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What I didn't know was that the older son was also at home, which was unusual for him, and right then he was lying, sunbathing, beside the pool beneath us. Of course you're familiar with netball gear, those short, flared skirts. The older girls were always joking about how many fathers used to say they'd come to watch their daughter playing, when what they were really doing was just getting a chance to perve on the rest of us.

Well I guess when the noise of our chatter made him look up, the combination of the wide gaps in the decking slats and the flared shortness of my skirt gave Carrie's brother the chance to see most of what I'd got.

When we'd finished recounting the game Carrie's mother said she had to go and do something about lunch so asked Carrie to help get her back inside. As she told me another pair of hands would just get in the way I stayed out on the deck, and having poured myself another drink, I went over and leaned on the rail. And it was only then that I saw my cousin lying below me, in just a small pair of swimming shorts.

Of course he didn't know I was going to suddenly look down, so he didn't have time to cover up what had happened during the time he'd been looking up at me. And as I was then standing at the edge of the deck he would have also had a much clearer, and then totally unobstructed view straight up my legs.

So, for a few seconds we both froze, me looking down at him while he stared wide-eyed up at me, and like you with your memories of the girl dancing, the image I saw has remained perfectly clear in my head.

He had obviously initially been reading, one hand was still holding the book as it hung down beside him, and as the other arm was still where it had been, up behind and supporting his head, so the rest of his body was totally exposed. And even from a few metres above his cock looked simply enormous. It was sticking virtually all the way down one leg of the shorts, and because it had got so hard and was stretching the thin nylon so tight I could clearly see both its size and its shape.

By that age I naturally knew enough about the mechanics of sex to know what an erection was, well in theory I did, but of course until then I'd never actually seen one. Not that I could really see his, but its outline was so sharp I had no trouble in picturing what I thought the rest of its detail would actually look like.

And even as I continued staring down and did just that I felt as though my knees were going all wobbly, felt a warm, surging rush between my legs, felt exactly the same things I did whenever I touched myself down there.

Then of course he moved, quickly, dropping his book and reaching across to cover his cock with that hand as he used his other arm to push himself up off the ground, then dived into the pool to cool off.

I stood there, trembling for a few moments, then realising just how embarrassed we'd both be if we had to face each other after what had happened, I made some excuse to Carrie's mother, and hurried home. But I couldn't get the image of what I'd seen out of my head and the warm, squirmy feeling inside seemed to get stronger and stronger so, just like you did when you were standing beside the stage, I knew I simply had to find some way of relieving that tension. So when I got home I made some hurried excuse to Mum about Carrie's mother not being able to get lunch that day, then flew up to the bath-room, locked the door and frigged myself to two super-fast orgasms.

And, again just like you, that image of Carrie's brother lying there with his massive erection straining up against his shorts has remained with me down through all these years. And sometimes I use it to get myself going when I've felt the need for a bit of solo pleasure.'

'And you've kept that image even after you'd seen the real thing in glorious technicolour?' I said humorously as a way of breaking the tension I'd heard building in her voice.

She giggled. 'Mmm, though it's true I augmented it with others. As I'm sure you've guessed by now, I mean from some of the things I like us doing together, I do like looking at cocks, well nice big ones, like yours.'

'Is mine big, I mean by comparison?'

'Of course it is, you must know that!'

'How would I? Men don't go around comparing their size with each other. Some boys may do that in the early years of puberty, though I never did.'

'But other women you've been with must have said something.'

'No, it's the first time anyone has.'

'I'm surprised Frank. I would have thought, oh well, never mind that. Yes, yours is big, and nicely shaped too, long, thick and straight. And I especially love its head; it gets a beautifully bulbous helmet shape, and goes a lovely purple colour, dark and glossy. But of course what's really important is that you know how to use it to please a girl.' she added with a soft chuckle as she slid her hand down between my legs.

