She Returned, Observations

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She meets her old friends trying to corrupt someone else.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/16/2022
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My husbands tongue glided around my clit as my orgasm approached. He loved me, and enjoyed getting to show it. I screamed as it washed over me. Something oral orgasm did to me, I don't know why, but oral orgasms were harder and deeper for me.

He slid up and kissed me before slowly entering me. My next orgasm was immediate. I kissed me as if I was devouring a delicious meal. I began to tear up. I do that when I orgasm sometimes, when I feel safe and loved. As his strokes began to go faster, I pushed him over onto his back, and I rode him to his orgasm.

I laid upon his chest as our breathing returned to normal. I moved to his left side and rested my head on his chest while he stroked my hair. We had consummated our marriage tonight.

Consummated, yes. I had missed up bad, and we were divorced but somehow, we found our way back to each other. Thomas was a good man and father. He loved me, that I am sure of. Trust is something that he's still working on, and that was my fault.

Tonight, we saw my old friends, the ones that helped ruin our marriage. While my husband slept, my mind kept returning to the scene at the table. Thomas told me in front of my four friends, and the two new recruits about how they had tried to seduce him after our break up. Of the new recruits, one was a tiny brunette like me. She did have wedding rings on her hand. She looked unsure and uncomfortable as Thomas spoke.

She was the new me.

"Thomas, wake up. It's important." I shook him. He looked at me with love in his eyes.

"What is so important?"

Determination would describe what I felt. "That woman with the Girls tonight. She's the new me. Get up and get dressed, I had to stop her before she ends up doing what I did. Don't ask me how, but it's a feeling that she hasn't yet but will soon."

We threw on jeans and sweaters, and headed to Girls Night girls favorite hunting ground. Therapy had really helped open my eyes to the manipulations of my former friends. They needed a tiny, attractive woman at their table to help attract guys for them.

It took a while before we found their table. Thomas made me stand off in the shadows and watch them. "I want you to watch, as an observer, and tell me if Teresa, Mischel, Marie, and Treena act like wives or whores?" New girl was out dancing and I couldn't see her in the crowd. It's short woman looking for a short woman problem.

Being a fly on the wall, I understand what he had been trying to tell me years ago. That married women that act like single women are sluts. I knew because I had been there and done it. I knew that they were not thinking about their husbands and boyfriends, but only about who they would fuck, and how many free drinks can they get for it. Treena was the first to go outside with her conquest for the night, we got our hands stamped and followed them. We watched from afar as she got in the backseat of her suv. No foreplay, just as daddy says, 'wham, bam, thank you, mam.', and off he went. He didn't even walk her back inside. He got in his truck and drove off. As we started to follow Treena, Teresa came out with this guy. I saw her beemer, and we headed toward it. I knew her husband, and he would not approve of her antics. Thomas remarked that she could suck dick like a porn star. I felt betrayed her and her stories about screwing big dicks. As she climbed on his lap, I could see that this guy was small.

As they started screwing, we went back inside. I hadn't realized that while I had been inside the club, my friends were doing those things out in the parking lot.

New girl was walking back to the table with this black guy. They were holding hands. She sat at the table, and took a gulp of her drink. As he started to sit down beside her, I slipped in before him. "Hey, bitch! She's mine." He grabbed my arm and tried to pull me out of the booth, when my husband grabbed his arm and pulled it off of me.

He tried to punch my husband, who caught his fist mid-air, and twisted his arm behind his back. "This gentleman and I are going outside to talk. Ladies, I will see you soon. He won't though." With a smile, they vanished into the crowd.

"You're the people from the steak house." she asked me.

"Yes, we are. You have been in my thoughts all evening. I was you once, and I don't want you to make the same mistake that I did. Let me tell you a story..."

I thought that Peer Pressure was something that you out grew when you graduated high school or college, but that isn't true. For some women and men, the temptation to give in to or be influenced by others can be too much for them to bear. Sometimes, you get influenced by others and do not realize it. I was one of those.

I was so sure of myself, and as a teenagers, I hadn't succumbed to teen peer pressure. I prided myself for being more independent than my classmates. Even during my college years, I wasn't a nun. I dated, I went to parties, but I didn't drink so I was always in charge of designated driver for my friends. That would change my junior year when I would meet my future husband.

