Shudder - The College Years Ch. 06


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Both parents experienced a vast array of emotions in the minute they stood there together. Richard mainly felt shame and sadness. He felt a helplessness that he could not stop any of this from happening, and that he had let his wife see it. Nancy felt mainly anger, mostly at Nevyn, but also Derek and Bekka, but she also managed to find some for herself. Her eyes flickered over the naked bodies, but her eyes kept drifting back to her son's dick resting on her daughter's ass. It seemed to be growing erect in front of her, the start of morning wood. Even as her brain processed what she was feeling, her body was having its own response. Her current lack of recent sex and the sight of forbidden cock was creating an intense reaction. Her body needed it, any cock, even that cock, inside her right now. Her husband's hand on her arm broke her need to keep staring, and she ran up to their bedroom and retrieved her vibrator.

Richard assumed Nancy had fled because of the same emotions he was feeling. But his eyes were also fixed on Bekka's tits that were right out in the open. He had seen them for a flash once before when Nevyn had been fucking her in the living room, but his wife had dragged him away so fast. Here they were to view at his leisure. They were a very nice, youthful set of tits, nice and perky. He kept staring until he heard his wife give a loud moan from upstairs. He looked over his shoulder with shock at his wife's need to masturbate at a time like this. When he fixated on Bekka's tits again, her eyes had opened and she was looking at him with a wicked smile on her face. "Hey Mr. Johnson," she purred. Her eyes drifted down at the erection he had been unaware of. "Is that for me, or your daughter?"

"I...I..." Richard stammered.

Derek heard his father's voice, thought he heard his mother's as well. He felt hot and...something, someone was on him. As morning sleep amnesia dissipated, his eyes snapped open and he looked up to see his father staring at them. He was still naked from the night before. They all were. He panicked as he knew how bad this must look. "Dad, I'm sorry, I..."

Richard fled to join his wife upstairs. He figured he'd join his wife in the way she had chosen to cope, and she very willingly accepted him between her legs. Nancy's moans filled the house, causing Aubrey to wake up. She stretched Lola's body and rolled her eyes at the sound of her mother. She supposed a morning quickie was okay since they hadn't gone at it last night and woken her up. Still, her parents were gross. She wished they could control themselves until they were out of the house. She went downstairs in her pajamas to see about making breakfast for the family. Her mouth fell open as she saw her topless body pulling up a pair of pajama pants. Behind it on the couch was Derek's body and Bekka. They were both naked and grinning.

She whisper yelled at them, "What the fuck you guys? Get your shit together before my parents come down and see you like this."

Derek's apologetic response was like a slap in the face. "They already saw us."

Lola took as step back as Derek's words hit. Aubrey tried to think why her parents' reaction to seeing the images of their kids post coitus would be to go upstairs and fuck like rabbits. She knew something was wrong. This house was a sexual atomic bomb. It wasn't just the fact that Derek and Nevyn had been guys that could hop. She felt it too, the desire that was almost always just below the surface, vying for control. And it had a hold of their mother for some reason as well. As she watched her body's fingers fumble with the pajama buttons, her brother's body moved in her field of vision. It positioned itself above Bekka, and then put his dick into her, right in front of her eyes.

Bekka made eye contact with her. "Hey new girl, Lola, was it? Why don't you join us?"

Aubrey saw that Derek was no longer attempting to button up, but was instead focused on the sex happening next to him. She grabbed her own hand and dragged Derek from the room. She took the keys from the bowl next to the door and they entered the brightness of the day.

"Bri, I'm in pajamas!" Derek protested.

"We'll stay in the car. We just need to...create some space."

They drove for a few minutes until Bekka asked the obvious. "What the fuck were you thinking?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think I mean! Letting Mom and Dad see you, us, our bodies, like that! We're their kids! This is seriously going to mess them up."

"I don't...I'm sorry. Bekka came on to me and I, I didn't fight it this time, and then Nevyn was...he was fucking me and, it all felt so good."

"That's because you're a stupid, weak man. But you couldn't have put clothes on after?" Bekka said, her voice rising in frustration.

Derek hung Aubrey's head. "I fell asleep."

"You're an idiot. We've got to make this up to them somehow. Oh shit, do you think they know we've already slept together?"

