Sisters to the Rescue


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"What was that all about?" said Dave, grinning.

"She asked me if I expected Brenda to cook me breakfast, I said of course not as you heard."

They were still grinning as Brenda walked in, Sally noticed Johns dick lurch and stiffen again. As her eyes came up they met Nat's, who had been doing the same thing. They grinned and winked. Brenda walked to the bed and sat at the foot, as Pete passed her tea to her. John said he'd phoned to say he'd be in by lunchtime, claiming a headache, the others laughed and he then told her about the conversation with his PA. Brenda laughed and asked for the phone.

"Billie, it's me, yes, I'm going to be late today, unless you want to let me take a days leave. What, Oh long story, I met a gorgeous man, we got drunk. We passed out and I'm now sitting naked in bed with him drinking tea. Sure," she passed the phone to John.

"Hello, err Billie, yes, oh we met last night, no our children introduced us. Oh yes perfectly charming. What! one really can't say, I would never divulge that about a lady. Oh yes she is, very nice, perfect one might say. Oh yes and you, nice to talk to you; here's Brenda."

He passed the phone back then slipped an arm round each of the girls.

"So did you have fun undressing us then?" he asked, looking back and forth between them.

"It was a hoot Dad, you were so drunk, I nearly pee'd myself."

"Mr B you were so out of it, but a gentleman throughout."

"Thanks girls, I take it you undressed me and the boys did Brenda?"

"Correct dad, but we left you alone after that."

"Thank you, now please excuse me I really do need a pee." John slid down the bed and scooted off, walking out the door, the others watched Brenda's admiring gaze follow him across and out the room as she chatted to Billie. "What" she mouthed with a grin, as she saw the others looking at her. They all pointed at her chest and she realised her nipples were erect. She grinned and pushed her chest out. Finishing the call she put the phone down.

"You are so embarrassing, leave me alone, and John too for that matter. Poor man must feel really embarrassed around here."

"Embarrassed and amused." he said from the doorway walking back in. "Now I need codeine or paracetamol and a good breakfast. The second I can manage as I know where the kitchen is, the former, I do need help with."

"OK, here," Brenda opened a drawer and threw a pack at him. "Breakfast I can do."

"No No, dear lady, I will make breakfast, you can sit here and just look beautiful," he smiled as he looked at her, "perfect, just stay there."

"I take it we can get our own?"

"Oh go on then I'll sort it out as thanks for looking after me, us, last night."

"In that case can I come down and look beautiful in the kitchen?"

"Brenda you could look beautiful anywhere, come on we'll go down together."

As they trooped downstairs, Sally pulled Nat back.


"No he said he couldn't last night, it felt wrong, you."

"Exactly the same, wow, are we lucky or what."

"Lucky, but don't ever let them know that."

After breakfast had been cleared away the children ran round and organised their day, Nat and Dave dressed in borrowed clothes. They said their goodbyes and left for College waving frantically at Brenda and John.

"Well alone at last." said Brenda, hugging John.

"I believe we are and we have at least two hours before we need to leave, now I need a shower and a shave, so come talk to me." He kissed Brenda on the lips, holding the kiss until their mouths opened and they traded tongues. They held each other tightly, hands on backs and bums.

"Wow, I haven't been kissed properly like that for so long, you are so beautiful and I think after twenty four hours with you I'm head over heels."

John leaned back and grinned, Brenda nodded and moved her head to his chest.

"I could stay like this forever, but we ought to shower and dress I suppose. I might seem a bit forward but the shower's plenty big enough for both of us, if you want?"

"Do I, sharing the shower with a beautiful woman is a real turn on, come on."

"OK," they walked up the stairs to the bathroom and walked into the shower, John placed himself between the shower head and Brenda, reaching out he turned it on. The initial cold spurt caught his back and side and he flinched slightly. As the water warmed he pulled Brenda under the stream and they kissed again, water spraying all around them. Finally they separated and finding wash clothes began to clean each other. Then Brenda giggled,

"I need to pee, I'm so sorry, I'll be back in a second."

"Why bother, it's nice and warm in here and the water ends up in the same place!"

"Ohh that's kinky, perhaps I'll wee on your leg," Brenda said with a smile.

"Make it my cock and your on," he said and knelt down,

"Oh my God, you're so kinky." Brenda positioned herself so her pussy was inches from his face.

