All Comments on 'Shock and Awe'

by The Style Guy

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Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 4 years ago

A most cruel and effective piece of revenge!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

what shock? what awe?

One ten minute conversation

One three minute phone call

The point of burning a bitch is so we can revel in her misery

Not so you can skip over a year and a half in three sentences

bioman57bioman57over 4 years ago
Good story

I enjoyed the part about it is to hard to hold onto hate. Much easier to just move on...

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Vet good story

I enjoyed your story very much, especially the shock and awe part. She met a bad end, so I guess the time for hate was done. Interesting way to end it.

PowersworderPowersworderover 4 years ago

The initial setup was great, but the ending was really anticlimactic.

What happened in the divorce? How much money did Martha end up with? Did her lover get destroyed in his divorce? Was she miserable without him? Did Chris lead a happy life afterwards?

Taking away her stupid figurines would have been great if he'd defaced them in some way. I was expecting him to have had them bleached and images of her getting fucked in the ass superimposed on the baby Jesus. That would have been amusing.

Instead he just gives them back to the whore and forgives her? Yawn.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
thanks for sharing...

I liked the story, although it felt a bit forced or rushed compared to the context, character depth was kept to a mimium & the style reminded me of JPB (for good & bad) looking forward to you next posting

northbaybearnorthbaybearover 4 years ago
Remnants of a Marriage. (Definitely not shock and awe.)

I scored the story a '4' because of the writing.

A tale in which everybody loses.

Sad. Shock and awe of a wretched and pitiful kind.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanover 4 years ago
Ultimately unsatisfying

Too clinical, no real drama between the 2 protagonists.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

The guy was obsessed. The figurines thing was petty and dishonest, he wasted three years of his life plotting, going without sex and tearing himself up inside just so that he could be spiteful and vindictive. A bigger man would have dealt with the issue when he learned about it, paid out a chunk of change and got on with his life. Did he ever ask himself why she cheated?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I never had them.

That is what he should have told her. Let her die miserable. After she dies he can give brian the figures if he wants or sell them or trash them.

My favorite part is how he tells her he just didnt want sex with her. He was getting laid all the time.

Vandemonium1Vandemonium1over 4 years ago
Target achieved

Original consequences.

Well played, Sir.

Tiger27Tiger27over 4 years ago


Good story!

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 4 years ago
Wow! BTB on steroids.

Great short story!

She was truly burnt, but I loved the ending. Merry Christmas!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
she stopped loving and respecting him years ago

but when he ruined her, her respect for him went all the way back up.

cowards/thugs/weaklings/sharks/bullies....all of them respect power.

his shock and awe was a display of power. it's the language they understand.

he was right to deal with her in a cold and heartless way. to slowly let his love for her fade. to watch her repeat her betrayals daily for years.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Three years of his life?

The guy had lots of money, so why stay around so long trying to get more? Is revenge worth 3 years of your life? Not much happened here and the nativity scene thing was rather lame. In reality, it wasn't important enough for the reader to give a fuck.

AMerryman 2.0

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Poor End

from half way story is lost its track. and end is not proper.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

"It was simple stress relief, especially after you stopped having sex with me.” - It's not 100% clear, but didn't he stop having sex with her AFTER he learned about her affair?

“You’ll never be able to turn our kids against me!” - Where was it said that he intended to?

“I’m going to take your fucking company away from you!” - The MOST that she could do is have it declared a marital asset, entitling her to half, and any honest judge would allow him to exchange his share of other assets in exchange for her share of the business; and that's assuming that he DIDN'T take steps to protect the business.

Why the parentheticals? " as our son (Brian), his wife (Sue)" can simply be "as our son, Brian, his wife, Sue." You could probably even get away with "our son and his wife."

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Well almost!

Between a Yay! and a Meh!, couldn't make my mind up, so I gave it a wimpy four pointed things as a result!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Why do these stories appear in Loving wives??

This is an erotic literature site. Why do these stories based on revenge appear here?? There is nothing erotic about this story....

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Dumb crap

It’s not like Martha’s team would have to find the ‘actual’ money in offshore accounts. They’d just note the amount and this dumbass would still be on the hook to give her half. Stupid shit like that takes me out of the story. Try again.

tazz317tazz317over 4 years ago

payback revenge does last....long and deep, TK U MLJ LV NV HOW much longer am i to be punished by Lit penalizing my comments, approx 150 as of 9-24 in your moderation chamber mlj

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Well Done!

