Snowfalls, And Snowdrops


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She could see that he had one hand behind his back as she approached, and there was a strange look upon his face. He stepped in front of her, and suddenly placed a bunch of 6 roses in her hands, thanked her for her help, and disappeared into the darkness.

She stared after him, thinking to herself how kind that was, to buy flowers, but realising that he was at heart a shy man. Nice, very nice, but inherently shy. Driving home, she listened to some country music, just playing quietly in the background, as her thoughts meandered around her new life. After she had eaten, Sara settled down to look at the catalogue that she had borrowed from Anna, she was truly amazed at the products now on offer, for men as well as women too. Reading through the various categories, she soon realised what she was missing, and could feel the arousal building, as she closed her eyes, trying to visualise the toys, and using them. She leaned back on the couch, her mind in a whirl, so many to choose from. Vibrating eggs, G spot vibes, hard ones, jelly ones, of all different sizes, it was no wonder that she could feel her nipples hardening, and that familiar ache down below. Sara composed herself, and opened the catalogue again, turning the page; she stopped in her tracks, eyes opening wide, as she saw the picture. Top selling vibrator of the year it said, with a couple of testimonies underneath the photograph.

“Definitely the best toy I have ever used, I buy batteries by the dozen now”

It was the rabbit that Anna and Nikki had been talking about. That was enough for Sara; she knew that she must have one, one of these strange sounding vibrators, the Rabbit Pearl it was called. Looking closer, and reading, she saw it was a jelly one, with two ears for clitoral stimulation, and the shaft rotated as well, and it did indeed resemble a rabbit’s head. Sara checked the ordering process, and discovered she could order by phone, right up until 10pm, she smiled to herself; it was 9.30, as she picked up the phone. . She ordered a pink one, her favourite color, and paid an extra $10 for next day delivery, in a plain container, to the store where she worked. She wondered what Dave would think of her if he knew, would he be disgusted, or maybe even a little amused. Thinking of him reminded her of the dream again, and seeing Anna and Nikki sucking his cock.

She moaned softly, remembering the delicious sensations of sucking a man. Looking into his eyes, as her tongue played up and down his shaft, and she fondled his balls. Her hand parting her robe, as slipping down to her sex, as she slowly rubbed her clit. She closed her eyes, seeing Dave naked, watching as he knelt before her, licking his lips as his hand reached out to cover hers. Her thoughts were on a roller coaster ride now; she could not stop them, pushing a finger into her pussy, but feeling that it was his. Feeling him stroking inside her, caressing her G spot, as he started to lick her clit. It was too much, and she cried out, calling his name, as she exploded again in an orgasm of amazing pleasure, leaving her drained, as the aftershocks slowly faded. She tried to compose herself, but all that she could think of was Dave, Licking her sex, eating her, and then fucking her. She knew it was just a dream, not real, but, it could be, it just could be. Sara went to the bathroom, to clean herself up, before retiring for the night, falling into a deep sleep, with a smile of contentment upon her face.

Thursday December 18, a day that Sara would never forget, dawned bright and sunny, even though it was frosty. As soon as she arrived at the store, Sara returned the catalogue to Anna, telling her that she had found it interesting, but not that she had ordered anything. The package arrived about 11.30, and Sara secreted it under her counter, waiting until the lunch break, when she went out to her car, and locked it away, unopened in the trunk. Having decided that she would open it that evening, after preparing herself for the promised pleasures. Returning to the table they all sat at, she heard them discussing the fact that Christmas was now only a week away. Saying what their plans were for Christmas Eve, when the store closed at 4pm. Anna and Nikki were both going to spend Christmas with their respective families, and Dave was driving to his brothers for Christmas, 150 miles away. Anna asked Sara her plans, wondering if she too was staying with family. Sara could not help herself, and burst into tears, trying to tell them that were her first Christmas ever, when she would be alone. The two girls hugged her, trying to comfort her, saying they would both call her on Christmas morning. That just made her cry even more, and then Dave took hold of her hand, smiling softly at her. He suggested that maybe the four of them could go out to dinner one evening, after the store closed, his treat. Anna and Nikki both squealed in delight, and even Sara managed to raise a small smile. At least she would have some kind of celebration, a memory to store away for the future. The date was set for Saturday; they would all meet in a bar downtown at 8, and go on for dinner at 9. Dave made the reservation on his cell phone as they sat there. Sara went to the bathroom, to compose herself, and inwardly thanked Dave for what he had just done, this was what she needed, to get out socially, even if it was just for one night.

As she left the store for the night, she bumped into Dave, and he walked her to her car, talking about Saturday evening, and telling her what fun he hoped it might be. As they reached her car, and she turned towards him to say goodnight, he surprised her again, taking Sara in his arms and hugging her. She heard him whispering softly, telling her it would be all right, she just had to wait and see. Then again, as the previous evening, he was gone in a flash, she stood there, shaking a little, realising even more now what a nice, tender and loving man he was.

She drove home in a strange state of mind, still upset a little about being alone for the holiday, embarrassed at her tears, yet pleased at the evening out that was now planned, and the attachment that she could feel growing between her and Dave. And of course, she had yet to meet her new friend, the one now resting in the trunk of her car. She didn’t rush when she got home, preparing her diner, and eating it in front on of the TV, before clearing everything away, and taking her shower. Sara’s pubic hair had started to grow again, so she shaved herself, tenderly stroking the smooth skin, as she stood there, the water cascading down her body, her arousal surprising even herself, the anticipation of her new toy, exciting her, making her whole body tingle. After drying herself, she sat at her dressing table, putting her hair up, and applying her make up. She wanted to feel special, wanted this evening to be special, a milestone in her life. She did not rush at all, just took her time, letting tension and sexual expectation build deep inside of her.

