Showing Myself Pt. 04


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Both Seth and Noah were now shaving their pubes each day which made me giving them blowjobs more pleasurable for me.


The Thursday was another day at the farm. Noah and Seth were helping Ted move the hay up to Terry's cattle farm whilst I was driving the tractor with the muck spreader on the back. Okay, I was technically breaking the law because I was driving the tractor on public roads without a licence, and I was naked, but it's a quiet road and I wasn't going that far on it. I reckon that during the whole day I would only be breaking the law for less than an hour and the chances of seeing another motorist, apart from Ted, Seth and Noah shifting the hay, would be minimal.

When I first arrived at Terry's farm Terry smiled at me as he said hello. I'd seen him in the pub the previous Saturday so seeing me naked wasn't a surprise for him but it was for his 2 farm hands and they stared at me in amazement. Terry got one of them to use his tractor with the bucket on the front to load the muck spreader trailer and the poor man just stared at me as the naked me drove out of the farmyard with a very smelly trailer behind me.

While the farm hand had been loading the trailer I was looking at him. He kept turning to look at me and all those looks made my pussy tingle. It wasn't exactly a sexy place, nor a sexy situation but he was still a man and he was looking at the naked me.

Ted, Seth and Noah were just leaving Ted's farm with a trailer load of bales of hay as I arrived back and they waved at me when I stopped at the side of the road to let them get by. As Noah looked at me he was holding his nose. I smiled knowing that the cow shit in the trailer stank something rotten.

Back at Ted's farm I got to work driving up and down the field with the cow shit flying all over behind me. With the direction that the wind was blowing I only got to smell the manure when I drove one way along the field but by the time the trailer was empty I was starting to get used to the smell.

Our 2 tractors passed each other on the public road a few more times. Ted had only gone with Noah and Seth the first time so subsequent times my 2 mates were on their own. One time that we stopped alongside each other for a quick chat I asked if one of them wanted to swap places with me but both declined. Muck spreading was a job that I didn't mind doing, even when I was naked, even if I would be going home smelling of cow shit.

One time when I was driving down the public road back to Ted's farm a car came the other way. I pulled up half on the grass verge and watched the car go slowly passed me. I saw the driver do a double-take when he saw me and I wished that I'd been stood up so that he could have seen all on my naked body.

A couple of hours later we were all at Ted's farm and Beth called us in for some lunch. As I walked over to the farmhouse Beth said,

"Normally when Ted is muck spreading I'd tell him to take his overalls off before he came inside but as you aren't wearing any Lea can you you go and get hosed down please, I'm sure that Seth or Noah will help you."

"I guess that I do stink a lot." I replied.

Seth and I went to where there was a tap and an attached hosepipe and Seth turned the tap on. He took great delight hosing me down and he did play particular attention to my tits and pussy. He had the hose focused on my pussy with my legs spread when Noah arrived with a towel for me. I was a bit disappointed when Seth turned the water off because the jet of water on my pussy was starting to feel very nice.

"So Lea," Beth said as we all sat eating, "are you looking forward to Friday evening Lea?"

"Yes I am. I don't know what's got into me lately but I just love being naked with lots of men looking at me. Even that old farm hand at Terry's farm looking at me made my pussy tingle."

"It's just a phase that you're going through Lea." Beth said. "With most girls it wears off quite quickly but for some it never goes away."

"Like you Beth." Ted said.

"True, but as you get older your body changed and you don't want to show yourself as often."

Beth was suddenly hit with 4 people all saying words to the effect that she still had a great body and that she should be proud to let others see it.

"No, I couldn't." Beth replied.

"You came skinny dipping with us the other day Beth." Seth reminded Beth.

"And I'm 100% sure that Ben would let you work alongside Lea on a Friday and Saturday." Ted added. "Shall we talk to him when we go there on Friday evening?"

"No, I couldn't, I'm too old to do that sort of thing."

"We'll see on Friday." Ted said.

Now I love Beth like a sister but I wasn't sure that I wanted there to be another naked girl working at the pub when I was there, I wanted all the male eyes to be on me.