John leaned forward and kissed her belly, then ran his tongue down through her pubic hair until he reached the start of her lips. Brenda groaned and a thin trickle of piss escaped her lips, running down his chest and belly. John leaned back and the thickening stream began to beat down on his prick, which jerked and thickened as it began to erect. As the stream began to fade to a trickle, John leaned back in and began to kiss and suck her pussy lips, opening her cleft with his tongue, His hands moved behind her and massaged her bottom, as he delved deeper. Brenda moaned and her legs sagged, opening her up to his tongue. Flicking over her bud, he ran a finger towards her anus.

"No, please don..." Brenda's voice failed her as her orgasm rushed through her body, causing her to sink down to the shower floor as her vagina and anus spasmed her pleasure. Her screams were lost in the roar of the shower, but John held her gently till her passion subsided.

"God, for a man who claims to be so out of practice that was amazing, I can't remember ever having a climax like that. Mr Magic Tongue, you're hired, mmmm." Brenda kissed John deeply and he ran his hands over her curves, finding her breasts and cupping and lifting them slightly.

"Before the shower gets too cold, why don't we take this to the bedroom, I'm sure we'll be more comfortable." Brenda rose and grabbed his hand. They toweled each other and wandered arm in arm to her bedroom.

Thye sat on the bed, kissing and feeling each other, enjoying the experience of touching another person, absent from their live's for so many years. They moved onto the bed and Brenda began to stroke John's prick, loving the smooth warm feel of his skin. John arched his back to push his prick into her hand. Feeling her breast with his free hand and leaning in to kiss her again. Finally he swung his leg over hers and his dick bounced against the underside of her belly.

They stopped briefly for Brenda to rise and push John onto his back, straddling him she eased his prick into her opening, grunting slightly as she accepted his girth. Lowering herself she felt his small prick fill her up, She began to rise and fall gently on his dick, as his hands ran up to her breasts, which he cupped and gently squeezed. Brenda responded by pushing deeper on the down stroke. Feeling her excitement mounting, John gasped and rose to meet her as she came down again, to their mutual pleasure. They moved slowly towards a climax, until John, shut his eyes and held Brenda by her hips, trying to slow her action.

"I'm going to cum, I can't hold back anymore, you're too beautiful for me, I love you so much, I'm sorry I can't hold back..."

Brenda began to move quicker and squeezed her vagina around his prick,

"Cum then, cum for me John, cum, you feel so good inside me, so very good, cum, cum, cummmmm."

Brenda began to rock backwards and forwards, her clitoris, brushing against his groin, driving her over the top. She felt his cock jerk and the feeling of his cum jetting against her inside. She felt the wave of bliss flow out from her pussy and she cried in pain and pleasure, as John grunted through his ejaculations. they rocked together until exhausted then fell away from each other, their hands scrabbling to make contact with the other. They drifted off and fell into a dreamless sleep.

"Knock, knock, hi!"

Brenda opened an eye, lying naked on her back, her hand held John's, he opened an eye too.

"Hi Dad, Hi Brenda?"

Nat and Sally stood in the open doorway grinning at their parents and the beds disarray.

"What time is it?"

"About ten to one, why?"

"Because I'm supposed to be at work in fifteen minutes, sorry Brenda, I really must go."

John sat up leaned over to Brenda and gave her a long slow tongue tingling kiss.

He ran his hand over her body and swung round to rise off the bed.

"Ladies," he said disappearing towards the bathroom.

"Wow, Mrs B you and my Dad, who'd have thunk it?" said Natalie sitting on the end of the bed.

"Yeah Mum, you sexpot, looks like you've been having a good time." Sally winked at her.

"Oh my God, that was something else, Nat your dad is amazing and so tender and well, fulfilling."

She sat up and ran her hands over her face, then burst into tears, surprised the girls sat next to her and tried to placate her, Brenda sobbed uncontrollably.

John walked back in and looked at Brenda with deep concern. Nat and Sally stood and moved away from Brenda slightly, both concerned and embarrassed.

"Brenda is there a problem, have I done something wrong, I'm sorry, what can I do to put it right, I am so sorry whatever it is, please don't cry, I hate to see you cry."

