Shock & Awe Ch. 02

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The continuation of a bad situation.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/04/2021
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I lost count of the beers I drank, after seven or eight. The more I drank, the less I thought about where she was, who she was with, and what she was doing. Now, I was missing her, and all I wanted was for her to come home. I actually wanted to be close with her, and maybe even make love. For as drunk as I was, that probably wasn't going to happen, knowing how alcohol has an effect on my dick.

As I was stumbling out of the bathroom, after pissing for the hundredth time, I heard the front door open, so I staggered down the hall to greet my wife. My head was in the fog, and my eyes were having a hard time focusing on her, but she looked beautiful none the less.

"Welcome home dear!" I slurred, as I tried to kiss her.

She held me back, and said, "You've been drinking."

I nodded my head, and reached for her again, but this time I managed to get my arms around her, and hug her. "I mished you honey!" I stammered.

"Yes. I missed you too." She said, as she squirmed free of my grasp.

"Washhh a matter? Don't you wanna kish yer hushbannn?"

"Of course I want to kiss you dear, but I'd probably get a buzz from your breath alone! How much have you had to drink tonight?" she said.

"Jush enough to shtop being shad." I said.

I remember her helping me into bed, and then hearing the shower running, before passing out. I slept like a log, and when I finally did wake up, my head felt like someone was using a jack hammer on it. I staggered into the bathroom, and swallowed half a bottle of headache pills, then went back to bed.

Three hours later, I was in better shape, and made my way into the kitchen for some much needed coffee. I sat alone, and downed my first cup, and when I refilled it, I noticed Lynn sitting outside drinking coffee. She looked out across the pool, seeming to be deep in thought. That's when I remembered why I had drunk so much the previous evening.

I walked out, and sat down across from her, and said, "Penny for your thoughts."

She took a sip of her coffee, and set the cup on the table between us, and looked into my bloodshot eyes. I thought she was about to say something, but she changed her mind, and looked out at the yard again.

"What's the matter?" I asked. "Nothing to say to me after last night? I thought you might at least tell me if you had a nice time, and if it was what you expected it to be."

She sat her cup back down, but this time she glared at me, and said, "Are you trying to pick a fight, or are you just being an asshole?"

"Nope... neither of those." I said as I casually took another sip of coffee. "Just trying to make polite conversation is all. Lord knows, the last thing I should be right now, is an asshole. I mean... what reason could I possibly have for that?"

She picked up her coffee, stormed into the house, and muttered, "You really can be an ass sometimes!"

"What the fuck?" I thought. "Here I am, the one who is innocent here, and she's the one who went out and screwed some guy, and I'm the asshole!" Or... maybe it didn't happen last night. Wouldn't that be grand! She puts me through all of that, and then nothing happens. That was the only explanation I could come up with for her bad mood, so I gave her some space.

I spent the rest of the morning working in the yard, and only went back in the house for some lunch, and a cold drink. I made a ham sandwich, and reached for a beer, but thought better of that. I don't think I could've kept a beer down considering all I had the night before. I hadn't seen or heard Lynn, since our morning confrontation over coffee, so I looked around for her. I could hear a muffled voice coming from the den, so I moved closer.

Before yesterday, I never would have thought of spying or eavesdropping on my wife, but this was new territory now, so I quietly listened. From what I gathered, she was talking to one of her friends. Probably Donna, the one I didn't like. She was divorced, and was always bragging to Lynn about the many men she had on a string. No doubt, it was her that put this stupid dating idea in my wifes head.

From what I was hearing, last night hadn't gone the way my wife wanted, which was exactly what I wanted! Apparently her date turned out to be a dud, and she wasn't happy about it. "Yay! Maybe, she'll give up this nonsense," I thought. My hopes were crushed, when I heard my wife agree to go on a double date with Donna and a couple guys she knew. I heard my wife giggle, and say that she would be ready before hanging up the phone.

I hurried back to the kitchen, and had just sat down, when she came into the room. I just looked at her, and ate my sandwich.

"I'm sorry for jumping all over you earlier Steve." She said. "I had no right to do that to you."

Boy! That was the understatement of the year. Taking the initiative, I asked, "How was your evening?"

"It was OK, but not what I had hoped it would be." She replied.

At that moment, I knew that she hadn't hung cuckold horns on me, but I wasn't too sure about asking anything else, so I just nodded, and took another bite. I was wondering how she was going to tell me about her next date, and when it would be, when she said, "I hope you won't mind, but Donna asked me to go out with her for a few drinks tonight."

There it was! No mention of Donna bringing a man for her, just drinks with her friend. Now, she was just being sneaky about it, which was something she said she wouldn't do. So, I played along, and said, "Sure. Go ahead. After all, it is Saturday night, and there's no sense in staying home with me, and watching the game. I know you're not a hockey fan."

"Thanks hun. I thought you might be upset about last night, so I was hesitant to ask." She said. "Why don't you have some of your friends over to watch the game with you? No sense in watching alone."

