Sin on Little Mill Road Pt. 02


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"The whole thing was for Trish to...uhhh...fulfill her fantasy. The girls were supposed to come out by John. We discussed and agreed it would be just Trish, not her having sex. Plus, on top of all that, you weren't using a condom," I explained.

"Okay, man. I understand. It did seem odd you weren't there," he responded.

"Yeah... a mistake I made," I said.

"Look, I don't want any hard feelings between us. I didn't think I was doing anything unwanted," he replied.

"What did Kami tell you?" I asked.

"Just that Trish wanted to get together," he replied with a sincere expression.

"I mean about her...having sex," I clarified.

"Well, when I came out and saw her naked on the sofa...she just...look I don't want to get her in trouble but she know...was ready...and pulled me to the bed," he stammered.

"What was John doing when you came out?" I probed, nervously.

"It looked like he was trying it...he was over her but she had her hands covering her," he explained.

While not thrilled to hear this new piece of information about John, at least it did somewhat jibe with her story. However, hearing that she had been the aggressor in getting the black man to bed was far different than what I had envisioned and I wanted to pull the string.

"Why didn't you use a condom?" I asked.

"They were in my the other room. She said it was okay," he answered looking very nervous.

"How many times did y'all do it?" I pushed.

"Twice...well the second time was when you walked in," he answered, confirming another piece of Kami's description.

"So, you were with her all night?" I asked, trying to clarify.

"Kami? No...after...uhhh went back to Trish," he admitted.

"Then you went back in the morning?" I said.

"Yeah, she was in bed with...uhhhh...John," he replied, getting nervous when he admitted to the other man's presence.

"Look, I really want to know what was happening. Please just tell me," I implored the black man.

He gave me a disturbed look, but only paused for a few seconds before replying, "They were under a sheet and looked to be sleeping, but John must have heard me because he turns and looks at me then gets up and goes to his wife. He was naked...they were both naked," he said.

"Was he close to her?" I asked with a very dry voice.

"Yeah...very close," he answered, and then added, "She was asleep."

"Had he fucked her?" I asked bluntly.

"I don't know...I really don't know," he replied, and then added, "She was really wet."

Halfway through our conversation, I thought I was converging to a resolution, but having heard about this second time with John, I now felt like I was back to the beginning. Certainly, by the pastor's words and inflection in his voice, he was delivering the message that he thought it very likely they had fucked. That would mean that my wife had betrayed me even more.

"Is your daughter away because you were going to have Trish and Kami all weekend," I asked, returning to our earlier exchange.

"Uh...I wasn't sure...the call was on short notice, but I thought it would be best to plan ahead," he answered.

I could hear Kami in the bathroom when I arrived back at the house and I immediately poured myself a whiskey. When she appeared ten minutes later, by my look and the tumbler in my hand, she could tell something was up and that it wasn't good.

"Where did you go?" she asked.

"To talk to Pastor Mathews," I replied, wanting to see her reaction.

Surprisingly, her face didn't register any fear when I made the pronouncement. She merely nodded her head and then moved to get some wine.

"I hope it was a civil discussion," she said.

"Very informative," I responded.

"How so?" she asked.

"Let's just say I got more details," I answered.

"Like?" she asked, and then quickly followed with, "Phillip, please don't be this way. If you want to know something, just ask."

"Well, according to him, you practically dragged him to bed and then told him a condom wasn't needed when he tried to leave to get one," I started.

She looked at me with pain filled eyes and then replied, "I suppose that's true."

"And, he said John was trying to fuck you when he walked in," I stated, letting my voice rise a bit too much.

"But, he didn't," she answered, and for the first time I sensed she was becoming annoyed.

"Would he have if the pastor hadn't appeared?" I shot back.

"No!" she responded emphatically.

"Are you sure, because it's my understanding that he spent the night with you in bed...naked," I confronted her.

"Nothing happened," she replied, but in a much less assured voice.

"Kami, I'm going to ask one last time. Did John fuck you?" I demanded to know.

"No!" she answered.

"So, I'm supposed to believe that John was next to your naked body for hours and never did anything? Never tried anything?" I threw back at her unable to believe he didn't paw at her body.

