Sissy Slut Ch. 01

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Tom has the tables turned on him.
16.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/30/2022
Created 02/01/2005
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It had been quite some time since I had stopped in the club. Not that I didn't crave the pain I could infect on one of the sweet young things that came to the club. I craved it more now then I ever did a few years ago. But due to relocation of my job I had to leave the city and I couldn't find a club that catered to my needs. Now I was back and I was chomping at the bit to get back in the scene.

After showing my old admission card I was allowed in to the club. As soon as I walked through the door my nose filled with the scent of leather and latex, There was also sweat and the tangy scent of fear.

As I looked around I could see all eyes were on me, as each person though I was new meat. Little did they know I had played this game before. I was not the one that would be brought to heel.

Each set of eyes tried to stare me down, tried to make me turn my head in submission. I didn't blink and soon all turned away. Yes I was a Dom and they all knew it.

As I continued to look around I spotted the sweet young subs that thought this was a game. A chance to live on the wild side if only for one night. They would soon learn, to some such as I this was more than a game, it was a way of life.

Though the young ones were nice and for the most part they were submissive enough, I was looking for one that was experience. One that could take the paddle from an experienced master, one that would welcome the pain and the humiliation. But also I was looking for one that wouldn't come to heel quickly.

I survey the room as I walked to the bar. When I ordered my first drink, whiskey straight up, I saw her in the mirror behind the bar. She was a little taller than I liked, three inches taller than my five foot eight. But she was a beauty with long blond hair that was teased out to look like a lion's mane. She had blue piercing eyes and full lips. Her make up was heavy in the Goth style with dark shades and black lips. Her skin was pale and looked almost white against the black leather.

She wore a tight leather corset that drew in her waist and accented her wide hips. Her breasts bulged up out of her corset threating to escape their prison. Her thin legs were long and the garters that were hooked to her fishnet stockings only accentuated her legs. The five-inch stiletto heeled lace up boots added to the over all package. She wore a wide leather dogs collar tightly around her throat that had a large stainless steel ring at the center that would be perfect for my leash. Instead of pants or a skirt the corset had a leather strap that was laced to the bottom edge of the front and went between her legs to be laced to the back of the corset effectively hiding her womanly virtues.

When I turned my back to the bar I took in her beauty once more but this time openly. She felt my gaze and looked into my eyes. A small shy smile came to her lips, but those around her quickly drew her attention away. I didn't flinch as I continued to stare at her and shortly she looked once more before excusing herself.

She walked over to the bar with a sensuous roll of her hips and a smile on her lips. Her eyes stayed fixed on mine as she came closer only to be diverted when she asked the bartender for a white wine.

As the bartender was pouring her drink she turn to me and asked in a smoky sexy voice, "Have we met before? Do I know you?"

I placed my hand on her hip and felt the stiff leather before saying confidently, "No we haven't, but the night is still young."

Again she smiled though this time it was only one side of her mouth that showed it. As she pushed my hand off her hip she said, "My name's Tally, what's yours?"

I wanted to assert myself quickly so I said, "The name's Tom but you can call me Master."

That half smile came back to her lips as she said almost breathlessly. "Not yet I won't. I'm not one of these pretenders. My master has to earn my devotion. You will find I don't heel quickly if at all."

Yes she was just what I wanted. I reached up grabbed the ring attached to her collar and pulled her head down toward mine. Our lips touched and our tongues entwined. Her kiss was sweet but not submissive and in moments our tongues battled for supremacy. I would like to say my tongue won but in actuality it was a draw.

In the end we were both breathless and when our lips separated Tally said, "Maybe we should continue this at my place. I think I have every thing we will need."

Who was I to turn down such an offer? I threw a twenty on the bar to pay for both drinks and Tally took my arm as I led us back to the entrance. Once there she claimed her trench coat from the hatcheck and we walked outside. In the parking lot she pointed out her car and told me I had better not get lost. I pointed out my car and told her I didn't plan on losing her.

I didn't like the fact that we took separate cars, as I wanted to start dominating her as soon as possible. But there wasn't any chance of that as we had both driven to the club.

