All Comments on 'She Wouldn't Again Ch. 02'

by TabooTeller

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QuagmireEchoQuagmireEchoabout 20 years ago

That was a cool ending to the story. I was conflicted in how i thought it should end, but you did a great job as far as i am concerned. Bravo.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
could have been a 5

just a couple of paragraphs about that lying bastard john getting his ass kicked.... thats all that is missing...

noone269noone269about 20 years ago

You did it! I enjoyed this story very much, I just wish she would've have gotten back at John, but maybe you could do a third chapter to tell her revenge.

Kanga40Kanga40about 20 years ago
What can I say

I liked the ending, but absoluely hate how you got there.

I definitely agree with the posters who said she should have done something to John.

I say Peggy because you made him such a wimp he probably wears her underwear now and won't even swat a fly.

I didn't see any 'unwimping'. Let alone looking twice, I wouldn't give a man like that even one glance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
why are they still together?

I kind of wish this couple would just be divorced already. it seems like they never talk anymore unless the wife starts her process of cheating on him again. Why would his wife be so self-righteous if she had already almost cheated on her husband once b4? I think hes got just cause to not trust her, or to suspect something is up. These characters are very 2 dimensional. They never learn, they don't show any growth, it seems all they did between now and the first story was have a child. The Suspense was a good element of the story, but the results and the characters were definitely lacking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

Hell of an endiding need chapter 3 for pay back al ost like the first time but drifent ending

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Please no more

TT: I thought installment #1 was weak and this story continued that trend. Being a romantic I was pleased that they stayed together, but I wish it had been accomplished some other way. Your leading man spent this entire story on his knees begging. I'm not a particular devotee' of violence and mayhem, but I would have preferred to have seen him win back his wife in a more 'manly' fashion. It appeared that his rival's lousy personality had as much to do with her coming back to him as his pleading did. Despite the happy ending, you've drawn a couple who would most likely have similar problems in the future. And the way this guy is going, next time he will indeed hide in the closet and.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
How NOT to win your wife!

This last chapter was very disappointing. Why did they stay together? This husband was a class A wimp who was obviously "whipped". And the wife? She is certainly not an endearing character. she has the audacity to be angry that he spied on her? Were she not a cheating slut then she might have an argument. But she beleives another man and not her husband. He should have left her and gone after custody of his child since the mother was obviously unfit. Had he left her he would at least left with some dignity in tact.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
A forced and unrealistic happy ending

After a relatively long build up where she believes and is falling for John, in a few paragraphs it's over and she hates him. It's all too quick. Also, as others have stated, odds are that someone or something else will come along before too long and the cycle will repeat. He's becoming more and more a wimp, all but completely blaming himself for her actions. The only reason they're still together is because of the daughter and cell phones.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

He should have at least give the son of a bitch an asswhipping he wouldn't be fucking around with another mans wife again for awhile. every time he looked at the guy's wife, and started to get a hardon, his memory triggered a pain response for when the hubby broke his jaw.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
All in all

a completely unsatisfactory story from ths author who usually writes a better story than this.

Just how much of a wimp can a man be and still breathe?

I think we just about found out in this worthless story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

She without a care for her daughter or husband goes to her boyfreinds condo for sex? Why would her husband do anything other than video her for evidence for the guaranteed divorce. She has been slutwife for months and is doing everything possible shy of coming right out and asking for divorce. Both characters are dismal failures from Charley Ace's characters. She is total mindless slut, he is in desperate need of testosterone check. You need to look at C.A.'s, "It's my Party & I'll chry if I want too", and get some real world insite. Either that or thumbs up. No man with any self respect would tolerate being told not to follow his wife around when she is getting gifts and acting the slut with some other guy. None of this makes any sense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Not Necessary.

Charlie Ace does it better.

Nightowl21Nightowl21almost 20 years ago
A good story-but

A good ending but why didn't He kick Johns ass when he came to the doorway?

Why didn't she EVER say she was sorry?

Is she? She wants to be forgiven but that's hardly the same thing.

How easy is it for her to get in these situations? Apparently at the slightest slight by hubby and, personally, I couldn't trust her after that.

sexmatesexmateover 19 years ago
At least the are together?

