She's Not My Type


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After Virginia gained complete cognizance Sunday morning, I decided to probe whether she had been getting strange cock - as I had authorized her to do - when I had my problem, and if so confirm that she would readily agree to go back to being exclusive.

"Virginia - I don't mean to pry because I certainly authorized you to keep happy despite my problem if you needed to - but in case you did take me up on that I hope that we can now immediately return to being sexually exclusive," I said in a halting voice.

She looked away from me. "Uh...well...that's kind of what I needed to talk with you about Friday night before I knew that your problem had been solved," she said in a quiet voice. A voice quieter than you would think that a 160 pound woman could have.

"Uh, you see, I kinda got used to getting other cocks..." she almost whispered, not finishing the thought.

"Oh..." was my intelligent response.

"Well, uh that brings me to something else that I need to tell you. Before I do, though, remember that I love you," she said, finally making fleeting eye contact. "I'm six weeks pregnant."

I knew that I had not ejaculated into her six weeks ago so unless this was a miracle it wasn't my kid.

I didn't flush as angry as I thought that I would - I was just hurt at first. "You didn't use birth control with another guy?" I asked with an edge to my voice.

"Well, once you fully developed your problem I went off the pill because I never really liked them, and the guys usually used condoms..." she replied, her words once again trailing off. I didn't like the use of the plural form of "guy" but thought that I'd come back to that later.

"So who is the father?" I asked, trying not to sound angry or accusatory.

"I...well...uh, I don't know," she stammered out.

Now I was sitting up. "Virginia, you have to come completely clean, right now," I said in a loud voice.

She looked down at the sheets, up again, and down again, for what seemed like a long time. Finally she sighed, lifted her head, closed then opened her eyes, and said "The only time that I remember guys not using condoms was one night when I was conducting business in Indianapolis and got really drunk, and four guys fucked me in my hotel room that night. When I got up from my drunken stupor the next morning with cum caked on my thighs and still leaking out of my very sore pussy I was scared. I immediately douched, and thought that that would take care of the problem, but just to be safe intended to get the morning after pill when I could find the time. However, I was given some bad information about that pill, and by the time that I got around to attempting to buy it the pharmacist told me that it was too late to be effective and that it could harm me or if I was pregnant give the baby birth defects without aborting it - so I just hoped that I wasn't pregnant."

I was stunned; she was starting to sob.

"I was getting sick in the morning at work so I went to my OB/GYN on Friday morning and found out that I was six weeks pregnant - and it was six weeks ago that I got drunk and took on four guys," she got out before the water works made further discussion impossible.

I was sick to my stomach. I jumped out of bed and just made it to the toilet before I puked.

When I returned she was still sobbing. I soberly asked "What were their names?"

I think that she said "I don't know - one guy's first name was Bill," but she said it through sobs so I couldn't be sure.

"Did you ever get tested for STDs?" I asked.

She shook her head "No," then started sobbing harder. I left the room.

Several hours later when I was blankly staring at the TV screen in the den, Virginia walked in and sat next to me. "We need to talk about where we go from here - but I can't have an abortion. It's against everything that I believe in, and my family would disown me."

In a surprisingly calm voice I said, "Let me get this straight. Even though I no longer have interrupted ejaculation and we just had several really nice sexual encounters - which may have given me an STD - you no longer want to be restricted to my cock in your pussy, but you want me to raise another man's child. Is that about right?"

She didn't say anything. She didn't have to.

"Tell me, Virginia, what about your past knowledge of me leads you to believe that that is even a remote possibility?"

"Because you love me..." she mumbled.

"Not that much," I sarcastically laughed.

I got up, packed two suitcases, gathered all my work items and most important personal things, threw them all in my car, and left Virginia sobbing in the den.

I got a motel room at an extended stay establishment, paid for a week in advance, and then planned my day Monday. I called into work and told them that I was taking the day off. I had lots to do, the foremost being tested for STDs. During the day I tried to call Gail at work but was told that she had taken the day off too.

