Sick in the Head


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"Do what?"

"Fuck you Rebecca. My husband Jason would run his big cock up your wet pussy and make you cum like it was your last... oh, oh, OH fuck..." Her moaning and masturbating are reaching a fevered pitch.

"I can feel him Kara. You'd let your faithful husband fuck me? Would you watch? God, please tell me you would watch Jason fuck my pussy."

"Shit Becca!" she cries, clearly nearing the edge. "I can't believe this. Oh my fucking god!"

"Oh Kara, you're beautiful. Tap that pussy, pinch that big ol' clit for me!"

"Nnnnhhhnnn... SHIT! I'm gonna cum Becca, right... noooowww ooohhhh gooooodddd!!!"

"Oh fuuccckkk you sound... so good Kara. Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuucckkk! OOOHHHHhhhhhh FFFFFffffffuuuu!"

We cry in each other's ear as we come... my fingers frantically mashing my clit... my hips jerking uncontrollably. It's thrilling and insane at the same time, as Kara and I had never even talked sex with each other, aside from joking around. Pure bliss ripples out of me at the new intimacy we are forging together. It's exhilarating.

"Oh Kara," I moan as I settle back, "that felt soooo damn good. Holy fuck."



"I've never done that with someone before," she reveals softly.

"Me either," I say.

There is a long pause and shuffling on the other end, I imagine clothes straightening or the pulling up of some pants. Then she surprises the hell out of me.

"You're coming over," she informs me.


"Becca, I'm not sure if anything will actually happen, but who else do you have to confide in?"

"No one."

"Exactly," Kara replies, "so we'll have you over for dinner tomorrow night, and the conversation will lean gently toward sex. Jason already knows what you're dealing with, and I could tell he was concerned for you when he asked me to call. We'll just see where it goes. Sound good?"

"Sounds... great," I breathe, naked and sweating on my couch, "one thing. Won't Jason be a little suspicious about me just coming over the next day after such a strange conversation? I won't be able to make eye contact."

"Okay, I can see how that would be weird. I have an idea..."


Chapter 3

Oh my god so many thoughts swirl through my head as I beat my swollen clit like a dirty rug.

Jason has a big cock. That thought alone is going to keep me busy for days.

Kara has a big clit. I never knew another woman's body part could get me excited, but I can't stop imagining what it might feel like to have a big one, and what it would feel like to touch someone else's.

Kara wants Jason to have sex with me. To fuck me. To use my body for his own pleasure while I lay there and take it. Every urgent thrust. Every cunt filling stab. His body crushing mine while he fucks the hell out of me in front of his wife. Kara urging him on and rubbing her big clit while she watches him fuck me.

Fuck me.

He'll fuck me on their bed, and maybe my hands will be tied. Oh god Jason. Fuck me, yeah... that's it... fuck that naughty pussy. Harder. Harder!!... Oh god I can't believe it... nhhhh... oh fuck... FFFFFUCK MEEEEE JASON!!

My body explodes from the intense visualization and penetration of three fingers jammed deep in my hungry sex. Wild visions pour across my consciousness as I come, visions of drinking Jason's cum, eating Kara's pussy and the three of us fucking every way possible... and I come... and come... and come.


I wake in the middle of the night on my couch, a little freaked out where my fantasies take me, and how quickly they push the limits. Kara just asked me over for dinner, and instantly I'm picturing them both having sex with me.

Okay, we did share an unexpected orgasm together on the phone. That isn't nothing. She also told me she wanted Jason to have sex with me. Fuck. Now that is definitely something, everything really. I guess I'll have to wait and see and follow her lead.

I trudge off to bed, and for the first time in quite a while I sink into my sheets and fall right to sleep.

That night however, my dreams get the best of me.


I'm at my desk at work, and Jason comes in with a file to look over. For some reason he is wearing very tight-fitting pants, and the outline of his cock presses an undeniable shape into them running down the inside of his thigh.

"Becca!" he barks, "eyes up here."

I am staring at his crotch, and when I look up, he is gripping a rope and pulling down. I feel my arms stretch to either side and I'm being lifted into the air above my desk. I try to scream but no sound comes out.

I look down and can see over the top of everyone's cubicle as I rise, and all eyes are on me. Jason keeps pulling the rope tighter, and I'm nervous about what everyone thinks of my predicament.