Why is the husband such a wimp? Why didn't he kick John's ass? Why does she keep going out slutting around when there is a lull in their relationship? Is this a wife you could ever trust? I don't get it! They need some serious therapy of some sort for this to just keep happening.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Wimpy Ass husband

He needs to grow a set, she need gutting and hanging in a tree.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
What difference does it make.

Low I.Q. low income husbands have trashy wives. That is all they deserve and must settle for what they can get. His wife will continue to find reasons to have sex with better men and, if the husband finds out, he will accept it.

Don't believe his comments to the contary. He caught her twice even if short of intercourse. He just doesn't know about the other times.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
This story is nonsense

I agree with the majority of the posters here. I was feeling complete and utter disgust he was begging her on the phone just as she was about to fuck her boyfriend. If he has any degree of self respect, he should just stand there and watch to see if she can come into any decision ON HER OWN WHEN HE"S NOT THERE. Because in a way, he is NOT there because he is only spying on her. How the hell could he possibly trust her again. You're missing two elements on your story that makes your character believable.

1. How could he ever trust her again?

2. She never apologize for cheating or near cheating behavior.

PS: I really do think you're one of those guys who likes the emotional masturbation by getting dominate by your wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
What he should have done

Kick the fucking door in and beat the man to a pulp. What the fuck does she have to do before he stands up like a man and deal with her shit and the other man. If she wants or needs another man than kick her ass out and take the baby away from her! be a man and deal with it at the frist sign of his coming on to her. She's so easy it's sad. But the man in this story is even more sad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
gutless wimp

after reading your first story i'm very disapointed. that you chose to portray the husband as a total loser leaves no doubt as to why the wife found someone else.the story has no credability.please try again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

...Now where was I, the lead male in this story is almost to useless for words. The wife, well lets just; say fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and i'm an IDIOT!!!

The only one who makes sense is the guy who might be lying about loving the wife, but if he falls for this girl he would be an ( ding ding ding you guessed it) IDIOT!!!

My man your stories usually rock. I'm sorry but this plot was well below your usual standard. Please don't stop writing because I really enjoy the rest of your work.

louguy35louguy35about 18 years ago

This is nothing more than a trailer trash story. They had the mentality of trailer trash, the morals of trailer trash, the habits of trailer trash, and the life style of trailer trash. There were no redeeming aspects to the story.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Wimpy husband chasing a whore wife around.....this story is SHIT.......he should have slit her motherfucking throat the first time. You writer, are a dick sucking fag.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
"So you have to beg...

for me to do the right thing." said Peggy. At least with Charley_Ace's version Peggy was smarter. In this version she fell for John's lies and she was ready to fuck her marriage away. Why didn't she think of her daughter when she was making out with John during her "dates"? I understand if she was trying to make him jealous but to let it get to the point where he is peeping in on her seduction by John?

I understand that masturbation is sex so John did have sex with her and she helped him! She should have at least gave John a hand job since he got her off.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Not a continuation,

you completely changed the main character. In the original story, he had some gumption but not in your version. And reading your story is like hearing fingernails down an old fashioned chalkboard. GET A DICTIONARY. You've screwed up "then" and "than" EVERYTIME you used them! And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Always throw out the trash!

Trash is as trash does, she is trash, get rid of her!

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 16 years ago
Not a very good sequel . . .

I admire the author's attempt to write a sequel, but aside from the misspellings and grammatical errors, I felt the story suffered from a credibility problem. In the original story, Harry told his wife Peggy that if she fucked Ron, their marriage was finished (part 2). She was upset that he did not "trust" her (tough to blame him when she almost went all the way with Ron after just a short seduction and some touchy-feely dancing). But Harry at least stood up to Ron. In this sequel, it seems Harry is a loser for most of the story. His wife got mad at him because he did not pay attention to her after the baby was born? So instead of talking to her, he fights with her? She then establishes a relationship with a co-worker, John, and essentially dates him despite Harry's objections? I can't believe Harry did not confront his wife and put a stop to everything. Also, Harry was totally dumb trying to play private detective and spy; he should have hired a PI to follow his wife rather than trying to do it himself. Peggy, quite vulnerable with a new baby, unbelievably decides to believe a co-worker that her Harry is cheating -- no discussion, nothing, just takes John's word for this without any proof -- and then gets sexual with John as a result. Not a slice of real life; even Hollywood knows better than to portray something like this in their Soap Operas.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Another view

Just because the author changed the

story doesn't make it bad. Viewed as a

stand alone story, which in essence it

really is, it is a well done tale and does

not deserve such scathing criticism.