Fortunately, all the STD tests that could be quickly performed came up negative. The clinic that I went to used the most up-to-date and fastest test procedures, and I paid to have all the tests expedited. I was told that I could get a 99+% report within seventy two hours.

When I was told "seventy two hours" the first thing that I thought about was my fuck fest with Gail, the best time of my life. I called her business cell phone, but it went straight to voicemail, and I didn't have her personal cell phone number.

When I got to work Tuesday morning I immediately went looking for Gail - I found her looking for me.

"I have some news," we both blurted out, almost a repeat of my greeting with Virginia Friday night.

"You go first," I said.

She didn't object. "We need a private place," she replied furtively looking around. "How about the office in the warehouse where we 'talked' on Friday?" she said more than asked.

"Sounds good," I replied. Looking at her world class ass, creamy thighs, and alluring face, caused me to completely tent my pants; but I was going to wait for the STD test results before hooking up with her again.

When we got to the quiet location she sat on the desk and motioned for me to sit on a chair facing it. Since from that position I could see up her skirt and view her matchless thighs and pantiless crotch, my dick started to hurt so I stood up and said "I'm good standing."

"If you collapse and hit your head on the floor it's not my fault," was her retort; though said with a smile it sounded like she thought that that was a real possibility.

"Couldn't be worse than my news," I mused.

"Before you tell me that what I'm about to tell you is impossible, I want you to know that I talked to Austin on the phone yesterday. He confirmed that he has no idea how long an hour of time on his timepiece on the planet was in Earth time," she said. Then she sighed. "I'm six weeks pregnant and I'm sure that it's your kid," she said staring me in the eye.

I sat down before my knees buckled completely.

"Exactly how do you know that it's my kid?" I asked, stunned.

"Because my husband was out of town the week before and the week after the six weeks ago time that I was impregnated, and before you fucked me whenever it was by Earth time I had never cheated on him. Plus, did you really think that we could vigorously fuck thirty five times," it was just like her that she had counted, "in seventy two earth hours and not be raw?" she said.

She had a point.

"Of course we can ultimately be sure because I'm getting your DNA and having an in vivo test done," she said in a no-nonsense tone, reaching into her purse and pulling out a swab of the type that you see on crime scene investigation TV shows. I robotically opened my mouth as she swabbed inside my cheek and then sealed up the swab in its container.

"So what's your news?" she asked after sitting down.

I too sighed. "My news is that I found out that my wife is pregnant; not by me, but by one of four guys that she doesn't even know the names of who gang-banged her six weeks ago. I went to get tested for STDs today. The preliminary tests were clean and I'll know for sure in seventy two hours," I said as matter-of-factly as possible, with my arms crossed.

Gail raised an eyebrow, apparently studying my face to see if I was telling the truth. "No shit?" she asked.

"I wish that I was shitting you," I replied, "but I'm not."

"We both have lots of decisions to make in the near future, then, don't we?" she rhetorically asked.

"To quote that famous engineer from MIT, 'No shit!'" I replied with a big grin.

"So I guess fucking today is out, huh?" she giggled. "Let's see - seventy two hours - where have I heard that before?" she asked with a louder giggle. "I can wait that long, but you still owe me a month's worth of back rubs and fucks and I'm not letting you off the hook."

I just smiled. "So where are we going to get our little grape-like gems tested?" I inquired.

"Let's go do some research," she shot back.

For several hours we worked together investigating various chemical and biological labs, not just in the area but worldwide, to see if we could come up with one that we both felt comfortable with. Finally we found one. Gail called them and they were willing to take our project on, with an estimated cost of only $10,000. We went to the refrigerator to get some of our product to express to the chemical lab. When I unlocked the refrigerator door and opened it Gail looked in and screamed.

I quickly saw the reason for her outburst. The two large glass canisters that we had placed our "grapes" in contained nothing but piles of goo. I groaned. "I guess that we were stupid to think that just because refrigeration would retard spoilage on earth that it would work the same for extraterrestrial materials as well," I sighed.

After we both let out a string of expletives Gail got a pensive look on her face. "Maybe the active ingredient is still in this pile of goo," she said, though not really believing it. "Is it worth $5,000 each for us to try?"