Sitting John took Brenda in his arms and cuddled her to his chest. Brenda sobbed and held onto John tightly. Embarrassed the two girls stood, side by side, their hands finding each others. Brenda's sobs subsided gradually until with several deep breaths she calmed down.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to go to pieces like that, but I haven't felt this happy in years, I'm overwhelmed by you, I can't think straight, all I want is to feel you holding me and being here for me. I'm so silly, I'm just a bit of a nerveous wreck, sorry." She straightened up and patted Johns shoulders.

John looked Brenda in the eyes as he held her by the shoulders,

"Brenda we only met yesterday, I think I can honestly say I fell for you instantly, I love you so much, I really do, I can't think what my world would be like without you, and that's after twenty four hours, I know it's presuming a lot, but I want you to be in my life forever. I don't ever want to let you go." He kissed her gently.

They turned slightly as they heard the gasps and sobs from the girls. They stood holding each other tears pouring down their faces. John grinned and kissed Brenda again, then rising, he went to hold the girls. Brenda stood and joined them, all four linked together. Finally John stepped back rubbing his hands up Nat and Sally's arms,

"Much as this has been the most pleasurable experience of my life, I really do need to go to work. Brenda, what do you want to do tonight, do you want to meet at our place and we'll freezer graze for food, or we could go out, what do you want to do?"

"Let's meet at yours, what time do you finish?"

"About sixish, I'll phone you, give me your mobile number."

They swapped numbers, then another kiss and John was gone.

Brenda sat back on the bed, her head down. Sally sat beside her and Nat sat on the floor at her feet, her hands on Brenda's knees.

"Mum, are you OK?"

"No not really, I feel really strange, almost lost, abandoned, I can't explain it, I..." she trailed off and Nat and Sally exchanged glances.

Sally moved to the phone and rang Billie, explaining that her mum wouldn't be in at all today and apologising for the late notice. She came and sat back down again, putting her arm round Brenda. Brenda held Sally's other arm, and put her hand on Nat's back.

"Natalie, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Of course you can, what is it?"

"If your father and I become very involved and I became his, partner.."

"Or Wife, yes."

"Err yes, well how would you feel, what about your own mother, and your Dad's memories and keepsakes."

"Would you want Dad to forget about mum, or put her pictures away or not mention her?"

"God no, he must have loved her so much, you can't take that away from him, he has so much love in him, I just don't want to get in the way and disturb things, but I can't get over how gentle and loving he is and I so want to be a part of his life, oh God I love him so much."

"Well then, it will be ok, because I think I could get used to you being my new Mum, and Sally would be my sister and it would perfect."

"Ha, but Pete would be your step brother and Dave would be mine."

"Ha how funny is that, we need to choose which house to live in or sell both and get a new one."

"Nat! there's lots of other things have to happen first!"

"Like what?"

"Well, your Dad has to ask Mum to Marry him firstly!"

"Oh well yeah I suppose, I'll tell him tonight."

"Nat you can't do that, he has to make up his own mind, you can't just tell him to do it."

"Tell me to do What?"



"Mr B!"

"I had to come back, I've forgotton something very important, so I made sure I made time to get this right."

"What is it John?"

John came into the bedroom and knelt at Brenda's feet, Nat gasped and Sally's hands flew to her face.

"Brenda, I know we've only just met, but I have not been so happy in too many years. You light up my life and make my heart beat faster than it has ever done. I can't get your face out of my head, and well, I want to make sure no one else whips you away from me, so there is only one way of ensuring my peace of mind. Brenda Browne, would you please, please consent to marry me?"

John, produced a ring and gently placed it on Brenda's finger, which he bent and kissed.

Brenda's eyes welled up and she cried silent tears as she nodded and bent to kiss him.

"Please, please let that be a yes," said Nat holding onto Sally tightly.

Sally nodded tears falling down her face, she gripped Nat to her and sobbed.

John sat up on the bed and cuddled Brenda, holding her face to his chest, his eyes sparkling.

Brenda wrapped her arms round him and held him.

After a while he relaxed his grip and kissed her, they grinned.

"John, where did you get such a beautiful ring, it's stunning."

"Well I have a supply that I use on beautiful divorcees to get them into bed." he said straight faced, then grinned.