"I don't think that matters anymore after what they just saw."

Lola nodded. "You're probably right."

They drove aimlessly for an hour. Both siblings said very little. When they returned, they were very hungry, but very nervous at what awaited them. They noticed Bekka's car was now gone. When they opened the front door, they expected questions, some yelling, looks of disappointment, but what they got was a suitcase. At first they thought it was the one they had brought, but it wasn't. It was the one their parents used when they went on vacation. A few seconds later they heard footsteps on the stairs, and then they were face to face with their mother and father. No one wanted to look into anyone's eyes.

Richard took point. "Kids, we're...we're going to go away for the night. This morning has been, hard on your mother and, we...we'll be back tomorrow, or the next day."

Both kids muttered a stoic, "Okay." There were no other words, no questions, no hugs. Their parents left, then Aubrey burst into tears.

Her brother hugged her. She wanted it to be enough, but it wasn't. Nevyn was making his usual mess again and she wasn't putting up with it anymore. She broke from the hug and looked in the living room. It was empty. She heard the downstairs shower running and walked to it briskly. She flung the door open and steam entered the hallway. She stomped to the slightly opaque shower door where Nevyn was washing her brother's body and flung it open too. Before she could go off on her tirade, she noticed the pronounced abs on her brother's body. Nevyn had been working out. His body was fit. She cursed the stirring in her loins that was happening and focused on the anger to get through this. "Damn it Nevyn! What the hell game are you playing with my family?"

Nevyn calmly worked up a lather on his chest. He seemed completely unperturbed by her intrusion. "I'm not playing a game with your family, Aubrey. I'm simply raising the stakes for you all to hurry up. I'm reminding you I'm in charge of your house while you're away. And most of all, I'm making you aware that I will not tolerate you keeping secrets from me. To me, all of you are like idiot children. You, your brother, your parents, I've got over two hundred years on all of you. If I want to reveal to your parents what sordid things their kids have been up to, I will. If it spurs you along, fantastic. If it just gives me a thrill, so be it. I'm going to do what I'm going to do and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."

Nevyn's bold response sucked the wind out of Aubrey's sails. Still, she seethed at him. "Don't worry Nevyn. We'll get answers, and then we'll get you the fuck out of this house and out of our lives." Her eyes that had held his up to this point flicked briefly down to his dick. She hated herself for doing it.

Nevyn saw the glance but just smiled. "I think we should begin your training today."

"Yeah, I don't think so. In fact, I think I'm done with you entirely. For the rest of this week, just stay the hell away from me."

Nevyn's smile grew wider. "We'll see."

Aubrey exited as loudly as she could, slamming both the shower and bathroom doors. She tried to get the images of her brother's naked body to stop popping up, but they seemed imprinted at the front of her mind's eye. She busied herself in the kitchen and made breakfast for her and her brother. They were eating it when Nevyn showed up, and told them he was leaving for the day. Derek waved a sheepish goodbye, while Aubrey flipped him the bird. The twins cleaned up and found their own space in the house. They reconvened at lunch, but otherwise kept to themselves.

As evening approached, Aubrey was setting the table for dinner when she heard the front door open. She hurried to it, hoping it was her parents, but was disappointed to see it was just Nevyn and Bekka. But there was a third person with them. As she came closer, she recognized her former next door neighbor, Jessica Roberts. They had been in the same grade but ran in different circles. She had been pretty close to her brother for a time though. She hadn't changed much since Aubrey had seen her last. She was tall, fit, and busty with long blonde hair. She wore a tight black shirt with denim cut off shorts that showed off a good portion of her ass cheeks. She was smiling seemed to be having a one way conversation with Bekka as she slipped off her shoes. She looked at Aubrey and gave a quick judgmental assessment at her choice of attire.

Aubrey had stayed in pajamas all day and looked a mess. She was about to explain herself and ask why she was in their house, when Jessica said, "Hi, I'm Jessica. You must be Aubrey's roommate. Derek was just telling me about you. You really could be Bekka's older sister."

From behind her Bekka stuck a tongue in Aubrey's direction. Aubrey shook Lola's head ever so slightly, then plunged forward into whatever it is Nevyn was up to now. She extended a hand towards Jessica in greeting. "Hi, yes. I'm Lola. She invited me to join her and her family for fall break."

