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But in spite of the undoubted beauty of both the woman I was with and the scenery all around us I still couldn't stop myself from thinking and worrying about thoughts that had been bubbling up every now and then since early that morning. What I'd done for us the previous night had been so spectacularly successful, how on earth could I ever hope to repeat anything even remotely like it? I'd remembered and tracked down the unusually designed cabin. I'd thought of buying the spot-lights that had made such a dramatic impact. And then of course Vanessa had worn exactly the right thing to maximise it for us. How could I ever hope to come up with another scenario that included all those elements?

Bur then suddenly, almost as though she'd been reading my thoughts, Vanessa said. 'I don't know about you but I haven't been able to stop thinking about last night.'

'It came up to your expectations?' I asked hesitantly.

'In my wildest dreams I could never have imagined anything like that Frank!' she replied as her hand squeezed mine really hard.

'Yes everything did seem to go just right for us. And just as importantly, I think we were both in exactly the right mood to enjoy it. But one thing has been worrying me a bit.' I added after a few moments' pause.

'What's that?' she asked anxiously.

'How the hell we're going to repeat it, or anything quite like it! I mean much of the impact must have come from neither of us really knowing what was going to happen. That's going to be hard to duplicate another time.'

'And you think that matters so much?'

'It usually does, I mean repetition of anything, no matter how good, always seem to take the edge off what it was like the first time.'

'Oh I think you're wrong there darling. Just think how many times you've called up that image of the young girl dancing to help get yourself off. And how many times in the last few weeks you've responded strongly to just looking up my legs. I haven't noticed any diminishing of the effect of that. Well at least not so far.' she added with a low pitched chuckle.

'Well maybe you're right, but it has been bothering me, I mean trying to think of how to set-up another scenario as good as that was.'

'I think that's the worst thing you could do darling, sometimes it's much better to just let things happen. But don't get me wrong.' she added hurriedly. 'The way you organised everything was just perfect, and neither of us would have had such a fantastic time if you hadn't done that. I'm just saying that you certainly shouldn't worry about having to create something similar for us every time. After all we've been having extraordinary sex up to now without doing anything anywhere near as spectacular. Haven't we?'

'Of course we have, it's been wonderful.'

'Well then, just relax, let things happen.' she said, giving my hand a more affectionate squeeze.

Although I knew that at least one part of my brain was continuing to try to come up with new ideas just getting the stuff that had been bugging me for much of the morning off my chest and then hearing Vanessa's words of reassurance certainly made me feel better. So I did as she'd suggested, relaxed, and simply enjoyed walking hand in hand with such a beautiful woman, along such a beautiful beach, on such a truly beautiful day.

We passed a couple of elderly men who were beach fishing and two or three people out walking their dogs but given how lovely the day was I was surprised at how few people there were actually out making the most of it. When I said something about that to Vanessa she reminded me it was Saturday morning, when most families were already busy shopping or ferrying children to and from their sports' activities.

'There'll probably be a few more out later, after lunch.' she said. 'But it's much nicer this way, I mean not having to share it with too many others.'

The far end of the beach was blocked by a rocky headland and a huge pile of jumbled boulders that the persistently breaking waves seemed to be unsuccessfully trying to wear down. My first reaction was to turn and retrace our steps but Vanessa had completely different ideas. 'I always like to see what's over the other side of the hill.' she said, breaking our hand-hold. 'I'll go first, then if I get stuck you can give me a push.' And with that she started clambering upwards, and I admit I was surprised to see just how nimbly she coped with the chaotic pile of irregularly sized rocks.

At first I was more concerned with whether or not she would miss her footing and slip and fall but when I saw how skilfully she was getting herself up I began to follow. And silly though it sounds, it was only then that I realised what an opportunity she was actually giving me. When she'd elected to go first she must have known that as she scrambled from one rock to another above me what she was actually doing was giving me the opportunity to look up at her.