Chapter 5

Analysis and Action

Recounting our childhood memories had obviously re-stirred both our internal fires and we spent the next half hour slowly building them higher, then quenching them with a spectacularly synchronised pair of orgasms.

'And that's exactly what I meant about you knowing how to use it.' she said between deep gasps of breath a short time after we'd rolled apart. 'Although I simply adore all the other things we do together there's really nothing like a bout of love-making as strong as that one was, is there?'

'Too true.' I replied as I lay waiting for my still racing heart to slow just a little more before moving. Then, perhaps as I felt it needed a bit more time to do that I added. 'But we left what we were saying still unfinished, though I'm certainly not complaining that we did.' I said as I pulled her a little closer. 'But I don't think you'd completely finished what you were telling me, you said you liked looking at cocks, then we digressed. From the little I know about women, I got the impression that actually seeing one more usually ends in a fit of the giggles.'

'I know what you mean, when you get a group of girls or women together I think that's true. I mean when you see pictures of women at a hens' night where they've got men stripping, all you see are embarrassed giggles and laughs. I know men can do that too, but if you compared pictures of both I'm sure you'd also find many men just quietly staring, but there wouldn't be any women looking like that in the other picture. Unless I'd been there!' she added.

'Maybe I'm just peculiar, but I'm not embarrassed to say it, I think a man's cock, well some men's cocks, are a fantastic turn-on, at least when they're up and ready for action. I've always thought it was the ultimate form of sexual discrimination to allow men's magazines to show women's bodies in detail and not allow similar pictures of men. I mean it's ridiculous if you think about it. A man's cock when limp is only good for one thing, and that's pissing, what's the point of allowing supposedly sexy magazines to print it like that, but not allow them to show it when it's ready for the sex act itself!'

'But would women like that?'

'Women like me would, and I'm sure I'm not completely alone. Anyway nobody's forcing the others to look if they don't want to. The way things are is actually nothing more than sexually based censorship.'

'When you put it like that you have to wonder why.'

'Oh that's easy, and don't get the idea I'm some sort of rabid feminist because I'm not, but it's still men who make the laws.'


'So old, ego driven men in parliament don't want to have to face the fact that what they themselves have got between their legs just don't measure up. Well certainly not to the kind of cocks most women want. And while the argument that remains in the women's camp is about who's got the best tits and arses, they can hide their own physical inadequacies behind some hundred year old law.'

But what she said wasn't driven by just some intellectual irritation, she was serious. And when I thought about it I felt sure that although it sounded as though Vanessa thought the two aspects of her sexuality were totally separate, I became convinced they were actually strongly inter-connected.

In her mind the fact that she enjoyed and got excited by seeing a strong, good-looking erection was merely comparable to the way a man reacted to a sight of a woman's naked bottom or breasts. And the turn-on she got from knowing a man got aroused by looking up her legs, as her cousin had done, was a completely different source of sexual excitement.

But to me it seemed that the fact that although she'd seen the evidence that her cousin had got an erection, the reality of it, his cock, had still been hidden, had in itself created some long-lasting inner need.

So while we were each fulfilling each other's deepest fantasies, enacting them with someone like me, a man not only willing but eager to allow his fantasies out into the open, actually provided her with two, strongly inter-linked forms of arousal. One from knowing a man was being stimulated by just seeing her, the other from her being able to actually see the physical result.

Arriving at that conclusion gave me a good deal to think about. I liked Vanessa, liked her a lot, and not just for the totally satisfying sexual relationship we were having, though that was undoubtedly the pre-eminent component. But even apart from the way our sexual needs meshed; she was stunningly attractive, witty, highly intelligent, and obviously liked me too, which always helps! So the motivation to improve what we already enjoyed doing together was strong, and I spent several quiet evenings just thinking of ways I could try to do that.