I personally have no problem with revenge, because if there is no betrayal there wouldn't be any revenge. 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
She will know forgiveness, he will not.

Here is the truth. God hates adultery because it CAN cause one to hate, but you choose to hate. He choose to cause pain with the very scene of our Lords birth, the lord of forgiveness. Using his birth as a tool to cause pain is EVIL and that is as close to unforgivable as I can imagine.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
"And best of all, I haven’t needed to lube any of their dried up old pussies with KY!”

If this is how he views his wife it's no wonder she cheated on him. Not sure he's the victim here.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 4 years ago
Pretty nice story, Mr. Style Guy

Well written and edited. No creepy murders or cream pies. Write another, please, Randi.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I dunno

I just can’t be bothered to read yet another high class lawyer / rich businessman divorce story. These top earners are like 1% of the population, but 50% of the divorce figures on this site (the other 50% are self-righteous thugs who commit murder in response to civil disputes, so at least this guy isn’t that). I get that it’s harder to write a victory for an ordinary person, but if I wanted to follow an endless series of rich people divorces I’d just watch soaps.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Why is the question.?

Why the affair with a junior lawyer. How could she not figure out that he would miss the sex after she cut him off. How he really could get away with moving 32 million overseas and USA courts would not charge him. So he got his revenge neither lived happily ever after..

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
I like this

BTB till the end. Nothing like making the ex suffer for the long term

Jhbrown27Jhbrown27over 4 years ago
Good story

There are some money irregularities here but it is a fiction story. Well written with good dialogue.

cyferxcyferxover 4 years ago
Nativity Theft was too much

That's when it got too petty and too childishly vindictive. I know that is exactly why it's in there, but it is so typical of how BTB usually ruins the story by going a little (in this case) too far or a lot (in a lot of cases). 2*

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A solid 4

I liked it and would have given a 5 if we would have learned more about Martha and her motivations, etc.


GrimmerGrimmerover 4 years ago
Sorta Kinda

Felt like the end was missing a few pieces. Still pretty good.

btw - to Anon; overseas assets are not always part of divorce assets. In this case she would have to likely pursue other avenues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It didn't work from beginning to end. I gave it a one out of sympathy.

ChagrinedChagrinedover 4 years ago
Tiger27 said it best - Poignant

You know what I really hate on this site? Not that you care, but I hate writers who write better than my feeble efforts. This is why I hate HDK, Ohio, Cavohi, Stangstar, and others. You know them: the Greats! And now I have t add another name: The Style Guy.

Stories don't have to be reality consistent just internally consistent. And a really good story evokes emotion other than dropping trou and beating/rubbing off. and this story does that. It is just as Tiger27 said: <b>poignant.</b> Hate is too hot to keep up or the emotion kills you.

And to you Annoy assholes it evoked emotions in you as well or you wouldn't have bothers to post. So there. :P

Style Guy, I will continue to read your stuff and "hate" you from afar. :)

A fan, grudgingly. :)

VERY Best Regards,


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Sadly, very little emotional impact. Interesting plot sunk by poor choices by TheStyleGuy.

Where's the dramatic tension🤷‍♂️. Reading this is like reading a news article.

I had my doubts when I saw the title. Where was the "Shock and Awe" ❓

In the writers mind, ha, ha,....


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
As a story

this is OK. As a story for THIS site, it is not.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 4 years ago
This story caused my mind to wander.

I may write a story where a guy secretly sees his wife cheat on him on their wedding night. He plots revenge and hides his retirement fund on her so when he divorces her ass in 40 years, she will regret cheating big time! He is so careful for 40 years she simply can't get to it. Revenge has no expiration date in LW! Another brilliant revenge done right!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

@Anonymous Re: "She will know forgiveness, he will not." - And you can CHOOSE to commit adultery.

@Anonymous Re: "And best of all, I haven’t needed to lube any of their dried up old pussies with KY!" - Maybe he's just saying that to hurt her. There's no indication that he had any issue before she cheated.

I'm certainly no legal expert, but my layman's understanding is that if he sold the company and left the money overseas BEFORE divorce action is started, he's safe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Are we supposed to feel sympathy for either of them?

Face it, he's a dick.


Oh, I'm not talking about how he treated her, but how he treated his family.