So of course I took it. At first I found that the design of the skirt of her dress was actually working against me, because it was so full there was too much material draping around her for me to see much more then just her knees and the lower portion of her thighs. Even so, just the idea that I might soon see a bit more was enough to start my heart beating a little faster and increase the blood flow to the lower half of me.

But then as she climbed closer to the top she began to encounter the breeze blowing off the sea and up around the cliff face. In the hope that I'd see more by hanging further back I had stopped to let her get further ahead of me so it was almost sheer luck that had caused me to be almost directly below her and looking upwards when the first real gust of wind caught the back of her skirt and lifted it.

It flew like a carelessly set spinnaker, sky-high, and although only brief, no more than a few seconds, because I had been watching her progress I saw it all.

Saw the moment the first light tendrils of wind caught the hem, lifting it enough for the rest to get further under, at first just billowing the material, then pushing even more strongly and lifting it higher. In fact lifting the back waist-high. So I saw her legs, all of them, right up to the waist. Saw her slenderly curving, tanned looking thighs, saw the tautly bulging swell of her bottom, saw the pale orange, semi-transparent panties. Saw it all!

And of course Vanessa knew I had, as the gust died away again she turned and looked down at me, the tight smile and mischievous expression said it all, but she said it anyway. 'You liked that. Keep your eyes open Frank, it might get even breezier up there.' she added, indicating the ridge above her.

So I did, and it was. And because she knew just how stirred-up I must have been getting she slowed right down, sometimes just standing on a convenient rock in anticipation of another gust of wind reaching her, sometimes, when she felt one starting, pausing to wait for its effect. And one of those times happened when she was just about to push herself up from one large rock to another, catching her just when one foot was placed much higher than the other. So, because her legs were so widely separated when the wind caught her that time I found I could see right up between them. And although I was seeing it from the back rather than the front, I had a view that in some ways was similar to the one I'd had the previous night. Just as I had done then, as well as the exciting view of the long length of her thighs and the firmly rounded swell of her bottom, I found I could even see the crotch of the flimsy panties clinging to the pronounced bulge of her pussy.

Of course even before that moment my cock had reacted, reacted strongly and I'd been all too aware of the feel of it thickening and stiffening as I got a series of glimpses of her. But when I was given that one, found myself staring up at her barely covered pussy, I felt a truly enormous surge of blood pumping into it. And as there were several more just as good as that, and a couple that were in some ways even more excitingly graphic, by the time the next few minutes had passed it was throbbing so hard it really felt as though it was trying to jerk its way out of my trousers. So by the time Vanessa eventually reached the top, then just stood there, her feet spread well apart, and just letting her skirt swirl madly around her, I felt sure it would simply burst from the pressure that had been built up inside it.

When I finally scrambled up to join her, even if she hadn't been able to see the prominent ridge my over-excited cock was making in my trousers she'd have been able to tell from the look on my face just what sort of an effect she'd had on me. She gave me another of those tight smiles, glanced quickly around us, then moved closer. 'Oh dear.' she said softly. 'I knew you'd enjoy that, but I didn't expect you to react quite as strongly as it looks as though you have.' she added, reaching forward and pressing her hand against my crotch.

We both felt the sudden surge that her mere touch triggered and then the jerky throbbing that followed when she tried to curl her fingers around it. 'I can't leave you like this.' she said huskily, then just dropped to her knees.

She seemed to have my trousers and briefs down in just a matter of seconds, then I felt one hand pushing up between my legs to cup my balls and the other pressing my rearing cock down to bring it level with her mouth.

But then she paused, just for a moment, her eyes fixed on my cock, staring hard, as though trying to fix the image of it in her head. She glanced up, and I could see from the expression on her face that something about it had really got to her, but then the moment passed, she gave me a tight smile, and leaned forward.

Both hands tightened their grip a little as she licked her lips, and I got the first of many shock-like thrills as she slipped them over the head. Then I felt her tongue swirling around it and as I grunted at the intensity of those sensations she looked up, her dark eyes sparkling with impish pleasure as she watched the effect of what she was doing reflected on my face.

