Shudder - The College Years Ch. 06


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She chanced a look down at her new cleavage. Jessica's body felt fantastic and her boobs were a marvel of perfection. She wondered wondered what it would feel like to have teeth gently clamp down on one of these tits. There she went again. Her thoughts derailed by sex. She did need help in that department. If Nevyn could be of any help there whatsoever, she'd take it. But she would still hate him when it was over.

She still didn't look at him as she begrudgingly said, "Fine. But we don't get too carried away. We don't...hurt anyone, and you make sure I don't let Jessica remember anything."

Nevyn feigned a hurt expression. "Aubrey, I would never hurt you, unless that was your thing." In his mind he added, "Or if you get in my way."

"So okay, what do we do first?"

"Bekka, fetch it," Nevyn ordered. As if on cue, Bekka obediently sprang from the room and walked out the front door. "For the next few hours, pay attention and do what I say. We'll only be referring to you as Jessica until playtime is over. And there is a uniform requirement."

"What? What uniform?" Bekka was back in a flash and was carrying something that had their old school colors. Aubrey understood. "The fuck? No. I'm did you even get that?"

"If it makes you feel any better, this is more for your brother and Bekka's enjoyment than anything else. And it was easy to procure. Bekka went over and asked Jessica's mom if she still had it and asked to borrow it. She said yes. Now go put it on please, and remember, you're Jessica. Focus on tapping into her personality and memories. Immerse yourself in them. The more you do so, the more you find you can reshape what she remembers from the moment you initiated the shudder. You are her, and as her, you are in complete control of how she recalls this night. Now, please go change. I promise you'll be glad you did."

Aubrey grabbed the garments from Bekka and stomped upstairs to her room. She threw it on the bed. She was still angry. She didn't see how that was going away anytime soon, but she was determined to learn something from this. She gritted Jessica's teeth and found her center.

Jessica's thoughts and emotions rushed up to her. She was glad to be home, she really was. She felt like she was under enormous pressure at college and was probably failing all her classes. To add insult to injury, she was pretty sure her boyfriend of two months was already cheating on her with some skank in her World Humanities class, at least that's what a friend had told her. Was that bitch really her friend though? Was anyone anymore? What about the people downstairs? Bekka was still a pass, she never liked that girl. Aubrey was okay, a little stuck up sometimes. Derek was, well, she regretted not hooking up with him. He was hot, nice, and had been easy to talk to. She looked at the outfit on the bed. This would certainly get his attention. She had every boy's attention when she wore it, even some of the girls. As she put it on, she felt a wave of nostalgia. There were so many memories that went along with it. She had felt a part of something. She longed for those simpler days when...

Aubrey forcibly disconnected herself from Jessica's mind. She had done what Nevyn said but it had felt like Jessica's personality was overwhelming her. Was there a trick for that too? She hadn't gone that deep as someone before, just usually skimmed the surface or searched for facts. She looked at the reflection in the mirror. The blue, sleeveless polyester top was a tighter fit than Jessica's mind remembered, but it only served to accentuate her curves. The bright yellow skirt was as short as regulations would allow, and it would not take much to reveal that she had not bothered putting on the spanks, or her panties for that matter. Derek and Bekka better appreciate how much she was about to slut it up downstairs. She picked up the pom poms and found Jessica's center again, then exited the room.

Of those that waited downstairs, Bekka was by far the most excited. To her, everything was as it should be. Nevyn was in charge, the twins seemed to be coming around, and there was body hopping again! She had really missed that. What made it even hotter was that it was someone she knew. Nevyn had hopped Jessica once in order to give her orders that led to a hot encounter with Mrs. Johnson, who of course had been hopped by Nevyn as well.

Nevyn had let Bekka feel up Jessica's body a little and kiss her sweet mouth. It had been more erotic than anything she had previously done, because this was someone who didn't really care for Bekka, and the feeling was mutual. So the fact that she had been able to paw at a girl who always gave her attitude, it was something she was looking forward to doing again.

Bekka and Derek were still at the dining room table and they both looked in the direction of the stairs, just out of sight, as they heard light footsteps. Nevyn, also at the table, just watched their reactions like a parent about to give his kids an amazing gift.

