Sin on Little Mill Road Pt. 02


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"His wife doesn't care," the black man stated.

"You know you have a problem," I said with a chuckle.

"Oh, Phillip. There are so many. Which one are you referring to?" he responded with his own quick laugh.

"Kami thinks you're...sort of hers. She is not going to be pleased about you and anyone else," I replied.

"Her aunt was the same way," he said, suddenly becoming serious.

"How are you going to tell her?" I asked, knowing that if the subject wasn't broached the gathering would likely be awkward.

"I was hoping I could come by tonight and talk to her, but I wanted you in the know and on my side," he explained.

"I guess you better,," I answered

Kami had grown quite fond of her involvement with the choir and I knew the soon to be delivered revelation would likely end her participation. I felt bad for her, and thought about giving her a warning, but finally decided that it would be best if the message was delivered by the pastor. We were watching television when we heard the knock on the door a little after eight, and she looked up at me from her spot on the couch with a questioning expression.

"Hello Jerome," she said in a pleasant voice when the large black man entered.

I suspected she might think she was going to enjoy some unplanned sex from her lover, and cringed inside as I considered her receipt of his message.

"Hello Kami, you look always," he replied in an uncharacteristic nervous voice.

"Let me get you some wine," she said and bounced to her feet.

"Lovely..." he responded and shot me a worried look.

When my wife returned, they took up positions on the couch while I sat in the loveseat. An informal banter began, although it was apparent that the black man wasn't his normal self. It took Kami a few minutes, but she finally picked up on it and gave me a puzzled look. At that precise moment, he decided it was time to get to the point.

"Kami, there is something I need to discuss with you and it concerns the upcoming choir gathering," he started, and then after a short pause, continued, "I know you showed interest in coming, but somewhat special and intended for a smaller group."

"Okay, well...if I'm not...supposed to go...then fine," she said as confusion came to her face, and then suddenly she declared, "I don't understand."

For a brief moment, I thought the pastor might get lucky and skate out of the dilemma with minimal work. However, Kami's confusion was now being joined by curiosity and I knew he would have to explain more.

"It's just best..." he began.

"Why?" she cut in, demanding detail.

I was finding their interaction to be somewhat entertaining, although I still worried how my wife would react when the truth was revealed.

" are some things that are likely to happen that you...aren't supposed to know about," he replied using a soothing voice.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she received the odd message and then she looked towards me with a strange look before it finally hit, "Shit, Jerome...are you kidding me?"

"'s been something going on for a while. Long before you joined the choir," he answered, evidently thinking the ongoing aspect of the debauchery provided justification.

"Is there anything about you that doesn't involve sex?" she quickly responded while shaking her head, and before the black man could reply, she said, "Fine, I'll stay away."

"Kami..." he started.

"Who is going to be there?" she asked, throwing both the black man and me off guard with her apparent interest.

"Kami, I don't feel it would be prudent to disclose..." he began.

"Tell me," she demanded.

The pastor looked my way for support, but I stayed silent, electing to stay out of it. His look made my wife look my way too, and I could tell she surmised we were in some way co-conspirators. There followed an awkward silence before the pastor finally spoke and explained, like he had for me earlier, who would be attending.

"I see," she said when he finished.

"Like I said, it's been...ongoing for some time," he tried again.

I could see that Kami didn't appreciate the comment, so I wasn't completely surprised when she responded with an ultimatum, "What if it's them or me?"

Pastor Mathews' eyes locked with hers for several seconds before he replied, "You are just like your aunt."

"I hope so," my wife shot back and she seemed to be gaining strength as their exchange progressed.

"Actually, you are..." he started and then stopped.

"I am what," she demanded.

"Nothing," he said, and looked my way nervously.

"Don't be afraid. Tell me," she pushed.

They stared at each other again for several seconds and then he replied, "You are...let's just say that Kay wasn't so possessive."

His words had a visible effect on my wife as her back straightened and she took a small inhale of breath. She looked at us both and once again I felt like she found me involved, and then she stood.

"I'm going to lie down," she announced.

