Sliding Into Home


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I went and picked up my phone and dialled Fiona's number.

"Hi Adam. I was just thinking about you." Fi answered.

"Hi Fi. I was thinking about you too."

After talking about how much we both enjoyed the previous night, and confirming Fiona was going to work, I said "Fiona, I don't have to be in Sydney until late this afternoon for the game. How about I come to your shop and have lunch with you before I head down there?"

"Oh, Adam that would be great." She replied. From her voice I could picture her beaming smile as she spoke.

She told me where her shop was in the mall and what time to meet her. We then said our goodbyes and Fiona said excitedly and a little nervously. "I can't wait to see you Adam."

"Me either Fiona. See you soon."


I arrived at the shopping centre a little early. I walked around to familiarise myself with the layout and found Fiona's shop. It was a lingerie store, part of a nationwide chain. Looking inside I could see that there were two other women working with Fiona. I continued my tour of the shopping centre, picking up some flowers for Fiona at the florist. Looking at the time, I noticed it was still a little before our agreed meeting time, but I decided to head to Fiona's shop and surprise her with the flowers.

Walking into the shop I held the flowers behind my back. I was approached by one of the other sales people and asked if I was looking for something in particular.

"Well yes I am. Is Fiona available?" I replied.

The sales person looked a little confused, but said Fiona was there and she would go and get her. I watched her head out to the back of the shop. I could hear them talking out the back and Fiona came out onto the shop floor. Fiona looked good in her work blouse and black pants. She had a very 'professional' look on her face as she came out. Once she saw it was me, a huge smile came on her face and she giggled a little seeing the flowers I bought for her.

"I just wanted to bring you some flowers to brighten your day." I said as she came over to me.

"Just seeing you has brightened my day." Fiona gushed as she took the flowers from me. "They are so beautiful Adam. Thank you." She said taking them from me, smiling so happily at me.

It was then we realised we were being watched intently by Fiona's two salespeople. Fiona giggled as she took the flowers into her office and came back out with her handbag, telling the other women that she was going out for lunch today and would be back in an hour.

We then walked together out of the shop. As we exited the doorway, Fiona slipped her hand across and took hold of mine. We went to a nearby café and had a nice lunch together. Fi and I talked, laughed, flirted a little and had a great time. It felt so good to see her. I had the biggest grin on my face the whole time, still not really believing we were finally going out. We worked out when I could see her next and we were both looking forward to next Wednesday.

Our lunch finished and we headed back to Fiona's shop. Just as we got inside Fi turned around and slipped her arms around me. I did the same and we kissed. Our kisses were passionate, holding each other close as we did. We pulled apart and looked at each other. I was feeling so happy and Fiona looked ecstatic.

As we said our goodbyes and kissed again, Fiona whispered in my ear with a giggle "This will give the girls in the shop something to talk about."

We pulled apart, still holding hands. I squeezed Fiona's hand and said "I will talk to you tonight after the game. I hope you can watch it."

"You know I will be watching you play. I can't wait to see you next week."

"Me either."

We kissed again and I left the shop. I turned around and saw Fiona head towards the counter and her two salespeople came over to her excitedly asking questions.


The next few days were very busy for me. Our makeup game against the Tassie Tigers was a straight forward win. I managed to crack a home run during the game and all I could think of was that I hoped Fiona and Jess had seen it.

Our final away series in Perth was tricky, but we picked up 2 wins from the three games. My form was really good, hitting well in all the games. I felt so relaxed on the field. But truly all I could think of was Fiona and I couldn't wait to see her again.

My teammates Franco and Jared had both noticed my good mood on the trip and the increased amount of time I was spending on my phone talking and messaging. They put 2 and 2 together and good naturedly teased me about having a good time with my 'groupie' from the autograph signing a couple of weeks ago.

When they did ask me about 'my groupie' I replied. "No it wouldn't work. She is young enough to be my daughter."

Fiona and Jess both talked and messaged me throughout the weekend and it was great to hear from them. Their encouragement was wonderful. They watched the games and when we spoke they talked about things I did.

It was after 10am Monday when I finally arrived back at my house after catching the red eye from Perth. I had a message on my phone from Jess which made me laugh.