Jessica appeared in the dining room entryway. She was in her old cheerleader uniform. Bekka and Derek both wanted to pinch themselves to see if they were dreaming. Jessica began going through the motions of a cheer that repeated the mantra of go, fight, win. As she did, she shook the pom poms. She shimmied and twirled and showed off way more skin than school regulations would have approved of. She finished it off with a series of high kicks. Each time her leg raised, everyone at the table had a full view of a neatly trimmed, blonde bush. When she was done, she looked at them expectantly. Aubrey was happily lost in her own lust now that mixed with Jessica's nostalgia and desire for Derek. She beckoned them to take her with Jessica's smiling face.

Derek began to move in Aubrey's body, meaning to tackle this beautiful girl in front of him and begin kissing all over her body. But Bekka cleared her throat and said firmly, "Stop!"

Derek froze and sat back down with a look of impatience. "What gives?"

Bekka looked very intently at Jessica and asked, "Jessica, I was just wondering, all those years we spent in school together, how do you really feel about me?"

Aubrey's initial inclination was to respond the way she herself would. She wanted to say that Bekka was amazing and funny and always did the unexpected thing and she loved that about her. But she had asked Jessica, so Aubrey gazed into Jessica's thoughts and came up with the answer. She started to speak, but faltered as she looked at Bekka's cute face.

"It's okay," Bekka prompted. "Go ahead and say it. I'm sure I feel the same way about you."

"I, I think you're... kind of a loser," Jessica stammered.

Bekka didn't cringe or seem surprised by this confession. She merely nodded and asked, "What else? Don't hold back. Tell me how you really feel"

Aubrey felt like she was holding back a dam of painful words. These were things people thought, but kept contained, or said behind a person's back or under their breath. You didn't say this to a person's face. But Bekka just kept looking at her, waiting. As she synced with Jessica's psyche, she found she wanted to say them though. They weren't in high school anymore. They were adults, and adults could say these things to one another. A cavalcade of hurtful words tumbled forth with a judgmental attitude to match. "If I ever seemed nice to you, please know I didn't mean it. You make terrible choices and drag people down with you when things blow up. You try to be cool but everyone can see you're just a faker. I always thought of you as the rebellious girl in a rom com who was just trying to get the cool kids attention. When I saw you with Derek tonight, I almost turned and walked away because you were with him."

Bekka responded by grinning widely. "And you're just a vapid cheerleader who had the world handed to you on a silver platter. Everyone gave you whatever you wanted because of your big tits and willingness to wear a short skirt in public and wave some pom poms. But I'd hate to deprive you of your gifts, so go ahead, do another cheer."

Jessica's mouth fell open as Aubrey wondered what Bekka was thinking. She scanned for another cheer she could do and found one where she shimmied her tits a lot. She took a parade rest stance and was about to begin when Bekka stopped her with an additional command. "Do it topless."

With those three words Aubrey felt Jessica's pussy become wet. She already found mimicking Jessica very erotic. The lustful gazes of those in the room compounded it. Whatever had happened since she became a body hopper multiplied it exponentially. She was now at Bekka's mercy, and any rationale that told her to stop was pushed to the wayside. She closed her mouth as she let herself become Jessica even more than she had up to this point. She found herself glaring at Bekka as she stepped up to the table and placed her pom poms carefully on the tablecloth. She pulled the blue top over her head. For a brief moment, it was stuck as her boobs seemed to grab the fabric and not let go. She gave it another jerk and her boobs fell forward with a satisfying bounce. As it came over her head, her face was obscured by a mass of golden hair. Then she expertly flipped her hair back. She gazed at Bekka defiantly and picked up the pom poms, then stepped back and stood parade rest.

As she began the short routine that expressed the fact that their team was number one, her breasts bounced and wobbled with every movement. At some point she began a 360 degree turn while her hips pantomimed a hula hoop motion. Derek remembered this cheer. It was always his favorite along with all his guy friends. When she had her back to them, she flipped up the back of her skirt, which would have usually just exposed her spanks. He remembered when the cheerleaders did this, they'd form a row and there would be letters on each one that spelled out a word. There was no letter this time. There was only a naked ass that he hoped to soon have intimate contact with. She completed the turn and as she faced them again, she went into a shimmy that had her pom poms shaking down at her hips and lifting them high over her head. The whole time she shook her large boobs side to side, then hopped up and down and gave another high kick as she completed the routine.