"Kami..." the pastor said softly.

"I hope you enjoy your party," she responded and then disappeared.

"Damn! That didn't go well," he said.

"No, but I didn't think it would," I replied.

"Should I go talk to her?" he asked.

"I think it would be best to let her calm down. Maybe tomorrow she will be doing better," I counseled.

I let another thirty minutes elapse after his departure before I made my way to the bedroom. Kami was curled up on top of the comforter, still fully dressed, and appeared to be sleeping. However, as soon as I sat on the edge of the bed, her voice broke the quiet.

"Did you know?" she challenged me.

"He told me this afternoon and asked if he could come by to talk to you," I answered truthfully.

"And you didn't warn me..." she stated.

"No...I..." I started, intending to explain, but deciding it was better to just accept the accusation, I told her, "No, I didn't."

"This place is so bizarre. Everything is sex. Everything! It makes good people do strange, Uncle Joe and Aunt Kay, Trish and even a church..." she said in exasperation.

"Maybe..." I said, unsure of how else to respond.

It wasn't the first time she had made a similar declaration, and despite the supernatural aspects of her view, I had to admit that a very strange conflagration of events occurred on this relatively small piece of real estate.

"No, I'm mad at you," she declared when my hand landed on her hip, and even though I suspected the reason, she decided to tell me anyway, "You should have warned me."

"Kami I just wanted to console you. Now come on, come back out and let's have some more wine," I suggested.

"Maybe later. I want some time first," she replied, and with that I left her to think.

Fortunately, in less than an hour she joined me and after collecting her wine she sat close to me on the couch. She had changed into her robe and her long smooth legs extending past the fabric quickly had my attention. I let one hand move to just above her knee and was pleased when I didn't receive a rebuke.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love your smooth sexy legs," I said, hoping to move things in a more positive direction.

"Can you believe it? club," she spat out seconds later, ignoring my comments and providing clear proof of where her mind was parked.

"I guess people do it, but I never heard about anything inside a church," I replied, feeling a bit hypocritical.

"He made me mad when he brought up Aunt Kay," she stated,

"I could tell," I replied, trying not to smile.

A long silence ensued before she asked, "What do you think she would do?"

Instantly, my thoughts went to the CD we had discovered and the multitude of pictures showing her late aunt in all kinds of sexual situations. They were certainly not limited to encounters with Pastor Mathews, so I wondered if she would have found the choir gathering to be a big deal.

"Probably, same as you," I answered politically.

Pastor Mathews did in fact call the next day, but Kami declined the meeting, and just a few hours later we were on our way home. For several days, the subject of the black man didn't come up, but late Wednesday, when we were cuddling after making love, it returned.

"I don't want to go to the country this weekend," she stated from out of the blue.

"Okay," I whispered in return,

At that moment, my hand was gently massaging her breasts and my lips were nuzzling her lovely neck. I was hoping to get her aroused for a second round, so talking about the country was of no interest to me,

"I just don't," she said seconds later.

This time, I tried to ignore her words and continued my fondling, but soon it was apparent that she was miles away from me.

"I think you're jealous," I whispered.

"What? About what?" she answered a bit too defensively.

At the same time, she turned her naked body in my arms until we were face to face.

Knowing I was on very thin ice, but unable to drop the thought, I replied, "I'm just saying I know it would be uncomfortable to be that close, especially after your ultimatum."

"You're an ass," she declared, seeing through me.

Looking back, I'm not sure I could describe the sequence of events that led to us being in the SUV headed towards the property. It seemed to occur in very small increments, until it was just apparent we were going. I couldn't even say with certainty who was more of the instigator, as we both had input as well as opportunity to stop. Regardless, just after sundown on Friday evening, we pulled up to the house.

The church parking lot had been empty when we passed, which made me wonder whether the decadent gathering was scheduled for later or if it had been moved to another location. Then, there was also the possibility that Pastor Mathews had conceded to Kami's threat and had canceled it. Instinctively, I knew the same thoughts were running through my wife's head, so I wasn't surprised when she moved immediately to open a bottle of wine. Her first glass was gone in less than fifteen minutes, which was surprising as she is normally a slow sipper, and without hesitation she made for a refill.