She pulled back for a few moments and said. 'It's good to know I can get you this excited. And if the circumstances were different I know we'd both enjoy it more if I took my time doing it. But I think it best if we keep it pretty quick this time Frank. So don't try to hold back, just let yourself go!'

Then, while her hand held the shaft firmly and started pushing up and down it she began to move her head back and forth, taking my cock deep into the velvet warmth of her mouth. And as the resulting thrills sent powerful waves of excited delight right through me I watched how her eyes glittered each time her hollowing cheeks gave it a particularly hard suck.

Until then I hadn't really been conscious of just how close to actually coming I had got, but what her hand and mouth were doing was more than enough to convince me that if I'd spent much more time on those rocks I might very well have done it in my pants. It felt as though every single muscle in my body had knotted tight and I heard myself grunting from the strain of the pressure inside me quickly rising higher and higher.

When Vanessa felt that strength of my reactions she took her hand off my cock and reached down for one of mine, then as she looked up she lifted it up behind her head. I somehow sensed what she was offering and brought my other hand up and gently held her with the two of them. Her eyes sparkled as she nodded and opened her mouth just that little bit wider, she was either allowing, or indeed wanting me to fuck her mouth!

By then I was in no condition, even if I wanted to, to refuse her offer, and I felt my hips jerking forward, trying to get more and more of my cock inside her sucking mouth. She gurgled and, relaxing her throat muscles, let me thrust deeper, taking it, taking all of it. But even as I'd begun thrusting I'd felt one of her hands slip around me, gripping my arse and urging me on, and the other tightening its grip of my balls then begin gently but insistently squeezing them.

The combination created truly mind-blowing thrills and within just a few seconds I felt the already super-heated semen churning, boiling, then almost instantly erupting. The first few gouts must have blasted straight down her throat but her urging hands and sucking mouth brought on several more only slightly less powerful loads up through my still thrusting cock and she had to swallow really hard and fast to cope with the size of them.

Then, gurgling with satisfaction at the speed and strength of the response she'd got from me she continued sucking and swallowing until she was certain she had completely drained every last drop. And I just stood there, every inch of my body trembling from the sheer impact of the forces unleashed, my still spasming cock buried deep in her mouth, feeling the strength of its suction urging out those very last few driblets.

'Well, well, well!' she said when she was finally satisfied there really was no more. 'That was something else, wasn't it!' she added, wiping off the surplus mess that had trickled down her chin and oozed out around the corners of her mouth.

'It certainly was!' I managed to gasp as I reached down to dig a handkerchief out of my pocket so I could clean myself up. 'You were fantastic, as always!' I added, helping her to her feet, then wiping my cock dry before pulling my pants and trousers back up and making myself presentable again.

'You've never come as quickly as that Frank, just out of curiosity, what was so different?' she asked once I'd recovered enough to move and we began to walk down a slowly winding track to the beach.

I thought for a few moments before answering. 'Oh, several things. For most of the morning I haven't been able to shake off the memories of what happened last night. Even when I was going round the supermarket I had images of you in my head. It made trying to concentrate on what I was looking for very difficult.' I added with a grin. 'So by the time I got back to the cabin I really, really wanted to make love with you again, my friend down there was getting very insistent about it.' I added.

'Oh I'm sorry Frank! If I'd known what was going on of course I wouldn't have put you off the way I did. But I was awfully conscious of what I must have smelt like by then. I'd normally have given myself even just a quick wash before going to bed, but as I remember it, we simply collapsed. Anyway, next time you're feeling like that just don't take 'no' for an answer, you won't get any really strong objections!' she added with a cheeky smile.

'Don't get me wrong, I wasn't that desperate darling, but you did ask why I was as excited as I was, and the fact that you were too embarrassed about us doing it just meant I was left with a bit of a head of steam, so to speak. And of course when you started clambering up the rocks, well what did you expect? You must have known exactly what you were doing.'