Jessica shook Lola's hand politely. "That is so nice. I thought about going somewhere a little more...tropical, but I've barely been home since going to Europe last summer. I thought it was time to pay a visit to the folks. I was out visiting some of my favorite places when I ran in to my old next door neighbor here. We got to talking and reminiscing and he invited me over for dinner. Is Aubrey here? I should catch up with her too."

Since they had never been close, Aubrey wondered what they were going to catch up on. She did think she knew where Derek might be. She had heard her own voice moaning passionately mid afternoon from their parents' bedroom. He had no doubt found a dildo and was going to town on her body. An image came to mind of her body getting off on a dildo that belonged to her mother. She was disgusted at herself as the thought aroused her. She just hoped Derek had gotten in out of his system because they'd need to behave themselves in front of Jessica. "I'm sure she'll be here in a moment."

"Did you make dinner for her?" Jessica asked as she sniffed the aroma floating through the house.

Lola smiled. "I did. It was the least I could do for letting me crash here this week."

"Cool," Nevyn said. "Is there enough for all of us?"

Aubrey noted that Nevyn was speaking slightly higher, trying to match her brother's vocal tone and cadence. It wasn't exact, but seemed to be enough to fool Jessica. "Uh, sure, yeah, there should be enough." Thinking ahead, she called up the stairs. "Aubrey, we have company. And dinner's ready."

After a pause, she heard her own voice yell down the stairs, "Okay. I'll be right down."

Derek wondered what company his sister could be referring to as he changed out of Aubrey's pajamas into something more fashionable. He found a cute halter top that he swore he had never seen his sister wear. When he put it on, he knew why. It showed off her belly and really brought all the attention to her boobs. He shrugged, not really caring, as he put on a pair of shorts. He followed the smells to the dining room and stopped in his tracks as he saw who the surprise guest was. Jessica was there, inside his house, looking as hot as ever. He instantly knew Nevyn had brought her here. He also hoped that some way, somehow, he'd get to have sex with her again, but didn't think his sister would be willing to hop her to make that happen. Too late he realized that Jessica had caught him staring at her chest.

"Yes, Aubrey, my boobs are still huge," Jessica said with a giggle. She walked over and gave Aubrey a hug. "It's good to see another familiar face. Feels like a mini class reunion in here. How have you been?"

"Oh, you know..." Derek said using Aubrey's voice. He had no idea where to start or what was happening, but they were all distracted by Lola bringing in a pan of lasagna and setting it on the table.

Nevyn disappeared briefly and came back with a bottle of non alcoholic wine. He had already poured some into one glass, which he sat before Lola's plate. He poured a little into everyone else's, and they tucked in. They made pleasant small talk, mostly led by Jessica and Nevyn, who conversed like old friends. This was true in a way, since Jessica had often walked home from school with Derek for years. They had never been best friends, or even dated, but Jessica had crushed on him at one point. The feeling would have been mutual but for the terrible timing. Derek had a girlfriend at that time, and when that relationship had ended, Jessica had moved on to the star quarterback of the football team.

As Aubrey listened to the light flirtation now happening between Jessica and who she thought was Derek, she tried to anticipate what Nevyn was going to do. But as she ate and drank, she found her thoughts become sluggish. When Jessica excused herself to use the bathroom, she voiced this to the group. "Guys, I feel...odd. I think I might go lay down." She started to stand, but had to quickly sit back down as the room began to spin.

"You could," Nevyn offered. "Or you could let this be an opportunity for me to give you some pointers."

"What?" Aubrey asked. "Pointers? What are you..." She was momentarily clear headed as she realized she had used her own voice instead of Lola's. She had let Lola's center slip from her grasp for a second there. It was getting harder to concentrate.

"I mean, I want you to hop your old classmate Jessica here. I'll teach you a few things that your brother himself still struggles with, and then we'll probably all fuck a bunch. Sound good?"

Aubrey stared at him like he was speaking a foreign language. She caught the word fucking though, which sounded nice. But it didn't seem like a good idea. She struggled to remember why. "Can't. Can't leave Lola by herself, or she'll be angry."

"No she won't," Nevyn smiled. "All she'll have is a nice nap, because I drugged her."

