She Returns


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It was after her annual wellness check-up from her doctor that she found out that he had given her an STD. When she confronted him, he accused her of cheating on him, and beat her for it. He left for his date leaving her hurt and bleeding.

She reached out to her mother finally. Her father took the phone from his wife and swore revenge on the dickwad. Fifteen minutes of high speed driving, and her parents were them rescuing their daughter. They left all her stuff, grabbing only what they needed for work.

Her father stayed and waited for dickwad to come home. He had a idea of justice that needed to be dealt out. Her dad is as wide as he is tall. Looks like a caveman. When Johnny Big Dick came in the door, he got the beating of a lifetime. Her dad brought home one of Johnny's front teeth that he knocked out.

I held my peace for a moment taking it all in.

"I didn't know."

She smiled lightly. "I know. I told them not to worry you."

I ask, "How long have you been living with them?"

"Almost three months. It allows me to go to therapy, and I feel safe there..... and here."

I grimaced. "The divorce allows you to have living quarters for a year."

"I know, but I wouldn't feel safe out on my own."

I pulled her into a hug on the swing. Holding her tight, and let her feel my strength. She cried as hard as I have ever seen anyone cry. I found myself crying with her. We sat on the swing in silence for several moments.

"What to do plan on doing?"

"Can I stay here?"

Can't say I was afraid that was coming. After hearing her story, I was sympathetic, but fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. I cared for her, and I probably loved her but I know that I have trust issues with her.

Looking at her, I replied. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. You haven't seen the kids since the divorce. I don't want to confuse them."

"I would not stay in the house with you." She pointed out into the darkness. "I thought maybe, I could stay in 'ole Bessie'?"

'Ole Bessie' was a twenty plus year old motorhome, a 24 foot Class C motorhome that I bought off a customer that hardly used it in the ten years he owned it. In the decade that I owned it, it had seen Grand Canyon, Yellow Stone, Florida Keys, and other adventures long forgotten.

The wind blew her hair across her face as she spoke. "I know its a long shot but my therapist doesn't think this a good idea, but she doesn't know you. I will live in Bessie, but I will be near to help with the kids. You said yourself that the summer looks to be busy for the kids."

She looked at me with hope in her eyes.

"How about we talk about this tomorrow?" She looked sad again. "Let me think about it."

She frowned slightly. "Okay. I understand. Being near you always makes me feel safe. You were always my protector until I.... screwed it up."

She leaned into me, and I held her in a hug. She cried again. Holding her close told me that I needed to do something as she pressed into my bladder.

"Let's go inside. One of us needs to go to the bathroom." She walked into the living room while I went down the hall to the nearest bathroom.

When I came into the living room, she had the tv on. "Look Die Hard is on. Let's watch it." She padded the couch beside her, and I sat there beside her. She knew it is my favorite movie.

As the movie progressed, she slowly began to lean toward me until she was snuggled against me. Without realizing it, I found that I had my arm around her holding her against me. Holding her, I had a stirring down below. I felt embarrassed by my erection. If she felt it, she didn't acknowledge it or touch it.

The movie was almost over, and I could see lightening through the window drapes. Looks like fishing might be cancelled.

It was then that I noticed that she was asleep against my chest as I held her. She had a small smile on her face that she gets when she sleeps. I slid out from under her and laid her softly on the couch. I turned off the tv and the lights, and covered her with a throw blanket. I took out my phone, and sent a picture of her to her mom so she wouldn't worry.

I sent a message with the picture. 'She's here with me. We talked, cried and she's asleep on the couch. Tell the kids, a storms coming so no fishing tomorrow. How about we all go for breakfast instead?'

'Sounds good. Farmer Market Cafe 9ish? Are u ok?'

'Think so. See u later.'

The storm didn't arrive for almost an hour. Lightening filled all the windows, and the rain slammed against the windows. During a flash of lightening and a loud thunder boom, I sat up sharply as I saw a small form rush and jump on my bed.

"Jeezus Krist, Amanda. You scared the shit out of me."

She squirmed against me as if trying to borrow into me.

"What's gotten into you?"

"After the abuse, I have issues. Fears. Lots of fears." She whispered into my chest. "Can I stay here with you until the storm stops, and I'll go back to the couch."