"Maybe you could work there naked on a Monday and Tuesday Beth?" Noah said, "when it's not so busy, not as many men staring at you."

"I'll think about it." Beth replied, then turned to me and continued.

"Now look at what you're getting me in to Lea."

"Not complaining are you Beth?" I asked.

Before she could answer Ted butted in.

"Come on you 3, there's still a lot of hay to move."

"And a lot of cow shit to spread." I added.

By the middle of the afternoon both jobs were finished and Beth was suggesting that we all go to the swimming hole.

"I can't go." Ted said, "waiting for a delivery from the seed man."

"I could wait here for him." Noah said.

And that's what happened, the 4 of us went skinny dipping. It was fun watching Ted and Beth messing about with Seth and I, and it was nice seeing Ted's cock swinging about and then getting hard when Beth started groping him in the water. It wasn't that long before Ted and Beth and Seth and I were fucking, both in and out of the water. I could happily have swapped partners but Beth and Ted didn't seem interested.

Back at the farm Noah told Ted about the seed man then 3 of us got on our bikes and left. Noah saying that he was pleased that I didn't stink any more. As a reward for him saying that (well that's what I told him) we went back to my house where both of them fucked me before dad got home from work.


The rest of the week was relatively quiet apart from the 3 of us fucking wherever and whenever we could. We tried all the positions that we could think of including me tied spread eagled to trees but my 2 favourite positions are doggy with one of them fucking me at each end, and when there is just 2 of us doing a 69 followed by doggy style.

But each time that we went somewhere to mess about or fuck, I had this nagging feeling that I would enjoy it more if some other people were watching me.

Friday evening came around and I was really looking forward to all those city folk coming and seeing me in all my glory even if I did only have small tits. I even had a second body shave as I got ready to go to the pub. Daddy watched me shower and shave outside and was amused that I'd shaved twice within one day. I realised that I was very aroused both with the anticipation of the evening at the pub, and daddy watching me shower and shave and what's more daddy realised the state that I was in and he told me that I should consider rubbing one out before I went to the pub so that I didn't just jump on the first unknown young man that I saw.

I laughed and said that I wouldn't do that but I just knew that I wanted to do just that. As a sort of silent compromise, and not even thinking about it, my right hand went to my clit and I did rub one out, right in front of daddy.

"You could have done that for me." I told daddy when I was able to.

"Leanne, we've talked about this."

"But rubbing my pussy isn't incest daddy."

"It could easily progress into it Leanne."

"Would that be such a bad thing daddy, you want to fuck me and I want you to fuck me so what harm could it do? It's not like I'm going to get pregnant."

"No Leanne, it's not right."

"You know that I'll keep going on about it until you give in and fuck me daddy."

"That's what worries me Lea."

"Stop worrying about it daddy. Talk to Ben or Ted about it, I'm pretty sure that they can put your mind at rest."

"They haven't got any daughters."

"True but they're both got a lot of common sense."

"True. Okay Lea I'll talk to them but it still doesn't seem right."

When I was finally ready, yes it took me nearly as long as it would have done if I'd been going to wear some clothes, I set off walking and wondering if it would be as much fun as it had been the last Saturday. I was actually quite nervous when I opened the door to walk in.

"You okay Leanne?" Ben asked as soon as he saw me.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"I can see that but are you okay being here, like that?"

"Hell yes, what other way is a naked barmaid supposed to look like."

"Well most of them don't look as good as you do Lea."

"Aw Ben, anyone would think that you're trying to get into my knickers."

"Slight technical problem there Lea."

"Ben, can I ask you a question?"


"In the back, it's sort of private."

"Do you want me to fuck you Lea?"

"Yes, but that's not what I wanted to ask you."

In the back where no one could hear I continued,

"Ben, if I were your daughter would you fuck me?"

"Bloody hell Leanne, that's one hell of a question."

"Yes it is, but would you fuck me?"

Ben stepped back a little, looked me up and down causing my pussy to tingle, and replied,"

"Too right I would, take a look at yourself in a mirror Lea, I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you, and any normal man, relative or not, would want to fuck you. Even Mike Barlow says that he wants to fuck you and he's old enough to be your grandfather."