I was backing out of a parking space on campus, and I slowly backed into his car. There was no damage to either car. I was so upset. One, for not paying attention, and two, what my daddy would say when I told him. Thomas, my future husband, took my hands in his, and told me it's going to be alright. He suggested let's get something to drink. Across from the parking lot was a local coffee shop where we had our first unofficial date. We had been together for a dozen years before I let stupidity and peer pressure almost destroy my life.

My youngest was almost two when my old friends, Mischel and Teresa started telling me that I needed to join their Girls Nights. I had been promoted to store manager, and all the stress that it brings.

Thomas, my husband, was against it from the beginning. Saying married women and men do not need to be in a bar or nightclub without their spouses. Bars and clubs were the place that people go to cheat. Every man and women is there to have sex with someone not their spouses. I told him that couldn't be what everyone is doing. Teresa and Mischel said to tell Thomas that it was just to dance and have a good time. He added with men, not their husbands.

What they were really telling me was it made them feel young and sexy. It excited them to have other men than their husbands expressing desire for them. That they always went home horny and alive to screw their husbands. So husbands got the real benefit from Girls Night.

My husband stated that I could go, but he was not going to be surprised when we have to divorce over something that happens in the club. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, but I don't drink so I will be fine. He frowned at that. You don't drink yet.

Reader's Digest version, Thomas was right. The Girls got me started drinking fruity drinks before moving me to stronger beverages. By the third Girls Night, they each admitted that they screwed around on Girls Night. It's Just Sex was their go to. It doesn't hurt their husbands because they were home looking after the kids, and would not be getting any sex tonight anyway. I stayed the course and didn't cross any lines that I would regret until about a year into Girls Night that Mischel had sex with a 'big one', and then Teresa admitted that she had done that as well. The two newest recruits were Marie and Treena expressed the desire to try one too. I was the party pooper as I stated that I would never cheat on my husband.

I did enjoy feeling desirable as men that I danced with got excited. I was not a mother, wife, or a women only a few years away from forty, but I was a women that men desired. That's how I came to think. Thinking just like my friends, and that's what got me into trouble.

My problem was I got a predator or stalker. I didn't know it and I wouldn't until the shit hit the fan that he was an employee that worked for my husband. He didn't like the Boss so he was going to 'fuck' the Boss's wife.

He started showing up at my store, where he at first needed help. Then to say hello and see how I was doing. He was tall and good looking, and he packed a big bulge in his jeans. It was long before he started showing up at our Girls Night. He told all of us girls that he had a big one. Teresa was the first to feel it that night. He would dance with all of us, but it was obvious that I was his first choice. When we danced, he rubbed that big thing on belly. At five-two, that's where it went. The girls gave me crap because I had only three lovers counting my husband, who was easiest the largest of the three men. Mischel badgered me that a big one is the real one until I started to think about it too.

Finally, he talked me into going outside to his truck so he could show it to me. We got into his truck, and he unbuckled his jeans and pulled it out. He stroked it to full erection, and pulled my right hand onto it. He told to stroke him, and I did. It was long, I guess a couple or three inches longer than my husband, but my husband's penis was a lot fatter.

He pulled my head to it, and I gave him a blow job. He didn't hold back and came quickly into my mouth. He made me swallow by holding my nose. I choked, and coughed while he laughed at me. He told me that next week, he was going to ruin my 'pussy' with his big dick. I couldn't help but think that, in hindsight, it was long but I wouldn't call it big. If that makes sense?

It was like high school all over again after I screwed him the first time. It was new and exciting. A dirty little secret that my husband didn't know about. I let my secret lover have me any time he wanted, and honestly, after the new wore off, he didn't give me any orgasms.

He showed up one day after lunch, and told me that he told my husband that we were lovers and that my husband wanted to be humiliated and watch us have sex. We were screwing doggie style when my husband walked in on us. The look in my husband's eyes told me that it was a lie. My husband would never agree to that. I was done for. Thomas threw his naked body threw our bedroom window, which cut his face and penis. My husband made me take him to the ER, and told me to not come home.

After I told my parents what happened, my dad wouldn't let me stay with them. Said I made my bed and sleep in it. I moved into his filthy apartment. I couldn't go home and face my husband or ex-husband to be.