I sighed. "Okay. Until the storm is over."

She smiled with tears in her eyes.

"Do you want something else to sleep in?'

A 'yes' nod was given.

I got up and went to my dresser drawer, and threw her a clean t-shirt, and a pair of socks. Her feet were always cold.

I expected her to go to the master bath and change, but she didn't. She stood beside the bed as lightning illuminated the room. She unzipped her skirt and laid it neatly on a near by chair. I watched as she pulled her pantyhose off and dropped to the floor. I found myself excited as she undressed before me. I wanted very much to see her fuller figure. She neatly folded her blouse with her back to me as she placed it on the chair. As she unclasped her bra, she turned around to get the t-shirt. She was incredible. Her fuller figure was, to me, perfect. Her small Bs were now Cs or Ds. Much like they were after giving birth. I was in awe.

She pulled the shirt on.

Amanda was surprised when I stated. "Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs Robinson?"

"Don't look at me, I'm fat."

"No. You're perfect. You're a new you, and you were always too skinny."

She went into the bath, and I heard the flush. She didn't say anything as she crossed the room, and got into bed. She laid on her side and asked, "New bed?"

"Yeah, I burned the old one." I didn't but I gave it away. I didn't need a king size bed anyway. This queen was big enough.

She looked sad.

A thunder boom made her jump upon me shaking. I put my arm around her and held her until we both fell asleep.

I was alone in bed, when I woke. I assumed that she kept her word. I got up, and smelled coffee. A quick bathroom break, and I walked into kitchen. She stood with her back to me looking out the patio doors while sipping coffee. She noticed my reflection in the window. "That was quite a storm."

After I poured my cup, I joined her to look out. There were tree limbs everywhere. "Guess I know what I'm doing today."

"I'll help. Like you always say, More Hands make Less work."

"It does, it does."

I sat at the table, and she walked to join me. I watched the gentle sway of her larger breasts beneath my t-shirt. I was uncomfortable with myself. I really had not thought this through. I assumed when she left, she was gone. I put those feelings away on a shelf in my mind. Now she had returned, and I found those old feelings trying to break free.

"I really want to stay here, in Bessie. I feel safer here. I am scared of him. Really scared! He hates you a lot, but he is afraid of you. You took his best punch and shook it off." She paused before continuing. "I know that we're divorced, and you've probably moved on. If I'm here, you can go on dates and I will be here with the kids."

The coffee went down good as I swallowed. "I don't date. I have serious trust issues."

"oh." She whispered. She knew why. "What about your desires?"

"It's not any of your business, but I handle it myself. I can have partners anytime. I choose not to. Shit, all of your Girls Night bitches have offered me sex, and I turned them down. They wanted to ruined our marriage so they could pick me up on rebound. They called me a Unicorn."

The look told me that she was not happy hearing her friends were trying to date her ex.

"I don't expect you to believe me, but I haven't been with anyone since I left Johnny. I 'm too afraid he will turn up at anytime and beat me again. The shame of what I did to us is too much. It was like I was someone else. The disrespect that I showed for you and our marriage. Before I wronged you, I would never have believed that I could do that to you. I believed that bullshit about big dicks being the best that the other divorced girls bragged about. It was all he had to offer. He couldn't keep a job, doesn't love anyone but himself, and he had nothing else to offer but a dick. In therapy, I figured that it was all he had. A big dick, that's it. He was trying to share it with everyone he could. It's his identity. A dick."

She reached across the table and held my hand.

"I didn't understand that I had the best man, and I messed it up because I believed other women's crap. I have never stopped loving you. I didn't understand what a 'soul mate' was until I was lying in Johnny's shitty apartment alone, wondering how I threw my 'soul mate' away for a cheap thrill, while he was out to shoot his seed into someone else's wife. He has a type, married with

divorce on the horizon or a divorce settlement to spend. All the bad things he did to me, you would never do or think about doing. You're a good man. The best that I've ever known. I am so sorry."

The tears began to run down her cheeks. She was remorseful at least. Holding my hands in hers, she came around the table and hugged me this time. From reflex, I kissed the top of her head as I held her.