"He touched me some," she let out with a deep sigh.

"Tell me what happened," I demanded.

"He...touched my breasts and between my legs...he fingered me," she answered as the tears started.

"Did you stop him?" I pushed.

"No...I'm so was so wrong..." she whimpered as her body began to convulse with her sobs.

"How long? Did he get you off? Did you have an orgasm?" I probed.

"Yes..." she admitted through the tears.

"And what were you doing? Where were your hands?" I followed.

"Masturbating him," she admitted, seemingly done with her deceit.

"Did you make him cum?" I asked.

"Yes..." she responded, and then quickly added, "We didn't fuck."

"Why Kami?" I asked once more.

"I don't's this place...this house. There's something about it with everyone," she cried.

"No, Kami. It's just you," I told her.

As soon as the words left my mouth she began to cry harder and she moved close to me and tried to put her arms around my chest.

"Please don't leave me. I'm so sorry..." she bellowed.

I had never been able to deal with Kami's deep emotional states and my first response had always been to try to take away the cause of the hurt as quickly as possible. Now, I let her arms go around me and she pulled tightly against my body. It was then that she came into contact with my fully erect dick. I wasn't even aware of it myself until she made contact and I was immediately hit with a sense of confusion and shame. When Kami felt it, she stopped her hug and backed away until she could look into my face.

"You're hard," she stated, although it was really meant as a question.

"I...I guess so," I answered.

"Why?" she probed.

"I don't know," I replied sincerely.

She didn't say anything at first, and it felt like the wheels were spinning in her head trying to decipher the mystery, until she finally responded, "You made me feel bad all day...made me feel cheap and horrible and it really turned you on?"

"No Kami...I told you I don't know why," I answered, suddenly feeling on the defensive.

She abruptly ended our embrace, grabbed her wine and moved to the sofa. A minute later, I joined her, but took a place on the other end.

Minutes ticked by in silence as we stared at the television before she asked, "What turned you on?"

"Nothing Kami. I don't know why it happened, okay? I think you're just trying to deflect things," I told her.

Whatever the reason for my surreptitious arousal, it had ended my questioning of Kami's actions. I felt too guilty and confused to continue and I doubted very much that she would allow me to anyway. Now, she had some bullets in her gun to fire back.

More silence ensued and then out of the blue, she asked, "Which one do you want me to put on?"

"Huh?" I asked, truly lost.

"Which outfit?" she clarified.

Suddenly, there it was. Emboldened by my rogue dick, she wanted to try and entice me with one of the costumes, knowing that if I succumbed it would be a tacit sign of forgiveness. After all, if we played and made love, how would I be able to return to my inquisition. I had to give her credit, it was a good strategy, but I wasn't feeling guilty enough about my erection to concede.

"No...not interested," I informed her.

"Okay," she replied.

I finished my whiskey and then poured another as we continued to watch mindless programs. It was when I was well into the second glassful that my mind began to drift to the memory of Kami in the cheerleader and harem outfits. It wasn't hard to project the vision of her in the Nurses uniform, and then I was thinking about her long smooth legs and pert breasts with their tiny buds. Several times, I consciously forced the thoughts away, but on each occasion, they would slowly worm their way back.

"Nurses uniform," I said without elaborating.

Although I was staring directly into the television screen, I could feel my wife's eyes boring into me from the side. However, she didn't speak and shortly after she rose and left the room. Now that things were in motion, I chastised myself for not being more deliberate in dealing with my wife's indiscretions. Like a male dog smelling a female in heat, I had quickly lost all control.

I recalled the outfit was white with a large red cross on the right breast. In truth, I didn't think it was near as interesting as the cheerleader or harem costumes, but since it was the last one untried, I decided it would be the selection. Movement in the hall signaled my wife's approach, and when she appeared, it was as I expected, except for the fact it was very short, and a hint of Kami's tight rear peaked from the bottom. Plus, this one fit her much better than the others and she had left the zipper partially open in the front which showed some nice cleavage. She was barefoot and as she moved towards me she exaggerated the sway of her hips.

"Turn around," I said when she was before me.