Jessica felt so hot but not because of the exercise. She was panting. The whole time her eyes had never left Bekka's. "Anything else?" she challenged.

Bekka glanced at Nevyn. He smiled at her and gave her an appreciative nod, letting her know it was her show at the moment. Bekka resumed eye contact with Jessica. "Lose the skirt."

Jessica dropped the pom poms and made a sexy show of tugging the skirt down past her hips. When it hit the floor she stood there, continuing to breathe heavy, wondering how long it would be before they took her.

"Put a finger in your pussy," Bekka ordered.

Jessica did so. The finger found no resistance as it glided in effortlessly.

"Are you wet?"

"Yes," Jessica moaned.

"Does showing off your talents turn you on?"

"It does," Jessica admitted.

"Why don't you lick that finger, and then pick up your pom poms."

Jessica extracted the finger from her pussy and brought it up to her mouth. She tasted herself, then obediently picked up the pom poms.

Derek was now full on fingering himself in Aubrey's body and starting to give excited whimpers. In between, he asked in his voice, "How much longer?"

Bekka looked at him and laughed. "Men. You have no appreciation for a good build up. Just want to get right to it every time."

Jessica chimed in. "I'd like to get right to it." One of the hands that still had a pom pom went up and began rubbing against a breast.

"Fine," Bekka said getting up from her chair. "Just know that I always knew you were a true mean girl underneath that fake nice, glossy exterior. But I'm going to be the bigger person, and allow us to kiss and make up."

Jessica stood there, frozen with lustful anticipation as the shorter girl walked confidently towards her. She reached up and pulled Jessica's face to meet hers and they began to kiss passionately as both Bekka's hands went straight to Jessica's boobs. Derek followed quickly after and Aubrey's body came up behind Jessica. He sank Aubrey's body to her knees, giving him a direct view of Jessica's ass. Aubrey's hands began squeezing and caressing it, then kissed it as a hand snaked around and began fingering Jessica's pussy.

Nevyn admired this for a few minutes, then stood up carefully because of the sizeable erection he now sported. He cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. "Let's take this someplace more comfortable, shall we?"

The three women looked at each other, giggled, then ran upstairs. They raced the length of the hallway to the master bedroom and jumped into the large bed. They each dove for the nearest pussy. Nevyn's approach was more subdued. He was taking his time. When he got to the doorway, he again took in the view for a few minutes. They had formed a triangle of bodies, getting each off with a tongue or fingers. The only thing that mattered was finding a clit and groping as much flesh as possible.

Jessica had her back to Nevyn. Her ass was in the air and she was eating out Bekka with a frenzy while Bekka fingered her best friend's body. Nevyn put a firm hand on Jessica's shoulder and rolled her onto her back. Jessica saw Derek's dick, wanted it, had wanted it for years now. "Please put it in me, Derek," she begged.

Nevyn gave her what she wanted, both Jessica, and Aubrey. In that moment, he was fucking both women, who responded with lustful abandon. Jessica screamed some of the time, other times, Aubrey's voice did as she lost control. Derek also cried out in Aubrey's voice as he and Bekka got each other off and enjoyed the show of Nevyn screwing Jessica. This went on for a few hours. The only thing that mattered was moments of brief rest, followed by getting off again.

They were still going when Lola gasped at the table downstairs. Her chin was on her chest and her arms were hanging limply at her sides. Her back ached from the uncomfortable, slouched position she was in. She was terribly thirsty. She tried to remember how she got there. As soon as she did, she wished she hadn't. Aubrey had not erased or edited anything since hopping Lola back at college. She had been taken against her will, used as a puppet for days. She knew it had happened before, but she didn't think she'd ever get used to that. What she needed was to get out of there, immediately, and get far away where they couldn't touch her, couldn't possess her. She tried to sit up but the effects of the drugs were still in her system and her body did not respond. She fought panic and focused on breathing. After a few minutes, she was able to sit up. She took in her surroundings. They were familiar to her because Aubrey had let her remember, but it felt unfamiliar because it hadn't really been her. She needed to find keys. She remembered Aubrey using her body to drive earlier. Where had she put them?