A deep breath, and I replied as best I could. "I don't know where this can lead. I would like it to be good for both of us, but I don't want to start something that I can't finish."

She nodded that she understood. She eased herself into my lap. I looked into her eyes, red with tears, but beautiful all the same. I raised her lips to mine as I pulled her close. The kiss was as soft and sensual kiss as I have ever hard.

No words were spoken as we kissed and touched each other lightly. As we were getting to know each other again. Her hands moved across my back, over my shoulder to my chest.

"oh, my." She whispered as we kissed when she felt my more muscular chest. "i thought you looked different."

My hand went to her abdomen, and she moved it to her thigh. "Don't touch my fat." Self-esteem was destroyed by this bastard.

I ran my right hand across her thigh as it traveled over the curve of her hips, and over her shirt, and upward to her breasts. The fuller, larger breasts were soft and incredible, but I had to stop before it went too far.

"We have to stop...for now."

She looked sad, but nodded her head that she understood. "I know. Too much, too fast."

The clock on the microwave showed 7:42 am. "Yes, there is that, but I'm planned on us meeting the fam for breakfast around 9." I felt like I was smiling some. "You might want to get ready."

She stared at me.

"Are you off today, I assumed so when you talked about helping pick up tree limbs."

" When I started thinking about coming over to see you, I scheduled myself a half day for today, just in case it went well or bad, but I'll take a sick day if you'd like?"

The thought of the kids seeing their mother after almost a year was concerning for me, but I have always been and 'you're all in or all out' person. Tear that bandage off, and deal with it.

"See if you can beg off. You need to see your babies. It's been too long."

The look of resolve crossed her face as she turned and walked to the living room where she dug out her cell phone, and walked down the hallway. I went out to the garage and pulled down the attic stairs, and went up.

The last of three plastic tubs were stacked on the floor when I heard my name called. "Thomas, my DM said it was fine, but wants me to come in tomorrow on my day off to make up for it."

She stepped into the garage, I rested my elbow on top of the stacked tubs.

"What are you doing out here."

Pointing to the tubs, I explained. "These are the clothes you left behind. Thought you might find something in here to wear."

She frowned. "I don't know. I'm so fat now, nothing in there will fit."

Lifting the tubs, I carried them into the guest bathroom. "How about you try?"

Emails checked and answered while I waited, I know she saw me smiling when she appeared in the kitchen.

"Best I could do." She held her arms out to her side. Her face cleared of make-up. I love her fresh face. Hair is pulled into a ponytail sticking through one of my baseball caps. She looked self-conscience as her t-shirt was stretched tight across her bigger breasts. An old pair of hiking shorts that had always been baggy on her, she filled them out nicely now.

I went into the laundry room, and came back with one of my plaid short sleeve shirts, and handed it to her. She smiled shyly as she slipped it over her tight t-shirt.

"Perfect.", was all I could say.

The drive there was a discussion about what we were. I didn't know. I know that I cared, and I would always love her, but trust was something else. The worry of facing her children after a year, she dreaded it.

We were late, as always, it was almost 9:20 when we walked in the door. I felt that everyone was watching us and judging us. Wondering why I was in public with my ex-wife. It was all in my head. No one cared.

Our youngest rushed to his mother, and she teared up as she held him tightly. He was nearly crushing her. Their grandparents made the older two go to and hug their mother. It was obvious that Tommy and Billy didn't want to.

The group hug did her some good.

As we sat down, I explained that we had to park two blocks away after driving around for five minutes trying to find a closer parking place.

My mother-in-law smiled a smile that showed how happy all of us together made her. I felt similar, even when Tommy whispered to me, "Why is she here?

Feelings of resentment were obvious with the older two. "We'll discuss it after breakfast." I nodded to him. "Family Council."

After breakfast, I went out with the in-laws and retrieved the boys stuff from their car. 'Mom' hugged me and kissed my cheek as she thanked me for this morning. After they drove away, I stood and watched from afar. The older two were slowly reacting better towards their mother. I returned to my seat.

"Family Council time."

Each child sat straight backed, and ready for discussion.

"Your mother approached me about moving into Bessie so she can be near you."

"Why..." Tommy interrupted. "so she drive off in Bessie this time when she leaves."