My paramour was unemployed, and collecting unemployment from my husband firing him. He was going to look for job either, but he sure took my money. After my divorce where the judge upheld our 'postnup' agreement, he became violent towards me. He had planned on getting my husbands business, and he didn't like to lose. He demeaned me constantly, and abused me almost daily.

The annual wellness check-up from my doctor showed me that I an STD. My daddy would called it the 'good ole fashioned clap'. I got meds to cure it, but when I confronted him, I got beaten bad. He stormed off to get a 'real woman'.

Somehow, I found the strength to call Mom. When my Daddy overheard Mom's side of the conversation, he took the phone. He told me they would be there soon. He packed my car in record time with my work stuff, and after sending us home, he waited for lover-boy, and gave him a 'good ole fashioned ass whupping'.

Mom got me into therapy. It really helped. She got me a tough therapist that didn't white wash your excuses. After three months of therapy, I was in a better place. Staying with mom and dad made me feel safe, but I could stay here forever. The abuse made me too frightened to get my own place. I was afraid he would find me and drag me back to his place to beat me and rape me again and again.

On my way home to mom and dad's or to work some mornings, I would drive by the old house everyday hoping to get a glimpse of my family. I parked across the street on morning as I watched Thomas pressure washing Bessie, our old motor home. At therapy, I brought up trying to get my ex-husband to let me live in Bessie. She thought it was a bad idea. I loved my husband even if we were divorced, and I needed my children in my life.

The next night, I knocked on his door. I hadn't seen him since we divorced. When the door opened, I could see how great he looked. While I had gotten fatter, he was leaner and more defined muscles on his arms and legs.

Long story short, he let me live in the motor home, and we slowly healed. We didn't have sex for months after I moved into Bessie. My children hated me at first, but over time, we healed our wounds together.

"It's been almost two and a half years since I came back home, and today, we got remarried. You met us tonight after our first meal as a newly married couple."

I put my hands over hers. "Is your husband okay with this?"

"Not really."

"Have you been cheating on him?" I asked.

"No, I haven't had sex yet, but the girls all tell that I should try a big dick when I do."

"That's the same shit that they told me." I was so angry.

"I have been where you are, and I can tell you from my experience that when you dance close with another man, you are cheating on your husband. Talk romantically with another person, cheating. Touching another person romantically, cheating. Kissing another person, cheating. Desire another person, cheating. Giving your time to someone other than your husband, cheating. Thinking romantic thoughts about someone else, cheating. You don't have to have another penis in you to be a cheater."

The look in her eyes said it all.

"Have you done those things?" I asked.

Her reply. "Some of those, but I haven't cheated on my husband."

"Yes, you have cheated. That's Mischel and Teresa talking. I know because I've been there. They cost me my first marriage, and I don't want it to happen to you. I saw how you were dancing with that guy. He was going to fuck you tonight, and probably wouldn't take no for an answer."

"Do you understand what I am saying? Are ready to have your choice taken away from you?" I firmly asked her.

She didn't answer me.

I looked her in her eyes. "They put that big dick nonsense into my head too. You're little like me, so I am going to be honest with you. At their urging, I tried a 'big one', and it wasn't better, it was uncomfortable. I never let him put it all in, I couldn't take the discomfort and I have birthed three children. There is only so much room in there. Big dick guys just fuck, they don't make love. They will call it making love, but it's them getting themselves off. Not getting you off, just them."

Standing by the tables, I offered. "Leave now. Go home to your husband before it's too late. Go while you still have a husband to go home to."

She looked down at the table. "I can't. Mischel is my ride."

"Get your things, we will take you home tonight. My husband won't mind doing it. One piece of advice, stay away from those bitches. They're getting older, and they need fresh meat like you to attract guys to the table."

She gathered her things, and we made our way toward the entrance. I saw Thomas coming toward us. He smiled as he met us. "That guy won't be bothering you anymore tonight. I helped him understand that married women are off his menu."

I smiled back at him, not knowing what that meant that he did, but I am glad he did it for her while I wished that someone had done it for me. I wouldn't have appreciated it then but I knew better now. Older and wiser, as they say.

"That's nice, Baby. If you don't mind, we're giving..... I don't know your name?"