"In truth I went to work but as I passed the jewellers I stopped and went to look, a nice young lady in there helped me choose, and I thought about how often I'd put things off or waited or stalled. I thought not this time, because you're far more important to me than work or whatever, so I came back hoping you'd still be here. If not I was prepared to come to your office and ask you there. I wasn't going to let you slip away, not now."

"Oh John, this is so sudden and I'm overwhelmed and flattered. My God, we've known each other less than twenty four hours, this is madness, but before you panic, my heart and my head say Yes, Yes, Yes, I can't believe this, it's like a fairytale, a fantasy. Are you sure about this, really sure this is what you want?"

"Never been more sure in my life, Look I nearly lost Catherine, my first wife and then she was taken from me and the children. I can't risk that ever happening again and, for the first time in years I feel alive, I feel like I'm eighteen again, you are so so lovely and I cannot face life without you, I want you beside me everyday from now on. It won't be easy I know, but I want to try to be a good husband, lover, friend and companion. I feel at ease and relaxed with you You have an adorable daughter and a fabulous son, what more could a dry old stick ask, added to my gorgeous daughter and brilliant son we would have the perfect children, and they like each other, so we all win."

"This is all too much for me, how can I say no, and miss out on spending my life with a such a charming, loving, considerate man like you. John, you handsome old devil, I love you like I never knew I could love a man again. You take my breath away, I can't think how life would be without you, I willingly accept your proposal, I can't believe you would want to spend your life with me, but I'm eternally grateful that you want to try."

"Splendid, whoo, I feel like a big weight has been lifted off me. Come on have a shower and we'll meet downstairs and plan the evening. I feel like celebrating, what do you think girls, a night out?"

"Way to go "Daddy"" said Sally leaping into his arms. Nat squealed and joined her friend in hugging her dad.They bounced up and down on their toes, John joining in and laughing. Brenda smiled patted his rear and ambled into the bathroom.

"Ok ladies, what say we go down and make some tea and await your mum?"

"Ok good idea, we could find some cake and biscuits."

"Have you got any of that cherries and berries squash I really like that,"

"Course, I might have that too, hmm, we have such similar tastes Nat."

"We could be sisters!"

They bounded downstairs with John lingering behind. He walked into the bathroom and saw Brenda in the shower, he grinned as he watched her soap and clean herself.

"What are you smiling at buster?"

"The fact that a man like me has the most beautiful woman in town as his lover, friend and companion, I am thrice blessed, I cannot believe my luck,"

"You really mean that don't you?"

"Of course I do, why would I lie to you?"

"To get me into bed, so you could have your wicked way with me!"

"Ahh, true, but I might be a poor lover and you'd throw me out, naked and desolate into the cold night air."

"But you are in fact a somewhat masterful lover and for all I know a masterful liar."

"True, but then you would have to set a trap and catch me in a lie."

"Ahh, yes I would, wouldn't I."

"But being the astute man I am, I know you don't have a deceitful bone in your body."

"Ahh but then I may be the consummate liar, even down to faking an orgasm, to make you finish quickly."

"Well that would be a masterful stroke as I was completely taken in and your performance was perfect since it sent me over the edge immediately, madam I bow to your superior powers, I am your humble servant, do with me as you will."

"Well you could start by drying me carefully and completely."

"Brenda it would be my pleasure and delight."

"Do you know I really think it will be."

"You have no idea,"

"Tell me?"

"Where should I begin, your back, bottom, legs, breasts, shoulders, face, every part of you is perfect, I am in heaven."

"I love you so much."

"and I love you, you make my heart leap and my mind soar, oh what was that film quote, with Rene Zellthingy and Tom Cruise in."

"Jerry Maguire, "You complete me""

"exactly that, you complete me. I haven't known this happiness since before Catherine died, you give me reason and rhyme, life is good."

"John, speaking of Catherine, may I?"

"Of course, what's on your mind."

"If we are to live together, as man and wife, I won't ask you to take away anything that reminds you of her, photos, mementos, keepsakes, anything, she is part of your life and so I expect her to be part of mine. If you want to talk about her or reminisce then please do, I want to know what you had and what you lost. I think it is important both for you and Nat and Dave, they are her children and they deserve their mother's memories to endure. Do you understand me."

"Perfectly Brenda, and likewise for your husband, whatever is there, is there, no question. We are agreed then?"

"I think we are, you are really the most understanding of men, a trait I had feared had disappeared a long time ago."