Sisters to the Rescue


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"And you dear lady are the most giving and loving of women, a trait you share with Catherine, who would have said the same if the roles were reversed."

"Thank you, now let's go down for that tea, give me two minutes to dress."

"I'll leave you alone, for now, see you in a moment."

In the lounge Nat and Sally sat at the table drinking as John came in.

"Well, well well there is beauty in every room of this house."

"Dad, you are funny, you'll get used to this Sal, he's always saying nice things in an odd way."

"I like it, we never had a good word from our dad, ever, always something wrong, something not quite up to standard."

"That's a shame, I'm sure that you deserve better. Anyway, now we're alone we can have five minutes to talk, I have some questions to ask."

He sat and poured himself a cup of tea from the full pot on the table. He added a little milk and stirred it absently.

"Sally, are you and Pete comfortable with your Mum and I and our relationship.


"Natalie I shall get to you shortly."

"Mr B, I think you're perfect for my mum, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have as a step dad. I've known you for years and you've always been so kind to me and so helpful. I think it's perfect."

"And Peter, what do you think he will feel about this, another male in the house, will he be ok with that?"

"What will Nat think about a step mum?"

"Touche, Natalie?"

"Dad, I've known Mrs B for years and she has been like a mum to me anyway, I think it will be fun, we're bound to fall out, everyone does, but she's good and decent and lovely, so I expect we won't be mad for long." She gripped Sal's arm. "Anyway my sister will speak up for me won't you?" she grinned and Sally laughed out loud.

"I expect so, as long as you don't get at my boyfriend-stepbrother too much." They laughed.

"Ok thank you ladies, that puts my mind at rest, I'll speak to Peter and David later." he drank his tea and they waited for Brenda to arrive.

Later at the Brighton house they all assembled and sat in the lounge,

"Hey why don't we keep both houses, we could alternate daily, here today, the Browne's tomorrow!" Dave said with a huge grin.

"Two sets of bills, two freezers to stock, two fridges to fill."

"Double washing every week."

"Endless vacuuming and polishing, no we have to decide on one or another."


"Shut up!"

They laughed and chatted, comfortable in each others presence they sat together, a family, laughing, joking and teasing.

John Brighton sat with Brenda on his lap, holding her hand an arm round her, she cuddled into his shoulder. His eyes flashed between the children as they talked and joked. He squeezed Brenda's hand, she squeezed back and patted his stomach.

"I never want to wake up from this dream."

"Me neither, I love you so much."

"I love you to, please God let us stay like this forever."

John bent towards Brenda and kissed her gently. The noise in the room stopped. He looked up and saw four grins and sparkling eyes looking at them.

"Way to go Pop," said Pete

"Please tell me you are not going tro call me Pop,"

"Why, Dad sounds too formal, John too rude, Daddy too young, I like Pop, it's the name son's call their Dad when he reaches a certain age."

"So I'm old now?"

"No not old, but definitely my elder, and wiser stepdad. Anyway "Dad" is a bad word in our house, and there's nothing bad about you, so I decided on Pop."

"Hmm, well that sounds reasonable, ok I suppose I can get used to it."

"So that's it no big bang, no altercation, no threats or abuse, no put downs, this is five hundred percent better than I've had in that last few years."

"Pete, I'm not your biological Dad, but I feel responsible for you, I care about you as if you were my son. Yes I can get annoyed about things and I can be chippy and cutting. However, I asked you a simple question, you gave me a sound logical answer, how can I be annoyed. I thought we were adults and that's how adults behave, if you've had a different experience then I feel really sorry that's happened to you. You don't deserve that, you're a great kid, sorry correction you're a good bloke. I respect your view, I have no argument with you on it. Personally it makes me feel about a hundred and ten, but that probably makes it funnier anyway."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound off, I'm a bit sore and bruised when it comes to my Dad."

"No need to apologise, we don't need to tiptoe round this Pete, if it hurts it hurts, but try to let it go. I don't have your experiences, hopefully Dave doesn't get that from me, well not deliberately or regularly I hope. Let it go Pete, look I can't be your dad, but I hope to be your friend."

"Thanks Pop"

"Cheeky bugger."

"John, that's the first time I've heard you swear."

"Sorry Brenda, but he is, and I like it, Ha I hope everyday's this much fun."

Pete grinned and saluted John, "Good Times Pop, good times."

John laughed and cuddled Brenda tighter.

Several Months Later

Nat came down to the Kitchen as Brenda was making tea, her face looked strained and she had obviously been crying.

"Nat what's wrong, what in heavens name has upset you?"

"Brenda, it's all gone wrong, I love Pete so much but..." she hung her head and sobbed.

"Come on Nat, let's go sit down in the lounge and you can tell me all about it."

Brenda filled two mugs and followed Nat into the lounge.and sat beside her at the table.

"come on my love what on earths wrong?"