"We're giving Gina a ride home to her husband."

I gave her my number, if she needed a friend at anytime. I walked her to the door. When she opened the door, her husband rushed to the door. He was so happy to see her. "You're home early.... with a friend?"

She told him that she missed him, and that we offered to bring her home. I said good night.

My observations of my friends tonight and in reflections during therapy showed me how shallow and self-serving they were/are. I thought they were good people, but they were only grown-up mean girls. Tearing me down so they could feel better about themselves. Well, I won today. They may get fucked tonight, but I will be loved tonight.

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MountainMan1336MountainMan13364 months ago

Not a bad story of a "rescue" I gave it 3 stars, I used to work in bars years ago and watched Girls Nights Out many times and I must agree, anytime married women go into a bar without their husbands they are looking to cheat.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Only people that are weak minded and easy to manipulate fall for peer pressure.. if you're over 21 and still can be peer pressured, you need to reevaluate. If her slut "friends" telling her how much they enjoyed being sluts was enough to make her betray her husband, it says more about her than them. I've had girls night out. I've even had an adult sleepover after having a Tupperware party (there was no Tupperware, just adult toys) When us girls went out, there was no men allowed. I was the only one married and 2 had a boyfriend but the other 2 were single.. we never danced with men, spoke to other men or accepted drinks from other men. If we wanted to be around men we we would've stayed home with our own damn man. The purpose of a girls night out is to drink, dance and share stories of what happened that week. We had rules. We came together we leave together. One's going to the bathroom, you take a buddy with you. and the others stay to watch drinks and purses. I guess because I wasn't hanging around a bunch of sluts helped. We only had one slut in the group, but she was single and she respected those of us who are in relationships. This wife's probelm was she was hanging around with real life gutter sluts.. that was her first mistake. Her 2nd mistake was allowing them to put bullshit in her head. at the end of the day, nobody forced her. The decision to betray her husband was STILL her decision. This is what's wrong with the world..nobody takes accountability's always someon elses fault..nobody can make you betray your mate.. her 3rd mistake was not slapping the taste buds out of their mouth when they said "you should try it" and never speak to them again. Had she'd been using her head she'd realize they were sad, miserbale, lonely cum sluts who WISHED they had what she have... A husband who loves them. That saying, misery loves company is real. She also would've realized REAL friends wouldn't Help you ruin your marriage. They wouldn't influence, encourage you to fuck around as they wouldn't want to be the reason your relationship ended. This wife was a follower. "They put that big dick nonsense into my head" did they though or did she get horny listening to the big dick stories and wanted to be a follower and try a big dick on? My slut friend, has shown us pics of her big dick fuck buddies. I didn't get wet from that shit😂😂😂😂.. I didn't think, oh, I have to try that.. I'm not some braindead slut😂😂😂.. I've been married for over a decade, the only dick I want inside of me is my husband's. Nobody can peer pressure me to cheat.. that's just silly. I'm not in high-school. I'm a over 30yro with a husband and child. Not some easy to manipulate 16yro. If I cheat it's because I WANTED to cheat. first off a nice big dick is nice --- IF the guy knows how to use it😏😏.. The men she's describing are men that think they just need the big dick, no other effort is needed. Those are men that's just trying to get their dicks wet, not really caring if you enjoy it or not.. deep down this wife was ripen to cheat, the sluts just helped her. If she wasn't ripe and ready to cheat absolutely NOTHING they could've said would've made her stray.. they weren't friends, granted --- but they aren't the ones who made vows. They aren't the one's who owed hubby loyalty and respect.. that's all WIFEY. Married women also shouldn't be taking relationship advice from single women, especially single cum sluts. Literotica's version of girls night out is much different from mine. We've even taken our men with us on these outings.. I actually invited my husband to the Tupperware party but as soon as he found out the other guys weren't going to be there, he didn't want to be the only man there. He's picked us up at the club, he's dropped us off at the club.. he trusts me. if you're afraid of girls night out, you have bigger problems in your relationship. If your mate can't just go out and hang with the girls without male attention, you have bigger problems.. they were ALWAYS going to cheat. They just needed an opportunity and excuse to justify their betrayal

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 1 year ago

Good follow up. Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I would rate it higher if I could. I wish my wife could have had someone approach her like that.

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