A scream interrupted her train of thoughts. At first she thought someone was being murdered in another part of the house. She had been unconscious and remembered nothing of the show that had been put on in the dining room. As her ears heard follow up screams and gasps, she interpreted it for what it was, an orgy happening somewhere upstairs. It was the perfect distraction and she knew she didn't have much time. She struggled to her feet. She wobbled, sat back down, tried again. She was successful this time and began to walk forward. She used the chairs that lined the table to brace herself. She looked to the kitchen and thought she remembered the keys there. She let go of the chair and would have stumbled to the ground, but the open doorway that connected to the kitchen caught her fall. She braced against it and saw what she was looking for. The keys were on the countertop. She grabbed them, then began sliding with her back against the wall for support to the entryway. She wasn't sure how she was going to drive in this position, but she wasn't giving up.

When she reached the entryway, she fell once, just a few feet from the door. She tried to brace for the impact and roll, but her arm hit the floor hard. She knew she'd have pretty bad bruise after that trip. She got up though, and fell upon the front door. She turned the knob and was pulling it open, when a hand pushed it back shut. Her face followed the motion of the door and smacked against it. She turned around and there was the face that she now knew housed the soul of Nevyn, the instigator of all this. She tried to scream, but Nevyn's hand clamped over her mouth. She tried to struggle, but was far too weak to fight back.

Nevyn whispered in her ear, "I'm not going to hurt you unless you make me. I'm going to carry you to the couch, and then we're going to have a talk. If you scream, I'll administer the drug I gave you earlier but in a more direct method this time. If you understand, nod your head."

Lola's eyes were full of fear. She managed a small nod. She was gingerly picked up and carried to the living room. Nevyn lay her down on the couch. He stayed there, crouched next to her, as he began his interrogation. "What do you remember?"

Lola thought about lying. Then thought about how futile that was when there were two people upstairs who could just hop her and know she was or not. "I...everything?"

Nevyn rolled his eyes and nodded. "I've got to get Aubrey better at that and quick. That'll save some time though. You know what you're options are, right?"

Lola couldn't remember absolutely everything that Aubrey had made her body do in the last few days, but she did remember the conversation about wiping her mind in great detail. "Yes. I can get hopped every few days and reprogrammed to be Aubrey's friend, or have my mind wiped. But none of that's necessary. I can be good. I can just, just shut up and pretend like I never knew any of you people."

Nevyn took her hand and held it in a kind manner. "I want to believe you, Lola. I really do, but in my experience, of which I have several years under my belt, people are nothing if not predictable." The gentle way he had her hand changed as his grip tightened and he bellowed, "Aubrey! Come here!"

There was a shuffling upstairs. Bodies untangled themselves and then several footsteps hit the stairs. Three naked women walked into the living room. Their faces were flushed, their breathing heavy, and sweat glistened all over their bodies. The pretty blonde saw Lola lying on the couch and looked horror stricken. "She woke up?"

"Yes, Aubrey. I told you she would. Now I need you to pay attention. Think back to the moment you took over Jessica. Everything from right before the shudder began to the second you leave her is like a malleable clay. You decide how it looks, you shape the reality. Keep it close to what happened. She met old friends. She came back, had dinner, and you put on a show for us in your old uniform. But that was all that happened. If she wonders how the uniform got here, tell her not to question it, probably given to Aubrey at some point during a kinky phase with her boyfriend. Make sure she feels she got a sexual thrill out of it though, that way she'll be unlikely to share any of this with her mom. If she does, we can always lie and say Bekka borrowed it for kinky stuff with me. After you've thought this, you can freeze it in place. That's what she'll remember and everything else will disappear. There's a little more to it sometimes but this is a good start for you. The last bit is after you hop out of her, she can still be edited and told what to do for a short time after, which I think you know already. The goal is to not have another person like Lola out here that knows our secret. Go ahead, take your time, and while you're putting Jessica back together, do what I just said. Derek and Bekka, get your clothes back on."