"Thanks Ben, that's all I wanted to know. Now where do you want me to start?"

Ben set me to work. There were only a handful of locals in at that time and as I went round tidying up and collecting the odd empty glass I stood if front of them and had a little chat with each of them letting them have a good look at my naked front. There was a couple of elderly men that hadn't been there the last Saturday so I spent a little longer in front of them causing my pussy tingling to get a little stronger.

It wasn't long before the city folk started to arrive and I was soon quite busy, not only serving them but listening to and joining in with their banter and comments about me being naked. It was all good, harmless fun and ir was keeping my tingling going and my nipples and clit rock hard.

One time when I was stood right up to the bar I lowered my hand to my pussy and confirmed that my clit was sticking out for all to see. I gave it a quick rub that sent a shiver through my whole body. I thought that no one had seen me but as Ben walked behind me he said,

"No playing with yourself Leanne, that could cause problems for me."

"Sorry Ben." I replied and wondered what sort of problems he was referring to.

The place was getting busy and I had to go collecting empties. I was very similar to the previous Saturday with the banter and the odd quick grope which I didn't stop and I remembered to stand where I had to bend over to reach the glasses. When I went outside to collect empties I saw the same group of young men as the last time. They sounded happy for me to be there next to them and they wanted another set of selfies and spreadies with me.

Of course I enjoyed the spreadies the most and when some young men at another table saw me they too wanted to have the same fun. Who was I to deny them that so again I posed and got lifted with my legs spread wide.

When I finally got back inside Ben asked me what took so long so I told him then added,

"You should get your phone out and take some as well Ben, I don't mind you having photographs of me naked with my legs spread wide."

Just after that daddy walked in closely followed by Ted and Beth. A couple of oldies got up to leave and Beth quickly grabbed the seats.

"I've never seen this place so busy." Ted said when he came to the bar and I was serving him.

Ben was stood beside me and he replied,

"Yes, and we've got this one to thank for that."

"It looks like everyone's benefiting then." I added knowing that I certainly was in more ways than one.

A bit later Ben sent me outside to collect empties again and the young men started again. I made sure that most of them got a good look at my pussy again and some of them got a bit of a grope of it as well. Whilst I was stood at one table with a hand sliding up my inner thigh, one of the guys asked me if I'd be free to go and work behind the bar at their rugby club.

"Not on a Friday or Saturday" I replied, "that's when I work here and I'm enjoying it too much to stop."

"A Thursday would be good for us." Another of the guys said.

"Well it all depends on a few things, firstly what exactly would I have to do? Secondly, how would I get there and back because I don't drive and the bus service is pathetic; and thirdly, could I bring my 2 best mates.

The guy turned on the bench seat and patted his thighs.

"Sit Leanne and I'll answer your questions."

"Make it quick please, I'm supposed to be working." I replied as I sat on his lap and felt the bulge press between my bare butt cheeks.

"Okay, firstly it's an 18th birthday party for one of our team and all we would want you to do is walk around like you are now and chat to everyone and maybe sit on the odd lap and let the guys put their hands on you. As for getting there and then getting home I could come and pick you up in my car, that Merc parked over there."

I looked in the direction that he was pointing and saw an expensive Mercedes with tinted windows.

"As for your 2 mates, yes they can come along and if they are as gorgeous as you then they can wander around dressed like you as well."

"My 2 best mates are blokes and they probably won't want to get their kit off but they would like a lot of free drinks."

"Oh, blokes, I was hoping that they'd be girls as beautiful as you are Leanne but I guess that we could stand a few drinks for your bodyguards."

"I might be interested, write your name and number on a beer mat, let me have it before you leave and I might get back to you."

I got up off his lap and looked down at it as I picked up the glasses. I smiled when I saw that my pussy had leaked all over the front of his jeans.

Back inside I got on with my job but I couldn't help thinking about being naked in a room full of rugby players. My pussy was definitely tingling and leaking, a lot.

