Sick in the Head


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"Ha! I guess you could say that," I smile wide at the vast difference of images in our heads.

"Gross. What did he look like?" Jason asks, trying not to seem too intrigued.

"How do you know it was a he?" is all I offer, leaving a hint of mystery.

"Ok, you got me there. I guess I just assumed. You don't hear many female flasher stories. Was it?"

"It was... both," I say, revealing the essential details sure to change the conversation.

"Oh, b-both," he repeats off guard.

"Yeah, and they sort of acted like I wasn't there, and like they were at home... alone... in the bedroom... well, if they had a pole in their bedroom anyway."

"hoooly shiiit," he whispers, "What did you do?"

"What could I do? It was awkward, and a little... intriguing, I have to admit," I lower my voice, "Jason, they wanted me to watch."

The silence in the air feels exhilarating. His voice is low, as if Kara is right behind him.

"They... they did? How do you know?"

"It was obvious. I was the only other person in the car, and they never stopped looking at me."

"Ohhh, that's siiick," he says, but the way the word leaves his mouth betrays its literal meaning.

"Yeah, 'sick'. And now I'm feeling 'sick' myself from having watched them. All the time actually," I insinuate.

"Oh," he says, and then realizes what I mean, "Ooooh! So, that's why you've been calling in... 'sick' for work?"

"Pretty much. I can't stop thinking about it. I may be scarred for life here."

"Have you thought about getting help?"

"Of course I have, and I will. I think I'm just trying to see if I'm really sick in the head or just horn... um, adversely affected." My slip is unintentional for sure, but I'm okay if he gets my gist.

"Oh... I see."

"Do you Jason?" I breathe.

"Are you... feeling 'sick' now?"

I lower my voice into a deep husk, "you better fucking believe I am."

"hoooly shiiit," he repeats.

"Sorry if it's weird Jason," I ease up, "I can't really control it. It's like I'm in heat or something and it won't turn off. It's not like I have anyone to take this out on either, if you know what I mean."

"I, I see. I'm not sure how much help I can be in this situation, to be honest Becca."

"I know that, and I appreciate you putting yourself out there to talk about it," I continue, "I feel relieved to have finally told someone, but I also feel like having you describe your cock for me."

"Becca! Geez."

"Don't worry, I'm not actually asking. I'm just being honest here. Sorry if it's too real buddy." I hear Jason sigh on the other line.

"I honestly don't think there's anything you could say to actually offend me, but Kara might have a different opinion about it," he says honestly. "Maybe you should talk to her about this?"

"Maybe," I admit, "I know you and I are close friends, but it's never been like that. Do you think you can talk to her for me, gently open the door? That might be a better solution. You do not want to know what I'm picturing right now."

"I think you're right about that Becca," he exasperates, "I'll have Kara give you a call soon, okay?"

"Yes, thank you Jason," I say, "you're a wonderful friend... with a sexy ass. Damn it."

"Yeah right, sister."


It's not long before I'm fully nude in my apartment and climbing the walls, hoping for someone to kick down the door and give me a good, raunchy fuck.

Tingles radiate from every pore and my brain is going bananas. This isn't me. I wear beige for god's sake. I'm an actual accountant. I don't even have enough adventure in me to get a dog, and yet here I am; horny as a goat lying around with my pussy out.

My phone rings and I panic, suddenly realizing I'm on the couch masturbating to nothing. It's Kara for sure and I want to seem aloof; not ready to entertain a basketball team.

"Hello?" I venture into my phone.

"Hi Becca," comes Kara's familiar, but impatient sounding, voice, "what's up?"

Okay... didn't he tell her anything?

"Hey Kara, I appreciate the call. I just need someone to talk to, and while I love both of you immensely, I just don't think Jason is the one I should be confiding in here."

"O-kay..." from her tone she seems a little put out, and maybe Jason did tell her but she had her own reservations or prejudgments about me. "Why me?" she asks, her icy demeanor frozen solid.

"Um... if you don't feel like talking Kara, why don't we just chat some other time. It's fine." I decide anyone put off by my personal condition would be ill suited to pass along any sage advice beyond, 'why don't you just buy a big pickle and go fuck yourself?'

Silence stretches out, and I hope I haven't offended her. Then her voice is back in my ear again.

