Sheep and Wolf Ch. 10

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The conclusion and Epilogue. And beginning for someone else.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/16/2017
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Gary sat on his couch, staring forward into nothing while his mind flipped between images of Shelly, Suzy, and Chelsea, and memories of the last days, and doubting what was real.

Only when a subconscious urge to check his leg came up because something was happening there did he snap out of it. 'Ouch!' he said and saw Larry sink his teeth into his shin. His sheep shin.

Larry sat back and whined once.

'Sorry, boy.' he said and rubbed his chin. 'Seems I was really far out of it. Missed the whole transformation.' He looked at his torn pants. 'And the opportunity to save another pair of these.'

He went downstairs with Larry quickly because he saw he was later than usual and crashed into the front door as Chelsea came inside.

He rubbed his nose. 'Chelsea!' he said.

'Gary!' she said and hugged him tight. 'You not there, thought something happened.'

He smiled softly and hugged her back. 'I'm okay, just a little late.' He pulled away, took her by her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes. 'I think I know who you are.'

Her eyes went wide. 'You do!?'

He nodded and lifted her necklace. 'I saw you, or who I think is you, wear this today.'

She looked down at the moon in his fingers. 'Then, who am I?'

They went back up the fire escape to the apartment above Suzy's. 'Here.' Gary said. 'Your name would be Shelly in reality.'

Chelsea peered inside the room with sparse but colourful furniture. 'I don't remember.' she said. 'I only remember the same as yesterday.'

Gary hummed again in thought. 'The window's open.' he said. 'We could go in, but if I'm wrong we'll scare someone to death. I don't want to risk it until I'm a hundred percent sure.'

Chelsea nodded at him. 'Have to be absolutely sure.'

They went down again and Chelsea looked up with a sigh. 'So difficult.' she said.

Gary rubbed her back gently. 'I'll make sure I'm on time tomorrow.' he said. 'Then we'll know.'

She nodded and smiled softly at him.

They took their usual walk though the park and sat down at the playground to enjoy the clear sky and stars. Chelsea put her hand on his and looked away when he looked at her and smiled. He took her hand in his and together they continued their silent stargazing.

When they heard faint mumbling they looked back and saw a man swaying on his feet as he walked through the park. He came closer along the path, noticed them sitting there, blinked as he swayed on his feet, then shook his head and stumbled further along the path mumbling 'Twas goo beer... 'm s-seeing things..'.

Chelsea, Larry and Gary watched him for a while, then saw him move towards a car and lean against its side and fumble with his keys.

'Ah, I think I'd better stop him before he gets into an accident.' Gary said and went towards the car.

The man was still fumbling when Gary cleared his throat. 'Do you think it's wise to drive when you can't unlock your car?'

The man stared at him, trying to focus his vision on Gary. 'Swhat're you..?'n sheep..' he muttered. '..sreally good beer then..'

'Maybe it's better to walk home.' Gary said. 'When you're seeing things it's better to not handle a car and possible cause damage in an accident.'

The man flailed one arm towards Gary. '..gway! ..fgmin.., fegmen.., fimint.., you fantasy!' he mumbled. 'mfine! Ngonna lissen to any sheep! Canna touch me!'

'Okay.' Gary said. 'But maybe you'll listen to my friends?'

'Hah!' the man said. 'Wha grass chew'n beast you wanna call?'

'They don't exactly feed on grass.' Gary said and gestured with a nod behind the man.

The man turned to look back and stared right into the face of Chelsea who frowned and bared her fangs at him. A growl next to her focussed his attention to a collie sitting next to her baring his fangs. He let out a high pitched sound as he inhaled. Chelsea leaned closer, staring deep into his eyes. The man swallowed as sweat ran down his temples.

'Listen now?' asked Gary.

'Yes..' said the man with a high pitched voice.

'Then you'd better get on your way home.' Gary said. 'We don't mind you getting drunk, as long as you don't do it too often, but we do mind endangering yourself and others by driving drunk. So I hope you'll not try to do that again, otherwise we'll have to correct you.'

The man nodded quickly. '..kay..' he muttered in his high voice again, shuffled away keeping his gaze on Chelsea and Larry until he was far enough to run home.