'Mum has been talking about u a lot. I think she really likes u. U should ask her out'.

I sent back to her 'Really Jess. I'm not sure she likes me that much.'

Immediately she replied back 'I think she does. You really should go out with her.'

'Ok I will think about it'

I immediately rang Fiona and told her about this. Fiona laughed and said she was talking with Jess about my form in the games over the weekend, but didn't think she gave away that she liked me.

"I don't mind if you like me. I like you. A LOT." I said

"I like you too Adam."

"I can't wait to see you on Wednesday. I'm really looking forward to taking you out again. I....... I have missed you." I said a little sheepishly.

Fiona giggled like the schoolgirl she once was. "I've missed you too. And yes I can't wait to see you either."


I travelled up to Newcastle again on the Wednesday morning. When I checked into my now usual hotel I found that I was upgraded to an apartment suite for the night. It was a much bigger room, separate bedroom, large lounge/ dining area.

I was very pleased with this. I went and picked Fiona up from her house. I was greeted with a very long kiss and cuddle. Immediately after this Fiona grabbed her bag and we headed out for the night.

Again we went out to dinner, but nowhere near as fancy as we had previously. Now that all our worries had been laid bare previously we could just enjoy being us again. We sat next to each other in the booth. After eating and chatting, Fiona and I were sitting together. I had my arm around her shoulders and she was snuggled in close. I could see all the little details I remembered about her; her beautiful blue eyes, the smile she always shared with me, the now faded freckles across her nose. Sure there were a few more lines around her eyes, to me though she looked so gorgeous.

Fi moved slightly away from me. She looked right into my eyes and had a cheeky look on her face. "So Adam, you're single and have been for the last 4 years?" she asked quizzically.

Looking at Fiona smiling so happily at me, I decided to throw out a little teaser.

"Yes, that's correct...... Although I think that...... I might actually be taken after all." I said seeing Fiona smile at me. I leant across and gave her a kiss.

"Oh, I don't think you should be doing a lot of 'looking around' if you know what I mean." Fi replied before kissing me again.

"That is very good to know." I said.

We laughed and cuddled together again.

"Good." Fiona said before kissing me again.

We finished our meal and headed back towards where I parked the car. Walking along holding hands Fi said to me "Adam, why don't you show me where you are staying? I haven't been to your hotel before." She said this with a real mischievous grin on her face.

I leant across and kissed Fiona. Arms went around and held each other close. When the kiss finished I said "I think that can be arranged."

I wanted to lighten the mood a little, so I decided to ask Fiona a question.

"So I guess that you are single at the moment?" I asked with a smile and a giggle.

Fiona moved up and kissed me. Deeply, passionately. Our tongues danced and hands held us close together. I loved holding her in my arms and she always held me really close. Breaking our kiss apart, Fiona's eyes opened. Her beautiful blue eyes looked straight into mine. I was entranced as her eyes drew me into her.

"Well Adam I......... I 'was' single. My best friend has come back into my life.......... And I'm not letting him go this time." Fiona said still holding me tight.

"I'm not letting you go either." I replied.

We went back to my hotel and went into my room. We got comfortable on the lounge before kissing and cuddling again.

Our kisses were more passionate than we had ever experienced together. I had slid down the lounge and Fiona was on top of me as we kissed and cuddled. We explored with our lips and hands, tasting and teasing each other. Fiona's perfume was intoxicating and kissing her beautiful neck was an utter joy. Having my arms wrapped around her and feeling her against me was wonderful.

Fiona was feeling my chest as she kissed me. She found that I liked having my ears nibbled and she even reached under and squeezed my bum. She was moaning and groaning in pleasure, and I was doing the same.

My 'excitement' was beginning to show and I could feel myself pressing against Fiona as she snuggled with me. She must have felt this, as she adjusted herself and moved her hips so she was grinding against me. We both moaned in unison. Fiona looked at me, smiled and bit her lip. We continued making out. I hadn't been this aroused ever and I so wanted to be with Fiona. No, I wanted to make love with Fiona. I really did love her, and I wanted to show her how much I loved her.

Fiona propped herself up off me a little, sitting up properly. "Adam....... You make me feel so good..... You feel so good....... I get butterflies every time I see you." She giggled nervously.