"I'm sorry Becca," she says, a little more softly, "I think Jason may have given me the wrong impression when he asked me to call. I honestly thought he wanted me to call because you were hitting on him."

I stifle a laugh, mostly because I know she is being serious. It's a ridiculous notion.

"You know me better than that Kara, don't you?"

"Yes. It's just... "


"Well, sometimes when I see the two of you joking together, I feel a connection and a kind of friendship I wish we had."

"What? You and me? Or you and Jason?"

"Both actually. I love your jokes and the way you guys get along, and I always thought if I hadn't come along... the two of you might have ended up together. So, when he told me about your... um, predicament..."

"Valid word choice."

"Yes, well... I thought it was finally coming to the surface."

"Kara, you have nothing to worry about. Ever. I was just asking him to describe his cock for me, that's all."

"Becca! Geez."

"Ha! That's exactly what Jason said. See how perfect you two are for each other? I was mostly kidding, but honestly something's come over me and I can hardly control it." I press my swollen clit with a fingertip, sending a wave of desire up my naked body.

"What, like a sexual thing?"

"God... yes! A sexual thing Kara. Even hearing you say the word 'sexual' gets me feeling more sexual. Maybe I should ask you to describe your vagina for me."

This time her silence makes me really nervous. I'm not out to destroy a friendship over this, but if they can't see through the rough spot I'm in and at least be supportive, then the friendship might be less than I think it is. She puts my mind at ease though with a soft and timid voice.

"It's pretty average, I guess. I keep it neat... and clean, that's for sure. I feel like I'm too small down there sometimes, but my clitoris sticks out a lot."

My eyelids lower as her words float between her lips and my ear. My body tunes in, receiving every breath from her mouth like a radio signal.

"Is that so..." I murmur, trying to keep her talking for the love of god while my hand pinches a bare nipple.

"Yeah, it makes sex with Jason really enjoyable because he bumps it a lot, and I get really turned on. I have an orgasm like every time."

"No kidding..." My fingers massage my own sensitive switch as I listen intently.

"It even pushes into what I'm wearing when I walk. Sometimes, when it's really sensitive, I have to sit down and take a breath."

I'm on cloud nine as I picture that feeling, the same feeling washing over my horny, nude body. I have to keep her going.

"Do you play with it when you're alone?"

"Becca!! You're naughty!" she reprimands, adding, "but of course I do. Just like you're doing right now."

"I love that you know," I admit freely.

"You're really on fire, aren't you?"

"So much Kara, and now I'm thinking about your pussy and your big, sensitive clit."

"What are you thinking about it?"

"I'm thinking about how I want you to show it to me, and then show me how you play with it. I wish... "

"What Becca? What do you wish? Tell me."

"Oh god Kara. Why is this happening? I can't control it! It takes over and makes me want to tell my good friend how I want to touch her big clit, rubbing and twisting it until she comes. Fuck. I'm horrible, right?"

Again she lets me simmer in my wretchedness while she drags out the silence.

"On the contrary, Rebecca, I've been touching it this whole time. You're getting me kind of excited."

"I... I am?"

"Mmmmhmmm," she moans into the phone, "and after I heard the tone of desperation in your voice, I knew for a fact you started before I called."

"It was that obvious, huh?"

Another aggravating pause.

"Becca, are you naked?"

"... as a jay bird."

She breathes a hot, sensual breath into the phone. "I had no idea the conversation would be going this way when I called, but... it's getting really hot all of the sudden."

"Feeling's mutual."

"Touch yourself Rebecca," she says.

"Waaay ahead of you sister," I reply with a heated breath.

"Tell me about it," she suggests, and I know right away she wants to catch up. It's too bad I'm already miles ahead. I don't want to offend her, since I can tell she is trying to be a friend and also getting aroused.

"God Kara, I wish I could. I don't know if I could look you in the eye after something like that," I admit.

"Okay, how about... I tell you a story instead," she offers.

"That's more like it."

"Okay, here goes. So one day I come home from work, right? It's a normal evening and I know the kids are at their grandparent's house for the weekend, so naturally I'm eager to get home."

"I bet," I urge her on.

"I see a note on the table that reads, 'If you're feeling adventurous, head upstairs.'"

"Oh shit..."

"Now of course I'm excited. I mean really excited because it's been some time since we've had any alone time together. Now I'm only telling you this because you're one of our closest friends and I trust you, okay?"

