Sliding Into Home


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As we came down from our orgasmic high, Fiona moved across and lay her head on my shoulder and chest. I wrapped an arm around her as I leant down and kissed her head. Fiona sighed and snuggled in a little closer.

"This is perfect Adam. I don't think I want to move."

"I don't want you to move...... I don't ever want you to be away from me."

Fiona looked up and smiled.

"Me either. I love you so much Adam."

"I love you too Fiona."

Fiona turned her head back to its original spot and absent-mindedly traced her fingertips over my chest. We lay like this for seemingly a long time. I could have lay there like that forever. Fiona moved slightly against me.

"Adam.... I'm sorry for how I...... acted the other day." She said quietly.

She looked back up at me and I leant down and kissed her on the lips.

"You definitely weren't acting like yourself Fi."

"I know.......... I just couldn't believe it when I saw you, my friend Adam who I've known since I was 10, in this beautiful house and with a Ferrari...... I still saw you as 'Adam from up the street' and not as a grown man who has a successful career...... It just threw me totally off course."

"I could tell." I replied, trying to be deadpan with my answer.

Fiona looked at me and laughed.

"But you said it yourself when we spoke on the phone. You are the same wonderful guy I've always known..... It was just me.... I don't know if I was trying to deny my feelings..... Or if I was trying to protect myself......"

I was stroking Fiona's back as she spoke, making sure we were close. I started to speak.

"Fiona you don't need to protect yourself. I'm never going to let go of you again ever. I love you and I'm never going to leave you again."

"And I'm never leaving you Adam. I love you."


Fiona stayed with me for the next 4 days. She wanted to see everything I did, wanting to know everything about my life as a professional baseball player. I trained, worked out, ran, did my own batting practice and she was there with me. Having her in my home made me realise that while my house was excellent, it was a home when she was there.

By the time she left to pick up Jess to watch game 4 on Friday, we were already talking about ways to merge our lives together permanently. She was trying to work out how to move down with me as we didn't want to be apart any more.

I was on the field warming up when I saw Fiona and Jess arrive at the ground. They were both wearing my Blue Sox playing jersey's, ones I had worn earlier in the season. I broke away from warm ups and went to greet them. Jess was so excited.

"Adam, Mum has been telling me all about your plans, that is so great, you two are so great together, I love you both." She babbled quickly as we hugged. As she looked at me I could see tears in her eyes.

Fiona gave me a hug and kiss. She looked into my eyes as she moved her face back.

"Go and win that game today." She said in a serious tone.

"Yes Sweetheart. I will." I said with a wink.

We kissed again before I went and re-joined my teammates warming up. The mood amongst our team was focussed. Manager Tim spoke to us all individually as we warmed up, making sure our heads were in the right place.

We hit the field in the top of the first. The very parochial crowd were cheering our every move. We sat the top of the Victorians order down in order after only 7 pitches. Our starter Jacobs was on fire.

Our turn at the plate saw our two lead off batters both get on base, a hit and a walk. I came out in the 3 slot and after taking a ball and a strike I knocked a ball into the right field corner for a stand up double and 2 RBI's. The crowd were cheering like mad. Looking across to our dugout I could see our team patting our batters on the back and clapping, but no exuberant celebrations. Just above the dugout I could see Fiona and Jess cheering and clapping. I smiled across at them, but kept my head in the game.

Jared came up next and cracked the first pitch into the Victorian's bullpen for a home run. I gave a small fist pump as I saw the ball disappear over the fence. I waited at home plate for Jared to round the bases. We grabbed hands briefly and hugged.

"Keep going. No let up." I yelled over the noise of the crowd.

"Fight till the end." Jared yelled back, before we went to the dugout.

Before heading into the dugout to accept the pats on the back I looked up to Fiona and Jess. They were both cheering and clapping loudly. I gave them a wink before going to join my teammates. Fiona later said she had never seen me so intense while playing as at that moment.

The game itself was for all intents and purposes over by that stage. We had completely taken the wind out of the Victorian's sails and they seemed to have lost their fight. Jacobs had only two hits off 7 and 1/3 innings pitched and no runs. Our defence seemed to be everywhere the Victorian's hit the ball. The Victorian's got on the board in the top of the 8th with a solo shot of our reliever Williams. By then the damage had already been done.

I ended up with 3 hits and a walk from 4 at bats, with 4 RBI's, as we put 12 runs on the board to their solitary score.

