All Comments on 'Sin Eater'

by DevlinCarnate

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Holy cow!

There is such a thing as too much detail, this has waaay too much detail. I gave up reading after the first half a page where we learned the grass smelled and a woman had a nice manicure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What a load of tripe. This reminds of a poster. "If you can't befuddle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS."

Bebop3Bebop3over 4 years ago

Interesting and different story. Thanks for sharing it.

etchiboyetchiboyover 4 years ago
Sainte merde!!! Excuse my french, but this deserved it. Heilige scheisse!!!

Holy poop!!!


25-stars & Favorite

PowersworderPowersworderover 4 years ago

She treated him like shit when they were at college, fucking around with dozens of guys. Why would any man marry a cunt like that? Did he honestly expect the slut to start being faithful when they got married?

Once a cock-crazy whore, always a cock-crazy whore.

bioman57bioman57over 4 years ago
Well done..

Something new this way comes.. Thank you for your tale..

SleeperyJimSleeperyJimover 4 years ago
Compelling story

This was a cogent, uncomfortable but compelling read. Did I like the characters? No - but they were strongly illustrated and drew me into their lives all the way. Did I like what they did? Well, I was surprised to find that I did like what he did. Zolli was the temptation - he was the punishment for accepting it. They balanced each other. What his wife did was the core of the story, but it was still almost just an adjunct to the real tale.

Very well told.

Well done, sir! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Powersworder!!!! Asshole Alarm! Mad-Dog Geriatic White Proud Boy off his meds!!!

What is wrong with this old fucker! So rude, so vulgar, so angry, so hate-filled!!! So much venom!!! What a snake!!!

There is something wrong with that old fucker! ALways reading ceating Wife stories and getting his corduroy thong in such a twist! He gets so angry man! His eyes shine with an insane light, his lips quiver and drool his jaw twitches! He reaches inside himself for his wrst sexist, mysoginistic insults...

Whore, cock-whore, cunt, cunt-bitch

Somebody catch that sick fuckin useless old piece of shit and piss all over him! Please! Please! Drench him in a golden shower to calm him down. He might get a heart attack or burst a vein in his stupid head... Then! Shiiiit! Useless old White Proud Boy is dead!!!!

VinastodaVinastodaover 4 years ago

A little bit too detailed but not a bad story at all. You know they're going to be those that criticize but that's just nature. I like the different approach to reconciliation. I give it a five.

Birdstheword1Birdstheword1over 4 years ago
One interesting idea

Would have been if he had tried to kill Zolli to "remove witnesses".

That would've made sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

The utterly barbarous Aztec religion did allow for confession and absolution....once. If you repeated the sin after it was unforgivable, which is why confession was nearly always at the end of life. The story is implausible. If he knew about Jerry there was no reason any sane man would go through with the marriage. So, to have a story, we have yet another example of the patented LW weak cuck husband. Killing the fuckers doesn't make him any less weak. The slut should have been gone at the outset. The story would have been more interesting if he were clueless and had to decide what he would do about the "marriage".

breville1breville1over 4 years ago
Brilliant ending

Yes, there was a lot of detail but it all came together in the end. Not only did he kill her lovers but retains that ability going forward. Even as she forgets about her affairs, she is reminded of what he did to the guys that “assaulted” her. Will she think about straying again now that she has been “absolved” of her past indiscretions?? I agree with the author, she will not.

green117green117over 4 years ago
liked it

A different territory for the story.

The male character was less well fleshed out than the female... there may be a reason for that.

Even so - this one has a redemption of a different kind. A redemption in not redeeming. Interesting.


andyinozandyinozover 4 years ago

Interesting story. Well-written. Interesting twist - husband killing off the lovers.

For much of the story, I thought that Zolli might be a manifestation of Jen's id....the little devil on one shoulder/little angel on the other. Her conscience finally having her confess her sins to Carl.

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCycleover 4 years ago
Interesting story, and different than anything else I have ever read here.