"Yeah... I might do that." I said.

Here we were, avoiding the issue of last night, like it never happened, and now she was openly deceiving me about going out with her friend. How far we had come in the space of one day! It amazed me at how quickly, and easily my loving wife, would flip flop on her ideal of being honest and upfront with me. Maybe, my reaction was what caused it, but then again, maybe her friend had a big hand in our problems too. In any event, I knew that tonight, I wouldn't be watching the game; I was going to follow my wife, and see exactly what was going to happen.

Later that day, when she was in the shower, I grabbed her phone, and downloaded a tracking app on it, and linked it to my phone. I certainly didn't want to lose her, and following her line of sight was too risky. It was funny, but I didn't want my wife to catch me in the act of spying on her. As far as I was concerned, I held the high ground, and I didn't want to lose that advantage. The last thing I wanted was for her crying to her friend about how I didn't trust her, and was following her, even though it was now a sad reality for me.

"Who did you call to watch the game with you dear?" She asked.

I lied, and said, "Jim, Frank, and Bill are coming over."

"Well, I'm glad I have someplace to go. I know how loud you guys can get." She laughed.

I looked at how she was dressed again, and said, "You sure look hot Lynn! Are you sure you don't have another date tonight?"

She went white for a split second, and calmly said, "Dear... If I had a date, I would tell you. Please don't start this again!"

"Lighten up dear! That was a joke. Maybe a bad one, and probably too soon, but, it was a joke." I said.

She did look good. She wore a pair of black satin pants that rode quite low on her hips, and a white silk button down, square cut blouse. I did see the outlines of a bra this time, and she had most of the buttons done up. When she kissed me before leaving, her scent was intoxicating. As she walked away, I noticed her "Whale Tail" above the top of her pants. She was showing a lot of the crack of her ass to be "just going out with her friend!"

She said, "I love you." and walked out the door.

I didn't think there was any hurry to follow her, so I had a beer, while I watched the tracking app on my phone. It stopped for about twenty minutes, and I guessed she was at Donnas' house. Then it started moving again, and when It stopped, it was downtown, where all the dance clubs were located. She was at The Road House, a place that had a reputation for good bands, and lots of young people.

I tried to dress so I wouldn't be too conspicuous. I put on an old shirt that I thought would fit in, a pair of jeans, and a baseball hat. I finished the look with a pair of dark glasses. Not sunglasses exactly, but something I felt would hide my identity, in case she saw me. Then, I got in the car and drove to the club.

When I walked inside, the place was packed, and a band was playing loud rock music. Not good music, like classic rock, but this new shit. I pushed through to the bar, and ordered a beer, and tried to find my wife. No luck. This wasn't going to be as easy as I thought it would be. In fact, it took me almost an hour before I saw her, and that was when I almost walked straight into her coming from the restroom.

She never noticed me though, as she was laughing and talking with Donna. In that fleeting moment, two things immediately got my attention. First; her blouse was open well below her tits, and second; her bra was gone. I had that sinking feeling in my stomach, as I watched where they went. Sure enough, there were two guys waiting at a booth along one side of the dance floor. I'm sure that I openly cringed, when I saw one of the guys stand up, take my wife in his arms, and kiss her. It was a long tongue kiss. Like the kind of kiss between two people in love, and it made me sick to watch.

As discretely as possible, I moved closer to them. I knew there was no way I would be able to hear any conversation due to the noise, but I wanted a closer look. I don't know why I wanted that, I just did. Just as I was getting settled in to my hiding spot, the band started playing a slow song. Lynn and her date got up, and moved to the dance floor.

He held her close. As close as I held her when we danced, and she laid her head on his chest. He was quite a bit taller than she was, and probably taller than me too. He also appeared to be in great physical condition. I noticed that, because, I had let myself go over the past few years, and I felt bad about that. His hands started out on the small of her back, but soon moved their way down to her ass. He was cupping her ass with both hands, and I thought I could see him squeezing it, but there were too many people in the way to be sure.

When the song ended, she looked up at him, and they kissed again. This time he had his hands between them, and I was certain he was playing with her tits. In the meantime, my wife had her hands all over his ass, and when they broke their kiss, I watched Lynn tucking her tits back into her blouse! He headed towards the bar, and she turned to go to their booth, and that's when I saw that the "Whale Tail" was gone. I had to wonder if her thong had found its way into his pocket. I didn't know how much more of this I could stand to watch, but for some reason, I couldn't leave.

I made my way to the bar, and forced my way into the crowd, so I was standing next to Lynn's date. The band was now on a break, and I overheard the bartender telling him how hot his date was, to which he replied, "She's dripping wet too!" Then he held up three fingers, and they both laughed. No one noticed how I glared at the bastard when he walked away from the bar with fresh drinks for them. I was pissed beyond words, and I'm sure that I would've shot the fucker if I had a gun. I was glad I had left mine at home.