Aubrey cocked Lola's head at this, like she had heard a funny joke that she didn't quite get. "What? No you didn't. I'm Lola."

"Yes, you are. I put something into your glass. Now your choice is to hop Jessica and let me help you get good at this, or stay there, black out, and suffer the consequences when you come to. I assure you, it would be better to take the first option."

Aubrey didn't like that threat, but it was so hard to be angry right now. It was hard to be anything right now. She watched as Jessica rejoined them. She had a fleeting notion that Nevyn had even orchestrated their seating arrangements at the table so that she would be right next to Jessica, making this part easier for her. That was good, because this body did not have a lot of time before it would just be a lump in the chair. The prospect of being helpless while Nevyn did who knows what sent a shock of panic through her. She told her arm to rise off the table, but it wanted to stay there. She sent an angrier thought, telling it to move, and watched as everyone had jumped and looked at her. She had said that part out loud apparently. Her arm had moved though to her vocal command. It arced high and wide and landed with a soft plop in Jessica's lap. Aubrey thought about being Jessica, about becoming her, and the fog began to clear as her soul made its escape.

"Excuse me, Aubrey," Jessica said a little put off by the hand near her crotch. "Are you okay? You're acting a little..."

She stopped as her legs began to shudder underneath Lola's hand. "Uh, guys, something's happening to my legs, I..." The shudder traveled quickly throughout her body and a moment later, Aubrey was in control of the girl next door. Aubrey felt her thoughts clear instantly now that she was no longer in the body that housed a drugged mind. She looked sternly at Derek in her original body, studying her original face closely. Her mouth was hanging open and seemed in actual shock of what had just happened. Still, she had to be sure. "Derek, did you know anything about this?"

Derek shook his sister's head. "No idea Sis, swear."

"Relax," Nevyn said calmly. "You made it clear you didn't want my help, but you need it. I have provided means to a consequence free lesson where nobody has to get hurt or is the wiser, and we all get something we want."

Aubrey crossed Jessica's arms and stared straight ahead at the wall.

Nevyn drummed his fingers on the table impatiently. "I love how you act more high and mighty than me. Like it or not, you're in this and you've already been party to terrible things, the irrevocable damage to Lola's mind for instance. If you want to learn how to keep something like that from happening again, or from anyone knowing who you are and what you can do, you'll listen to me."

When Jessica still didn't move, Nevyn chose a different tact. "Derek, talk to your sister. Tell her to play ball with me because if she doesn't, she puts us all at risk."

Derek could only get out an "Um" before Aubrey was cutting him off.

"I'm sorry, are you taking orders from your fuck buddy now? You helped him mess everything up with your little downstairs orgy for the world to see this morning. Everything is probably forever screwed up with mom and dad. And you did it using my body, which is real nice after what Nevyn made me do to you while he was inside me."

"But... I thought you liked it?" Derek said before he had a chance to think about it. This was a true statement, Aubrey had admitted as much to him one time, but this had not been the time to voice it.

"I...I...I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me? I shouldn't like it. I shouldn't like any of the things that we've done. I can't control how my body feels. Ever since he," she pointed at Nevyn, "and then you have been in me, it's made me much more...turned on by things. Didn't you wonder why I went along so easily when we first started fooling around together at college? And since I've been body hopping, it's gotten significantly worse. I, I want sex all the time."

Derek nodded Aubrey's head. "I know what you mean."

"I can help you with that," Nevyn lied.

Jessica finally made eye contact with Nevyn. "Really? You can help me turn off the desire to fuck everyone I see? Or are you full of crap like all the other times?"

"Only one way to find out, but there's a limited amount of time to do so. That sedative I gave you...or Lola, should last about three hours. I'd like a little chat with her when she comes around, an interview of sorts to see where her head's at. In the meantime, I'll give you a crash course in editing someone's mind seamlessly while their body is engaged in things you don't want them to remember."

Jessica looked back at the wall and began grinding her teeth while she mulled over Nevyn's offer. Aubrey knew her aggressive resistance was just egging on this behavior. In her anger, she had forgotten that they really did need his help, both now and probably in the future. She took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself and think rationally. Her best bet was to play nice, to let the control freak have the reigns until they could be rid of him.