Anticipation was trying to be kept in check in the top of the ninth. The bench were all up on the rail cheering us and the crowd were ready to erupt. Our closer Webb went to work and with a strike out and a shallow centre-field fly ball sat down the first two hitters quickly. Looking around I tried to take it all in. I could see my teammates all bouncing on edge. They were all willing the ball to come their way.

Webb put two strikes on the batter after two pitches. He threw the next pitch and everything seemed to go in slow motion. The hitter chopped the ball almost straight back to Webb. He grabbed the ball in his glove and ran towards first. The batter headed up the base line and Webb underarmed the ball to Raphael at first. With my arms raised above my head and I screamed "YES!!!" as Raphael caught the ball and touched the base. We did it.

The next few minutes were a blur. I ran cross to first and jumped on the pile of teammates that were already there. Hugs, handshakes, back slapping, high fives, heart felt congratulations. Some of my team were genuinely overcome and more than a few tears were shed. I sought out my closest mates on the team and our hugs meant so much. Manager Tim sought me out and we hugged. The boys then huddled up and we chanted our team song before spreading out and went to all corners of the ground, soaking in the excitement from our fans.

We made our way back to home plate and Manager Tim and I were presented with the Claxton Shield trophy for winning the ABL. As we held the trophy aloft the team joined us and showered us with champagne. It was truly a moment to savour.

The crowds began to head out of the ground but we weren't going anywhere. Our family and friends came onto the field to share in our success. Fiona and I hugged and kissed and she said she was so proud of me. Jess hugged me and said she was proud of me too. My girls stayed there with me long into the night as we celebrated.

We celebrated as a team with our families and friends long into the night. I was still in my uniform as I hadn't even wanted to change clothes. Sharing this moment with Fiona and Jess meant the world to me. As the night wore on I noticed Jess was over talking with Jared. She seemed really interested in what he was saying judging by how close she was standing to him. I turned Fiona's attention to where Jess was.

"I don't know if I want our daughter going out with a ball player." I said, with my tongue firmly implanted in my cheek.

Fiona put her arm around me and smiled before kissing me.

"Oh I don't see why not. It turned out alright for me."



My cleats made that wonderful 'clickety-clack' noise as I stepped out of the dugout. The sights were so familiar to me, but different at the same time. I had climbed those stairs many times at Fenway Park but today though was special. I was not wearing a Red Sox Jersey, nor that of any other MLB team. I was in my Sydney Blue-Sox jersey.

As a reward for our team winning the Australian Baseball League title, the owners had arranged for the team to fly to America to play against the AAA rated Worcester Red Sox in an Exhibition game at Fenway Park. This game was taking place early in the afternoon before the Red Sox played that night against the Orioles.

For the majority of the Blue Sox players this was the opportunity of a lifetime to play in a Major League Stadium. For me though it was that one final chance I never thought I'd have. It was a chance to share what my life had been like with my amazing girlfriend and my wonderful daughter.

In the preceding six months a lot had changed in my life. Fiona had moved in with me and we were living a wonderful life together. She organised a transfer of her work to a relatively close Sydney branch. With Jess living down here on campus for University there was nothing tying Fiona to living in Newcastle. Having her in my house made it home and we merged our households seamlessly. She truly was the love of my life.

Jess loved having her mother closer and our relationship grew and grew. She was a truly wonderful girl I was immensely proud of. She dated Jared for a little while, but that relationship fizzled out. Jess didn't want to be tied down and wanted to live out her dreams. Fiona and Jess both made the trip over with the team to Boston and I loved showing them around the town I called home for nearly 2 years. I showed them where I lived, some of the places I liked to visit, restaurants I liked.

For me I thought the title winning game would be my last. I couldn't think of ending my career on a better note. I arranged with the Blue Sox to join their coaching staff for the next 3 seasons. Baseball had been my life and to be able to share my knowledge with younger players was the least I could do to give back to my sport.

We played the game against Worcester, acquitting ourselves well against a clearly better team. We lost 6-3 but played well. I even managed to knock one off the 'monster' for a double which was very enjoyable. There were only a handful of fans there, as well as our family and friends who had travelled over with us to see us play. As the game was wrapping up a few of the big leaguers were sticking their heads out of the dugout to see what was happening. I said hello to many of them and introduced some of my Blue Sox teammates to them.