Thanks, Taboo Teller, for all your


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Rotten Story

The original Charley Ace story was pretty bad, but this one is far worse. Disappointing T.T. You normally write fine stories.

the Ct. Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

This writer think as long as you don't put your dick in it is not cheating,no matter,his stories are boring and border on being down right silly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
So what the fuck is wrong with him going and

telling john...on not telling him in words but with teeth knocked out and blood and broken bones that he had better stay away from her or he will die. It's that simple. How many times does the reader have to get angry at some characters ways which irritate the shit out of them and them have him get off scott free

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
one of the worst story


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I am sorry the wife was in a long term affair. No

intercourse doesnt mean no affair. Touching, caressing, breast sucking, clit play, fingering are all sex acts, as is cumming which she did. Sorry the wife is now and was before a slut. She was only saved from intercourse by the actions of the husband. Would I have taken her back, no not after the scene with Ron. What would I do now, divorce the slut and keep the kid, she is not a fit mother and is mentally to unstable to be a mother. He isnt a wimp he is insecure and not very bright. You dont have to fight a man and get arrested. To many ways a guy terminates without getting someone arrested exist.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Enough said.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
hubby with severe self estene prob

Well My emotion boils as this story began to end. Marriage is an commitment to one another. Being intimate with someone else and esp when Hubby is aware of it it totally Fucked up. She did not do it only once but twice. The only thing that currently holding her to the family is the welfare of their child (if it is his child). She obviously has low regards for hubby and does not truely love him. The Husband should have changed the locks and have bdivorce papers served at her workplace and courts paper to sue that asshole for accessory allienation of affection

The husband has a severe self esteen prob

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Quit writing this drivel. These two should have never reproduced. He's a moron, she's a whore. They should be murdered and their bastard spawn should be put under the knife too so nobody with their gene pool exists.

hawkeye007hawkeye007about 15 years ago

The wife is a piece of shit and the husband has balls like raisins.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Yes the story is a piece of shit like the person

below said. First of all whats with this crap abpout who she is finally going to love. If that were the case the husband should have said that they should divorce and then they would get to that. She was married to him and she had no business trying to decide who she was in love with..Man..

another thing is his stupidity. Why didn't he just have her come to his office and his boss could have explained about the airport. That would have shown John up for what he was. Why didn't the fuck didn't he stomp john's ass after his wife left. John causes all this trouble and he gets off scott free...Why did you make the husband so dumb and stupid to let things get out of hand...OH I KNOW...You had a story to write and what could take one page took four. You must enjoy blowing your own horn Tabooteller...your horn sounds like a toy anyway sounds squeeky when you toot it like in this story. The one Charlie ace wrote made more of a man out of the wimp..not much more but still he had at least one ball. In this one he had none. So there

hrnicholhrnicholabout 15 years ago

Infidelity is not always sexual intercourse with another. The marriage contract is quite specific and the vows that comprise that contract set the paramaters for the marriage. If the relationship is to be two people, the minute that a third is brought in the contract has been broken. John needs his legs broken and castrated with a spoon, and Peggy needs to find what it is like to have no relationship with her husband or daughter. If I have to beg my wife to love me, I have lost the relationship and should move on to a more mature life. She was UNFAITHFUL!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
No hope for redemption

This is the last of your stories that I will read. The husbands are all spineless wimps. Unrealistic stories with unrealistic characters and unrealistic outcomes. Bad story telling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Let's see.He knows his wife is dating this guy. He acts like its his fault. He doesn't talk to his wife about there problems. He stands outside and watches his wife being seduced and does nothing about it but make a phone call. Really a lame story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
screwed either way

he reacts and checks in on her, ie telephone calls checked, spys, she is angry; he does NOT, and gives john leeway to seduce he and she thinks husband does not care? free will and wife's disinterest in actually talking about this stuff to husband? The reawakening for her and the fact that john was not the nice guy, came late, nearly too late.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
A shit story!