I followed her onto one of the highways and out into the suburbs. Before I knew it we were driving down a long country road into a thick wooded area. Just when I started thinking this was some sort of a joke a large house appeared directly in front of Tally's car.

It was a two-story home with thick columns that supported the roof. Lights lit up the front of the house and the double door entrance. There was a small set of three stairs that led from the driveway to the entrance.

Tally stopped the car at the foot of the stairs and I pulled up right behind her. She was at my door before I could shut the engine off and once I stepped out of my car she kissed me. This time there was no battle and she easily took my tongue in her mouth.

When my lips released hers she said, "I know were going to have a lot of fun tonight and if you like we can play all weekend."

I wasn't ready to commit to the entire weekend but I wasn't ready to tell her no. I wanted to see how tonight went. "We'll see how thing go tonight. You may not like what I have to offer," I told her

Tally took my hand led me toward the front door while saying. "Okay we'll see how tonight goes now come inside so we can get started."

Once inside Tally removed my jacket and hung it up along with her trench coat. She then poured herself a glass of wine and a tumbler of whiskey for me. I drank about half of the whiskey while Tally drank her wine. She then took my hand and said, "Come on down to my playroom I'm sure you'll just love it."

Tally took my hand and led me down a fight of stairs to what looked like a rec-room. The room had a wide screen TV and a large pool table. There were several sofas and armchairs. But what she really wanted me to see was at the other end of the basement. We walked past the pool table and into another door. Inside was what Tally called her playroom.

The room was filled with all matter of domination gear. There was a set of crossbeams, a pommel horse as well as several pulleys with cables hanging from the ceiling. There were whips and paddles hanging on the walls as well as on a few tables scattered about the room. It was true dungeon and my mouth watered at the sight.

Before I could take it all in Tally encircled my waist with her arms and said, "As you can see I take this life style seriously." Before I could say anything she kissed me deeply, though this time she tried to take control.

I quickly took control of the kiss while Tally started to unbutton my shirt. I wanted to get her crotch strap out of the way so I could feel her pussy but the laces that held it in place were tied in a knot that I couldn't undo.

Once my shirt was off Tally pulled her lips from mine and looked me over before saying. "My you have a nice body. Why don't you get on your knees and lick my boots."

I laughed heartily and said. "I don't think that's going to happen. So why don't you get on your knees and suck my cock."

As I said this I reached up grabbed a hold of her collar and started to pull her to her knees. Before I could even get her half way to her knees Tally said, it would be a cold day in hell before that happened. At the same time I felt like a bolt of lighting hit me.

I didn't completely black out but I couldn't offer any resistance as Tally quickly cuffed my hands together. She removed my boots and my socks so she could remove my pants and underwear. By the time she was done I was completely nude and I had my legs cuffed with a small chain leading from one to the other. The ankle cuffs were locked in place.

When my body recovered from the jolt that hit me I looked up and saw Tally towering over me. She had a wicked grin on her lips and a look of lust in her eyes. In one hand she held a riding crop and the other she held a stun gun.

When she saw I was looking at her she said angrily, "Don't ever touch me with out permission. Now get up on your knees and kiss my boots?"

I barely knew what was going on but I wasn't going to kiss any ones boots. "Fuck you bitch unlock theses cuffs and led me out of here," I shouted at her. I should have known better. I was in no position to defend myself and I was quickly reminded of that when the crop came down on my exposed ass.

"Don't you ever call me a bitch again. You're the only bitch in this room and you better remember that." Tally shouted at me as a blow from the crop followed each word.

When she was done hitting me she grabbed me by my hair pulled me painfully to my knees and said, "Now kiss my boots bitch or I'll give you another taste of this stun gun on your balls."

I really didn't have a choice. Even if I took another jolt from the gun I would still be in the same position. With as much disgust as I could muster I bent over and kissed each of her boots.

Tally knew she had won a victory and she quickly stepped up her attacked. She grabbed a hand full of my hair again and pulled me to my feet. I had no option but to follow. Tally pushed me toward the back of the dungeon while saying in a sickening sweet voice, "It's time my bitch gets cleaned up."