I am indifferent to the whole thing though... it's not rooted in any reality that I can relate to. Because of that, I abstain from voting, not that it matters.

I do appreciate the thought you put into this... it was complex, and well written. All that aside, there's nothing here for me.

Mostly, I suppose, because I adhere to a life view that is the polar opposite of the scene painted here. I reject all religion, all mythology.

It's because I feel that all of that part of the human story, is designed for two purposes... One, to create control. an environment where even adults can look to a higher authority. Almost like they still need parental control. Some law that they can fall back on, in order to create guidelines by which to live, as if they don't have the capacity to do this themselves.

The second reason is related to the first, but slightly independent. Having this higher order... a mystical power beyond the judgement of man... a law that cannot be questioned... means that it can be an excuse. A reason that we do not have to face the reasoning and consequences that our own actions demand.

Think of the inquisition. Think of the burning of witches. Think of the mutilation of genitals. Death for heresy. Jihad. Holy war.

If you are a student of history, not just an animal living within the boundaries of your own existence, then you know of the humongous atrocities done in the name of 'righteousness'. In the name of god. And all of it, done by people who think they are in the right. They carry no guilt, absolved of their sins, just... like... Jenny.

Instead, I chose to live my life as a human being. Caring the weight of my own decisions, responsible for my own failings, and for those I have hurt, the buck stops here. I have to accept the ire of those I have slighted and wear the blame for my part.

Thus, I have no way to relate to this one. In the end, she was a serial adulterer, and he, a serial killer. The character Zolli... just the embodiment of myth and a convenient get-out-of-jail-free card.

Still, the writing itself was well executed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I cannot believe that I wasted so much time on such drivel.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 4 years ago
That was a multi-layered tour de force

I have read other stories of sin eaters (it's an ages old tradition in Wales) but yours was in a class all of its own. A remarkable story.

5*, of course.

It was not a pleasant read, but you didn't intend it to be. But it was a dam good read, all the same.

And I did not see the twist. That was well hidden.

taylorsamtaylorsamover 4 years ago

I loved the idea, good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great Trip Into Darkness!

Wow, that one came out of left field. Great story. Using ideas from a little-known ancient religion shows that you are a force to be reckoned with. Ignore all the whiners, they wouldn't understand literature if Shakespeare hit them alongside the head with his collected works.

For whoever wanted to kill Zolli, it couldn't be done. You can't kill a god.

The wrapup was also really deep into the psychology of anger and control, the war that goes on between husbands and wives.

This is a top-drawer effort. Congratulations!


TheKrrakTheKrrakover 4 years ago
Great tale

It was an interesting new premise for a LW tale. Completely enjoyable and compelling to read once started.

Thank you for sharing it with us.


danoctoberdanoctoberover 4 years ago
Love it.

Turn off your mind, relax then float downstream. Quite the LW's tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very interesting, but puzzling. What was the point?

The characters were so contradictory and contrived that it made the story distracting and tedious. So the husband knew the wife was a shallow arrogant selfish whore before he married her, but he married her anyway. And stayed with her while she continued to fuck him over with Jerry. And though the husband was so enraged and incensed that he killed his wife's lovers, he let them continue to fuck her for weeks and months until they just quit. Maybe if one of them had just kept fucking her he'd still be alive?

Of course the role of Zoli just pushed the whole story into cartoonville, and should have been posted in the Fantasy category. Jen was not a cheating wife, she was a pawn of some mythical god of lust and forgiveness, if I understand the mythology part. Why should I have to? I don't get anything from the Fantasy category.

So thanks for the effort. I agree it was a bit of a waste of time. But at least he killed the predator assholes. That's always a 5 from me.

Thanks for the effort.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 4 years ago
Awful. MASSIVE plot holes and more stupid clueless husband shit

It's really surprising the number of stupid people here who think That this is a totally innovative a new type of loving wives story. But in fact it's actually standard boilerplate BS and it's done really badly .