"You know me Kara, my lips are sealed. Well, two of them are sealed, the other two are waiting for you to get to the good part."

"I bet they are. So, I drop my things at the door and wander into the house. I smell a new fragrance in the house, like bath oil, or incense. Anyway, faint music is wafting down the stairs, so I follow it up. It's dark, with just a faint glow from the dusk outside.

"The music is coming from our bedroom, and the scent is getting stronger. In the room I see the bed has been turned down, but the sheets are neat and clean. Just then I hear a whisper from behind me."

As Kara tells her story, I let my bare skin experience every word she says as I stretch out across my couch with a hand stuffed between my thighs. The anticipation of each syllable wracks me with pleasure.

"It was Jason, and he orders me to 'Stop right there.' I did. He's behind me, right in my ear. He whispers, 'Do you trust me?'"

"Oh Kara, that's hot," I moan.

"I just nod my head," she continues, reliving the moment. "The next thing I know my eyes are covered by something soft, and he's tying it on. I can't see Becca, not a thing. But I feel him. He rubs my shoulders and moves me into the room. I feel his hands on my neck... down my back... on my hips and up my sides. I'm shivering all over."

"Me too."

"I am helping you Becca, or making it worse?"

"My god Kara I'm going crazy, but if you stop now I'll have to come over there and pull the rest of this story out of you... somehow," I add with a sly grin and a long finger dragging along my clit.

"Ooh, a threat!" she chuckles and then continues in her original tone. "He strips me, one piece of fabric at a time. My shoulders are out. My thighs are bare. My... breasts... "

Her pause almost makes me come.

"Oh god Kara, come on."

"My breasts are free Rebecca. I feel how excited my nipples are, and when he holds them in his hands, so does he. He eases my panties down my legs, and I'm standing there naked. I have nothing on, and no idea what else is going on in that room.

"Then Jason kisses my neck and lightly holds me still while his lips drag along my skin, chasing goosebumps all over me. He lets go and leaves me standing naked and alone. I hear some movement and feel some fur touch my wrist, like a scarf or a fluffy hat, and then it clips shut. My other arm feels the same thing, and before I know what's going on the fur cuffs on my wrists lift into the air, stretching my arms apart."

"Oh... god." I picture myself in her place, arms up, displaying my naked body from head to toe.

"He has me tied Becca, naked and blindfolded, tied to something in our room. He tells me to stay still. I smell the fragrance again, and this time I hear wet sounds. He's oiling his hands and then touching my shoulders; it's wet, and warm.

"He oils my body as thoroughly as humanly possible. Every inch of my skin is pleasured as Jason rubs my body until it's all slick and wet. Then he concentrates on my chest. My nipples roll across his fingertips as he toys with them over and over. I think I might pass out from the extended attention, but I simply move my hips from within my restraints. I want him so much."

"Mmmm, Kara?"


"Are you touching yourself?"


"I wish I could see that."

"Just listen," she takes the conversation back, "By the time his hands work down my belly and between my legs I'm begging for it. He takes his time though, and when he finally runs his thick fingers across my swollen clit, I'm shaking, screaming, instantly cumming and cumming in what was easily the most explosive... "

"Mmmmuuuuhhhhhh... UUUHHHHH Fu-u-u-u-u-UCKKK!" I groan and then shout into the phone, cutting her off with a splintering cum tearing my psyche in half. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck FUUUUUCCCCKKK!!!



"Um... orgasm I ever... had. Becca, you okay?"

I have to laugh as she doesn't even make to the sex part of her story and I'm a mess on my couch, panting and shaking and wet.

"Oh god that was good," I shiver, "keep going. Sorry."

"Jesus, did you just come? I ha-have to admit... that was pretty hot Beck. I can tell you the rest of the story at another ti..."

"NO! I mean... no, keep going... uh, please?" I know I have more orgasms lined up and ready to launch. I think Kara underestimates my sickness.

"Okay... well, so I come right there, hanging in midair with my legs flailing and my hips twisting. His hands stay against me, and I rub into them as best I can, until I brush against something else..."

"Oh my lord in heaven let it be," I groan without restraint or better judgement.

"I guess I'll have to be the one to describe Jason's cock for you," she teases, causing me to breathe heavy and hold the phone tightly to my ear. "I felt it brush against my leg and my ass a couple times while he rubbed me down, but when I feel it press my inner thigh with intent; I know how thick and excited he is. His cock is long Becca, too long. Against my leg like that I get a real feel for how turned on he is. He drags it up to my waist."