She did as I instructed, and then, without prompting, she bent at the waist which gave me a perfect view of her uncovered pussy. Clearly, she was using all her feminine wiles to make me forget how bad she had been.

"Should I take your temperature?" she asked, looking over her shoulder.

"Don't move," I commanded, enjoying the sight of her mound that seemed to be dampening.

"Something you like?" she asked, surprising me with the aggressiveness.

"I'm still mad at you," I declared.

The fact was that I was rapidly losing the battle to remain angry and detached. The seductive power of my wife was proving too strong, but I wanted and needed to try and maintain my position.

"I know," she said softly and then turned and fell onto her knees between my legs. She looked up at me with sad eyes, and said, "I'm sorry."

I returned the stare into her eyes and gave her my best annoyed look. Her response was to try and look even sadder, and then her hands went to my pants and she began to work the belt and buttons. I knew I was fighting a losing battle, when I lifted my hips so she could tug my pants over my waist.

"Ohhhhh...something seems to be wrong here," she said, still playing the nurse, when my erect dick sprang free.

"Stop...I'm mad," I said, trying to regain control.

"Do you always get hard when you're mad?" she asked, playfully as her hand squeezed me.

Suddenly, rather than sex, I wanted to return to the events of the previous night. I wanted to know more and question her on her motivations and reactions.

"Why Kami?" I asked resurrecting the subject.

I could tell by her look that she thought she had successfully moved past the subject, and she looked at me with a worried expression before finally answering, "I...I told you...I got too excited and...I guess lost it."

"What made you excited?" I probed.

"Hearing Trish, I guess...them together..." she admitted after a short silence.

"Hearing him fucking her and wishing it was you?" I pushed.

At first, she just nodded her head slowly, and then she whispered, "Yes..."

"Were you jealous?" I asked,

"I guess...maybe...some..." she responded.

"Then why did you set it up?" I challenged her.

"She wanted to so bad...and she kept begging me. What was I supposed to do? She's my friend," she answered.

"Do you still want him as your lover?" I asked as I stared into her eyes.

" more...and we should get rid of this place," she announced, although I thought her statement was meant as something of a probe for my feelings.

Rather than respond verbally, I merely nodded my head and we stared into each other eyes for a long time before she lowered her head and began to run her tongue over the head of my dick. There was no further conversation as she slowly worked my shaft. She was putting a supreme effort into making it a wonderful blowjob, and succeeding. I reached the point where I either had to stop her or be put on a short trajectory to an explosion, and after a few seconds of thought, I made my decision.

"Let's get in bed," I said.

She lifted her mouth off me while emitting a sensual sigh, and then I led her to the bedroom, shedding the remainder of my clothes along the way. I positioned her on her hands and knees, flipped the tiny edge of the outfit up, and quickly pushed my dick inside. I started a deep, forceful movement that instantly had her grunting lustily in response. Soon, her pussy began to emit the slippery sounds from her intense wetness and it fueled my thoughts.

"You can't tell him no, can you?" I accused her and when she didn't answer, I added, "He can have you any time he wants. Fuck you any time."

"That's not true," she whined.

"Yes...and now he cums in you, too," I said.

"No more..." she grunted between my thrusts.

I had become way too excited to last and only a few seconds later I got the out of body sensation that portended a climax. In the last few moments, I thought about my beautiful wife spreading herself wide for the black man, and strangely it was an arousing vision rather than one of disgust. In a final series of excited cries, I blasted my semen into my wife and then fell heavily on top of her, driving her to the mattress. No further words were spoken between us and soon we were both sound asleep.

As soon as we returned to the city, Kami called Trish and arranged to meet. Her stated purpose was to apologize for her interaction with John, but when she reported on the conversation, it seemed her friend was far more interested in exchanging notes on Pastor Mathews.

"She wasn't mad about John?" I asked when she had returned.

"No, she said she wasn't surprised. She said he has a thing for me," she said with an awkward grin.

"Did you tell her everything that happened?" I responded, a bit surprised she would be so disinterested.

I had repeatedly chastised her for her involvement with John and she had apologized over and over. It had reached the point where we had to move on, although I had made it clear I no longer wanted to do anything socially with them.