"I'm going to check on the horses," she declared just a few minutes later.

As soon as the words left her mouth, I knew her true intent. On the way to the barn was a small rise that provided a nice view of the countryside that included the church. She was no doubt eager to see if the gathering had commenced. I thought about offering to go with her, but deciding it was more interesting to witness her actions, I merely nodded my head and then helped her transfer her wine into a plastic cup.

As soon as I stepped out the back door, I felt the cool of the night air and wondered if Kami was dressed for it. The moving beam of her flashlight made her progress easy to follow until she disappeared into a stand of oak trees. I started after her, making sure to tread carefully, which was difficult without my own light. However, it only took me five minutes to get to the high spot and I wasn't in the least bit surprised to see my wife gazing down towards the church. It was probably a quarter mile away, but it was still easy to spot the cars. By the number, it looked like he had full participation, so with this knowledge and that of my wife's interest, I returned to the house.

"It's cold!" Kami declared thirty minutes later when she burst into the house.

"Are your animals okay?" I asked as she went to fill her now empty cup.

"Yes, everything's fine," she announced.

There was little doubt in my mind that she did proceed to visit her horses as she did truly love them. However, I knew it wasn't the primary purpose of her expedition and the thought chewed on me. She was clearly very jealous, that had been evident to some degree since the disclosure. Finally, emboldened by my own intake of wine, I decided to confront her.

"Are there cars in the parking lot?" I asked.

"What? What do you mean?" she responded defensively, although her startled expression gave her away.

"When you crossed the hill did you see cars?" I pushed.

"I didn't notice," she replied.

"Kami?" I said and gave her a knowing look, then added, "Did you really think I didn't know where you were going?"

She gave me an irritated look for several seconds and then answered, "Yes, there were cars."

She was staring down at the counter with embarrassment when I moved behind her, looped my arm around her waist, and whispered, "You're jealous...admit it."

"So..." she responded in a pouty voice, and then after a pause added, "Women aren't like men they least something...a little."

"You know from the pictures that your aunt shared him," I reminded her.

"Yes, both of them," she said in a tiny voice.

At first, I took her words as just a perfunctory response to my comment. But, in the silence that ensued, another thought began to creep into my head. Was Kami thinking about the sex parties her aunt and uncle held? Was she in fact thinking about being shared by Pastor Mathews? It was a crazy idea, but one that kept returning and it wasn't long before I decided to probe.

"Do you want to go to the party?" I whispered.

I had expected to receive a quick and emphatic no, so when several seconds elapsed without a reply, I knew that she was at least thinking about it.

"No...I...I couldn't...I'm not invite," she finally said, with little conviction.

While kissing and licking her neck and ears, I used my left hand to unbutton her blouse while my right worked the snap on her jeans. It wasn't long before I was teasing her erect nipples through her sheer bra while I snaked my hand into her pants. Several times, she tried to squeeze her legs closed but I kept up my efforts and when I arrived at her slit I found that she was utterly soaked. In fact, she was so wet that I wondered how it hadn't seeped through the fabric covering her mound. Something had made her completely aroused, and I suspected it was the thoughts about the activities down the hill.

"Do you want to go?" I asked once more.

"I...I can''s not just him," she whined as her body writhed from my touch.

"Have you thought about it?" I probed.

Several seconds went by before she whispered, "Yes..."

"Do you want to go?" I asked for the third time.

"Will you come with me?" she replied without hesitation.

"No,'s a choir party," I reminded her.

"'s too much. What if it's not him...not Jerome?" she gasped.

I had learned a lot about my wife in the past few months and one of the key aspects came from her involvement with her friend's husband, John. It had been a stunning revelation to learn that she could be made so excited that she would abandon almost complete control. It was true that she had stopped him from fucking her, but they had done everything else, and I think it was only her deep friendship with Trish that provided the boundary. In the setting at the church, the only existing relationship was with the pastor, and I wondered if he would act as a protector or enabler.