I stay silent, picturing my good friend and coworker in the best/worst possible way. It's thrilling to think of him like this.

"I can only submit, trying to regain my composure from my climax as he presses into me. It's oily and it drags along my legs, up and down my slippery butt, sliding across the small of my back, and then wedging between my thighs just below where I desperately need him."

"You must have been going crazy!" I moan, getting a little energy back.

"Definitely, and I thought he would do it right there with me hanging in the air. Instead, he loosens my bonds and guides me to the bed. I lay face down and feel him secure my arms to the corners. When he gets behind me on the bed, his hands pull my hips up and he sets his cock between my cheeks."

"Oh god... so fucking hot," I moan, maybe cry.

"So hot. Jason's a nice guy, right?" she asks.


"Which is why it surprises me when he starts talking about how he is in control now, and how he will be using my pussy to get himself off. Becca, he told me I better keep my mouth shut while he fucks me, and to pretend I enjoy it.

"Ooooh fuuuuuuck Kara," I vocalize my arousal, "He really said that?"

"He did, and when he pressed his weight onto my shoulders and pushed it inside me, I felt completely taken by him."

"Mmmm, taken," I groan as my wet fingers find new combinations with which to fuck myself.

"Right? I mean I'm usually in control most of the time, but this time it was like he took all the pressure off. I didn't have to do anything, say anything, or be a part of it really at all. I just had to lay there and feel his body on mine, giving me one of the best fucks I've ever had."

"Oh shit Kara, I want that so bad..." I moan over the line.

"I think he really got off on it, since he started getting carried away. I've never had sex that hard in my life, and once he got going, I could only lay there as he pounded that big cock into my pussy with such force, I thought it would break off inside me," she moans, clearly working herself up on the other end of the line. She pauses and breathes heavily for a moment; it's beautiful.

I picture her sitting back with her hand stuffed in her pants as she relives a passionate moment from her memories.

"How did it feel Kara, tell me."

"Like I was finally getting something I'd been missing," she reveals, "like my sex life had found a new beginning. Like I could just let Jason be the one to take charge so I could just enjoy the experience. We had always had sex before then; but that night, with my face in a pillow... he fucked me."

"God yes! But how did it feeeeel?" I urge, hoping for more graphics while my hand chops at my cunt like an eager beaver.

"Oh Becca, it was like being impaled by a rocket ship, so big and insistent. He filled me beyond full, and then emptied me completely, over and over. I'm drooling wet as he fucks me Rebecca, hard and fast. My body convulses and I'm ready to cum again. He keeps fucking me like that, laying on top and punching his cock into me. Right when I'm about to cum, he tells me I'm not allowed to cum again, not until he does."

"Fuck. He didn't."

"He did. I want to cum so badly, and his cock feels so amazing sliding in and out of me, it takes all my power to hold off as his urgency piles up," she practically moans into the phone, "Then he grabs my hair in his fist, and something explodes inside of me."

"Was it Jason?"

"It's both of us, actually. We came so hard together we almost broke the bed. He pulled my head back and grunted in my ear as he came and came inside of me. I couldn't move, but I climaxed so hard Becca. So incredibly hard."

"Oh shit," I breathe desperately, silently rubbing myself and trying not to cum in her ear again, but her description is too intense. With a shaky frigging-myself-off voice I manage, "I hope you don't mind... but I'm ah... ah... picturing myself... mmmm... in your place, Kara."

"Oh my god, with Jason?" I hear her desperation.


"You'd let him fuck you?"

"I don't know, I definitely... want someone... uh, to fuck me like that," I plead.

There is a brief silence, if you can call two women huffing sexual exasperation into their phones a silence. Then Kara speaks.

"I want that."


"I want that Becca. I really want Jason to give you that, in person."

"What? You do? Kara, are you serious?" My shock turns to instant sensation as I process her words.

"I'm serious Becca. Would you let him?"

"Right now, in a heartbeat."

I hear her breath pick up tempo and know she's getting off on the idea. Reaching another peak myself, her offer has my brain working frantically to envision the scene.

"Mmmm..." she moans, "we'll have to set it up just right, but I think he'd do it Becca."

My juices flow as she says it. I can't help but spur her on.