She began to cry. I don't think she understood the trauma that she inflicted on her children until that moment.

He continued. "Dad, we've done okay without her. Don't let her stay in Bessie so you can get laid."

Wow, that from my fourteen year old. "I don't think I would do that for a long time, son" Trying not to think about that morning.

It was explained that she was afraid of the man that she had left 'us' for. How he had tricked her, and she was abused and basically a prisoner that was only allowed to go to work. She needed our care, and she needed to care for them. Be their mother again.

I didn't vote. It's was the boys to decide.

The vote was 2 to 1 to allow her to live in Bessie, Tommy was the vote against.

The ride home was quiet. Three boys in the back seat, and us in the front.

Tommy had been my co-pilot for the last year, and I had begun to teach him to drive. It was strange for him to not be next to me.

Back at the house, a chair seat went into her car, so Danny could go with her to get her things to move into Bessie. The older two and I went about clearing the branches from the backyard. The front yard was easy with few branches falling there. We had a nice pile when she returned with her things.

I had Billy help with the boxes while Tommy and I finished the clean up.

That evening after the boys got settled in, I went out to check on her. I knocked before I opened the door. "You okay?'

As she put something in a kitchen drawer. "Tommy's hateful, but I understand.

God, therapy didn't get me ready for a teenager."

"He'll come around."

I stepped in and gave her a hug. "I wanted to check on you. Here's a backdoor key. The old keys won't work. Text me if you needed anything."

"Good night."

We didn't see her Sunday or Monday as she had Big Wigs in her store for a few days. Wednesday, she texted me that she was bringing pizza. We sat together as a family for dinner. After clean-up, I walked her out to Bessie. We spoke quietly for a few minutes. I opened the side door as she stepped upon the first step, she turned and kissed me. That same sensual kiss that we shared a few days ago.

"Good night. I love you." she said as she closed the door on Bessie.

Friday afternoon, my phone received a text around 3 pm when I had picked the kids up from school. Once I stopped the truck, I looked at my phone.

'Would u like to join me at therapy today? smiley face.'

Texted back, 'I can if it's important.'

'She texted me and ask if you could join us.'

'Be happy to. Send me place and time.'

I looked at Thomas. "Change of plans. Going with your mother to her therapist. Chinese or Burgers?"

Tommy was good at watching his siblings, so I didn't worry. I was a phone call away as are the grandparents. I was unsure of what to expect with her therapist.

The assistant opened the door for me when I got there. The session had already started. "Come in, Thomas. May I call you Thomas?"

"Yes, you may." I answered.

The room was neat and felt staged, but what do I know. The therapist was an older woman, late fifties by my guess. From her chair, she waved me to sit beside my ex-wife.

"Thomas, It is nice to meet you. I want to put you at ease. This is not about you. I am 'Ole School' therapist, and I believe that if you did it, it's yours, and you have to own up to it. She made her transgressions, she has taken responsibility for her actions. Even as an observer, I am sadden when a client has suffered abuse, either physical or mental, and she has suffered both."

"When she spoke with me about the idea of you letting her stay in your motorhome, I tried to stop her. Telling her it's not good to spring something like that on an unsuspecting individual. But, it seems that she knows you better. I am hoping it works out for her." She paused. "And it seems to have helped her mental attitudes somewhat."

"I understand that you have not been intimate. I am glad that you are cautious. I understand you have trust issues as should be expected."

"Your wife, (I caught that) has hopes to reconcile. Do you share these thoughts as well?"

The cushion squeaked as I moved. "I have really not decided. She destroyed my trust in her. I can get passed the cheating, maybe. I have been trying to treat it as when we started dating, I knew she had other boyfriends like I had girlfriends, but she gave what should have been special for us, to another man. A piece of shit man at that."

A friendly smile came across her face. "I think everyone here can agree with that." She thought for a second. "It is my understanding that you are a 'Right or Wrong' type of person."

"I guess so."

The therapist came and sat beside me. "You did the right thing by giving her a home. One near her children. Her well being is important to me. If you do not plan to reconcile, it would be better for her to know before she invests too much into a relationship that isn't there. I do not want any additional damage."

"I understand your point." I thought for a moment. "I think I would like to try and see if it's possible. The trust issue will take some time."