"It is to me," I replied.


Seventy two hours later we got good news and bad news. The good news was that there was a better than 99% probability that I had no STDs and that the chemical lab refunded half of our ten grand. The bad news was that the chemical lab's screening test demonstrated with a 99% probability that all the compounds in the sample of goo, and the extraterrestrial bottled liquid, that we sent them were completely inert, with no biological efficacy whatsoever. There was also confirmation of some previous news - I was the father of Gail's embryo.

Friday Gail and I went for a picnic lunch at a remote park where we were sure not to be disturbed by anyone that we knew. "So, I guess that it's decision time, isn't it?" I said after we finished our sandwiches and we were munching on some terrestrial fruit.

"Brian; there is only one way that I can be, and that's candid," Gail said in her in fact classically candid manner, as she tilted her head.

"I'll be the same way, although I talk only after you do," I replied staring into her intensely azure eyes.

Never shy she started right in. "The sex with you was incredible. It was so much better - including the afternoon that we got back to Earth - than anything else I've ever experienced that I don't see how I can give it up and remain sane. Also, although I love my husband, I'm not 'in love' with him - we have no passion anymore, including during the three times that I fucked him last weekend. Plus, while I'm obviously a cheater I have a shred of decency and could never lie to him about whose child I'm carrying once I tell him that I'm pregnant."

"You haven't told him yet?" I asked, surprised.

"No; I need to find out about my future with you first, Ace," she nonchalantly replied. The she continued. "What I'm interested in is this; we fuck almost every day for the next month to see if what we have continues unabated. If it does, we get divorced from our present spouses, get married once the divorces are final, move to another city, and raise our child - and future children - together while continuing to fuck each other's brains out."

"That's it?" I asked after a thirty second pause during which her body language and stare made it clear that she had said her piece.

"That's it," she said, folding her arms in front of her.

After another thirty second pause I said "Sounds perfect to me." I then crawled over to her, covered us up with the blanket that I had been sitting on, and proceeded to fuck her lights out in the public - but thankfully sparsely populated - park that we were picnicking in.

As we got back into my car she kissed me. "If that's how the rest of the month turns out, I do believe that you'll be putting a new ring on my finger within four-six months."

Gail and I did fuck at least once every day for the next month. At the end of that time Gail told her husband what the story was. I didn't bother to talk to Virginia. I merely had her served with divorce papers, citing "irreconcilable differences," and asking for a 50-50 split of assets and no child support or alimony. I finally agreed to a 30-70 split to get it done at the speed that I was looking for, but with no child support or alimony.

Gail got off with a 50-50 split, and paid her husband a token $100/week alimony.


It's been about four years since our divorces became final. Gail and I live almost two thousand miles away from our exes. We both have jobs comparable to the ones we left, but at different companies than each other. The passion that Gail and I have for each other hasn't diminished even one iota in that time, despite the fact that we're raising two active four year olds. Gail delivered fraternal twins, a boy and a girl, and we thought that was enough because - quite frankly - once she got seven months pregnant and for two months after she delivered it interrupted our fucking, and we couldn't have that happen again.

Every once in a while I see a big buxom blond. I chuckle when I notice that my dick has no reaction whatsoever. Then I either look over or think about Gail and my cock instantly comes to attention. I have a new "type."

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TajfaTajfa8 months ago

Loved it. I think this sets up a second part. Where did their colleague go for 72 hours? What does he find on the strange planet? Could they go back and perhaps bring back fresh fruit and get it tested right away? Also what happened to his wife? She went overboard using her hall pass - why? Still a really good story. 5 stars

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

I’m not a great Su Fi reader, but I enjoyed this, I did feel you rushed it towards the end, as if you got feed up with it

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

4 stars - this story is a bit different and definitely in the sci-fi zone - but I liked it.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

A little odd, but pretty good story anyway. Most of your stuff is.

EzrollinEzrollinover 4 years ago
what the ....

Interesting little story though it took an unexpected turn with the time travel. Brain is a total hypocrite, tells his wife it's ok to get some on the side and then dumps her after doing the exact same thing.

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