The first thought I had was to somehow set up a recreation of the event that had triggered her fixation, but although I came up with what I thought could work, it would be tricky to set up and might prove to be a bit over the top as a first attempt. So I came up with a couple of less blatant situations, my idea being that if they proved successful I could always move on to try the more dramatic stuff later.

But then my brain made one of those subconscious connections between two completely separate things which can result in what are often called 'Eureka!' moments.

I remembered that a few months before I'd seen in one of the newspapers a special supplement featuring places that offered what were termed 'idyllic week-end get-aways'. And that for some completely unknown reason, even then one of the places had particularly caught my eye.

Of course I hadn't kept the feature and couldn't remember the name of the place, but thank heavens for the Internet! It didn't take long to track it down and when I checked out the details of what they had to offer it sounded absolutely perfect. It was a pretty old place, not one of the more recently built, super-trendy establishments, which suited my limited pocket pretty well. But even if it had been expensive I think I'd have managed to convince myself it would be a good investment, because the cabins they had were constructed in the old-fashioned A-frame design.

The pictures of a typical interior showed an open plan lower level and suspended above the rear half, reached by a low-raked set of stairs at one side, was a platform style mezzanine that housed the sleeping area and bathroom. And unlike many later versions of the style, where actual walls enclosed the upper section, these merely had a single safety rail stopping anyone from stepping off into space. There were warnings about the accommodation being unsuitably dangerous for children, but for us, the design was absolutely perfect!

At that point in the relationship Vanessa and I hadn't actually spent a whole night together, until then each of us had preferred to head back to our place once we were ready to call a halt to our sexual activities. So before making any further enquiries I sounded her out about the idea of us actually going away somewhere for a week-end.

'You mean for a dirty week-end?' she replied with a cheeky grin.

'Something like that.'

'Great idea! Where? When?' she asked eagerly.

'Well I've got an idea about a place you might like, but I haven't taken it any further than that yet, I wanted to see how you felt first.'

'I'll be in it, so where is it?'

'Just up the coast a bit, a couple of hours drive at the most. If you like we could go up on a Friday evening, after work, that would give us Friday and Saturday nights together. If you think can put up with me for that long.' I added with a grin.

'It's more important that you're confident you can keepitup for that long.' she answered with a wicked smile.

Chapter 6

Friday Night

So, having worked out which week-ends we were both free of other commitments I made a call, and after checking out a few other details, made sure I'd booked one particular cabin for us. Then having done that I paid visits to both an electrical and a men's wear store and made a few small but hopefully more than useful purchases.

Although getting out of the city was the usual hassle the rest of the drive North was totally uneventful and as I'd previously let the proprietor know we'd be arriving a bit late, we had time to stop at a reasonably good restaurant for a meal before we checked-in.

We'd had a decent bottle of wine with the meal and what with that and the muted, but all too obvious sense of anticipation we were both experiencing, we were undoubtedly more than ready for whatever fun and games the week-end had in store for us. So when we walked into our cabin, turned the lights on and Vanessa stopped to look around it, it took her about five seconds flat to understand exactly why I had brought her there.

'Oh you clever, clever man!' she said with breathless excitement. 'They must have had us in mind when they built it. And I hope they do room service, I don't think we'll be going out very much!' she added as her eyes stared up at the bedroom level.

'I hope you brought a couple of skirts with you.' I replied as I took her in my arms.

'As if I wouldn't have.' she managed to reply before our lips and bodies clamped tightly together.

'I'll just have a quick shower while you get unpacked.' I said when we broke for air. 'And I had the girl in the restaurant add a second bottle of wine to the bill, if you fancy a little more.'

'Oh, yes please, I liked that one. But don't take too long in the bath-room, I don't have that much to unpack, and I want a quick shower too.' she replied.

Having poured a couple of glasses of wine I unpacked the few things I had brought then headed off to take a short but nicely refreshing shower. But even though it was quick it was quite long enough for the thoughts buzzing around inside my head to at least start to have their predictable effect. We had two nights and a day and a half ahead of us, with nothing to do but excite and pleasure each other. We had a place that seemed to provide exactly the conditions for what had been underpinning each of our separate fantasy situations. And the woman I was sharing this time, place and opportunity with was not only super-attractive, but both super-sexy and super-willing too!