To spite her, he kept a family heirloom, part of their history and legacy, from his children. I assume the 14 years was because of the statute of limitations, but there it is ridiculous that his children would just take the Nativity figurines back with little more than, "Thanks, Dad." Bullshit. Granted, they may have been worn down by then since it's obvious he screwed then out of their inheritance of the company, so this was just another "Fuck you" to them from their father.

Humphrey28Humphrey28over 4 years ago

I didn't really see shock and awe. There was a nice build-up and then it just kind of fizzled into extreme pettiness, followed by, "Oops, she's dying."

What I really can't figure out it why he would spend three years investigating, planning and executing that. It's far too much of a life to waste when you've decided right up front to call it quits. It simply didn't seem believable.

And finally, I'm not happy that we really didn't get any of the emotional impact. "It was just stress relief," doesn't really match the facts as presented. His reaction was calm an collected. The whole thing felt dry.

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 4 years ago

Most of these stories are from the perspective of the parents and the cheater is usually a female lawyer or someone working for a law firm. Just once, I would like to see more the effect of divorce has on the children. Even if older, they are effected. Still this was a decent plot. One thing. If he knew and implemented most of the action in one year, why wait another two years? That part I didn't get. Did I miss something?

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 4 years ago

Another story about an amazingly brilliant man who is always 3 steps ahead of his stupid wife. More fodder for the frustrated losers who need to live vicariously in these improbable, cookie-cutter stories.

On the other hand, the ending was a little different, so kudos for that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Well Done

Been on this site a long time and found this story to be one of the better ones submitted over the past year or two. I gave it a 4 because we never did understand what caused Martha to have an affair with a junior lawyer...was it a power thing? Anyway please keep writing and thanks for the story.

"Buckeye Fan"

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Loved the revenge but

Taking her family heirlooms that actually were her childrens memories was just plain fucking mean.....sorry reduced mark because of that......he had the high road and then lost it

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago

Powerful and moving in the end. It's hard to believe the 3 years. I don't know how anyone could wait that long. Still, it was good to see someone so selfish get treated without compassion and good to see the husband find peace in the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Well Done

Enjoyed it a lot.

IrrumatioIrrumatioover 4 years ago
The best revenge is living well

Depriving someone else of a simple pleasure is an empty gesture than benefits no one.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 4 years ago
That worked well.

He served her, right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Thanks for the effort, but.....

He turns out to be as big an asshole as she is. Petty as hell hiding the nativity scene. Also, he dishonored his marital vows just like she did in the most hypocritical manner. As sharp a lawyer as she is portrayed to be, do you really think that she’d discuss what she did, and what he disclosed that he had done without wearing a recording device? Lastly, you don’t attach evidence, i.e. photos, recordings, etc. to a complaint that you file in court. Pleadings are allegations, not evidence, which such items are.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great story

I liked it. Suggestion though: put more emotion into both characters. You did very well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
By the numbers!

Both are rich, he saves his multi-million dollar company, divorces his slut wife, who of course, gave her ass to her lover but never her husband, (would we have it any other way) then goes off and have a beautiful younger woman waiting in the wings who will fuck his brains out every day and twice on sunday.

johnadpjohnadpover 4 years ago

The fact that he sold the company, there are tax documents that it was sold, and that the money was moved overseas, then it's still marital assets. Her side would force him to provide for where the money is, all the documents related to it, etc. The sale not going through a US bank has nothing to do with anything. It's still marital assets. If that was the case, people would just move money overseas during a divorce and never have to account for it.

Two years is 730 days. If you spend on average 12 hours at home per day, even if 6-8 hours of them sleeping, you're still spending 8,760 days at home with a wife you have come to hate. The reason I bring up two years was because the MC said he had everything taken care of in the first year after finding out about the cheating, except for one (stealing the Nativity Display). He couldn't find a way a way to take that display away earlier, or even forget about that? 8,760 hours spent with someone you have come to hate when you don't have to so you can piss her off?

He could've just taken the Nativity Display from the bank at anytime and videotaped destroying them, and handed her the videotape. And you know what would've happened? The judge would've asked what is the fair market value of the items. Well, they're $10,000. Great, I'll write her a fucking check for that. She would have lost her memories, and know that they were gone forever. $10,000 (for all I know they were worth $50) or 8,760 hours of my life attached to someone I hate. Humm!

