Sisters Pt. 03


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Caro made me dress up. She was in a regal purple robe I had not seen before, and she dressed me in a plain white shift, all silk buttons down the front and simple embroidery in two seams that curved over my plump breasts, the light cloth falling to my feet. It was dark, for the moon was in its darkest phase, not to be seen and not seeing.

"Are we to play a Roman mistress and her hand maiden, Caro?"

"Perhaps, little one, perhaps. You must be patient, my eager one."

Oh yes, Caro was going to play one of her teasing games with me, that always ended in me aching and arching my back in ecstasy, my orgasms rippling through me in waves, like surf from a long swell along a long beach, golden sand and skies of blue. Blue, goodness, like A's eyes, gazing down into my blues eyes, gazing up.

Caro's eyes are green, but she is never jealous, even when my lips are around his shaft. When my lips are around his shaft and his cream is spilling into my mouth, her hungry lips and mouth are beside me, and we share his essence. He is her brother and she is his sister. They are family.

But the night is dark, and A is not here yet, and I am like a maiden in a plain white shift. Is there an altar here, for me to be tied to?

"Judy, come to me, girl."

Caro is commanding, and stands tall in her purple gown, and her heels are high and she stands tall in the room. She is playing the queen tonight, and I am her plaything, my hair twisted in a braid about my head. My little pink nipples thrust hard and I look down and they are peaked under the white gown.

Caro undoes three buttons, and the soft cleft of my cleavage sways beneath the cloth. I moisten, and I feel heat on my throat and the top of my chest, from a pale blush. Caro's finger tips flutter over my eyelids, closing them. She kisses me, once, and then my eyes are veiled by a soft velvet cloth and there is darkness.

She takes my hand and guides me to a chair. Caro carefully places my feet apart, each heel touching the leg of the chair. I am not bound there, but I know I must pretend to be. That makes me control myself, knowing that my ankles are not tied but might be. I can move, but mustn't.

My thighs relax and widen on the chair, and I moisten some more and my sex is wider, but it is hidden under my gown which has three buttons undone and my breasts rise with each breath I take.

Caro places my arms along the soft, padded arms of the chair, and again, my wrists are not tied but could be. She stands behind the chair, and I am conscious of her beside me, and that musky aroma, I can scent her as she stands beside me. Her dark delta must be so close, if I was to turn my eyes, the long swell of her belly would be there before me, and her dark coiled cleft glistening below. I could touch my tongue to her clit, probably.

But her purple gown is closed and I can not see. Black darkness is in front of my eyes. My other senses quiver heightened now. My fingers twitch. I press my thighs together and I am wet.

I hear a door close, and slow footsteps down the long hall. I try to remember if the door to this room is open, but cannot remember. I know the chair faces the door, and the door faces the long hall, but I don't know if A, for surely this is him, returned, I don't know if he can see me in my white gown and the three buttons undone as he walks down the hall.

The steps are slow. God, I must wait. I can't wait, for I'm Judy and I'm so impatient. My ankles and wrists are not tied, but the imaginary ropes bind me still.

Caro whispers, her voice high above me.

"Brother mine, she is ready, now."

What, ready? Why am I ready, and for what? Nobody has spoken to me. God, am I really so small that I am their thing, and my will all nothing? But I am pale, and curved, and beautiful.

"The moon has turned her eye from the sun, now, and the time is right."

Caro is a high priestess now, am I to be a sacrifice?

The footsteps have stopped, he is near. The door to this room did not open, so he must have seen my white covered body from the end of the hall. I shuddered in a breath, and relaxed my thighs beneath the simple shift, its three buttons all undone. Then he was beside me, a kiss for his sister but not for me.


A statement, his voice deep, but was that the slightest tremor I heard? I turned my head to his voice and looked up, my sightless eyes hidden from his gaze, but I knew he looked down, and there would be a fondness is his slow smile as he looked down upon me, his gaze a blessing.

I heard cloth fall, but I did not know if it was Caro behind me or A in front of me. There was silence in the room, and then soft fingers were upon my cheeks and a single touch to my lips, one finger, just one touch. My breath shuddered, but I kept the tilt of my head high and proud. I could not see, but I was prideful, and the tilt of my head would remind them of that.