Feeling her move in my arms, I knew I could take her to bed and enjoy some amazing sex. Even if her excitement had been created by thoughts of her lover's sex party, I could be the beneficiary. Yet, as I held her lovely body, it was her mind that I found interesting. So far, so quickly and now, when faced with what should have been an absolute wall, she was trying to rationalize her way around it. I truly wondered if she was capable of the last step, and if she started the journey, where would her limits appear.

"I know you want to go. I've seen it all week," I whispered to her.

"No...that's not true...I wasn't sure," she answered, admitting reticence rather than outright disinterest.

"And now? Do you want to?" I pushed yet again.

"Can...should...I don't know..." she stammered.

I felt my mouth suddenly get dry and a throbbing begin in my temples. Did I really have the ability to send my wife into the middle of black sex party taking place at a church? Would she really go? Sex had become a much bigger part of her being since the revelations about her aunt, but this was really out there.

"What do you think Kay would do?" I asked softly.

"I'm not Kay," she answered quickly, and then in whisper, I heard her say, "Go..."

The word seemed to settle around us, and I squeezed her gently, then whispered, "I'll drive you down."

We barely spoke as we made ready and in less than five minutes I was pulling the SUV in the lot. I suspected that the event was occurring in the pastor's apartment, so after pointing out the door, I leaned over to give her a kiss.

" know...things..." she asked.

"Use condoms," I said, while remembering her time with the black man when she lost control, so I asked, "Where are you? Is it a good time?"

"Not great," she admitted.

For a moment, I thought I saw something in her eyes that indicated reluctance. However, it was fleeting, quickly disappearing. So, after taking several condoms I had brought from the house, she was out of the vehicle and into the cool night air. She covered the distance to the door in slow steps, and after knocking it took almost a minute before it was opened by the pastor who was dressed in a robe. They exchanged words and I saw him look towards the car several times before he let her inside.

When I got back to the house, I switched from wine to whiskey as a litany of thoughts bounced through my brain like one of those bouncing ball lottery machines. How long would she stay dressed? Would the pastor keep her to himself? Was she watching the others in the small living area? Who would get her second? How many times? It was also the time that I realized I might be truly insane and in certain need of professional help.

The first drink was quickly followed by a second and then a third. Even in my excited state, on top of the wine, the whiskey soon had me in something of a catatonic state. Then, somehow, I passed out and it wasn't until two hours later, jarred by the discomfort of my nose pressed into the table top, that I finally returned to consciousness. It took me several moments to get my bearings and recall the circumstances, and when I did, I immediately reached for my phone and looked for a message, finding none.

Rather than provide comfort, the lack of communication actually caused my anxiousness to return. I paced the floor for several minutes, while somehow avoiding any alcohol. Finally, unable to stand it any longer, and feeling like a caged animal, I decided to go to the church. I drove to our gate, left the car, and then made the several hundred-yard walk along the lane, thankful there was no traffic. It was past midnight and almost four hours since I dropped her when I trudged across the dirt lot with no real idea about what to do.

Interestingly, in addition to the pastor's, there were only two cars remaining, which seemed to indicate the party had ebbed. I approached the door, intending to knock, but even in my foggy brain, I knew once my presence was announced, the truth might be lost forever. So, since the inside was brightly lit and the outside accessible, I decided to snoop around some and see what I could find.

Peering into a window that was part of the living room, I could see that it was currently empty. The furniture had been moved and there was a small mattress on the floor with a blanket crumpled on one end and on the couch was another similar blanket. I was just about to move to the next window when I spotted, on the coffee table, the condoms that Kami had taken. There were untouched, still with the wrappers intact, ready to be used. I hoped it meant that either she had abstained from sex or used others that had been available, but I knew it was unlikely.

Past the kitchen was the larger bedroom, used by the pastor, and there was just enough light to make out him and a black woman lying together on a queen-sized bed. It was hard to tell for sure, but I thought it quite likely that it was the youngest of the three women he had told me about. They appeared to be asleep, so I moved towards the window to the smaller room.
