All Comments on 'Shock'

by arsawyer

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SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 1 year ago

Very good. Not sure if I'd stay married to her. She feels she's entitled, and until the end didn't realize what she was doing. At the very least there needs to be a post-nuptial, but I'd seriously consider divorce.

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownabout 1 year ago

Why the fuck would you stay with the slut? End it, and enjoy those other females.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love this story Wish Autumn was around when my 3 exes cheated LOL (jaybee186)

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 year ago

I couldn't get past the adolescent fight scene and the ridiculous divorce papers "taken from the wallet." I'd love to get a look of that wallet because never in my life have I ever seen a man's wallet big enough to hold an "envelope" of divorce papers.

jflindersjflindersabout 1 year ago

This is another story where the husband acts tough, then keeps the narcissistic woman that has cheated on him (and yes, kissing on a dance floor, getting felt up and feeling guys up is cheating) and that he'll never be able to trust. 2 stars.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 1 year ago

Nita didn't realise she wasn't the prize in the relationship any more.

He should've dumped grandma slut, and traded her in for a younger woman.

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayabout 1 year ago

Good story, but may I suggest the services of an editor?

OPrimeOPrimeabout 1 year ago

Edit you story. Other than that, I liked it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

3*, but -1* for the bad editing

KarnevilKarnevilabout 1 year ago

I confess that I didn't actually read the entire story, but I believe I got the sentiment behind it. OK, she was probably a cheat and a slut, but who can blame her? Not allowing or trusting your wife to go out with her friends is not being 'old fashioned', it's being controlling and misogynistic. If it then turns out, as in this story, that the husband was right in his suspicions, perhaps he should ask himself why? Is it something to do with the way he treats her, after all why does she think she can do something other than cook clean and pander to the man of the house? Or is every woman in that part of the country a cheating slut. My conclusion, after reading (most) of this, is that its probably both.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nothing new here…and far too many errors.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The endless no moving towards reconciliation ruins the rest of the story.

He served her with divorce papers, just need to have an official service do it again and push forward with the divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

These two people shouldn’t be together

Nothing to do with whether ‘reconciliation’ is warranted, they’re just no good for each other

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don't understand. Why stay in a marriage where trust is lacking, where doubt and suspicion are always present?

Nobody deserves to be in this state of mind, prisoner of a wobbly marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

BTB in-place. Nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love the story line but the writing killed it for me. Either have someone proof it or learn to construct complete sentences!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yet another one man with black or white morals and a passion for medieval morals. No wonder, you guys write misogynistic prose as a revenge, since no sane woman wants to come near you

numbnutz49numbnutz49about 1 year ago

She goes out, I go out ... the microphone drop! Seems they're headed back to girls' nights out and his retaliation. Good place to start part 2.

kirei8kirei8about 1 year ago

Almost an excellent story but the ending blew it. It was very weak with no real finale. The way you started the ending, he should have continued with the divorce. There was no remorse or guilt in her that would have made him change his mind like he did. 5 stars for the first 2/3's of the story with 2 stars for the ending leaves a 3 star story.

houstonbicouplehoustonbicoupleabout 1 year ago

Revenge themed story. Does not belong here.

Buster2UBuster2Uabout 1 year ago

What a Great Story, a Great Topic, and Great Writing. A perfect way to deal with {girls' night out) aka whore night out! Turning the tables on a wife that wants to listen to her GF over her husband. 5 stars to the writer. I love a happy ending, especially for the cheated-on Hubby. Thanks for the Great Effort! #Buster2U

SplitGeode66SplitGeode66about 1 year ago

I really liked his response to Nita going out. Unrealistic, but it made for a great story. 5 stars.

KiwihunterKiwihunterabout 1 year ago

Are you taliban? It seems like you are promoting the same ideals as they do. You aren't promoting healthy relationships but a form of slavery based soley on misogynistic ideals.