Every other paragraph during the 1st 4 pages of the story has the husband saying I have no idea what's going on I'm clueless there's something else going on here which I don't know about . This one of stupid clueless. ignorant husband is VERY common.

This author has a problem figuring out how regular people react and especially men. In all of his stories He portrays the husbands as being unable to react in any way and terrified of having a conversation with the wife.

Even worst in the 1st half of the story when the husband is recounting their dating and early marriage years he comes across as a pathetic loser who'll do anything to please his wife.. And accept any sort of behavior from her without asking any questions.

Then we find out at the end of the story that the husband knew that the entire time that the wife was a cheating whore before they were married and he decided to marry her anyway

Not surprisingly in this stupid story there's no explanation as to how and why the husband made the decision that this psychologically disturbed woman is actually marriage material and would be a good mother and would not step out and cheat on him again

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Really imaginative and well executed. Thanks very much

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Educational story.

Reminds me of a 200 or 201 lecture class. The TA or professor just talks and talks and... You get it.

How about some entertainment next time DevlinCarnate ❓


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

To Harryin PA's comments. Husband can't know and not know at the same time.

And the writer really paints him as a pathetic loser incapable of retaining any dignity.

And is the daughter he wants to fight for really his? After all, he's married to a cheating whore and there's no reason to believe she hadn't gotten pregnant by one of her lovers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You fucking clown

You think your stupid story is really excellent but it's just stupid and disgusting.

ribnitinribnitinover 4 years ago

Thanks for the information about Aztec culture, and an entertaining story

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 4 years ago
Simple really

Look, this is quite inventive and deserves praise for that. Otherwise, it is a story about a selfish woman who exploited her husband's dog-like devotion before and after marriage, and a man who was a murderous psychopath.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 4 years ago

Well, that was just ............ sorry cabbage smell. Weird and only lasted till the second ........... rotten smell.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
a lot of illiterate

big mac truck driver comments here; you are complex, subtle, perceptive, and yes, this story is about the aftermath of cheating and not really focused on sex per se or the why of it. Prose did get windy a bit at times, but considering how you wanted to present the story and in a talkative way, a lot of inner dialog at that or loud thinking, it is quite good. A story like this is written only this way because the premise can't make it appear any other way. Good one. The concept of sin, and our negotiations with it, stepping around it gingerly and cooking up feeble excuses and the fundamentally uncaring attitude of the wife, sweeping everything under the carpet with simple psychobabble like 'vulnerable' and crap...well, hey, it is a serious story and a slow burner. Keep at it; you are good.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

As otherssaid, it was a very dark story, but at the same time very compelling. She was a compulsive cheater all her married life and obviously not too bothered by it. I like his reaction to her infidelity. What better way to remove these threats to their marriage than to physically remove the lovers. They were willing to play with a married woman, and paid for it. I figured out what was coming when they spoke of the boy who disappeared. I hadn't thought about the other two though. The bitch was so happy to have her infidelity forgiven, that she gave no thought to the feelings of her husband. Now she is afraid of him, knowing how far he is willing to go to protect his family. Knowing his fertilizer making skills should help her keep her cheating in the past. All your stories are unusual and usually very good.

The Aztec references were very interesting regarding sin eaters. I had heard the term as a boy back in the Southern Appalachians. My great grandmother told stories about them. I didn't understand the concept then,and truthfully still don't. But it is a new and welcome concept for LW.