"I can't make love to Pete, he's so kind and gentle and loving, but every time he tries to put it in me it hurts. If he does get it in then it hurts as he moves it. I do love him, but I can't stand him inside me, I feel such a failure."

"Nat, there must be a physical problem, you just need to get it sorted out, do you need me to speak to Pete, make sure he's ok?"

"I don't know he might be a bit put out if he knows I talked to you, I'll talk to him and see if he wants to talk about it."

Brenda nodded and squeezed Nat's shoulders, then rose and apologised, but she wanted to take John's tea up to him. Nat nodded and put her hand on Brenda's. Brenda took John his tea but her face was set in frown. John teased the problem out of her and nodded.

"Poor Nat and Pete, look, he might be more willing to open up to me, leave it with me, I'll catch him later." Brenda thanked him with a kiss and went back downstairs to Natalie.

Later John was working in the garage when Pete came in, he was distracted and wandered round looking at John's orderly arrangement of tools.

"Hi Pete, ok?"

"Yeah sure, fine thanks, you."

"Yeah good, good; Nat ok?"

"Yeah top banana, great."

He wandered round some more then sat on an old chair near the side door.

"That's my thinking chair."

"Sorry, pardon?"

"That's my thinking chair, I use it to think things through, work things out and generally to try and find what the F is going on."

"I could use some of that."


"Yeah, sorry Pop, but it is, she is such a.. wow, you know, a babe and she's perfect, but; look can I tell you this, she's your little girl and well it's kinda personal."

"Is it anything to do with intimacy?"

"Wow, good word, yeah it is. Look Pop, I'm not that big a guy, you understand, well even so, I seem to hurt Nat when, err, when I try to ..."

"Look Pete, Nat was pretty upset and talked to Brenda, I know what you mean. I think I can say I know you well enough Pete to know you're not a wham bam thank you ma'am, kind of guy. I know this is something that you find difficult to talk about. Also you're anxious about the hurt you're feeling over how you think you've hurt Nat. I'm a very protective dad as you know. Pete I have no doubt you are a gentle lover and want it to be perfect for Nat. So just tell me what happens as if I was your doctor, not your step dad and your girlfriends dad too."

John patted Pete's arm and sat on his workbench, his feet swinging above the floor.

"Pop, however gently I try to get in, however well lubricated we are, it hurts Nat and I feel like shit about it. I hate it when she tries to grin and bear it, so she ends up red raw, it's not fair on her, I'd rather we didn't do it at all." Pete looked at John, tears in his eyes.

"Hey, Pete, look I know Nat and she probably feels she's letting you down and worse, so you guys need to sit down and talk it through. If you don't it will drive a wedge between the pair of you, I don't want to see two of my favourite four children hurting, ok. Talk to her, tell her you feel shit about it, tell her how much it hurts you that it hurts her. Tell her that no matter what you still want her and love her, that is if you really do. You need to reassure her, make sure she knows your with her in this. Then I suggest you get some medical help in case it's a physical thing. OK?"

"Pop, I want to be with Nat no matter what, thanks I'll go find her, see if we can sort this out together."

"Good, if you need space I'll take your mum and Dave and Sally out for the day, no problem, let me know."

"Thanks, you know what this means to me?"

"I do; now go get on with it,." John smiled and pulled Pete to his feet, hugged him and steered him out the door.

A few minutes later Sally walked in and walked up to John and hugged him.

"Wow that was nice, can I expect that regularly, because it's brightened my day." he smiled and kissed her forehead, wrapping his arms around her.

"Yes, I came to say thanks for talking to Pete, Nat came to me after talking to Mum, I just had to hug you after I listened to your man to man. Pop, you really are something, you know. Mum is so lucky to have you."

"Boots on the other foot my darling, I'm the lucky one, trust me." He hugged her and swayed slightly.

"Hey, can I ask about you and Dave? any problems, or is that not something you want to confide in me."

"Let's just say, I have no complaints with your son, and if he's anything like you Mum is very lucky indeed."

"Well, thank you, but again, I'm the lucky one, your mother is a beautiful woman and she makes me very happy."

"I hope Pete and Nat can sort out their problem. I hate to see them so sad."

"Me too honey, now why are you wasting time with me when you have young David to hug. Go on off with you and make him happy." He spun Sally around and gently pushed her out the door. She laughed and ran off.

Nat and Pete sat holding hands on Nats bed. They had talked through the problem and had agreed to see a doctor. Nat was unwilling at first, but Pete's despair at hurting her soon persuaded her otherwise. they kissed and hugged, stretching out on the bed.soon their kissing became more frantic and they undressed each other. They caressed each other and their arousal led to trying again, Pete just pushing his dick into her slippery entrance, he rocked gently, feeling Nat opening around him. He hesitated then pulled back sliding his dick along her slit, so its tip grazed her anus. Nat sighed and squeezed closer to him, feeling him rocking his tip against her. Soon the sensation of her climax increased and she pulled Pete closer, kissing him deeply and pawing at his back. He rolled over and she straddled him, his dick flat on his belly. Nat continued rocking back and forth, feeling his cockhead hard against her clit. She screamed her way to orgasm as Pete felt his cock pumping out his seed onto his belly. They held each other, tears flowing, leaning down they kissed and hugged, crying into each other.