Jesus author. The wife was cheating and disrespecting her husband with another man throughout the whole story! It doesn't take the act of sex to make her a cheating disrespectful wife. She was allowing another man to seduce her and cause her to fall in love even though she was married to another man who was the father of her child. Is this how you see married men? As weak and annoying creatures who have to beg for love and sex?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

You must be a wimp yourself to write stories like this !!!

norcal62norcal62almost 14 years ago
So I guess you like to write sex scenes.

Those are the only part of your writing that makes any sense. Your thought process is so muddled that you don't have any flow of the plot, characters come and go, and in this case Ron keeps coming back up with no explanation. This story was supposed to stand on its own, but clearly doesn't. The previous commenter said it all; you reveal you own self through the passive, cowardly male character. There's little sense of reality in what happens when the male is primarily an observer in this story, not a participant. Since when does a loving husband describe his wife's vulva as a "fuck hole?" If you don't use an editor to help you I hope you give up writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

You have a real fucked up thought on marriage and how a wife should be permitted to act.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I was just wondering,

How long ago did your balls drop off??? Your writing shows a serious lack of balls.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
what privacy?

since when do married couples have 'privacy' from each other? if they do, then it's not a marriage, especially concerning another person of the opposite sex

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

He had his finger in her pussy and she said they didn't have sex.

RePhilRePhilalmost 13 years ago
WACC job

You wrote him as the perfect WACC job! Wuss Ass Castrated Cuckold with no redeeming qualities what so ever! Nice touch having him get turned on by someone taking his women! What a panic I laught throught the whole story. Very well written! Love to see the other side of the coin by reading about these loser males and couples. Please keep writing this comedic story lines!!

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

there's usually fire, and once smolders lies unattended. TK U MLJ LV NV

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
I agree with Rephil

Just Another WACC story, this is the trend of this website, soon it will be call CUCKoritca, it's 90% I want to see my wife getting fucked by everybody but me, and the other 9% I'm a slut and love it 1% loving wives.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
might as well get the divorce papers...

ready.... this wife is a short termer... Of course, hubby could pimp her,,,, Not a good thing, sad

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdover 12 years ago
Seriously,why is this a "Loving Wives" story

This is clearly a cuckhold tale; no normal male would respond this way to his wife's disrespect & infidelity. Not pleasant to read...hoped against hope that this would end differently to give him back some self-respect & justify all the time I spent reading this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

She is a cheater,skank and will cheat again--finger fucking is cheating. This whore will cuck him again. Kick this slutty bitch to the curb. Hell get a DNA test on the kid. You don`t want raise some bastard kid.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

"Yes I did, so I saw him finger you to a climax. I know how close you came to cheating."

If that wasn't cheating, what the hell is??

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
John should die

Her husband should have put him in the hosital ASAP not wait. he could have taken him so John wouldn't know what or who it was. And really mess up his balls and cock!!! But NO!! You made him a wimp and had him cryng and begging. My husband would have destroyed him!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Don't bet again!

She will do it again, each time getting farther and farther along. Of course, lost in all of this is the fact that she already has cheated. She had sex with another man. Maybe not vaginal, but sex none the less. You think she would think he hadn't had sex if he did the Sam with lulu?

ythebadgerythebadgerover 11 years ago
There's a reason why it's not a 'cuckold tale.'

It's because the author says so! It's his story - the comments are just making their own to satisfy their own prejudices.

What it is, in fact, is a story about temptation. Hands up all those who've ever been tempted - oh, sorry, that means some of you will have to let go of your cocks for a few seconds!

Both chapters well written, full of sensuality and suspense - both 5* efforts. Ignore the dickheads and haters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Pretty sad ending// she did cheat twice only his phone call prevented the intercourse

If she can stray twice ,why try and keep this farce of a marriage together. The author got it could ever trust her.and he' should have beat the lover boy good and do some damage to his gonords.balls..