Your writing is wooden and unbelievable. The dialogue doesn't flow and gives me the impression that English is not your first language. While technically correct it doesn't flow in the way a native speaker would.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry reads like a bunch of phrases. words and cliche’ glued together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Miserable way to live. Rip off that bandaid. Get divorced.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good little tale. Never been able to wrap my head around wives thinking it is OK for them to have "girls nights out" but hubby should stay at home.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really loved what the hubby did when his wife decided to channel her teenage fantasies. Of course, it helped that he lucked into Autumn…without her intervention, Nita would have completed her self destruction.


Also loved the observation about how inappropriate it is for married women or men to be in bars and dance joints unaccomplished by the spouse. GNOs with slut wannabes are a staple of LW stories about infidelity, and there is a very good reason why this plot device is used so much — because such behavior by supposedly happily married folks is ALWAYS either an intentional move by the spouse to wander, or will almost inevitably lead to it at some point.


Glad in this case that hubby gave the wife a chance at redemption…although as I observed earlier—the chance was only available because Autumn altruistically decided to intervene.


5 *****

Karn9Karn9about 1 year ago

Nice start, it in my mind failed in the end, did he or not reconnect with the wife? I guess not. 3*

IbeSteveIbeSteveabout 1 year ago

I loved it, but what happen with the divorce papers?

UnassignedUnassignedabout 1 year ago

He's an asshole, and the wife would be far, far better off without him. Of course, when one of the first insights into the MC's character is his belief that "only cheaters and drunks go to bars", his asshole-ness isn't much of a surprise.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

not finished.....left way to end a story.

Driven2ReadDriven2Readabout 1 year ago

Really liked the story, but it just seemed ... I don't know ... unsatisfying. Stay with her or get out ! He's just existing and she doesn't seem still to get it. Him staying friends with the other women, that seems contrived, not realistic. Her maybe, but not as family friends for all of them. Like I said - unsatisfying.

OOAAOOAAabout 1 year ago

Good story!!! 5 stars!!!

OverconfidentSarcasmOverconfidentSarcasmabout 1 year ago

So, I'm sure many people will see this differently, but objectively, this paints the husband in a VERY unfavourable picture.

The wife told him she wanted to go out with her friends, and is IMMEDIATELY called a slut and a whore for even thinking about it. Instead of actually reassuring her that he means it when he calls her pretty, he gets pissed that she doesn't accept his word as gospel. Instead of giving her the benefit of a doubt, he instantly loses all trust in her, and then engages in a childish contest to show her the error of her ways.

I rarely met men who like their women "pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen", but this MC sure feels like one of them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry, couldn’t get through this. Frankly the wife’s life would be much better without her controlling, uptight, puritanical husband

FeltfixerFeltfixerabout 1 year ago

Doesn’t seem to have an proper ending.

RimmerdalRimmerdalabout 1 year ago

Pull it, clean up the grammatical errors and spelling.

This story is done right..........but it needs to be expanded some and the wife tossed.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

A true reflection of life, many a true word in this, nice job

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 1 year ago

There's a good lesson here. Trust is given, but when it is betrayed and needs to be earned, that's when the work really starts. Only a fool throws away the trust they are given. Good story well told.

RodrigoHacheRodrigoHacheabout 1 year ago

So.. Nita don't learn the lessons. Good story 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good potential and good start, but just fell apart at the end. Despite leaning a particular way, I can see both reconciliation and divorce as viable paths. I just can't wrap my head around continuing with the status quo of staying married and living in the same house while separated, just to butt heads and be miserable.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

"the girls think I need to see that I'm still pretty and sexy." - Why? If she doesn't already know, what does it mean coming from a guy that wants to fuck her?


"You have to say that, you're my husband." - Actually, he doesn't! Again, it's the guys who want to fuck her who have to say it.


"that some men do get fat and complacent after they got married" - As do some women.


Needs editing, many missing words, for example: "I waved to from a round table" I believe you meant, "I WAS waved to..."


