? It's an eternity," she said seriously.

"That's not gonna happen," I said, trying and failing to suppress a yawn.

"You're right, because we're going to stop for the night."

"When did you get so bossy?" I asked, laughing.

"I've always been bossy," she said, correctly.

Emma was the baby of the house, and seven years younger than me. I still remember mom telling me she was pregnant with Emma, and how excited I was to have a baby sister on the way. It wasn't long after Emma started talking that she'd realized I'd do pretty much whatever she asked. I adored her, and as we grew up, that dynamic never really changed. Thankfully she didn't abuse it. Not too much anyway.

"Alright," I said. "I'll stop at the next town."

It was another fifteen miles before we saw motel sign. By the time I'd pulled off the highway I could barely keep my eyes open.

"You made the right call," I begrudgingly admitted.

"I usually do," she said with a grin.

The motel looked like your typical middle-of-nowhere dive, but I wasn't in any state to be picky. The clerk was a tall Latino girl with long black hair and a pretty face. She smiled and greeted us, and I perked up just a little.

"Good evening! How can I help you?" she asked, in a tone just a bit too chipper for how I felt.

"Looking for two rooms," I said.

"Two? That's a waste of money," said Emma.

"You sure? It's no big deal to book two rooms." We'd slept in the same room plenty of times before of course, but she'd always been a kid. She was a young woman now. I'd assumed she'd want her own space.

"I'm sorry," the clerk said apologetically. "We actually only have one left."

"Well I guess that settles it," said Emma.

"I guess so. Two beds at least?" I asked.

The clerk cringed.

"I'm sorry. It just has the one."

"We could keep going," I said to Emma. "See what else we can find."

"You can barely keep your eyes open. We'll be fine here."

I signed the paperwork and paid for the room. Emma offered to pay half, but I turned her down. I was the one with a job after all. We unloaded our stuff from the car and made our way to the room. It was... less than ideal.

"Cozy," said Emma, surveying the room. "Very cozy."

"That's one word for it." I probably would've gone with cramped.

"Oh come on. It's not so bad," she said, pushing me playfully on the shoulder. "We're only going to be here a few hours."

That was true. I just needed to get some sleep and we could be on the road again. We didn't need anything fancy.

"You're right," I said, smiling at her. "It's not so bad."

We got situated as best we could, then Emma went into the bathroom to change. I traded out for a more comfortable t-shirt, but was otherwise in a bit of a bind. I always slept in my boxers at home, and hadn't brought any pajamas. I hadn't worried since I'd have my own room at Eric's, but tonight it looked like I'd be sleeping in jeans.

Emma came out of the bathroom wearing a pair of pink pajama pants and a green t-shirt. Her getup wasn't sexy by any means, but it reminded me of just how beautiful she was. She was a natural redhead, with pale skin and cute little freckles on her cheeks. She'd battled acne through her first years of high school, but her skin was completely clear now. She was a head shorter than me, with a thin waist and what I'd guess were a pair of c-cups. I wouldn't normally notice her breasts, much less her cup size, except that the shape of her nipples were visible in her t-shirt. Seemed Emma slept braless. I averted my gaze quickly before she could see I noticed, and met her eyes instead.

"All set?" I asked.

"Yep. You need to go change?" she asked. I didn't exactly look ready for bed.

"Nope," I said. "This is what I've got.

"You didn't bring pajamas? We're gonna be there 'till Thursday."

"I don't sleep in pajamas," I laughed.

"I remember. So Courtney hasn't tamed you yet?" Emma asked, referring to my wife.

"Very funny. She actually prefers that I sleep in boxers," I said, maybe oversharing a bit. Courtney and I always slept in our underwear, if not in the nude. We'd been married just less than a year, and were all over each other still. It wasn't rare at all for one of us to initiate sex in the middle of the night. Pajamas only got in the way.

"I bet she does," Emma said, then gave a highly exaggerated wink. We both laughed. "So...." she said, pointing to my jeans.

"What? I'm sleeping like this," I said.

"Don't be silly! How many times have I seen you in boxers?" she asked.