"Yes, of course," she answered.

"Well, what did you talk about then?" I asked.

"Her time with him..." she said with a grin.

"Really?" I responded.

"Yes! She kept thanking me," she said, and when I looked at her with a questioning stare, she added, "Her best sex ever."

I think that conversation, which occurred between best friends, coupled with the revelations about her aunt and uncle went a long way towards relieving her of guilt. She felt ashamed about the lack of condom use, but she was now seeing the sex itself in a much more positive light. Our discussions became much more open, and she actually become comfortable with the fact that Pastor Mathews was her lover and that she would be with him again.

"Hurry up honey or we'll be late," Kami prodded as I put on the dress shirt.

She was wearing the long blue choir robe and was definitely showing excitement about her first time with the group. We made it to the church with a few minutes to spare and my wife disappeared to the back while I took a spot on a pew. It wasn't long before she appeared with the other's behind the altar and as soon as Pastor Mathews stepped out, they broke out in song. Since his request for her to join, she had practiced a few times with the group and had evidently learned enough because she seemed calm and confident. Even her motions, standard fare for the black choir, were in synch. I received a few odd glances as the congregation took it in, but it wasn't long before everyone seemed to accept the situation.

A smile came to my lips as I thought about her naked body beneath the robe and the load of cum in her pussy. I had refused to let her clean-up after a morning round of sex as I wanted her standing behind the pastor oozing my semen. I even thought about the likelihood that he could smell the sex and that made my grin broaden.

Essentially, over the past few months, my wife had turned into a sexually needy being. Before, our lovemaking had always been deep and fulfilling, and while we continued that way in the city, once in the country, with the black man's frequent involvement, it often turned basic, almost raw. She was having sex at least four days a week and often it involved multiple rounds. While she didn't see the pastor on every visit, it was frequent and I could tell she looked forward to it. I had reached the conclusion, after much consideration, that her desires had always been in her, part of her true being, and that her discovery of her dear Aunt's appetites had set them free.

It was a month after her first appearance with the choir that I received a call from the pastor who asked if I could stop by for a chat. He deftly avoided my attempts to determine the purpose, but intrigued by the request, I agreed. I met him at the appointed time on the front steps of the church, and as a scattering of lazy clouds drifted by, he started to explain his reason for calling.

"Has Kami told you there is a choir function next Friday?" he began.

"Yes, she did," I replied.

"Look Phillip. I like you and I feel with the past...with Joe and Kay...that there is a certain connection," he continued, and then paused for a breath, before adding, "The function is not for the entire choir. It will be just a smaller group and sometimes...things have happened."

Instantly, I knew where he was heading. The middle-aged man of God had somehow turned his church choir, or at least a part of it, into a swinging group. I was practically certain that my wife knew nothing about it as she had been quite open about the gathering and had shown no nervousness. Thus, I suspected Pastor Mathews wanted to come clean with me and address my wife's involvement. Surprisingly, I felt more amusement than anger, so I decided to see where he would go.

"Really? I assume you mean that sex might occur," I responded, and then added, "Who? Which members are involved?"

"Yes, that's the purpose of me reaching out. Kami overheard the plans for the party and assumed it was open to all," he answered, providing some details in the process.

"Uh oh..." I replied and started laughing openly.

"Yes, quite the dilemma," he said, now also laughing.

"Well, I got to hear more! Who's involved?" I probed.

With a deep sigh, followed by asking for my complete discretion which I found almost comical, he explained that the core group included both of the men in the choir and three of the women. Occasionally, another woman would participate, although he didn't expect her this time. I knew that one of the men was younger than the pastor, perhaps in his mid-thirties, while the other had to be in his fifties. As far as the women were concerned, I didn't recognize any of the names, so he tried to describe them. I recalled the pretty young woman that he explained was in her late twenties. She was slender with a very open smile and lively eyes. Likewise, I thought I knew who he was describing for the second woman. If I was correct, she was the second youngest in the group, although ten years older and much heavier. The third woman didn't connect with me at all. His final comment was to tell me that except for the older man, all the others were single.