"A man that fights for a woman's honor is so fucking sexy!" - What honor? She was giving it away quite willingly.


I don't understand why more husbands don't go out when their wives do.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

"the girls think I need to see that I'm still pretty and sexy." - Why? If she doesn't already know, what does it mean coming from a guy that wants to fuck her?


"You have to say that, you're my husband." - Actually, he doesn't! Again, it's the guys who want to fuck her who have to say it.


"that some men do get fat and complacent after they got married" - As do some women.


Needs editing, many missing words, for example: "I waved to from a round table" I believe you meant, "I WAS waved to..."


"A man that fights for a woman's honor is so fucking sexy!" - What honor? She was giving it away quite willingly.


I don't understand why more husbands don't go out when their wives do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story. Spoiled a bit by the unclear sentences and missing words.

Prince020402Prince020402about 1 year ago

That was ridiculously over the top in so many ways.

miket0422miket0422about 1 year ago

Good story. Seriously in need of editing. Difficult reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I rarely side with a wife doing what this one is doing but damn. With an asshole husband like her I don't blame her and even recommend she dumb his ass.

WargamerWargamerabout 1 year ago

Average story…3/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Seems like the author got bored with this story. They spent a lot of effort setting the scene, introducing the main and supporting characters, and creating some inciting incidents. Then drops everything only to drop the plot saying that there was no resolution and everything remained status quo, the the main characters playing tit-for-tat games.

I expected some blowback from the “sensitive” readers about the protagonist’s anti-feminist attitude. That’s expected whenever male characters express agency in their live’s in contemporary media. Admittedly his attitude was a bit archaic for my taste, but that doesn’t diminish his sense of masculinity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry, drop the cunt and move on. Life is way to short to go though that crap.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Totaly ridicule! Iran is your country!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So, they sentence each other to that shit? Better to cut it loose. Just awful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story doesn't have a real ending. It just stops in the middle of an ending. Keyboard cramps? I suppose it doesn't really matter because this marriage is dead in any case. Might as well save the extra writing effort. Can't give it more than a 3 star rating.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hahahaha! This story is a loud and clear announcement to the world that the author has never actually touched a woman. I'd actually wager that he's probably never had a conversation with one that wasn't his mother. Lol. Indeed, fellow readers...the penis on this one is small.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That's it? So, nothing gets resolved again! Bullshit, this was going for a four, lacking any kind of satisfying end dropped it to a two.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 1 year ago

You needed to at least try to rationalize why he would stay with her. Story made no sense. No affection or emotion towards each other in the entire story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Boring and cliche ridden. This story has been done a gazillion times by other writers... and done better too. Among other things, this writer is grammatically challenged and can't spell worth a darn; doesn't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're', for instance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Desperately needs an editor.

mariverzmariverzabout 1 year ago

era divertido hasta que empezaste con la mierda antifeminista.

lo tiraste a la basura como la esposa al protagonista...

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 1 year ago

Not sure where you left us? 4*

Old_LionOld_Lionabout 1 year ago

AWESOME STORY!! One of the best I've read. It has a message for both sides of a marriage. Guys, wake the f*ck up! pay attention to your wife or partner! They need positive reinforcement of your love and how they look to you. Date your girl often, get her little gifts or treats, send her flowers for no reason. Don't wait for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Valentines day etc Do nice romantic things as often as you can, Hourly if you must! But don't forget those special days by the way.

Ladies!! read what I said to the men. Men need that too!! Ladies, when you are invited on a Girls night out, pass on it politely but firmly. The Groups lowest denominator is how the group will act under alcohol! If one of "The Girls" is a bitter cheating slut, she will poison the rest of you and drag you down to her level. Misery loves company. And The whole group behaving badly will lessen the Sluts guilt over her own bad behaviour.