"That was ages ago."

"Exactly. It was ages ago, and all the time. If I could handle you lounging around in your boxers when I was twelve, I think I can handle it now," she laughed. She had a point there.

"Fine," I said, and got under the covers. I undid my belt and slid off my pants, away from prying eyes.

"So modest," she laughed.

"Always," I said.

Emma turned out the lights, then got into bed. It was pretty small, but still large enough that we could lay on our backs and still have a few inches between us..

"You mind if I watch some TV?" she asked. "Will that keep you up?"

"Go for it. I don't think anything could keep me up right now," I said, rolling away from the television to face the wall. She flipped through channels for a minute, then settled on some sitcom.

"Goodnight Bryan," Emma said quietly.

"Goodnight Emma."

"Thanks for taking me with you. I love you," she whispered, and kissed me on the back of the head.

"I love you too kid," I said with a smile. I was out like a light.

At some point I'd started dreaming, and it was not the type of dream you want to have when you're in bed with your sister. In my dream I was back home with my wife, and we were getting... intimate. I was spooning her in bed, rubbing my hand under her shirt and over her smooth belly. She felt so soft and warm to the touch, and I quickly became erect as I rubbed her.

I pushed my crotch against her ass, and my penis found its way out of my boxers. As I continued to grind into her, I reached my hand further up, and took her soft right breast in my hand, finding it felt slightly larger than usual. I caressed her, letting my fingers roll back and forth over her nipple, then pinched it lightly between my thumb and forefinger.

Courtney hadn't reciprocated my attentions yet, but she let out a light moan as I pinched her nipple. I let my hand make its way to her other breast and did the same. She moaned again, and this time pushed her ass into me slightly, meeting my thrusts with her own.

My brain felt foggy, but around this point I started to figure I probably wasn't dreaming, and was actually at home with my wife. It seemed I'd started fooling around with her in my sleep again. That was a frequent occurrence for both of us, and when I was the instigator it tended to go one of two ways: either she'd get into it and we'd end up making love, or she'd groan about being sleepy and tell me to go back to bed. I was hoping for the former.

I slid my hand down and to feel her pussy. I noticed Courtney was wearing pajamas, which was a bit abnormal, but I slipped my hand under them and into her panties in one go.

Courtney usually took a little time to warm up, but not tonight. I rubbed my middle and index fingers up and down her wet pussy, lubricating myself in her moisture, then ventured back up to rub her clit. As I did so I pushed my cock against her clothed ass again, and she met my thrust gently with her own. These were all good signs.

I continued to rub her for several minutes, alternating between her clit and sticking my finger inside her pussy. From this angle I couldn't get in far, but it seemed to be having the desired effect. Courtney's breathing was getting heavy, and I thought she might be close to orgasm. My left arm was cuddled under Courtney. I moved my hand to her lips and she parted them for me. I slid two fingers into her mouth. The warmth on my hand from her tongue was driving me crazy. I had to have her.

I pulled forcefully at her pajamas with my right hand, eliciting a gasp from Courtney. That made me smile; I liked surprising her. Her clothes were kinda hard to get off, but I managed to get them and her panties down to her thighs. I slid my boxers down as well, then took hold of my cock and rubbed it up and down her wet pussy. I lined it up, and started to push in.

She said my name then, or something, as it was kind of hard to hear with my fingers in her mouth. I rubbed her tongue again with my middle finger as I pushed my cock slowly into her.

I was surprised at how tight Courtney's pussy felt. Considering how wet she was, I should've been able to slip right in. I gently pushed into her, pulled back, and pushed in again, repeating this as I made more and more progress inside her. Each time I pushed my cock further in Courtney made a little noise, almost a cross between a moan and a whimper. As I inched further in she actually bit down on my fingers. She was gentle though, and it didn't hurt.

Finally with one more push I entered her fully, eliciting a grunt from me and a loud gasp from her. Her pussy was hugging me tight, and I could feel the tip of my penis bumping up against her cervix. I knew I'd been hard tonight, but this level of pressure surprised me. It was like I was filling every inch her. I must have had one hell of an erection.