After the game finished, we showered and changed into fresh jerseys. We were all staying for the big league game afterwards as we were to be presented to the crowd before the game started. Our families were all in great seats near the Red Sox dug out and my team was taken down under the stands to the gateway beside the 'Green Monster' to wait to be presented. Standing altogether, everyone was chattering about how great it was to play here, how much fun we had experienced on the trip.

Someone from the Red Sox management came over and grabbed myself and Jared aside. We were asked to throw out the ceremonial first pitch for the game. Instantly nerves hit me. Our manager Tim joined me. He had a Blue Sox Jersey over his Red Sox jersey, as he was coaching Third base in today's game for the Red Sox.

The ground announcer came over the PA.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please turn your attention to the big screen. Last winter for the first time, the Boston Red Sox had a team in the Australian Baseball League. This team, the Sydney Blue Sox, played a great season, finishing the league on top, before defeating the Melbourne Victorians, to take the ABL title." As the announcer was speaking highlights of our season were being shown on the screen.

"Today, we would like to welcome the Sydney Blue Sox to the Fenway Park. Carrying the Claxton Shield trophy are their manager, our Third Base coach Tim Beaufort and Captain, former Red Sox third baseman, Adam Maxwell."

With that they opened the gates and the roar of the crowd hit us. We walked down the field, waving to the fans. I could see some of my teammates had their phones out and were filming our walk. Arriving at the diamond we shook hands with the Red Sox Owners and they presented us all with Championship rings, something we didn't know was going to happen.

Jared and I then went and threw the first pitches out and thankfully mine hit the catcher's glove with some force and was reasonably on target. We were all then shown to our seats. Fiona and Jess were so excited after seeing the ceremony and that I got to throw the first pitch. I gave the ball to Jess and kissed her on the cheek.

Sitting there I could finally relax as we chatted and watched the game. The girls truly enjoyed the experience of watching a big league game live for the first time. We ate hot dogs, booed, cheered, sang 'Sweet Caroline' and had a great time. The Sox won an easy game 9-2 over the Orioles. As the game was finishing an usher came and told us to stay in our seats after the game. I smiled as I knew what was going on.

When the game finished and the MLB players left the field, we were all shown out onto the field, Blue Sox players, families and friends. This was supposed to have happened after our game earlier, but our game ran a little late. We all gathered together and had pictures taken. Everyone was allowed to roam around the field for 15 minutes, just sharing in the experience. Players and families stood at home plate, on the bases, out in the outfield, sharing with their loved ones why we played the game. Everyone was doing their thing.

I took Fiona and Jess over to third base. I showed them where I stood, took pictures of them, of us together. Looking across at Jess I caught her eye and smiled. She grinned at me and lifted her phone. I went and took Fiona's hand and went to third base. She looked at me wondering what I was doing, as I dropped to one knee on the third base, taking a ring box out of my pocket. Instantly she giggled and started to cry.

"Fiona I have loved you since I was 10 years old. You have been my best friend, my lover, mother of our daughter. Now I'm asking you to be something else, something I have wanted for longer than I realised. Fiona will you marry me?"

Fiona had her hand over her mouth and her face was scrunched up in tears. She was nodding her head vigorously, before her hand came away from her mouth.

"Yes Adam, yes."

I stood up and we kissed and hugged. I could vaguely hear the cheers of everyone else there on the ground with us. Jess came over in tears too and we all hugged together.

Now we were truly a family.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It would make zero sense for Paul to be jessica's dad if after 3 years in the USA Adam comes home to see his parents and Fiona and Paul is only Fiona's fiance. When did they meet 6 months ago?

pythagoreanpythagoreanover 1 year ago

Terrific ending. The pacing of the story was very good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

4 stars, just find it hard to believe the main character wasn't even a little bit upset that his "best friend" hid his daughter from him for 19 years. Or that Fiona wasn't even a tiny bit mad at Jessica for telling him. Or that Jessica wasn't even a smidgen upset that she'd never met her dad before then... Just felt like everyone was too "fine" with how it all played out. Liked the rest of the story though.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 2 years ago

It's a lovely story but it would have been better if you got rid of the Wooster and kept the Worcester and kept Pawtucket where they belong. I an never going to get over losing my home team.

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 2 years ago

I’m a sucker for a good romance, this had nearly everything I could want as well, the only thing missing was the “evil” Ex getting his/her come-uppance, well written and properly punctuated, this was a delight to read, if only certain other authors did the same, they’d see an immediate response in stars! Thank you for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz.

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