I had turned away from the bar, with my beer, and had taken a few steps back to my spot, when I nearly ran Donna over. She looked at me for a second, and apologized for bumping into me, and then continued on her way. But, that brief instant that she got a good look at me, made me think I was busted. I had a fifty, fifty chance. I could leave now, before the bitch ratted me out, or stay and take my chances. I decided to stay.

I was in a dark corner, where I could see Lynn, but was sure she couldn't see me, and sure enough, when Donna returned, she whispered something in my wifes ear. Thinking quickly, I ran into the men's room, and waited for the phone call I was sure was coming. It only took three minutes for my phone to ring. It was Lynn.

"Hey... Where are you?" She asked. "Is that a band I hear playing? Aren't you guys watching the game?"

"Yeah... We're watching. We decided it would be fun to go to Shorty's Pub and have a few beers, and get some food and watch the game here. Some jerk's playing the juke box! He better fuckin quit before the end of intermission!" I said.

"Oh... I was wondering, because Donna said she thought she ran in to you here." Her voice sounded nervous to me.

"Oh... really? Where are you?" I asked. "I hear a lot of people. Must be crowded where ever you are."

"This place is packed with a bunch of rowdy kids!" she said. "Can you believe Donna dragged me to The Road House?"

"Wow! Really?" I said, "Don't you two feel a little out of place there? I'm not calling you old, but you've got to have at least ten years on those twenty something's."

"Ha ha ha! Very funny!" she tried to sound mad, but sounded more relieved than mad. "Well... I gotta go. You have a good time, and don't let anyone drive drunk."

"You too. I'll see you later at home." And I ended the call.

When I got back to my hiding spot, I saw that Lynn was now sitting in this guys lap, and kissing him again. Apparently she felt safe, and bought my story. He had his hand inside her blouse, and was openly playing with her tits again. I could actually feel my face growing red, and my fists clenched, when he dropped his head to suck on her nipple. She just closed her eyes, and held his head in place. Donna and the other guy were doing something similar, except his hands were between her legs. Donna had worn a skirt.

The action at the booth was heating up quickly, but the band started playing again, and people were obscuring my line of sight. Now, I only caught fleeting glimpses of what my wife was doing. I thought about ending this charade, and going over there, but didn't see what good that would do. I wasn't by any means afraid of the guy, even though he was bigger, and in better shape. Not being sure of what his friend would do was all that stopped me. Taking on both of these assholes might be a tall order.

I finished my beer, and was going to leave; when I saw Lynn's head go below the table. That stopped me dead in my tracks. I didn't realize that I was standing in the middle of the dance floor, with no cover, and Donna was looking straight at me. She just stared at me, staring at my wifes head now bobbing up and down, partially hidden by the table. When I realized Donna was staring at me, I saw that she had a smile on her face. She put her finger to her lips, as if to say, "I won't tell her." And then she laughed.

I stood frozen in place, as I watched this guy hold my wifes head in his hands, and then arch his hips up. Lynn sat up, laughing, and wiping her lips. The slut never even tried to hide what she had just done! Her tits were hanging out for all to see, and when she looked at Donna, her friend nodded her head in my direction. My wife was still laughing, when she turned her head, and saw me. The laughing stopped, and she stood up, tucking her tits back into her blouse as she walked towards me.

"So... you are sneaking around following me now?" She asked incredulously.

"I wouldn't have to sneak around and follow you, if you were honest with me!" I shouted back. "You said you weren't going to do this behind my back! That sure changed in a hurry!"

Next thing I know the guy she just sucked off is standing beside her, asking, "Is there a problem here Lynn?"

"Mind your own fuckin business Junior!" I said "I'm the bitches husband."

He stepped between Lynn and me, and said, "I know who you are. Lynn told me all about you. She said you were OK with this."

"She fuckin lied to you asshole!" I shouted.

At this point, two huge bouncers got between us, and before I could plead my case, that cunt Donna, said that I was starting a fight. I was very roughly removed from the premises. I looked over my shoulder to see Lynn's asshole boyfriend with his arm around her, holding her close. I saw no remorse or look of guilt on her face as I was shoved out the door. I slept in my car that night.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Diecast1Diecast1over 1 year ago

Sorry , but this is not getting any better.

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

How does the title even remotely fit the story? The mc was a total idiot, like most in the lw section, failed to say anything ad implied approval. Why is it the guy in the club fault? Really lame.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

0 star really bad idea.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

What is more idiotic in this "story"?

The moronic paranoid premise that is a typical LW cliché, idiotic characters that act as if they have IQ of 50, miserable incompetent writer that is cutting lousy story that does not deserve 1 posting into three(!) parts or idiots commenting as this is something that has really happened.


TheGreyWolf81TheGreyWolf81almost 3 years ago

See, now we are getting someplace... why? Because she lied, blatantly, and on everything she said. A naked walk in a Sahara sandstorm should be enough punishment for her... for a start.

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