Gary grinned at Chelsea. 'Don't mess with a sheep who has close ties to a wolf.' he said.

Chelsea chuckled. 'More dangerous than the wolf itself.'

Gary puffed up his chest. 'You bet.'

Chelsea and Larry pounced him and tickle fought him until he gave up.

They finished their walk and went to Gary's apartment where they relaxed on the couch again.

Chelsea noticed Gary staring for a while in front of him, scritching her fur slowly with his fingers while she leaned against him in his arms. 'What're you thinking of?' she asked. 'You seem a little worried.'

'Ah.' said Gary. 'It's just that I wonder how things will continue if you're really Shelly.'

Chelsea nodded slowly. 'Will you like me as human?'

He rubbed his cheek against her ear. 'I'll like you, whether you're wolf or human.' he said. 'That's not the problem.'

'What is?' she asked.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 'It's that I also like another woman just as much as you.' he said. 'I didn't plan any of this, but I just can't help it and I have to admit I don't want to choose between you two.'

They sat silent for a while when Gary sighed again. 'Now you know, and I'll have to tell her the truth too.' he said. 'And then leave it up to you both whether you'd be willing to get serious with me, because I would like to.'

Chelsea nodded. 'I understand.'

They sat silent for a while when Gary noticed Chelsea had fallen asleep. He smiled softly and closed his eyes to sleep as well.


Gary and Larry stepped outside the next morning and Gary saw a note stuck to his door. "Have an emergency so can't see you this morning :-( X S." 'I guess I have an extra day to get ready to tell Suzy.' he said to Larry who gave him a bark.

Shelly came down the stairs just as he and Larry were about to go down. 'Oh, good morning.' she said with another bright smile. 'Gary, right?'

He nodded and smiled back. 'Good morning, Shelly.' he said.

She looked down and gave Larry a pet. 'And good morning to you, Larry.'

He wagged his tail and gave her a friendly bark.

'Going to work now?' she asked as they went down the stairs together.

'Yeah.' Gary said. 'You too?'

'Yes.' she said. 'I started working at the supermarket last week, doing administration there. But I hope I can make it as an artist.'

'Oh? Do you paint, or sculpt?' Gary asked.

'I paint, modern style.' she said. 'But sometimes I paint something in a totally different style.'

Gary nodded. 'Working late on it every night, I imagine.'

They went outside on the street and Shelly looked up at the cloudy sky. 'Not really.' she said. 'I fall asleep early enough.'

'Ah.' he said. 'I was just wondering if you were a night person.'

'I don't think I've ever been awake at night.' she said and chuckled. 'Unless I'm sleepwalking and haven't noticed yet.'

Gary chuckled. 'Right.'

'All right, Gotta get to work.' she said. 'See you maybe later.'

'Yeah, see you later maybe.' he said as he waved before she crossed the street to walk to the supermarket. 'Tonight, if I'm correct.' he said and went to the office with Larry.


As soon as he had transformed into his sheep alter ego, Gary went down with Larry and waited at the fire escape for Chelsea to appear.

When she didn't appear for a while he went from one side of the building to the next to be sure she wasn't at either side. 'What could keep her?' he said to Larry.

Larry gave him a short whine.

After waiting a while longer he climbed up the fire escape and peered through Shelly's window. Everything was dark inside and the window was shut this time. Just to make sure he went down to peer through Suzy's window where it was also dark inside.

'It seems they're not at home.' he said to Larry when he came back down. 'It's dark and the windows are closed.'

He sighed as he looked back up. 'Let's go for our walk, boy.' he said. 'She's probably not in town then.'

There was no sign of Chelsea during the walk and Gary felt restless at home, watching a movie for a few minutes, then switching to another one, going to the kitchen to find something to snack, then losing interest but later going to look for a snack again.

Larry jumped on Gary's lap and laid down when Gary sat down again. He looked up at Gary and gave him a definite bark.

Gary chuckled. 'Ah, you're right, boy.' he said and stroked Larry's back. 'There's nothing I can do but wait. No use fretting over it. But it's not easy.' He sighed and played one of his favourite movies to distract himself as best as he could.


Gary didn't feel very energised when he and Larry went outside the next morning. It seemed Suzy hadn't yet returned and thoughts of her, Chelsea missing, and Shelly disrupted his work at the office enough to call it quits early.