BSreaderBSreaderabout 1 year ago

Always the same bs from the poor wife good thing this is just fiction. Very well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

In serious need of editing. As it stands, mostly incoherent. Thanks for offering.

vicelordvicelordabout 1 year ago

That was good for a laugh or two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What are they - three years old? Tit for tat never works. Eventually someone tits or tats too hard, the other person gets their dander up and just like that the marriage is over. Marriage counseling must be failing or they just don't want to be married to one another anymore. In this case I would recommend a divorce and that he start with DD and work his way thru all of them. If you're going to go - go in style!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Please put down your pen,

jazzharpjazzharpabout 1 year ago

I liked this a lot. I liked the way he immediately took action to snap her out of it or... I liked the characters, the way the story progressed. It was a fast and fun read. Never read you before; I'll be checking out your other stories.

Get somebody to proofread your stuff; too many errors that you should have caught and corrected.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago
I watched a women that I barely knew holding my wife

There was a bunch of women holding his wife? WomAn is one, womEn is multiple, many, many errors in this repetitive diatribe.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Dr beulahthemick; Absolute shite, usual `but I'm her master' crap from a little dicked BTB wanker. Minus five, you go girl.

tralan69ertralan69erabout 1 year ago


you seem to think your nitpicks are so great that you post them twice.

ochenradochenradabout 1 year ago

I liked the story. Often you have to be able to look at yourself from the outside, and then it becomes clearer what you deserve and what you are worth. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Always wondered why the high divorced rate in middle aged couples . The kids are older they should enjoy each other but at least guys telling that some go off the rails a little when approaching or in metapause. Work more with younger crowds all doing it with dates and random guys they fuck, girls weekends etc. The guys out there will complement, say hubby’s crazy , buy them drinks/dinner etc, lunch or coffee and listen just to get their pants off . Then it’s up the ass and facial telling them all the younger are doing it . Two guys we know ex’s and a third divorced because her hubby cheated went through it . The two divorced a year and a half later we’re both trying to get back with the ex’s. They told another guys wife they realized they felt like cheap sluts and used by a few guys in different age groups. When they were dick of the younger guys just fucking them for sport the guys closer to their age group were in same stage they were in divorce withe kids either they cheated with a Million excuses or the wife turned slut like them and hubby’s left them with broken families. Most regret the thrill and the husbands get a sample of new pussy and mostly creatures of habit and ajust to no strings single life

MightyHornyMightyHornyabout 1 year ago

... I have absolutely no idea why any man who straight-up caught his wife cheating, as the MC did here, would even bother not divorcing her, especially since he already filed. He essentially became his wayward wife's own jailer, and, even if he managed to check on her most of the time, he still cannot account for all of her time! What's the point of such a life?

As they say: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

Dude's a fool. Whatever happens next is on him... and he will deserve it.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2about 1 year ago

Why are they still married???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow, talk about ‘Fair Play”. You play, I play and bingo, we are done. Well stated! *****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Dear god this was stupid. He recorded himself attacking three men, two of which was unprevoked and was of these was a cowardly attack from behind.

If the dumb bitch wanted to she could of easily won the divorce and Rambo could fuck all the sluts he wants, while big bubba makes him his bitch in prison.

This got really stupid, really quickly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What is good for the goose is always good for the gander. Often better. Wife always wonders why older men dump their first wife and marry a younger woman. Duh…. Old ball and chain wasn’t interested in sex or being sexy any longer, while a younger woman put out. Let’s see, old wife gets fat, lazy and doesn’t care to maintain her looks. So trader her in for a newer model. Problem solved. The wife is always saying “I love only you honey, its just meaningless sex.” What’s love got to do with it? Not a damn thing if it doesn’t include sex.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Very good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Bitch thought she could do whatever she wanted with no harm done. He proved her wrong, many times over, then went nuclear, so to speak, giving her the divorce. Not only was she disrespectful to her husband in not having sex with him for a month & ignoring his requests, she basically betrayed him by kissing that guy on the dancefloor. It's telling that her friends left her after being served, but the "strangers" took care of her, making sure she's OK. Good, enjoyable story. 4 stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

it was ok until the ending. Why stay married? Lost respect and trust. Even said that at the end. So without it, why stay married. Would have been a lot better if, they divorced, and at the end you hear John say, "It has been 6 months since my divorce, and I cant believe that everything that Autumn said has come true" Now, That is an Ending!