I was pushed into a bathroom that had a shower. Once in the shower Tally raised my arms till they were near the ceiling. She attached a hook to the chain on the handcuffs so I couldn't drop my hands. Then she pulled on another cable and the hook moved up till I was standing on the tips of my toes. She then unlocked the cuffs from my legs.

As Tally bent over to look under the sink I said in a contrite tone, "Look Tally I'm really not into this sort of thing. I prefer being in charge."

Tally laughed before saying, "That's what you told me at the club. I gave you your chance but you didn't act on it. Like I told you I don't come to heel easily and now you will learn to come to heel for me. When I'm done with you, you will beg to be in my service."

I know I shouldn't have but I lost my temper and shouted, "I will never beg you for anything bitch and when I get out of these cuffs I'll show you who the boss is. Now let me fucking go!"

Tally picked up the crop, but this time she didn't aim for my ass this time she slapped my balls hard before saying. "What a dirty mouth you have I'll have make sure I clean it too."

As I screamed out in pain she took a bottlebrush and poured liquid soap on it before shoving it into my mouth. I was unable to stop her as she pushed the brush in and out over and over again till there was foam coming out of my mouth. The soap tasted like hell and it was trickling down my throat. She even pushed the brush in so far that it went into my throat and I gagged violently.

When she thought my mouth was clean she placed the brush on the counter and said. "There your mouth is clean I hope I don't have to do that again."

Tally then started to cover my body with a thick blue-green liquid. It actually felt kind of nice especially when she coated my aching balls with it. Once I was covered in the liquid she turned back to the sink and started filling a clear plastic bag with water. She added a few drops of soap to the water and then turned back to me. As soon as I saw the rest of the bag I knew what it was. She was going to give me an enema.

With very little effort Tally spun me around till I was facing away from her. When I felt her spread my ass cheek I tried to clinch them to bar her entry. It did little good as I felt the nozzle start to force its way past my sphincter. Tally giggled as I moaned in pain as she pushed the nozzle into my asshole.

Once I felt the fluid start to fill me Tally spun me around again and slapped my face playfully and said, "I'm going to get some thing to eat while the hair remover does it's job and the enema cleans out your fuck hole. Oh by the way feel free to scream as much as you like there isn't a neighbor with in a mile and the dungeon is sound proof."

Tally left me hanging and left the room. I had no idea what she meant by the hair remover until I felt my skin start to itch. I knew I was covered in hair remover. At the same time my stomach started cramping from the enema. On top of that I could still tasted the soap she had used to wash out my mouth. To say I was miserable would be an understatement.

How long I hung there I couldn't say as my watch had been taken and I doubt I would have been able to look at it if I had it. My arms ached from being stretched above my head for so long. My inside's felt like they were being put through a meat grinder, as the cramping was unbearable. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse Tally came back into the bathroom.

She turned on the shower, which was very cold, but I didn't care as it started to wash off the hair remover. Once the water was running she spun me around and yanked the nozzle out of my ass. Instantly I felt the enema drain out of me.

"Oh nasty, nasty, nasty it looks like we're going to have to give you another enema as you aren't clean." Tally said with a slight glee to her voice.

Once I was completely drain Tally refilled the enema and pushed the nozzle back into me. This time I didn't fight it, as I knew it wouldn't do any good. She then picked up a large scrub brush and started scrubbing the hair remover off of me.

At first the scrub brush felt kind of nice but before long my skin became sensitive and it started to hurt. I tried to endure the pain but it wasn't long before it became unbearable. When I started to complain Tally just scrubbed harder. This kept up till the second enema was in me. Once that was drained I was given a third.

By the time I had four enemas my energy was completely drain. When Tally lowered the hook I slumped to the floor in total exhaustion. If it wasn't for Tally prodding me and helping me I would have lain there all night but Tally had other ideas.

She moved me back into the dungeon and had me knee on the floor. Once there she said, "Now lick my boot like a good slave and make sure you get all the water spots off of them."