Got two legal points wrong. First, the sending money overseas, and two (and I'm assuming this is the reason the author doesn't have the MC do the above) because you assume that somehow the ND having sentimental value would have any bearing on the divorce proceedings. Property is property with market value as far as a court is concerned.

Last, the best thing he could do to his ex-wife is getting her to hate him. It eases her guilty conscious. It makes him seem petty, so brings him down to her level. The best torture would have been, when her young lover is gone, and she is growing old alone, is having her keep her regrets, her memories, the "what could've been."

There was the premise of an interesting story there, but too many holes. Didn't really care that much about either character.

When I'm ambivalent on a story, I simply don't score it. Although, it doesn't keep me from commenting though :).

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 4 years ago

You write well, just need to proof read a bit more diligantly to make it really good.

Shame you tried to put a real life ending to what was a fairly good btb.

The cuckold rag is erronous and almost made me ignore the story, but revenge tag kept me there. Glad it did as he was never a cuck, that infers acceptance and willingness on his part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Click bait on literotica. Who would have thought?

There is no shock and awe. Read the first paragraph and the author explains what shock and awe means. Major waste of time. Had alot of promise at the beginning then flopped big time. Not worth a rating. Sorry.

chytownchytownover 4 years ago

For the read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
And in the end...

Nothing really matters. Life is but a dream.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
To johnadp

read the story again, the money was never moved out of the US. It came from Sweden and staid out of the US

danoctoberdanoctoberover 4 years ago
Creative and very well done. 5 stars.

Straight up, I like The Style Guy's stories. He is one among many talented storytellers here at Literotica and when I see one of his stories submitted, I check it out. I would rate this little tale of woe as, "E" for entertaining. Looking forward to more of his work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Well written but too many gaps

There are things that don’t make sense. Like no judge is going to let a man get away with hiding $34 million of what is a marital asset. There are a few other things that make this a 3* for me.

NicealloverNicealloverover 4 years ago
Fun but lacking passion

I found the story compelling but lacking the feeling of regret and remorse on the part of the wife that could have transpired in their conversation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Very good and a slow planned out attack. The cheater doesn’t deserve to be treated fairly. She came home told him she loves him and her 29 year old fuck buddie was to just blow off steam. That’s so nice of her to fuck a married father of two who is probably the same age as her kids. She loved him like a sibling or a close friend. They didn’t have sex for two years and she thought that’s ok . So the guy was 29 which means he found out at 26 but not really sure when it started and she’s not ashamed of herself. Things like never having anal sex all those years together but she let some kid fuck her ass would really guck with a spouses head. I would definitely have sent copies of all the proof to all family, friends and coworkers copies of her getting fucked and hoped her fucked the guys wife at least once for both to get a little revenge. Also he was fucking in those three years just not her. The nativity thing was a little cruel but I can understand at the time but after a couple of years he should’ve sent them back. People don’t get how destructive divorce can be on everyone. Especially family , than friends and all who spend time with you . To me this is the perfect reaction to a cheating wife . She wanted to be married as a status thing with stability. The first thing I’d ask is really how long that affair was and how many others were there. Also just to be a dick I’d tell her now I’m getting dna on the kids to make sure they are mine. Looking for more from the author

tizwickytizwickyover 4 years ago
Well Done Revenge!

A real thinking mans BTB revenge nobody did anything violent, illegal (other than adultery - maybe, depending on the state laws) or stupid ( other than her cheating on her spouse). A far as selling the company to an offshore conglomerate and keeping the money offshore as assets of another foreign corporation controlled by a different corporate board....brilliant! Going to visit her in the hospice was understandable but giving back the nativity figurines was just ill-advised and stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The husband...

...was nothing but a cruel creep. He let her be unfaithful for three long years. He might have nipped the affair in the bud if he had taken quick action. And his messing with her nativity scene was a step too far for ANY man

bruce22bruce22over 4 years ago
A beautiful of getting even.

She threw the first stone and he took her down. But he is clearly a very cold fish.

gardalmungardalmunover 4 years ago
She got what she deserved.

She spent years disrespecting him and the marriage. He spent years ending it to his satisfaction.

Loved it!

vickitvohiovickitvohioover 4 years ago

I think you are truly gifted in writing BTB stories. You write enough punishment in there to satiate the offence of the callous wife's actions to actually finally spring remorse out of them.

magenta9959magenta9959over 4 years ago
Cruel creep????