"I.......... I want to be with you so much." Fiona paused. She looked at me, right into my eyes. Her blue eyes sparkled as she smiled at me. Then she looked down, away from my eyes, before she spoke again.

"I have always wanted to be with you Adam."

Fiona dropped her gaze from mine again. She was opening her heart to me and was feeling vulnerable. I let go of her hand and gently caressed her cheek. She leant in against my hand, squeezing her face against my hand.

"Fiona I have always wanted to be with you. When I left you all those years ago...... I didn't think I would ever get over you...... I don't think I did ever get over you. Since you have come back into my life, I have been so excited every time I have seen you. I can't wait to hear from you, to see you. Even getting texts from you is brilliant. I have never forgotten our night together. And I want to be with you more than ever Fiona."

We moved in and kissed again. Our tongues danced and we held each other really close. I slid down the lounge, and Fiona was on top of me again. Hands went exploring again as we passionately expressed our feelings towards one another.

As we caressed and embraced, it felt both very familiar and totally different at the same time. I ran my hands down Fiona and squeezed her beautiful bum as she lay on top of me. She felt so beautiful in my arms. As I caressed her bum, she slid her hand down between us and gently stroked my arousal. I groaned with extreme pleasure at her gentle touches.

Fiona adjusted her position so that she was lying directly on top of me, her hips moving with enjoyment. Fiona was groaning as she moved on me and my hips began to move of their own accord in response. We were kissing passionately, both becoming more aroused by the second. I slid my hand down and caressed Fiona's beautiful breasts. Fiona groaned and kissed me harder as I did this. She moved her shoulders and chest so that she was forcing her breast into my hand. I could feel her nipple becoming erect even through her clothes.

With that Fiona sat up off me. She had the biggest smile on her face and she looked a little flushed from our making out. Fiona's right hand came to rest on the front of my jeans, right on top of my throbbing, rock hard erection. She gently gave me a little squeeze and stroked me lightly.

"Why don't we get more comfortable Adam?" Fiona purred.

She kissed me again and walked out of the lounge room. She seductively swayed her hips as she walked, and I watched her move away from me. Fiona turned around at the doorway of the bedroom to see me looking at her with desire written all over my face. She smiled and started undoing the buttons of her shirt. Taking it off, she threw it at me before turning and laying down on the bed.

I laughed and I could hear Fiona laughing too. I walked through into the bedroom and there was Fiona lying on my bed, propped up on her right elbow. She was still in her jeans, but was wearing an eye catching black and red bra. This covered her full breasts beautifully. She smiled as she could see I was taking in her beauty. Reaching the bed I laid down beside her. I kissed Fiona, deeply. Her blue eyes opened after the kiss, and I could see so many emotions running through them. My hand moved over the warm skin of her back and touched her bra.

"I just got this set. I haven't had much reason before to buy sexy lingerie from work." Fiona said quietly.

"Fiona you are so beautiful. You're gorgeous, stunning. You are the most beautiful woman I know." I said before kissing her again.

Pulling apart from the kiss, Fiona looked into my eyes and said "I have changed a bit since we did this before. I know I'm not..........."

I interrupted her. "Fiona, Fiona. Have I ever lied to you?"

"No Adam, never." She said still looking into my eyes.

"I'm not disappointed at all. I'm enraptured with your beauty. You have always been beautiful. You are beautiful. I have never known a more gorgeous, beautiful woman in my life. There is nowhere else in the world I would rather be than right here, right now with you my gorgeous girlfriend." I said as I slid my left hand along her side, feeling her womanly curves.

"Ohhh, Adam I want you right now." Fiona gushed as she leant forward and kissed me. Her arms wrapped around me and held me close.

"I want you so much Fiona." I moaned as we kissed and caressed.

Fiona had worked her hand inside my shirt and was feeling my chest. I propped myself up and took my t-shirt off. Fiona groaned as she saw me with my shirt off. I am not overly muscular, but I am fit from the exercise I do for my baseball. Fiona ran her hand through my chest hair and down to my reasonably flat stomach.

"Adam you are so sexy." She said, before pulling me close and kissing me again.

