All Comments on 'Size Queen House Slaves Ch. 08'

by DiscipleN

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9formother9formother3 months ago

Going back and giving all of this series 5 stars. I like it and can't really say why. It doesn't have the dirty dialog I prefer, but the comedic part is my kind of humor. Great effort on the author's part

vitochivitochi3 months ago

I really like this series. The characters are just quirky enough. But, they do seem to have some kind of rules they stick to, even if it doesn’t match any I’ve run across. The only down side is that chapters come out so sparsely that I forget where the relationships and progressions are at and need to review older stuff.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Crazy story arc. At times the prose and dialog was excellent, other times surprising, other times mysterious. What makes this story is not the son of his sister. It is the father and the mother and their complex sexuality. The father is the core that holds that family together. He is great father, has wisdom beyond his years, and doesn't judge. He just loves.

He clearly has "converted" the mother over the years. We see insights ever so often about her infidelities and her experience in college in a dom/sub experience, that sounds like it was not healthy. Usually the father tells her when she can have an infidelity ("second gear"), and she goes cruising for excitement.

But in the past she regulated it. Now however, things changed. Her son's large, girthy penis, and his stupid seduction / dom wannabe attempts early on, re-awakened something in his mother. A need to be a sub again to a large penis. But the son doesn't really have it in him to be a dom. He is crude at times and does some stuff that breaks the mood. The mother was not scared for him, but for her becoming untethered, unmoored.

This time was different, as her husband had not given her permission beforehand, she made her announcement of an affair after the anal encounter, and did not disclose the identity, knowing damn well that it was very important this time, unlike before when he gave her permission ahead of time.

In reality the son barely knew what he was doing. The mother had it so worked up in her mind based on memories of her last dom/sub relationship, that she came hard not just because of his large penis size but because of her wanting to submit. She tried to force the deepthroating, to subjugate and degrade herself. Like scratching an old itch.

However, once she told her son, his was the only penis that could make her orgasm, now as a reader we know something rings false. That is (probably) her shadow self, long buried, talking. We know darn well that after the anal episode she spent a long day with many orgasms and pleasure with her husband. Perhaps it was just her getting her son all hot and horny, wanting him to dominate her, but seems unlikely. It was more likely her secret obsession talking and when enthralled she would say anything to get off, especially given her reticence earlier with her son.

But in fact, though the son was enamored with their vaginal intercourse, her memory turns to regret. Note when they talk afterwards how it was the greatest ever for him, but she evades and says all the porn movies say that. Her son is play acting in a role he has no business trying to be. All he has is a large penis.

Turns out she told her husband. They talked about it. He soothed her fears, and made her realize that he is her ultimate / true master, because his love is so powerful and he is her rock. Look how she replies to her daughter about the comparative penis sizes. Sure the father is smaller, but to her he is the best. Why? Because she loves him so damn much and he is everything to her.

By this point, she has zero sexual interest in her son. She also probably learned something. When she was given permission beforehand by her husband, what was she trying to find? Something exciting, something different, but each time she comes back to her husband, as he is her rock and her road.

Howver, this last time got a bit crazy because of the incest angle and she moved on it before talking to her husband. The guilt ended up stone cold hitting her. What did she do? Talk to her husband, he calmed her down, reasserted his dominance through love and understanding, and if anything her resolve and love for her husband is even stronger than before.

The father is the rock of the family. His wife cannot live without him. This is repeated when talking to her son and her daughter near the end. When he talks about moving out. She is not worried and is non commital. She has moved past the dom/sub fetish that was temporarily

re-awakened by her son, now calm and content with the deep, still waters of her husband.

The antics between the sister and the son, just show how immature they are. Nell probably will end up in some dom/sub/slave relationship in college or after, just like her mom did. How she fares is unclear. Hopefully she finds someone like her father who will show her a path to love and contentment. Btw great scene when the mother tricks Nell near the end.

The son was a doofus for trying to push his sister to be his slave. He has a lot of growing up to do. He wants to be a dom but has no clue what he is doing. He uses a rough touch when it should be soft and vice versa. He wants to be seductive, but his idea of seduction is showing his bulge everywhere. Sadly pornography is NOT a good way to learn seduction. He has his own path to follow as he grows up.

But the mother has her prince (and master) in her husband, who does it through kindness, acceptance, wisdom, love, patience, and skill. The mother sums it up perfectly:

"No. Your father's is better, smaller dick but better because he's all mine." Mom glowed.

Surprisingly I started reading for a stroke story and was instead amazed at some of the characters, the cerebral dialog of the father and the mother, and the humor. 5 stars.

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This disciple studies the fundamentals of erotica and porn. Expect a lot of experimentation from my stories. And I hope a lot of fun! I have many other stories that could not be posted here. They are available on several non-commercial websites. Search for "DiscipleN&q...