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

Dark story for LW. I completely agree with his reaction to the cheating. Removing her lovers doesn't, as shown, keep her from cheating again, but she won't cheat again with those three. Now she fears him, and maybe that will keep her in check in the future. Enjoyed it.

greenman440greenman440over 4 years ago
Interestingly different

and I liked it, Thanks for posting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not that great to be honest

It didnt work for me

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

"hi this is a story of a wife absolved of all her sin and gets away with it".

burn in hell.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago


NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 4 years ago
That’s a FucKeN TeN

Out of 5! Loved the creepiness

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Not Done Yet

I'm afraid she'd be growing tomatoes the size of basketballs. If she was a motorcycle, she'd be a WHORELY- DAVIDSON...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Excellent storyline and a well written story.

gingerhuntergingerhunterabout 3 years ago
A blast from the past

I enjoyed this creative twist on how an apparently clueless husband learns of his wife's infidelity. Given how protective Carl was of his wife and daughter, I was a bit surprised he never expressed any anger toward Zolli for whatever role she played in Jen's three falls from grace. The prolonged foreshadowing of the future of Jan's paramours as macro-nutrients for flora was very nicely done.

The story brought back a vivid memory from childhood, thankfully unrelated to LW. Rod Serling is best known for the Twilight Zone series that ran on CBS from 1959 through 1964. He subsequently was involved with the less memorable Night Gallery series that premiered on NBC in 1969 and ran weekly during season from 1970 through 1973. One Night Gallery episode was called "The Sins of the Father." A quite young Richard Thomas, of John Boy Walton fame, played the son of the very recently deceased Sin Eater for their Welsh village during the Great Famine of the mid nineteenth century. By tradition, the eldest son of the Sin Eater followed in his Dad's professional footsteps and was expected to consume all of the sins that had been ingested by his father, and thus all previous generations of Sin Eaters in their ancestry as well. One of my earliest TV memories is watching Thomas' character struggle with the enormity of evil inherent in that responsibility even though he was being offered the chance to eat more high quality food than he had ever seen. As I recall it, the entire episode was scary as Hell.

Thank you, DevlinCarnate, for both the fine story and the walk down memory lane.

miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

Have to give credit for creativity. I've never seen another story remotely like this one in LW.

Couldn't give it full marks due to Carl's character. A wimp who let's Jen run over him at every turn. Only kills her lovers after she's already broken it off with them. By time he kills them the damage to the marriage is already done and there's nothing left for him to defend.

It's funny. They both really had the same issue. She couldn't say no when given the chance to cheat. He couldn't say no to her at all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I think you will receive many good comments as this was well written. My opinion? He was far from being a wimp or cuckold. He killed the three he knew about, and their bodies became fertilizer.

She is lucky she isn't growing tomatoes. Well done. Keep writing.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nah, he's a wimpy, sloppy seconds loving cuckold. "I did it for Angie", fuck that. The kid will learn from them how normal relationships work, or rather how she thinks they do. Later on she will behave the same and chances are she will be burned, quite badly too.

He is not a man, he is a monster that needs to be put down, a monster that romanticises bad behaviour betrayal, whoring around. And the cunt deserves to be burned alive at the stake.

The author, well, what better curse for you would it be for you to find yourself in the position of the husband. For you to feel that level of betrayal and then see if you can have "endless patience" for your current or future whore, see if you still have any self esteem left after that.

CaptFlintCaptFlintover 1 year ago

What a fine, fine, well written story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

3 Stars on a story that you wrote . Why not just Divorce the wife and call it a good day .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Got bored on page one

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

In the realm above is a Place of a great thrown who sat the great leader a God it say it Buntley and around Him Danced His charges who were call MUSES it was their job to bring things on Earth into proper Balance here and they would never age or Be with a MAN THEMSELVES THAT WAS FORBIDDEN! The name of this Place is Zan ado. and On that throne was Qubalycon who saw sentenced to bring happiness to a Place he had Pillaged during His Lifetime Because all he could do even as a God was to watch these maidens dance till they were needed on Earth but he was never able to touch them in any way . thus was His eternal Punishment for the Sin's he did on earth! Sorry had to say this and yes am a Historian of ascent History and of the realms above!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

To accentuate the positive, Carl got one hell of a garden, out of all this.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

The other men made no promises to him. The slut did, and broke them. She should have been the one made into fertilizer!!!



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