Whoa there. She started the war. So did the Japanese. When your opponent goes all Hiroshima on you, do not expect sympathy from the spectators. Cruel I will give you, but he's no creep for fighting back and winning. All's fair in love and war.

ohyessssssohyessssssover 4 years ago

He was nicer than I would have been. She reaped what she sowed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A clusterfuck of the 1st degree.

How sad. Bullshit and more bullshit. How can a couple strive to hurt one another with so much pain.

This kind of nonsense is unfortunately a part of the human reflex designed in our DNA. The desire to inflict pain with no reservations is quite common among our species.

Enjoyed the storyline. *****

Thunderbolt_eThunderbolt_eover 4 years ago
Too Far

I know BTB stories are popular. But you are trying too hard.

Wife being a cheating slut is noting new, these things just happen. But wasting three years of his life just to screw the bitch, and stealing her family heirloom puts the husband on a whole new scale of dickness.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Its a new approach to a well known situation: a cheating wife and a revenging husband! Revenge should be served cold!! Right! Three years is enough time to cool down and he did it! Her stroke was long (three years) and heavy! So its o.k. to get all the time to bring his ducks into line!! Good read!

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
I read it again. Still 5*****

A lot of stories here are formulaic and I confess I often enjoy tweaking the formula. You hear complaints about "Where is the revenge?" This story is original in many ways, but most importantly in the ending. You found a new device and made an original story with it. That was good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Realistic but leaves one feeling totally unsatisfied! 2*s.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Well written story

But I would have liked more details about the 14 months they spent getting divorced. To me that was the juicy part. What exactly did he do for 3 years? How could she be so blind as to not realize they weren't making love at all during those three years? This is supposedly a smart attorney. A partner in a major law firm. And she's a deaf, dumb and blind fool? That didn't add up. How did he magically use his POA to sell his company and not have her notice the details in their tax returns? How did she NOT recover most of the value of the sale? Yes, he may have hidden the transactions, but the paperwork is still there. A decent forensic accountant finds the numbers, if not the money, in no time flat. Then a Court simply orders him to pay her or go to jail. Was he willing to go into hiding in a foreign country to avoid the bill? You don't think she hires a PI to find the figurines and then sends him to jail? What was the reaction of their kids and their families to the divorce? Good story, but I missed the real details. Thanks for the effort.

4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Beautiful sentiments

A small rain shower of emotions from this one. After all isn’t that a writers job? A job well done.

Regards RePhil

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Hiding the nativity figurines for 14 years was wickedly twisted. There are those that prefer the neanderthal approach and club the cheaters to death. There are those who go finance geek route of taking their assets. True he did some of that, but Martha wasn't hurting.

So he took the Hannibal Lechter route of screwing with her head and soul: denial of the one thing money cannot buy her comfort place of reliving the joy of her Christmas childhood memories.


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

Don't his kids now know that he DID have the figurines and be pissed off at him?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Spending 3 years being around the cheating cunt and not spilling the beans. I only wish Martha and her boyfriend could have been shown suffering more for their sins.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
I read it again and I am still very impressed!

I hated her throughout most of the story, but by the end I actually felt sorry for her. Not many authors can do that. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I liked it but found it lacing, not your faukt but mine for a lack of understanding.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
His Theft Of Her

Nativity scene brought back memories of my ex-wife doing the very same thing with many of my family heirlooms, including the famous train set that saved Lionel given to my brother and handed down to me. She is the one who was cheating and but she had to punish me. If she could steal it she did and lied and lied and lied. With all of the years that he denied his family that enjoyment I don't see how he just brings them out and all is mysteriously forgiven. Seems to me people would question a lot of other things he said and did. The statute of limitations would have expired on lying to the police, insurance fraud and probably other things he did but people wiould know what kind of man he was. If he could do all of that and remain stoic for three years knowing she was cheating without giving her any outward signs of knowing about it I can almost understand her cheating on him. Almost understand, face it he was an asshole and she wasn't a very smart attorney. Signed: BTW

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdabout 4 years ago
This Had All the Potential of a REALLY Good Story

but it lacked depth of character, passion, and motivation. At the end we're left knowing very little of the husband and wife or her lover. Seems you might have been trying to just "check the boxes" until getting to the finish line.