Slowly I began making love to her, first with small strokes, and then larger ones. I'd slide my cock out almost all the way, then push back into her, causing her to whimper sweetly. After a minute of doing this, I began picking up the pace until I was steadily fucking her. This was one of my favorite positions, because I loved wrapping my arms around Courtney while feeling her full ass push against me. It was driving me crazy, and from the sounds of it she was enjoying herself as well.

It usually took me about fifteen to twenty minutes to cum, but I felt myself about to lose it almost immediately once we'd gotten started in earnest. I slowed my pace, trying to make sure I wouldn't finish before she did. I brought my right hand back to her pussy, and reached down to feel my cock moving in and out of her. I wet my hand with our love-making, then focused on her clit, applying pressure there as I fucked her. This was usually a sure-fire way of making her cum, no matter what position we were in. If I fucked her at a slow but steady pace while rubbing her clit, she'd pop in no time. I was betting on that, as I was sure I'd cum any minute.

Courtney let out a moan. She tried to say something then, but again had a hard time because of my fingers. I let them slip from her mouth, then grabbed one of her tits over her shirt.

"Bryan," she said, calling my name in a breathy but alarmed voice. This time I heard it. Really heard it. That wasn't my wife's voice. That was Emma's.

It all came back to me then. The car ride. The motel. Sharing a bed. The dream. Waking up. Fuck. What had I done? What was I doing? I'd slowed down with the shock, but I was still fucking my sister. I didn't want to stop, but I had to. I knew I had to. It just felt so good. I pushed all the way into her, and then with an effort of will, I stopped moving.

I knew I had to end this. The problem was, I felt like I could explode at any second. I'd been on the edge of cumming before, but something about this situation had made it even harder to hold back. First things first: hands. I let go of Emma's tit with my left hand, then lifted my right hand off her pussy. This elicited a gasp from Emma, which didn't help my situation at all.

Next I would have to pull out, without blowing my load on the way. That was easier said than done though. Sex with Courtney had never felt this good. I began to inch back, slowly attempting to pull my cock out from inside Emma.

I made it about halfway, then had to stop. I was just too close to cumming. I felt my cock twitch and bit my lip, fighting the desire to plunge back in. Emma's breathing was heavy, and I tried hard to ignore the warmth I felt radiating off her. My body did not want to stop what we'd started. I had to though.

After a moment I started pulling out again.

I managed to make it nearly all the way out. I really did. The shaft of my penis was free, and just the head remained. I braced myself, ready to exit, when Emma did the unthinkable: She pushed her ass back into me. Not hard -- it wasn't a full thrust or anything, but it was enough.

All that work I'd done trying to escape had been for naught. As soon as I felt my dick slide back into her, I came. An involuntary grunt escaped me, and I wrapped both arms around Emma and held her tight. As I exploded inside her I just started fucking her again, letting loose, feeling my cock spurt into her.

This was wrong. It was wrong the whole time of course, but it had been a mistake. Just a big, dumb misunderstanding. Now things were different. I knew exactly what I was doing, and I couldn't stop.

The guilt of that hit me, but I wasn't solely to blame. Emma had pushed back into me. It was her fault I'd cum, and now I'd be damned if she didn't cum too. Before I realized what I was doing, I'd brought my fingers back to Emma's clit. I rubbed her enthusiastically, fucking her with everything I had left. Admittedly, that wasn't much. I was done cumming, but I didn't have to keep this up for long. Emma screamed out as her whole body quivered, her orgasm overtaking her. I held her tight with my left arm as she grabbed it with both hands, digging in with her nails as she shook with ecstasy.

And then it was done. I let me cock slip out of her, then rolled onto my back. She was still on my left arm, so I pulled it out from under her and just laid there, staring at the ceiling.

She stayed in that same position for a minute, back facing me, then got up and walked to the bathroom.