After helping Ben serve people for a while he sent me to collect empties again. There were some on the table that dad was sat at and when I went there he smiled and asked me if I was okay."

After I said that I was Beth said,

"I can see that, you go girl."

I picked up the empties and to get some from the next table I bent over giving my dad, Ted and Beth a great view of my dripping pussy and wondered if Beth had seen me bending over at another table.

Later I went to collect glasses outside again and got requests for selfies.

"And spreadies." I replied.

That got the guys thinking and before long I was up in the air with my legs spread wide and a big smile on my face.

"This job is great." I thought as I was hanging there and getting transferred to different sets of shoulders.

Finally they'd got all the photos that they wanted and I got on with collecting glasses. When I went to the table where I'd sat on the rugby club guy's lap I was handed a beer mat. I quickly read what was on it and smiled when I read 'It's a come as you are party'. I looked at the guy and saw him mouthing the word 'please'.

I put the beer mat in one of the glasses and carried them inside.

Ben was quick to take the glasses and I had to quickly retrieve the beer mat and put it in my pint pot of tips.

"You collecting men's phone numbers Leanne?"

"That's the number of a guy who's offering me another night's work."

"Well you be careful Lea, there's a lot of strange people about."

"I know, this is at a rugby club and if I go I will be taking Seth and Noah with me."

"Good, rugby club guys are usually pretty good guys. I'd have been worried if it had been a football club."

We both left it at that and got on with serving and me collecting empties and letting people get close up views of all of my body.

Closing time came all too soon but having said that I was quite tired, and horny.

Dad hung around to walk me home and I was amazed that my tips and wages were more than the last Saturday.

As we walked home I linked my arm with dad's right arm, pressing my left tit onto his arm.

"Did you talk to Ted and Beth and Ben about fucking me dad?" I asked.

"I did, but I'm still not sure, it just seems all wrong Lea."

"So I take it that they couldn't see anything wrong with us fucking?"

"No, just so long as you don't get pregnant."

"Well that isn't going to happen, I religiously take pill when I use the bathroom on a morning."

"Good, you need a good routine for things like that."

"Dad, you either need to get a girlfriend p.d.q. or you need to start fucking me. My stopping wearing clothes must be giving you a severe case of blue balls and I'm not going to see you suffer. And by that I don't mean that I'm going to start wearing clothes again, well not until I go to university."

"So what are you saying Lea?"

"Tell you what dad, let me sleep in your bed with you, like I used to do when I was little, and let's see what happens. It will be nice to cuddle up to you when I'm going to sleep, I miss those days."

"So do I but you're a big girl now. Okay Lea, I guess that it can't do any harm, I mean we'd only be cuddling like we used to."

"You're not going to start wearing your undies to bed are you dad?"

"No Lea, the only thing that will change will be that you are cuddling up to me."

"Two naked bodies together. Well that's a good start, we can talk before we go to sleep. But that doesn't mean that you have to stop looking for a girlfriend dad, Ben needs to start looking as well because if he doesn't I'm going to have to fuck him as well. I suspect that he's suffering from blue balls as well."

"That's your fault Lea."

"Is he complaining?"

"No, in fact Beth told him that he should fuck you as well."

"Jeez. I'm going to become the village bike if I'm not careful."

"No Lea, the village bike is available to all the men in the village, you aren't, even if all the men in the village want to fuck you."

"No dad, only a few select ones."

By then we'd arrived home and after our sessions in the bathroom I slid into dad's bed alongside his naked body. I deliberately didn't pounce on him, instead I just turned to face him, put my head on his shoulder, my arm over his chest and my leg over his. I so wanted to put my hand on his cock, if for no other reason than to find out if it was hard, but I resisted and just asked him about his day.

That was a mistake because his uninteresting day soon sent me to sleep.


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88girfriend88girfriendabout 2 years ago

This keeps getting better. Love that you bring out the fact that some people like sex and showing off their parts to strangers. Tons of people today would be all like she was abused as child. Can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Loving it so far keep it going. You still have several avenues you could go here. Hopefully Beth joins her soon. Hopefully she get to take care of dad soon as well... Pappasleaze!

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