I felt air move beside me, and there was a movement and I could feel a presence in front of me. Someone was kneeling on the floor before me, not touching, but beyond a doubt, there. And then there were fingers upon the buttons of my shift and slow teasing one by slow teasing one, oh goodness.

One button was undone, and more of my deep cleavage would show, but the cloth was still covering my nipples, I could feel the drag of it over my breasts. God, they were sensitive. And another button unslipped, and the drape would widen on the top of my belly, still my breasts covered.

And another, and another, and now the small thimble of my navel, cupped in the soft swell of my belly, would be seen. My breath was steadier now, I was making myself breath deeply and steadily, and my lovely belly would rise with each breath, and my smooth, pale skin would replace the moon.

"Stand up, Judy, sweetness."

His voice was soft, he wanted to see me stand before him as he kneeled before me, and I would put my hands upon his head. I stood, and felt Caro's hands on my waist, to steady me. She was silent, but I knew she would be looking over my shoulder, looking down my body in its white dress, buttons undone now, to its waist.

I felt her hands lift to the cloth of the gown on my shoulders, and she lifted it gently from my shoulders. I felt the soft cloth pull gently away from my nipples, and then it was released, falling away from like warm water, shimmering down my body and over my hips, falling to a puddle on the floor.

My body shivered as the cloth fell away, and my senses were so heightened. As I felt the gown slide from my body I heard the slightest intake of breath from A, and I knew that his eyes widened at the sight of me in front of him.

My smooth, smooth mound would before his eyes, my slender tidy crease rising up the bottom of my belly, all hairless and smooth. My legs were slightly parted for balance, so I knew the dark shadows would hide my lips between my thighs. But his eyes would be wide before me. How could they not be?

But then I felt strong arms around my body and under my legs, and I was lifted into his arms and carried, my naked body in his arms, and his chest was flesh against my flesh and my arms went around his neck in an automatic gesture. I was carried to the bed and placed gently on it, and the cloth from my eyes removed.

There in front of me stood A, his nude body tall and slim in front of me and oh God, his risen cock, thick and high against his belly. Beside him stood Caro, his sister, and she too was nude, her heels gone now so they were the same height.

They stood, side by side, this brother and sister, and they were two things the same, two halves of each other. And as they gazed down upon me my eyes shifted and flickered from one to the other, and some strange switch flicked in my head and I could not tell them apart.

First it was A with his high, hard cock, and then it was A with big firm breasts. And then It was Caro with her slender waist and fuller hips, and then it was Caro's rigid prick before my eyes, and they shimmered and changed and were interchangeable.

They became two parts of the same creature, and it didn't matter if it was him or if it was her, it was them. And they moved towards me with love in their eyes and a hard, risen cock and big swelling breasts, and they were the same and they were one, brother and sister.

The older sister and the younger brother were over me now, and gently spreading apart my legs and I was dripping with nectar and honey, and they gently held back my knees and spread me wide, and my pink nipples thrust high on my breasts and my breasts were swollen and tight and the moon was dark.

And their hot and hungry mouths suckled on to my throbbing teats and bit them and sucked them into their mouths, and it was like one mouth on my breasts, their suck was the same.

They each took my hands and raised them high over my head and held me there, my body stretched long beneath them, and they trapped my hands in theirs and we held our hands together, fingers entwined together, and I was held. My thighs were apart, and I was wide and held beneath them, and my sex was wide and wet and open and inviting and oh my sweet fuck, there was his big cock head between my lips, and it was Caro's cock and A's cock.

And oh my God, it was my cunt that their cock was sliding into deep, oh so deep, and I had never had that heat inside me before, nor that weight over me and deepening into my womb.

And they were above me, his blue eyes gazing down and her green eyes gazing down, and her swaying breasts grazing my peaked nipples, and his thrusting cock sliding within me, and I wrapped my legs about his waist to clench him close and to grip him into me, and my hands went to his tight ass to pull him into me, and beside him as he fucked into me, his sister urged him on.

"Fuck her, fuck my sweet Judy for me, brother mine, and be my seed and take this gorgeous girl who is beyond compare for me. Take her, brother, take her take her, fuck her deep for me, fill her with our seed for your sister. Oh God, my brother, fill this sweet love with our seed, make her yours so she be mine. Oh fuck, yes, brother."