A million thoughts were going through my mind. I'd just cheated on my wife. I'd fucked my sister. I'd cheated on my wife with my sister. I'd fucked my sister while she was sleeping. My wife and I had an understanding about night sex. Explicit consent. Emma and I had none of that, obviously. So... had I just raped my sister? Was I was a rapist now?

I didn't know. I was a piece of shit. I knew that.

"Fuck," I said, dragging out the U sound far longer than necessary. I put my palms over my eyes, then noticed how sticky my right hand was. Then I remembered why. Because of Emma. Because of my sister. Because of my little sister's pussy. Because of my little sister, who I'd looked out for since I was just seven. Since she was a baby. My fingers were sticky because I'd put them inside her, then fucked her, then rubbed my fingers against her until she'd----

"Bryan?" asked Emma, interrupting my self-loathing. She must have returned to the bed at some point.

I didn't answer, so she repeated herself, pleadingly.


I removed my hands from my face, then turned to face her. She was sweaty and ruffled and beautiful. Looking at her then, I couldn't understand how I'd ever mistaken this girl for my wife. It was my Emma, through and through.

I studied her face for anger, hurt, blame. I found none. I did find concern though, and nervousness. I'd never seen Emma so nervous before.

"I don't know what to say," I said.

"Me neither."

"I'm sorry," I said, trying to sum up all of my feelings into those two words, and utterly failing.

"What happened? I was asleep, and then we were..." she stopped, unable to say the words.

"I don't know, honestly," I said, which was kind of true. "I was sleeping, dreaming of being home, and then I wasn't. I don't know when I woke up."

"You thought I was Courtney?" Emma asked.

"I did. Really."

"Huh," Emma said, rolling onto her back and staring at the ceiling.

"You don't believe me?" I asked, sitting up.

"No, I do," she said unconvincingly. "It's just... I dunno."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When did you realize it was me?" she asked, turning again to stare at me. My heart skipped a beat.

"Not soon enough." I said.

"So what now?" she asked.

That was the question, wasn't it. How could I fix this? Could we even come back from this?

"I have no idea."

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shadrachtshadracht2 months ago

Again, really hot setup with disappointingly unfinished ending. 4*

ddmc1701ddmc1701about 1 year ago

Good story so far but it needs an ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

When one is accustomed to having spontaneous sex in the middle of the night, it is possible that one might make a big mistake, while sleepy and drowsy, to have sex with someone else who fell asleep in the same bed. I understand "Like Moment"s comments. Once my wife woke up and told me she thought she was being fucked by Church Norris--so who knows?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Started fantastic, then declined a lot. The dynamic between the two characters is very well established and realistic given how short of a story it is. I was really happy to see how well their relationship is initially described in the subtext. But, some clear issues in the actual sex and ending. Perhaps you've never had sex or you just don't know much about female anatomy, but the penis doesn't touch the cervix during sex. If it did, it would be incredibly fucking painful. In general though, it's difficult to reach that far into the vagina and any realistically sized penis isn't going to do that. And again, if it did, it would be very painful and in no way a turn on. Also, immediately being able to describe your sister's cup size is very strange. Who analyses women's cup sizes? It would be a much better choice to just use a nondescript adjective like "large", "sizeable" or whatever else to describe her breasts, because then the reader can paint the character with a quality ideal to their own imagination. If you just say "c cup breasts", not only is that not a metric anyone can realistically picture breast size by, since c cup can still range wildly in size and shape, but it also paints the protagonist as some sort of weird sex fiend, as I can't imagine anyone but a weird sex fiend analysing women's breast sizes by bra cup just by looking at them; it's just strange.

The choice to have the protagonist be dreaming isn't a bad onw, but I think the choice to have him wake up so late into the act and have the sister not react much at all was for the worst. It's just not realistic, even if the sister was into it surely they would communicate some morez plus it would have been a lot more of a turn on for the characters to realise what's going on, discuss it, and then be so overpowered by lust that they continue anyway, thereby also confirming consent. Other commenters also say the ending sucks and it probably does deserve a proper ending with some closure.

Choker4DaddyChoker4Daddyover 2 years ago

That was super hot, I’d love to know what happens after, do they continue fucking😩?

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