So by the time I'd finished my shower I wasn't that surprised to see that my cock, although nowhere near erect, had reached that early state of arousal we call half-mast. Then once dry, I slipped into one of the purchases I'd made, a pair of pure silk boxer shorts. I normally prefer the comfort of briefs but considering the details of Vanessa's initial experience I'd felt sure that when the time came she would rather I was wearing something that would allow her to more clearly see how I was responding. And when I checked the effect in the mirror and saw how the silk clung to just my partially swollen cock I felt sure that when the time came she'd heartily agree with my decision.

But of course a degree of suspenseful anticipation also played an important part in our mutual enjoyment so I added shirt and trousers before leaving the bath-room.

My timing was good, Vanessa had just about finished sorting her things out and was standing, taking a few sips of wine as she waited for me. 'All yours.' I said, then added. 'And don't you be too long either.'

'I won't, I'll just get the city grime off.' she replied with a smile as she gathered up her shower things and some fresh clothes.

Once she'd disappeared inside I went out to the car and brought in the two boxes I'd bought at the electrical store, they were wide-angled interior spot-lights. Having turned off the lights on the upper level I went back down and plugged them in, then spent a minute or two moving them and a few bits of furniture around until I found what I thought would be the best positions for everything. Then I turned off the rest of the lights to check their full effect, one seemed perfect and although the second was harder to judge I thought it would be too, and having put their remote controls in a convenient place I turned them both off and switched on just one of the small table-lamps.

With such a low level of lighting I knew that when Vanessa came out of the much more brightly lit bath-room she'd be virtually unsighted for the minute or two it would take her eyes to adjust, and if she was dressed as I hoped and expected she would be, that would be fine, for both of us. Then with a last quick check of everything I stripped down to just the pair of silk boxer shorts, and waited.

My thinking was that right at that moment she was probably experiencing the same sort of excited anticipation that I had when I'd been in the shower. Her mind playing back some of the things we had already done to and with each other, and, knowing that for the next couple of days we wouldn't be restricted by time as were in the city, looking forward to being able to prolong and enjoy similar activities even more. I hoped that she had in fact been thinking those kinds of thoughts, and that as a result of them her physical arousal had already been stirred, and then that when she came out into totally unexpected virtual blackness she'd be both startled and maybe a little apprehensive.

I knew that fear was well known as an adrenaline starter, and people having more than usually urgent sex after surviving some life-threatening event was well documented. Not that I wanted or intended to actually frighten Vanessa, but just startling her a bit should push her already stimulated hormone production along. And if she was dressed in something appropriate, in the time that she stood trying to work out what was going on, I would be standing beneath her, enjoying the view. And I was quite sure that once the situation was made clear to her she would have absolutely no objections to what I'd done.

She didn't take much longer in the bath-room than I had and when she came out it was as though she had actually read the script I'd had in mind. Of course the first thing I noticed was what she was wearing, it was that dress, the one that had kick-started the whole thing! And of course I was thrilled to see it again! Then, having opened the door she turned and reached inside to switch off the light, closing the door behind herself as she turned around again, so of course her eyes had simply no time to adjust to the sudden darkness. I saw her hesitate for a moment, then gingerly step forward, reaching out for the hand-rail she knew was at the edge of the upper area. And that's when I switched on one of the spot-lights.

The sudden brilliant light dazzled her and even as her hand found and took a firm grip of the hand-rail I saw her eyes automatically clamp tightly shut. So there she was, in exactly the position I'd hoped for; standing above me, the beam from the spot-light shining straight up at her. And, for at least those first few seconds undoubtedly feeling exactly the same as a rabbit transfixed by the beam from a car's headlight.