He waited eagerly for his transformation and when it was done he hurried to go out the door with Larry. And almost crashed into Shelly who stood just outside.

She cried out in surprise and fell backwards on the floor.

'Shelly!?' Gary said. 'What are you doing here!? How are you not Chelsea!?'

Shelly looked up at the half sheep, half man. 'What!?' she said and noticed Larry. 'Who are you!? What are you doing at Gary's!?'

Gary held his hands to his chest. 'It's me, Gary!' he said. 'Don't you remember!?'

She rubbed her eyes and blinked. 'Gary?' she asked. 'Is that really you? How are you.., this!?' she said and gestured at him.

'It's really me!' he said and went on one knee in front of her. 'But never mind me, how is it you haven't transformed yet!?'

She shook her head. 'Wait? What transformed?'

'Into Chelsea.'

'Who's Chelsea?'

'Your werewolf form!'

Shelly stared at him for a moment, then laughed. 'Werewolf!?'

'Yes!' Gary said. 'If you had been home last night I would have already confirmed it.'

'Last night?' she asked. 'I was home last night.'

Gary blinked. 'You were home all night last night?'

She nodded. 'I even went to bed early after a tiring day at work.'

'But, I saw you wear the necklace.'


'The moon and stars necklace!'

She pondered for a moment. 'Ah!' she said. 'When I brought Suzy the cake?'


'I saw it on Suzy's dresser and she let me wear it to try it out because I liked it.' she said. 'She couldn't even remember how she got it.'

Gary's eyes went wide as he sat back on the floor. 'But, then it really is Suzy. It has to be!'

A howl startled them.

'Suzy!' Gary said and jumped up.

A softer howl filled with sorrow came from inside Suzy's apartment.

'SUZY!' shouted Gary and tried the doorknob. 'Dammit!'

Shelly stood up quickly. 'Gary!?' she said. 'What's that!?'

Gary examined the door quickly. 'Step back.' he said holding out his hand to Shelly and moving back to the wall behind him.

Shelly stepped back and saw him hold his head down. 'Wait! You're going to-' she said when Gary pushed himself away from the wall and bolted at Suzy's door.

The door burst in pieces at the force of his horns.

He hadn't thought about braking though and the weight of his head combined with tripping over the small rug in the short hallway caused him to fall forward. One crash later he found himself upside down in a heap of cleaning materials from the broken cupboard underneath the kitchen counter.

Shelly rushed inside. 'Gary!' she called out, then froze when she saw a giant wolf standing in the living room.

'NO!' cried the wolf and dove into the bedroom.

Gary crawled up from the minor accident and hurried into the living room. 'Suzy!?'

Shelly pointed at the bedroom door and he tried to open it but found it locked.

'Don't come in here!' Suzy cried.

'Suzy! Come out.' he said, hearing her sob.

'No!' she cried. 'I'm a monster!'

He sighed deep. 'Suzy, you're no monster.'

'I am!' Suzy sobbed. 'I'm a horrible beast! Everyone will hate me.'

'You're not horrible.' Gary said. 'I know you feel scared, but it's okay.'

'Noo..' she said. 'I've got hair all over me! And my face, I have fangs! I'm ugly!'

'You're not ugly. You're cute!'

'I'm not!' she cried. 'Why would anyone think I'm cute!?'

Gary rubbed the top of his nose and took a deep breath. 'Dammit Suzy!' he shouted. 'You're the cutest thing I know and I love you whether you're human or wolf! Now come out of there or I will smash down this door with my horns, even it breaks them!'

Things were silent in the bedroom until he heard a shuffle and the click of the door lock. He stepped back and the door opened slowly. Suzy looked down with her tail between her legs, her ears flat and her arms in front of her for protection.

She glanced up at Gary. ' don't think I'm ugly..?'

He pulled her against him and kissed her hard.

Shelly blushed and looked away, but giggled when she noticed Suzy's tail wagging slowly while they held their kiss.

Suzy and Gary gasped when they pulled back and gazed into each other's eyes. 'You're the cutest thing I've ever seen, and I'm happy that it's you, Suzy.' Gary said and chuckled. 'I was afraid I'd had to choose between you and you.'