And he replied, panting into me with his thick, hard thrusts, my centre split with the heat and length of him.

"Oh fuck yes, sister, I'll take this sweet darling girl and I'll fuck her for you, harder than I ever fucked you, sister, I'll thrust deep to the depths of her womb and fill her with come for you, our come, our blood, your come, your seed that is my seed."

And then, little me, little slow me, silly Judy, I finally got it. I finally realised why he had gone away and then come back when the moon was gone.

"Oh yes, A, please please please, fuck me your hardest fuck me your best, come on now, come on now, deeper into me, deeper, sweetest man, you lovely man, come on brother brother, fuck me, oh fuck, fuck fuck me."

For I knew I had to urge every forbidden lust from within his deep swelling balls, I had to be his sister beneath him, I had to be every woman he had ever had and every woman he had never had, I had to conjure every last drop of seed from his heavy balls shuddering high up against the dark heat of my ass.

I had to grip his long length deep into my cunt, to grip and pull and urge that thick rich come from deep inside his balls. And I had to pull that seed from him through his heart, from his love for his sister, through his love for me, I had to fuck that life from him, deep into me, deep into me.

And now I was rising with him, my throbbing orgasm building up with his, and I urged him up to his forbidden peak, his fuck for his sister being driven into me, into me, oh God yes, into me, my cunt filled with his heat, and one more button to press.

"Come on, come on, now, now, oh yes, come on you darling boy, come run with me in the rain. Come with me the only time, lovely boy."

And my final, last urging, that was the one, the one that made him eighteen all over again, with the girl who was beyond compare, who ran in the rain with him.

And he surged his fill of seed deep into me, for his sister, for him, for me, for her. With a long shuddering thrust of his surging prick, he came so deep, so hard, so deep into me that I thought my heart might burst.

"Oh sweet boy, I'm coming too. Be my boy."

And for that thirty seconds, as I shuddered and twisted with the peak of my own high brilliance of light and whiteness, for those long moments, he was mine alone, that lovely man and me.

For those long moments as we came together, I was his and he was mine, and we did not compare. We were the best, me and him, him and me. He was mine, deep in my soul, deep.

-- ooo OOO ooo --

Three moons later and the sickness stopped. My belly was starting to swell.

That night he came back from his long walk in the hills was the only time he took me deep within, but it was enough.

"You know, Judy, you were a bit of a minx, thinking you could compare, especially right there at the end. You could never compare to Lucinda."

My heart dropped.

"You never needed to compare. She was Lucinda, she was then and she always will be beyond compare, in a special place in my heart. But you are Judy, and that's you. They're your blue eyes, not hers, that's your blonde hair, not hers."

He looked at me fondly with his dark blue eyes, grey clouds in the sky, and tilted my chin up with his finger.

"You, you're Judy. That's who you are, you don't need to compare."

He paused.

"Besides, you're family now, you've got our blood, Caro and me." He paused again, and smiled, his thoughts turning inwards.

"We're family, and it's my job."

-- ooo OOO ooo --

After he left, I sat and pondered one afternoon, my hand on my kicking belly.

"Caro, what if the baby's too small, and I have too much milk?"

"Darling Judy, we'll send a post card."

"Oh, will he know what to do?" I smiled, it was our game.

"Of course he knows what to do. Why do you think Amelia was such a good baby..."

Brothers. Sisters need them.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I have such admiration for those who live in polyamorous relationships. This is the perfect triad, brother, sister and lover.

cmj711cmj711about 1 year ago

Oh you sweet man, showing me that sharing can be pleasurable. xox

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

You paint such fascinating, erotic scenes with words!

ElectricBlueElectricBluealmost 9 years agoAuthor
A lovely comment received through feedback

... your Sisters series is the finest storytelling I've experienced in the incest category.

I agree with your fans that your writing is somewhat dreamy and poetic, and would add that it's almost conversational, like you're sitting back in a comfy chair in front of a fire with a glass of single malt, relating an event from your life.

That sort of easy flow of words is the kind of thing I aspire to.

wistful_of_ozwistful_of_ozalmost 9 years ago
Simply brilliant

Intimate, erotic, sensual.

A rare gem.

Thank you

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