HemmingswayHemmingswayabout 1 year ago

I liked this one. The ending, as others have commented, leaves questions about the Protag making the right decision.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

Poor bitch wasn’t expecting that comeback.

shymaleashymaleaabout 1 year ago

my comment is gonna make a few men angry i believe but i love it when my wife is going out sexy dressed,knowing she,s gonna flirt with men and she tells everything to me when she,s back home,turning me on,making me beg to confess what a slut she,s been,i like to be dominated&teased by my wife

shadrachtshadrachtabout 1 year ago

Yeah, this one feels an awful lot like they shouldn't be together anymore. He's never really talking about loving her, and she obviously doesn't love or respect him. He'd be better of with DD, Miranda, and finally Autumn. They can enjoy *their* golden years together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Should have divorced her. No reason that he should stay and "rebuild" trust.

kirei8kirei8about 1 year ago

She's not worth the effort to keep. Divorce her ass and make Autumn's predition come true.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Only way he ought to be seeing Nita is in the rear view mirror.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Stupid women of this generation. Want their cake and eat it too. OK, here’s a man that gave you your did you like the taste. Just feel lucky that he didn’t try some of the other cooks.

You have been single and on your just never realized what a terrible cook you are.

James G 5James G 510 months ago

Just divorce. It's over, no reason to stay with her.

tralan69ertralan69er10 months ago


I couldn't get past the adolescent fight scene and the ridiculous divorce papers "taken from the wallet." I'd love to get a look of that wallet because never in my life have I ever seen a man's wallet big enough to hold an "envelope" of divorce papers. - HIS WALLET?

This is what was written!

"Reaching into my jacket pocket, I retrieved a folded envelope. I lightly bounced it on Nita's chest. "Here, this is yours. You have been served.""

other2other1other2other18 months ago

Second time I have read this one, the way that Autumn lays it out for Nita is well done. expereince is a teacher and some people like Autumn have learnt their lessons.

I think Nita did too, but then ending leaves the question of do they ultimately survive.

So many LW stories talk through infidelity, but trust is really what is at the heart of the matter. Without trust you have no relationship.

I enjoyed this, thank you for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Good story, but instead of having that fight in the dance club, with the cameras on, he should've walked over to his wife, butted inbetween them long enough. "I see you're having fun with this guy. So just continue, & don't come home. I don't care where you go, just not to my house. I'm your husband & you're cold to me, then I see you here? Oh... by the way... you've been served. Now you can do whatever you want with whomever you want."

Having the fight in the club was stupid & really served no purpose.

Divorce papers are generally served in a large envelope. How does he get that in a wallet?

Maybe just divorce her & maybe, just maybe, let her earn her way back. He admits wondering where she's going when shopping, etc. Get some equipment for tracking, including putting something on her phone at the very least.

But after going out despite his wishes, flipping him off that last time, the betrayal (doing things that wouldn't pass the husband test, like her kissing that guy)& whatever else she does/ did in the clubs, why would he want to keep her? The trust is gone, & once broken, can't be returned as it was.

The conversation in the diner was unique & outstanding. Possibly saved my 4 stars from being lowered to 3. Bob

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Disrespect, betrayal, broken trust. He should have let the divorce proceed as normal.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit6 months ago

"Trust is like an Arabian Geni from the Fables, -once on-the-fly, you cannot stuff it back in the bottle!

This Author carefully acknowledges this, then promptly contradicts this! ?

Might also help if he had a native English=speaker look it through!


servant111servant1116 months ago

While the discussion concerning what faces a divorced 40 year old wife is nice...the RAAC ending simply does not logic and almost no pathos...

3 stars

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