Sally held Dave's arm and hand to her. Brenda glanced at John who raised an eyebrow. The noises overhead faded and they went back to watching some old family movies that Dave had found. They watched the video as it showed a young Dave and Natalie running about over a soft sandy beach, In the background a willowy black haired woman chased round them causing them to giggle and laugh.

Brenda gripped John's hand and laughed at the children's antics, John nodded as he remembered filming the scene, Dave winced at his chubby arms and legs jerkily propelling him around. Sally smiled and laughed.

"That was a great holiday, we had sunshine everyday, not usual in Cornwall as you know. They were as brown as berries by the time we came home, Cath was so worried about them burning. They had little hats but they would take them off and run away, we'd chase them for hours."

"This is so awkward, look at me, what a sight,"

"Go on you! look so cute, and that nappy hanging down, so sexy."

"Leave it!"


The door opened and a smiling Nat came in Pete following,

"Wow old home movies, oh my God what do I look like?"

"Wow you were cute even then, still no chest though, Owwww!"

"Be careful, I bite."

"Well bite away, I'll keep quiet."

"Best you do Mr."

They sat with Dave and Sally, Nat reached out and held Sally's hand but her eyes were glued to the screen.

"Gosh your Mum was beautiful," said Pete, wrapping Nat up in his arms.

"Yes she was," said Dave and a tear formed in his eye.

"Babe," said Sally putting her arm round his shoulder.


"Hey no this is important for you."

"I miss her still."

"I sure hope so," said Brenda, "She's the most important person in your life after your Dad, you remember her for all the good times like this."

She squeezed John's hand, "you too buster, never let that flame die."

"Thanks" he kissed her lightly and touched her forehead with his.

The Video darkened and faded and they sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Well people, I'm hungry, what are we doing, shall I cook?"

"Dave are you ok? you just offered to cook!"

"Hardy Ha Ha, I can cook, not well but I can cook, just."

"Right ok, what's on the Me and U then."

"Eggs,fried boiled, scrambled; toast, cheese on toast, beans on toast, toast on toast. Toasted ham and cheese, that's actually about it."

"Gordon blue cooking then? I'm glad you went for the Michelin star route, well it's a tug to choose from such a vast range, Nat what grabs you?"

"I'm toying with boiled eggs, with toast and marmite."

"Hang on Nat no one said anything about Marmite, that's pushing it a bit."

"Dave you put the jar on the table and people help themselves."

"Ok I can do that, Sal?"

"Boiled eggs and toast soldiers sounds ideal."

"and three,"

"And four"


"Ok, Boiled Eggs, toast for soldiers and Marmite on the side, service."

Dave pinged a glass with a pencil and stood up.

"No, stay I'm doing this myself, just to prove I can."

Pots banging and the toaster pinging came from the kitchen as the others laid the table and sat down.

Dave arrived with egg cups and plates arranging them in front of everyone before diving back to the kitchen, he reappeared with a large saucepan from which he ladled the boiled eggs into the cups. Reversing out he returned with a mound of toast covered by a clean tea towel. He set this in the middle of the table then extracted the small jar of marmite from his pocket and added it to the table. Everyone set about their eggs to discover they were perfectly cooked, with hard whites and runny yolks. The meal proceeded with cheers for Dave on making such an excellent job. He sat and beamed as he lifted the lid on his own perfect eggs. The toast disappeared rapidly.

They sat and chatted and laughed and drew closer together, as they enjoyed the feeling of being a whole family.

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TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago
Funny story

Good story about a relationship between two families, their union of parents and children to each other, from two separate families, three couples come together.

5* for you.

Good job.

I apologize for my English, is not my native language.

SampkyangSampkyangover 7 years ago

A story about tiny dicks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very interesting story

Some very realistic elements regarding insecurities. Family members can be helpful in achieving acceptance and confidence. It is great when it all works out well.

swr47swr47over 7 years ago
Good Real Concept

Back in the 70s I had a "Peter Meter" which showed large started at 7 inches. Small started at 5 inches. Now days it is well known that 5.25 is average and anything over 6 inches is above average. 7 inches puts you into the top 1%. Your story will hopefully help destroy the size myth.

thunderfoot1959thunderfoot1959over 7 years ago
Fun fantasy romp unencumbered by reality

Good story, though it requires a lot of willing suspension of disbelief. Just a touch more character development might help the story's believability, but that criticism isn't meant to be nearly as harsh as it might sound. On the other hand, you could label it an alternative universe and really go wild with the story!

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