Just then my shirt starts to come loose, and I want to pull it back into place. With my arms bound, I can only watch it sag further and further. My pants slip, and I realize I forgot to wear a belt.

"Jason, stop," I try to say, "my clothes are falling off," but the sound is lost, and he doesn't hear me. Gary, my boss, steps beside him and looks up at me, saying something to Jason I can't hear.

I feel my blouse pop open and can see people looking at my bra. I feel so embarrassed, and even more so when my slacks sink lower, and then slip to my thighs. I try to move my legs to keep them from falling off, but that causes them to hook my panties.

Before I know it, I'm hanging over my desk half-stripped. My panties are barely holding my pants up, and half an ass cheek is out. I hear Cassie from the next cube complimenting my underwear for god's sake!

Jason and Gary are talking as if I'm not hanging over them with my clothes peeling off. My blouse slips from my shoulder, even though my arms are out. I try to hold it on with sheer will. Again, it is my bra holding my shirt up, but the heavy fabric tugs one of the cups downward and a bare breast spills free.

No one seems to notice, even as my panties let go of my other ass cheek and slip down my legs. My bra stretches and hangs by a single strap, the last vestige of my dignity. Then of course it snaps and tumbles down, leaving me hanging over my desk naked and petrified.

Everyone goes about their day, occasionally glancing up to me with mild interest and then moving along. I feel my body reacting to being naked, a drop of moisture descending the inside of my thigh.

Just then someone is behind me, even though I'm hanging in the air. I sense breath in my ear and a pair of hands reach around and clutch my breasts, tugging my nipples in front of everyone.

"Are you ready Becca," says a woman's voice, "for my Jason to fuck the shit out of you?"

"Kara," I moan as one of her hands pushes down my stomach and cups my bare pussy, "what's going on?"

She doesn't acknowledge me but keeps talking.

"You're fucking wet already, you slut," she hisses in my ear. "It won't be enough, you know. He's going to rip this pussy apart with his monster cock."

She pushes a finger into me and my walls tighten around it. Her moans in my ear heat me even more.

"Mmm Becca, your pussy is really tight," she moans, "That's good. My husband demands tight pussies to feed his thick cock into. I told you how he takes what he wants, didn't I? How he fucks a bare cunt until he fills it with cum?"

My head spins as more fingers slip into me, and Jason turns to look at us.

"Show her the goods babe," Kara says down to him, rhythmically plunging her long fingers into me.

Then we are no longer in the office, but on a large bed in a dark room. Kara is next to me, fully clothed with her hand between my spread legs, her fingers dipping into me. I try to move, but my arms are still tied. Jason is in his work clothes, but he unbuckles his belt.

The look in Jason's eyes is strange, hungry. He lowers his pants so his boxers remain, tenting outwards and barely shrouding the erect focus in the room. His clothes vanish and just his tented shorts stick out before us. He pulls down on them, and I can't be any more desperate to see his hard cock.

"First the blindfold," comes Kara's voice, just as the rock-hard flesh is about to spring out. My sight vanishes and I can see nothing.

"Nooo," I wail as Kara cuts off my sight, "let me see it, please!"

"Sorry Becca, that's my husband," she whispers, "only I get to see the cock. I'll let you feel it though, right up your juicy cunt you horny slut."

She keeps fingering my pussy and rubbing my clit with her other hand.

"Here comes the cock Becca," she groans in my ear, "Jason's thick, throbbing cock. Oh my god he's so fucking hard for you. He loves seeing you like this Becca, bare, helpless, needy, ready to fuck; or should I say, get... fucked!"

"FUCK," I cry out as an explosion of energy wracks my body and spasms my pussy around her wiggling fingers. She continues rubbing me and coaxing every cum-droplet out of me until my eyes snap open.

"Shit," I murmur, waking up with my hands stuffed between my legs and my body shaking like a leaf, "that was intense!"

I roll onto my side and look at the dim outline of my lamp against the pale glowing backdrop of my bedroom curtain. I wish so bad for that tall, handsome lamp to be someone standing in my room come to secretly give it to me. What is my problem?

Nature is certainly playing games with my hormones or something. I must be ripe and ready to reproduce on a biological level. Any cock could soothe the burn. Any cock. It doesn't need to be big. It doesn't need to be young or old. It only needs to be hard, and insistent.

Only through a concerted effort of clearing my mind of images, thoughts or impulses am I able to actually get some rest. When I wake in the morning, my eyes are bloodshot and my stomach muscles are sore. Apparently constant orgasms are a solid core workout.