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 11 years ago
Really glad this asshole stopped writing

Cuckold loving crap like this. If the husband was a man someone Needs to slap his dumb ass

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Agree with Huedogg2

glad this asshole author quit or maybe it was justifiable suicide?

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 11 years ago
Vicious people out there

And not justified - why hate because you do not like what he writes - get over it - stop reading whatever -

The story was good she is a bitch who has issues - of course so does he and he needs to get past them and make sure she knows he has - this was once too many and the first time was just stupid.

looking4itlooking4italmost 11 years ago

Tell me how you could possibly ever believe her say this, "I promise you won't have to again." It would have been divorce long before that last night and at the very least as soon as he had her bra off it would have been over, love or not trust is equally important. Her actions in TWO SEPARATE occasions prove she cannot be trusted.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
he'll be a three time loser

Wife is too easily fooled and led by predators. There absolutely will be a third time. Your hero is foolish. He deserves much better. Oh well!

as they say "love hurts."

javmor79javmor79almost 11 years ago

I honestly couldn't finish reading the story. I knew you would make them get back together, and I honestly that pissed me off. If people have read any comments that I've made in other stories, I'm sure it is no secret that I prefer reconciliation stories. However, this story was infuriating. With this story I had a glimpse of understanding of how people can get angry when they feel that the husband is being overly stupid. There is forgiveness and understanding, and then there is this. If a woman who has been married as long as these two have keeps getting manipulated every time someone shows her a little attention, she needs to be single. There is no way this woman will not eventually cheat on this guy. She hasn't learned anything from the first time. In fact, this time she ran to the situation. She may have been lied to, but she wasn't coerced like she was in the first story. She actually said, "You helped me fall in love with him." She is a woman who loves being chased. She loves the feeling of new love. She can't be content with the longevity of marriage. The next time someone finds her attractive enough to pursue, she will be "tricked" again.

richard2675richard2675almost 11 years ago
are you kidding

No one should have to fight for their spouse. Dump the bitch on day one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This is not a worthy sequel to Charley_Ace's original story. Thank you for turning me on to his work.

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20over 10 years ago
Drama queens

Even in a fictional setting two people that insecure married to each other! How in the fuck did they ever get through their first date?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

she cheated twice? first time she might've slid by but not this time. and yes she cheated if your doing something behind your spouses back you wouldn't do with them there you are cheating


javmor79javmor79about 10 years ago
Should've left this story alone

In the first story, wife was a little naïve, but very much in love with her husband. She was even admirable in a way. In this story, she is a selfish drama queen with self esteem issues. I read this story a while back, but it was forgettable. I didn't realize I already read it until I saw that I posted a comment about it. This story didn't get better the second time around.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

a crap

those iwo idiots deserve each other

1 starr

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This Sucks.

PLEASE make up a Cuck section in the rest of us can avoid reading this kind of crap in Loving Wives(either by mistake or misdirection)...thus losing valuable time from our lives that can't ever be returned to us.

Concritic123Concritic123about 9 years ago

This wasn't a cuck story. Obviously you don't know what a cuck story is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

story really sucks. That guy is a stupid whimp and cuck waiting to happen. Kid's probably not even his.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
@ Concritic

technically it was a cuck story.. for the second time this wife let another mans fingers insider her pussy, made out with him, and went on dates with him and hubby does nothing but "fist pump" that she didnt go all the way.. The author warned us at the beginning that the hubby was going to be a wimp so i appreciated that atleast

loveoverlustloveoverlustabout 9 years ago
They say .... that a sequel , usually , is always poor than the original . So , .......

........ if the original story was 'idiotic' , with a stupid premise , what would this , your story, be ?

Reconciliation? Cuckold? Erotic?

No. It fails in all the above , and more.

May be , crap ?


DrKenStoneDrKenStonealmost 9 years ago
Totally Sucked

Nobody could be that much of a wimp. He should have told her to stop seeing the guy early on. and if she hadn't he should have divorced her. Gads how pathetic!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This is why cunts shouldn't try to type stories with male characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
And thus the precedent is set

Now the wife knows that she can basically do whatever she wants without ever having to worry about the consequences. He'll never divorce her, he will be passive aggressive with his anger, and he will always take her back.