She giggled. 'I'm glad I don't have to compete with myself then.' she said and stroked his cheek. She smiled softly. 'I'm starting to remember everything. Being with you all those nights. I only had a few images of what had happened during the nights before and I thought I was just seeing things so I never said anything.'

'Do you also remember the night when you wanted a taste of me then?' he asked and pointed at his thigh.

Suzy looked away. 'Ehm, not really.'

He chuckled and held her tight again. She hugged him back and wagged her tail.

They looked back at Shelly when she cleared her throat. 'So, could I get an explanation on what is going on here?'

Gary first took one door from his apartment that fit the door frame of Suzy's front door as a temporary replacement. Then he recounted the events from the first time he awoke at the park with his mouth full of grass. Shelly laughed often at Gary's embarrassment while she cuddled Larry.

When he was done telling the whole story Shelly said she needed a breath of fresh air while wiping the tears from her eyes. Larry gave a bark in support of her suggestion and they went to the park where Suzy and Shelly laughed when they asked Gary to retell some of the events. Especially when it involved him and the unfortunate parts.

Shelly was still giggling when they returned at the staircase of Suzy's and Gary's floor.

'Okay, I'm going to sleep.' she said. 'If I can stop thinking about the whole thing.' She giggled again and Gary sighed.

'Go.' he said. 'Shoo. Before I chase you upstairs.'

'Oohh..' she grinned. 'You shouldn't make Suzy jealous by chasing other women too.' she said and Gary groaned.

She gave Larry a good night hug and hopped up the stairs. 'See you later!' she said. 'Sweet dreams!'

Suzy and Gary heard her giggle for a while longer and he smiled softly at Suzy. 'Yeah, it's late again.' he said. 'We'd better sleep too.'

Suzy smiled a little deviously at him. 'How about my place this time?'

He swallowed. 'You sure?'

She nodded slightly. 'This wolf is in the mood for a little taste of sheep.' she whispered and kissed him.

They shared their deep kiss until they heard a soft creak next to them.

They opened their eyes and looked to the side seeing their bald neighbour staring at them in his doorway. He sighed, shook his head at the sight of a giant sheep and wolf kissing, stepped back and closed his door.

Suzy and Gary broke their kiss and chuckled as they hurried to her apartment.


Fred blinked his eyes. His vision came back slowly and he saw the park around him. He sat back and racked his brain to remember why he was here in the dark.

He'd been having episodes of hallucinations more often lately. Which is why he stopped drinking altogether, cut down his working hours, listened less to psychedelic rock. But the illusions hadn't ceased yet. The last one involved that sheep and wolf making out in the hallway in front of his door.

He figured he had either some major suppressed sexual issues, or someone had told him some very fucked up fairy tales when he was little.

He held his head in his hands and froze. Something wasn't right.

His head felt rounder. His hands felt different. He held his hands in front of him and saw his fingers ended with hard tips. He crossed his eyes further. His nose seemed weird. He felt his face and squealed.

He crawled fast to the edge of the pond and stared at the partial reflection of his head on the surface and squealed again.

'WHY AM I A PIG!?' he shouted and fell back.

He touched his head all over, then looked down at his body, turned on his side and gazed at the curly tail at his back.

'I've gone completely mental.' he said to himself and sighed deep. 'This is the end for me. Things can't get any worse now.'

A chill ran down his spine when he heard a low growl behind him.


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SatyrDickSatyrDick2 months ago

[St. Paddy's Day 2024]

Que Romantique and Kawaii!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

awesome story , i only found your writings recently and i really enjoy them :)

ErocratErocratabout 4 years ago

Very engaging, funny, sweet read. Thanks so much for sharing!

baileytommybaileytommyalmost 5 years ago
Animal nights

I loved it and there was no stud sex scene which would have ruined it,that's when you know it's a good story. P.S. I hope you keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

maybe you should just call it a shelf. if there were 2 you might have shelves. at least gary isn't doing any wool gathering at the moment. if his neighbor goes to bed like this does he become a pig in a blanket? but seriously if Chelsea wears one of gary's shirts would she count as a wolf in sheep's clothing?

sorry for the bad puns.....

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