For once though, my libido is sated.

I rise to prepare for a long Saturday of staring at the clock until it becomes Saturday night. My showerhead leaves me alone, and my mirror doesn't even taunt me with visions of my wet nudity desperate for a tongue to lick droplets from my breasts.

It's a normal day. I make a bagel and some coffee, organize some mail and pay a couple bills. I even fold my clean clothes from the dryer instead of just fishing out the next day's underwear as needed. It's like the impending promise of something provocative is calming my nerves, allowing my patience to settle in.

As the afternoon wears on, my phone rings and it's Kara.

"Hi Rebecca," she says, almost in a hush, "what are you wearing?"

"Um, hey Kara. That's quite the opener," I say, "you caught me off guard."

She pauses for a moment, "Oh my god Becca, I didn't mean it like that. God I'm freaking out here."

"Listen, let's hold off on this for a while, okay?" I suggest. "We were both in a moment, and things were said. Heavy things."

"No no, you're coming over," she persists, "I'm just nervous and excited I guess."

"You are? What about me?" I ask, finding a seat on my couch. "I'm the odd man out here. Let's just do what we planned and make no promises about anything, okay?"

"Okay, that's what we'll do. I'll come by and pick you up in an hour?" She sounds a little better now that we agree on the plan.



"Don't wear any panties tonight," I joke, trying to ease the tension a bit.

"I'm way ahead of you."


When the doorbell rings, my legs spring into action, compensating for my ill-prepared brain. The open door reveals my friend Kara in a long thin skirt with a light sweater accentuating her breasts in a compelling way.

"Hi, Kara," I mumble, trying not to check her out. The way she stands however tells me she put herself in a very breast-forward stance before knocking. "You look great."

"Thanks hon," she beams, sticking her chest out a bit farther, "and you look good enough to... well, go shopping with." She smiles very wide. "You ready?"

I look at my basically matching outfit to Kara's and say, "In more ways than one."


Once we get to Barnabe's, the craziest, most expensive store in the area, we gravitate to the nightwear section and start browsing racks.

"What do you think of this?" Kara asks, holding up a skimpy string teddy with feathers across the chest. I want nothing more than to see her in that and then immediately help her out of it.

"It's hot Kara," I say, "uh, maybe we should go look at suitcases or something though. This is a little like bringing the alcoholic to the liquor store."

She only smiles and hangs the top back on the display. She pulls up another one-piece and walks over to me.

"Let's see, you're like a what, size 4?" She holds it up against me and eyes my body, "Hold this up for me."

I grab the hanger from her hand and Kara smooths the negligee over my front, spending a copious amount of time rounding it to the curves of my breasts.

"Kara," I whisper, "what are you doing?"

She takes her time touching my body and looking at the clothing against me. She doesn't meet my intense gaze.

"I'm just... getting comfortable with you," she admits, which makes a lot of sense. We had gotten close last night, but not really. Person to person is a lot more intimate than phone sex. I decide to help her out.

"Maybe... I should try this on," I suggest, looking down at it and pushing the lace crotch between my legs. It looks funny, but Kara doesn't smile.

"Ok," she says, keeping her eyes from my devouring stare.

I lead us to the fitting room with the tantalizing outfit in hand. Once we arrive, she opens the door for the largest room at the end of the hall. It's empty.

"Perfect," I say, pushing her inside and closing the door, "hold this." I hand her the hanger, and pull up on my sweater, lifting it over my head and off. I unbutton the blouse underneath and let it slip down my arms.

Now she looks me in the eye, seeing my bra is exposed. I'm liking this situation more and more. I unzip my skirt and let it fall.

The stunned and speechless Kara snaps out of her head and removes the hanger, handing me the skimpy nightwear as I stand before her in my underthings. I step in, pulling it up and over my shoulders and look at myself in the mirror.

"I hope this wasn't for you," I chuckle at my brazen actions and cock a hip to the mirror, "because I really like it."

"Wow. It looks amazing on you Becca," Kara says, meeting my eyes in the reflection.

"Hold on," I say, unclasping my bra and slipping it out from under the nightwear. My smooth breasts beneath the skintight cups allow a whole new level of allure to pop from the design.


"Shit," Kara finishes.

The black lace hugs tightly to my girls, pressing them into a heavy cleavage situation. My nipples poke the satin cups, looking much larger than I know them to be.