I was caressing her breasts through the bra. Fiona's breasts are large, but I thought they were perfectly proportioned for her body. I leant down and kissed her chest, moving slowly down her breasts. I continued kissing her breasts, feeling her nipples hardening under my lips, through the lace of the bra.

Fiona managed to undo my jeans and I slipped out of these, being fully naked with her. My hands moved down to her jeans and I undid the button, before sliding my hand inside. As my hand moved over her silky panties Fiona hips moved and she ground herself against my hand. She was so hot to touch and very aroused. We kissed again and I moved my hands up to undo her bra as Fiona propped herself up and we kissed as she slithered out of her jeans. Her thong panties matched her bra and she took these off with her jeans.

Taking a moment I took in the gorgeous woman Fiona had become; her large, full breasts, her slightly soft tummy, her neatly trimmed mound disappearing between her thighs. The expression on her beautiful face though grabbed her to me. Her blue eyes drew me in closer as we moved together to kiss.

I rolled her onto her back and kissed down her neck, onto her chest and down to her breasts. I cupped her left breast in my right hand, while kissing her right breast. My tongue flickered and licked her erect nipple, tasting her skin.

Fiona was moaning with pleasure. "Ohhhh Adam. That's sooo goood. Ohhhhh."

I looked up and could see that she had her eyes closed and was biting her bottom lip, as I kissed her breasts. I moved my attention to her left breast and continued savouring her beautiful body. As I licked and gently sucked her breast, Fiona's hands started to roam down my body, gently raking her fingers up and down my back

Working my way back up her chest, I kissed and teased with my tongue until I reached her waiting lips. We kissed passionately again, my hand cradling her face. She held me tight, grinding her loins against my steel hard member, her hands firmly gripping my bum, feeling her skin on my skin.

We kissed again and I felt Fiona's hand move down between us. Her fingers wrapped around me and she was slowly stroking my erect penis. It felt unbelievably good. I groaned with arousal at her touch, as she kissed my neck.

I followed her lead and let my hand drift down her body to her now exposed womanhood. Slowly and lightly I brushed through her trimmed hair and gently ran my fingers between her legs. I reached the base of her delicate lips and slowly ran a finger up between her folds. Fiona was sopping wet and she shuddered slightly at my touch. I lightly slipped through her lips and felt the wetness of her tunnel and then up to the erect bud of her clitoris. Fiona squealed a little in my ear and then groaned, moving her hips against my hand.

She released my erection and with both hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled herself around under me. I nestled myself on top of her, my purple head bumping gently against her mound. Fiona's legs were open wide and I adjusted myself so I was at the entrance to heaven.

"I want you inside me Adam." She pleaded as she looked deeply into my eyes.

I pushed into her, slowly but firmly, holding my gaze into her eyes. Our souls, so long apart were joining together again, as we physically became one. We were both groaning with pleasure as her resistance lessened around my arousal as I slowly entered her. My erection throbbed even more within her slippery confines.

I leant down and kissed Fiona deeply as I fully entered into her. She moaned loudly as I filled her completely. Her hands still gripped me tightly, holding me even closer to her.

I started slowly moving in and out, and Fiona began moving her hips underneath me, getting into a rhythm. I was thrusting deeply into Fiona as she clung to me, arms wrapped tightly around me. Her groans and moans had changed as she let herself succumb to pleasure. Lust and passion had taken control of me. We both seemed to be releasing our combined absence of sexual activity together.

"Yes, yes, yes. Adam that is it. Ooohhh, munnngh." She groaned into my ear.

"So good Fiona. So, so good" I grunted as I kept thrusting in time with Fiona's motions under me.

Our rhythmic motions increased in pace as we both headed towards climax. I was moving in time with Fiona and was soon feeling the inevitable rumblings down in my groin.

"Yes Adam, I'm cumming! Yes, yes." Fiona squealed in my ear, as she bucked her hips wildly, trying to draw more of me into her.

That set me off as I started to climax. "Ohhh Fiona, yes. I'm cumming! Muuumnnngh"

Rope after rope flowed out of me as I came deep inside Fiona. Fiona was thrusting her hips with her own orgasmic rhythms. I had not had an orgasm like this ever. I was seeing stars. I felt like I would never stop cumming. We continued to move together as our combined years of sexual frustration ebbed away.