LoejtcLoejtcabout 4 years ago
Vindictiveness Wins

The Nativity theft was an inspiration. Yes, it was willful, petty, mean spirited, even hateful just like her three year affair. Of course so many LW readers are so morally aloof that such actions are seen as detracting from the story.

But often it is the little things that hurt the most. This was Martha's happy place. It seemed more important to her than the event it celebrated. She didn't need his money. And her threat to take his company was just as mean spirited. She was used to winning and had the resources to make it happen. He blunted all her weapons, then stuck a knife into her heart. A knife that would twist by itself every Christmas season after he was long gone. She would hate for a long time. But really why did she hate him so much? Was it the figurines or the fact that he won and she lost. She had always assumed that even if her affair was discovered that she would have the upper hand in any attempted divorce. She would force him into submission and allow the affair to continue or see generations of his family's business (Chris' happy place) destroyed. Chris knew her well. He sold it to save it. He lost his "happy place" so he made sure she lost hers. It took him three years of humiliation, lies, deceptions and an unloving marriage to make sure she didn't win.

He succeeded.

The best story TSG has written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

OK, he was as cruel and mean-spirited as she was. He proved he was just as vile and disgusting a waste of skin as she was. Yay, I guess. This is what you call winning?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Lacking several points,eg why did he not sue her law firm for not enforcing morality clauses.How did his children who we never met until the end,react to the divorce and their mothers cheating?.What did he do with all the money and how come it appears he never remarried?.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

To see this disgusting piece of shit at the end of her life to do anything but tell her he's been looking forward to this day for 17 years and for her to fuck off and die I liked this story. Another unbelievable, unwarranted dismissal of human nature that a lot of writers on this site seem to favor.

Another commenter wondered why he never remarried, after this bitch setting the relationship standard why would he even consider remarrying? Rich with no moral entanglements life would be good, very good.

jimjam69jimjam69almost 4 years ago

Very good story. All around well done.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago
I would be interested in Martha's tale.

WTF? Goes through your head about this shit.

What possessed her to chest in the first place? Why did she do things with her affair partner and not her husband?

Why didn't she notice that her marriage was dissolving with no sex from her husband?

Why did she say she loved him after 3: years of betrayal?

Still a great btb.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago

Damn autocorrect is killing me!

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

She got much deserved Karma. I would honor her wish after she dies...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Chris hated Martha until their final meeting!

I say this because Chris never returned the Nativity figurines until Martha died. If he stopped hating Martha, he would have returned the figurines sooner.

As for hate using up energy, that is BS! I still hate the people who bullied me through Public and High school. I check the obituaries ever week to see if any of them have died. I get the last laugh when I piss on their graves like I told them I would!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Agree with last comment. She cheated and never sorry till end?

The bell tolls for thee.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I have trouble believing such a careful lawyer would miss the sale of a multi-million-dollar company when that sale was reflected in tax returns. I would have preferred more explanation about how that happened, even if it was just that he shoved the papers in front of her to sign while she was running out the door so she didn’t bother to read them.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Very good story, and now in my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You should have being more detailed in the BTB section towards the end. If he planned for 3 years there should have been more that just the assets and sale of his business. I thought the MC would ruin her by secretly sharing the photos of her illicit affair. Law offices like so many businesses operate on a foundation of trust. The public and clientele would probably take away there business if it was found out that a senior partner with standing in the community was having a long running affair with a married junior attorney. At the very least the ethics and bar associations would have been called in. That amount of negative publicity would have been detrimental to the firms business and probably have the cheating slut sever working relationship to protect the other partners and the overall firm. Her reputation and goodwill would have been ruined if she decided to fight the divorce.

Bo47Bo47over 3 years ago

After completing thks storyI did not like it. 5 stars for your craftsmanship as a writer. 1 star because I don't like to feel sad after finishing it. Trying for a tragedy? You made it.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 3 years ago

I'm glad I didn't read this a month ago. Really sad story would have been worse during Christmas time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The problem with the ending?

Is that if he admits he's had the figurines he could be in trouble. Trouble with the Insurance Company and the police. And BIG trouble with his family and especially his kids when they realize he's had the figurines all that time and hid them from their Mother just to spite her. He would have been better off leaving them to the kids upon his death. Better yet he should have sold them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

2nd or 3rd read. Still ... sad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Sad, but excellent. And didn't need to be long. No doubt 5*

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