I run my hands down my sides and watch the sexy reflection in the mirror move in unison.

"Do you like me in this?" I ask, turning to face Kara. She looks me in the eye and smiles.

"Very much."

I look at how close we are standing, and realize the room is much bigger than it needs to be. In a small space we could have made an excuse for standing so close, but in the large empty area, it's obvious we're standing together on purpose.

Looking into her eyes I bring my hands to her waist. "Should I take my panties off?"

Kara swallows hard in the intensity of the moment, "yes..."

The outfit has a snap crotch, so I pop it free to slip my underwear down.

"Wait," Kara stops me, "do it in the mirror."

I smile at her suggestion. She'll be able to watch me from the front and the back. I oblige and shimmy them down my thighs, bending over gradually as I push down.

"Oh my god," Kara breathes, watching me strip.

I straighten up and button the bottom of the lingerie. Once again, I am no longer Becca in accounting. I am Rebecca... all woman and ready for the night.

"Wow," says Kara from behind, "that is straight up sexy as hell."

I turn to her and stand close again. I feel the nervous tension and decide to go for it.

"Touch me Kara," I breathe, grabbing her wrist. She doesn't move right away so I lift her hand to my swollen breast. She doesn't resist but needs me to take the lead.

Her fingers close around my tender mound and I feel her hold it, lift it, push into it. Kara looks at her hand on me and then squeezes hard.

This is insane. My good friend is holding my chest and her eyes are full of fear and apprehension. My own eyes must be full of something; naughty, frantic lust most likely.

"How's your clit Kara," I jump the moment ahead a few steps, "I can't stop thinking about it."

She watches her fingers collapse into my flesh beneath the thin, black cups. Each squeeze is like an air pump pressing more and more libido into my body. It isn't going to take long before...

"But Jason," she whispers, "he doesn't know."

"What's to tell?" I breathe, "we're trying on clothes. Women get... intimate in dressing rooms, right? How do these cups fit Kara? Are my breasts filling them out okay? Is it too tight on me?"

"Mmmm, it fits you well," she catches on, "we may want to try a few more sizes," she huffs as her hand clutches me one last time.

"Good idea," I say, and quickly slip an arm out of a thin strap. Her eyes grow wide as I work the fabric down between her hand and my bare chest. My breast settles neatly into her fingers, and suddenly my friend is holding me bare. "So, what cup size do you think I need?" I say, as if we aren't getting aroused by the situation.

"Oh, I'd say you're a B, maybe C," and her naked tit-squeezes flood my pussy with juice and buckle my knees. The heat is rising.

"Are you sure about that?" I lowly groan as I work the other strap free. Wasting no time Kara holds the other breast and weighs them both in her hands, testing their mass and bounce. Then her gorgeous eyes look up at me with a wild gleam.

"I'm sure Becca," she says with an obvious double meaning. Our eyes stay locked together as her hands caress me in the dressing room. She gently pinches my nipples, causing a wave of desire to burn through me.

"Kara," I whisper into her searing gaze, trying to keep my cool, "m-maybe this would look better on you."

She looks down at her small hands groping me and smiles. I know this is pushing it, but I'm being pulled from the inside.

"You want me," she says, lowering a hand to the garment around my waist, "to try this on?"

"Yes," I say, placing my hand over hers atop my breast, "and I... want to try this." I give her fingers a squeeze and lower my hands to my waist. Not waiting for an official reply, I push the lingerie down my thighs and off, now naked in front of her.

"Oh... god Becca," she says, releasing my breast and eyeing my entire body.

This is bad, I mean... nope, that's right. Very bad. Fantasies which have been raging in my mind are unfurling in the ladies dressing room at Barnabe's.

"How does this look on me?" I ask with my hands on my bare hips.

Speech seems to escape her as she stares. Her eyes burn my flesh as the contrast between her fully clothed form and my butt-nakedness sweep over me. I turn to show Kara my backside and bend over to pick up the garment from around my ankles.

"Jesus Becca," she moans, responding just as I hope. Slowly I stand with my back to her and wait. Sure enough I sense her step behind me and wrap her arms around my waist, her fingers clutching my breasts.

"Oh, that's good Kara," I moan, "you're making me so... wet," I whisper, keeping ourselves discreet. Kara gropes my bare tits and presses her lips to my shoulder. "Touch me, Kara."