In my heart I wanted to resist. I wanted to tell her to go fuck herself but I knew there wasn't any sense to it. I was handcuffed and naked in her dungeon. Even if I could get away she had my keys, beside I couldn't go home with out some clothes. With no other option I started to lick her boots.

I started on the toes making sure to get every inch of the patent leather. I worked my way around the side before moving to the back. I did the other side before I started moving up her leg. It was simply degrading having to use my tongue like a buffing cloth. Once the left boot was clean I moved on to the right one. As I cleaned that one Tally told me I was a good slave and I would be rewarded when I was done.

When I was done with my bootlicking Tally stood me up. She grabbed my cock and to my horror she found it rock hard. That was more humiliating than when I had to lick her boots.

Tally stroked my cock and said, "You obviously enjoyed licking my boot. That's good because I have a few more pairs that need cleaning. Now my little boot licking slut I want to fuck. Do you want to fuck? You must seeing how hard your little pee-pee is."

To tell the truth I didn't care one way or the other. I just wanted to get out of this house and on with my life. I did want to fuck her earlier but now I just wanted to get away from her. Tally took my silence as acceptance and pushed me over to the pommel horse.

The horse was lower than you would normally see it at gymnastics exhibition. The top of the horse was about thirty inches off the floor, which made it the right height for what Tally had in mind.

She bent me over the horse so I was length wise to it. She put the ankle cuffs back on my legs and attached them to the feet of the horse before she released my hands from the handcuffs. I thought for a brief second about escaping but I knew my feet were locked to the horse's feet and I doubt I could get very far.

When Tally saw I wasn't going to try to escape she said, "I see my new slave is learning. You know you can't get away from me and in time you won't want too." Tally fastened my hands to the front legs of the horse then kissed my cheek before saying. "Now you be a good little slave and wait there while your Mistress gets ready. I promise this won't take long."

I had no idea what she was going to do. I also had no idea how we were going to fuck with me in this position. I kept my eye on her to see what she was up to and what she was going to put me through next.

Tally walked over to a cabinet and opened it. Inside I could see a collection of dildoes some of which were very large and some where very long. I saw her pick out one that was about eight inches long and two and a half inches thick. She then picked up a strap like devise and fitted the dildo into the devise.

Once I saw it put together I knew exactly what she had in mind. Tally was going to fuck me with a strap on. I've seen movies and pictures of this sort of act on the Internet. I always thought that would never be me.

Even though I should have known it was useless I started to struggle to get away. I pulled on my chains as I shouted. "No, you're not fucking me. I won't let you bitch. There is no way I'm letting you come near me with that thing."

Tally came over to me lifted my head by my hair and slapped me hard across the face before she said. "There goes that filthy mouth again. I told you to never call me a bitch didn't I. Now you will pay for your insolence and then I'm going to fuck you like the fagot you are."

Tally picked up a riding crop from one of the tables and stood to my side. The first slap of the crop burned into my flesh. I tried not crying out, as I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing she could hurt me. My courage didn't last long as I started to whimper with out meaning to. The whimpers turned into cries of pain then to outright screams.

I whipped many girls and most told me that the pain turned into outright pleasure once they succumbed to it. I always thought this was bull as I never been whipped before. But after awhile the pain seemed to vanish or at least it turned intro a pleasurable experience. When the pain turned to euphoria Tally dropped the crop and step up behind me.

I felt her fingers at the entrance to my asshole. The first finger slid in easily. I could feel she used some sort of lube on her finger, as it felt slick. When the second finger joined the first there was an uncomfortable feeling of fullness.

Tally finger fucked me for a few minutes while telling me. "As you can see you really have no choice. If I want to fuck you I going to fuck you so you might as well enjoy it. Because even if you fight me I going to fuck you. But go ahead and fight if you want I love a fighter."

When she was done speaking I felt the head of the dildo force it's way into me. I felt my asshole expanded around the head and I felt a ripping pain, as my sphincter was forced open. I wanted to cry out or at least just cry as she took her pleasure out on me. I felt raped violated and degraded.