'Yes the thought of what might happen once I got a bit higher did occur to me!' she admitted. 'But of course I had no idea how you were already feeling. So you can imagine how surprised I was when I saw how wound-up you obviously were. Anyway, the end result was spectacular!' she added.

'I'm sorry if it was too uncomfortable, if I was too forceful, by then I just couldn't help myself.'

'Oh for heaven sake don't apologise, it was terrific! I loved feeling how excited you were, and having you come like that was terrific!'

'It was?'

'Of course, knowing I'd got you that worked up was fantastic! Don't you feel like that when you see me have an unusually strong climax?'

'Of course I do.'

'Well it's the same for me. There's a sort of pride in a job having been done really well. And of course it's great knowing I'm giving you that much intense pleasure too.' she added.

'Yes, I do understand what you mean. But what you let me do, that wasn't too uncomfortable?'

'The mouth-fuck you mean, no, I mastered the art of deep throat several years ago, it's not that difficult once you get the knack. I'll give you a proper demonstration some time, if you like.'

'You can be sure that's something I'll take you up on.' I instantly replied with a happy grin. 'Just let me know when you're in the mood. But let me give you a demonstration of what I can do with my tongue first.' I added.


'Mmm, licking pussy always gives me a hard-on, and yours is a particularly sweet pussy so the result is especially good.'

'Big and strong?'

'Haven't you noticed?'

'I think I've usually been a bit too preoccupied with what's going on to do a comparative study Frank. But next time I promise I will. But for now, how about some coffee, I'm dying for one.'

'Coffee's better than an ordinary mouth wash?'

'Oh I don't need those, I don't have any hang-ups about semen, other than the mess it can make on my clothes that is, it's a real bitch to get off!'

'Your mentioning clothes reminds me, I love your choice of underwear.' I said, as the memory of both the orange and yellow coloured panties flashed back into my head.

'I'm glad you liked them, what little you've seen that is.' she replied, squeezing my hand a bit more tightly.

'Yes I do seem to get preoccupied by other things, we must do something about that, sometime. Do the bras match the panties?'

'Of course, I like being colour co-ordinated whenever possible.'

'Well that's something else for me to look forward to.' I said, trying to imagine just what she'd look like in nothing else but one of the undoubtedly spectacularly sexy bra and panty sets.

Then we continued chatting about this and that as we headed back to the cabin, then made ourselves a coffee and sat out in the sunshine until we decided we were both ready for some lunch.

Chapter 8


We ate a leisurely lunch, washing it down with a bottle of crisp white wine I'd bought at the same time as the other things, and what with the food, the wine and the increasing heat of the sun we were both feeling lazily relaxed by the time we eventually finished. 'I noticed there's a spare blanket in the wardrobe, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we spread it out there on the grass, then we could lie in the sun a bit more comfortably Frank.' she said as we began clearing away the lunch things.

'So you liked my idea of getting a bit of an all-over tan!' I said with a cheeky grin.

'Oh I don't think I'll go quite that far, I'm not as confident as you are of there not being any peeping Toms. But I brought a bikini with me, just in case. You'll just have to make do with perving on me in that.'

'That's OK, I've got a good imagination. I'll finish up here and get the blanket, you go and change.' I said.

Although she'd really had very little on, and a bikini was a pretty basic garment to get into, I couldn't believe just how long it took Vanessa to join me. By the time she eventually did I'd had time to; finish tidying up, change into a pair of swimming briefs, spread the blanket on the grass for her and even to start reading the magazine I'd taken outside with me.

But when she did finally appear I wasn't about to start complaining, because whatever the reason had been, it had been worth it, she looked absolutely, positively stunning!

The bikini was made from a silky dark maroon fabric, yet another colour that beautifully complemented her light olive skin tone. But in addition to its colour was both the fabric itself and the design. The fabric used was one that was probably not expected to ever actually get wet; it seemed to be quite thin and even when bone dry clung to her almost as tightly as a second skin. Then it appeared as though the idea behind the garment's design had been much more about highlighting the shape of the body inside it, paying just barely adequate attention to covering the most sensitive parts of it.