Eventually, she's going to cheat again, and she's going to go all the way, just because she knows she can get away with it. This is a marriage destined for failure, either when the husband finally grows a pair, or when the wife gets tired of his wimpy ass and finds herself someone who's worth a damn.

On an unrelated note, look at the tags for this story! "boss looked"? "made choice"? "words love"? Grammar bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well dear annony if anyone knows about a

marriage destined for failure, it would be you sad little man!! your wife told me you were an asshole and a fag!! And she was right. She is so happy now that she is rid of your sorry ass. I gave this a 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

U made this guy out to be a wimp...he should of just got his daughter and left his wife to parts unknown.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
She wasn't

worth keeping

norcal62norcal62over 8 years ago
12-year-old story but LW authors still follow these cliches.

Abundantly said that hubby is a sneaky, weak, spineless dweeb. The characters make the story line. The author said he had a storyline to follow and didn't know any other way to create the characters. If that's the case the story should have been trashed. Line after line of low self-esteem and unwillingness to confront this life. Sad.

EddboyEddboyabout 8 years ago

begging your wife not to cheat is pathetic but watching her get fingered and not doing anything about it is even more so

wonder203wonder203about 8 years ago
What a load of crap

1* because I can't give you less

CharleyTCharleyTalmost 8 years ago
Such a moron.

The best line in this farce is...."Yes I did, so I saw him finger you to a climax. I know how close you came to cheating." Being fingered by someone else isn't cheating?

This doesn't even deserve any ratings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
till the next time.....

she's gonna do it again! A better ending would be if he now tells her to hit the road.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
you and charlie

First, log into FACEBOOK AND FIND PROFILE OF Serial cheating wife-real life story-exposed on that profile

Both you and Charlie describe a wife who cheats on husband and gets away with it. Penile penetration or not she cheated

Since she got off scot free she will do it again and again

His disclosure of getting aroused watching will erase any hesitation she has

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
****WARNING - RAAC/cheating WHORE wife APOLOGIST Writer****


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
He's a Wimp, She's a Slut

Divorce the cheating bitch.

RePhilRePhilover 7 years ago
Well Crafted

A perfectly written wimpish character. Just the right amount of wimpishness with a sprinkle of a loser personality, top with a helplessness, wrapped in the blind rose coloured glass of love, gives us one of the best and maybe lovable wimps written into a story in a long time. Your writing is extremely well paced and flows beautifully under the readers eyes. Looking forward to your next submission.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
perhaps the reason

The sex they had upon returning home-at least the husband's accounting, stated having cum once, he was able to last for some time, implying he viewed the second go-round was a LENGTHY coupling.

A whole ten minutes!!!

As far as I am concerned she has already cheated with two different men and her husband will face this betrayal again. In a couple of years, she will be looking for her next affair, but that time he will fail to prevent her from full blown sexual intercourse. I am appalled at her behavior but have finally gained an insight.

Any guy who thinks ten minutes is an epic performance is far from an adequate lover.

His close male friends must all be cowboys who have convinced themselves and stridently assure their female partners that


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Yep she is NOT worth keeping around

she can promise the world but does not mean crap.... slut of the first class

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Husband is pathetic

What good is a wife that you have to Win back every time she's moody or depressed? If she wants other men so badly, let her go. She's not worth keeping.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60over 6 years ago

Worthless excuse for a man, dump her azz and take your daughter then boot her cheating butt out, if he's got the b*lls.

I hate I even read this shyt! A waste of my time. 1\2 a Star.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Shoot him!

Christ! Isn't this why Yanks have guns? Shoot the fuckers nuts off and make her eat them, it'd work, honest!

Actually, quite well written.

Kill them! Kill them all!

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 6 years ago

Was good but then you had him turned on? Argh! Annoy was right, we "Yanks" do have guns and John should have been without balls after what he did. She will soon find another dude to cheat with. He was a wimp and should have busted in and choked John then tossed him out the window.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
ScuckioJJ is right

closet cuckolds are internet hard men, the baddest men alive!

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