At last she was ready, wearing a pink robe only that barely covered her sex, she opened the package, and sat down on her bed to inspect it, making sure she had some batteries handy. She picked up the package, and started to open it, but was disturbed by the bedside phone ringing, she answered it, a little absent-mindedly, until she realised it was Dave, checking that she was OK. Dave again told her how pleased he was about the coming evening for the four of them, and admitted that he had wanted to ask Sara out alone, but had not been sure how she would respond, it had been so long since he had a date of any kind. Sara smiled to herself, thinking again what a lovely man he was, and, continuing her knew lifestyle, suggested to Dave, that she take him to dinner, the night before Christmas Eve. She could almost see him smiling as he agreed, his voice filled with pleasure, or so it seemed to her. After she put the phone down, she just sat there, thinking about him, and his voice. The tones and inflections that he used, and there was no doubt in her mind, that if he ever got her alone, he would have her naked and begging in minutes. And that was just what she wanted, to lie there naked, as explored her with his mouth and fingers. To feel his cock filling her mouth, to suck on his balls, take his cock deep inside her. She wanted fucking, hard, needed it desperately she realised. As her thoughts became more and more sexually orientated, her had went to her pussy, a finger slipping inside, working its way in and out. All she could think of was Dave’s hard fat cock, pounding away at her, filling her cunt hole. Exploding inside her, filling her with his cream, and that was when she came hard, crying out his name in ecstasy, lying flat on the bed as her head thrashed from side to side. It felt wonderful, and she lay there, basking in her post orgasm glow, just thinking of him, and how it might be. She remembered the package, and chuckled quietly, she had sort of beaten it to the punch, but it was here, and needed testing at the very least.

Sara opened her mail, and lifted the rabbit free; it felt strange in her hand, yet comfortable and familiar also. She loved the texture, and the two little ears. Inserting the batteries, she turned it on, watching the ears as they moved, then spinning the shaft, seeing the beads whirling round, as she felt herself becoming even wetter. She turned it off, and opened her robe, exposing her naked wanting flesh to the soft lights of her room. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she slowly lowered it towards her sex, a little unsure as to how it would feel, yet brimming with anticipation. She placed the ears either side of her clit, and gasped as the vibrations hit her, it felt delicious, she was panting almost straight away, unable to believe the erotic sensations that she was feeling. Sara decided to insert it slowly, just gently easing it inside her pussy, the jelly texture felt amazing, she loved it, and started the rotation, just letting it spin slowly inside her, feeling the waves of pleasure running over her, and then, the final pleasure, Sara turned on the vibration, the ring of beads in the centre of the shaft, started rubbing her G spot.

She screamed out in pleasure, as orgasm hit her, wave after wave as the rabbit worked away. It was amazing for her, and she wished she had bought one many months ago. Eventually, she could take no more, and turned it off, leaving it inside of her, as the aftershocks came, and came again, after a few minutes she slowly pulled it free. She looked at it again, seeing her juices, her nectar glistening on the jelly shaft, and started to lick them. Imagining that it was Dave’s cock, and she was cleaning him after he had fucked her hard, Sara was almost in paradise, sitting there, her eyes now closed, taking as much as she could deep into her throat. That was the moment she christened her new toy, and from then on, it was Dave, not a rabbit, but Dave, the lover she desired, and determined that she would have.

Sara was all smiles at work on the Friday, nothing could upset her, not screaming children, or irate parents, her life seemed to be going so well. Even Anna and Nikki commented, asking what had happened, and wondering if she had indeed purchased a new sex toy. Sara just smiled knowingly at them, after that, they would not leave her alone, joking with her, asking how she slept, and even if she slept at all. It was all in good fun, and Sara was happy to go along with it, even Dave was in a good mood as well, all smiles throughout the morning, looking at Sara every chance he had, trying to catch her eye. Lunch was spent discussing the arrangements for the following evening, what the girls would wear, what they would eat, and where they would be going afterwards. Sara and Dave were invited to join them, to go on to a nightclub, but both declined. Nikki started to tease Dave a little, telling him that they had hoped he would join the two of them, for a threesome at Anna’s apartment, the poor man blushed furiously, feeling very foolish. Anna reassured him that they were only joking about the threesome with him, but admitted they did intend to find a man, and give him the night of his life. Sara was a little shocked at the openness of this, but she said nothing, she had her own plans. As they sat side-by-side, Sara and Dave that is, his leg kept brushing hers, and occasionally their hands would touch. Sara loved it, and could not believe how aroused she was becoming, just being close to him like this, her pussy was soaking, and she knew the other Dave was in for a busy evening that night.

As the store closed, Dave again accompanied Sara to her car, chatting amiably, standing by the car, he asked if he could call her later, Sara of course agreed immediately. Dave again took her I his arms to hug her, but this time he kissed her also. Very softly, full on the mouth, Sara just wanted to stay there, kissing him, but again, in a flash, he was gone into the darkness. It was about 8.30 when Dave finally rang Sara, the conversation being a little stilted at first, but they soon relaxed in each other’s company. Sara telling Dave about her son in the service, and how proud she was of him, yet fearful for his safety. Dave started to speak about his failed marriage, and the way his ex wife now treated him. Getting at him whenever she could, calling him a failure. Sara guessed he was meaning she said he was a failure sexually, but was unsure how to ask him, she did not want to upset him even more. He brought the subject up himself though, telling her that their sex life had been great, until she met this other man, and became involved with swingers. Sara did her best to comfort him, and managed to steer the conversation to other matters. Inwardly she knew, this man would not be a failure, and the more she got to know him, the more she wanted him to fuck her. Her desires were building daily, every time she saw him, her pussy would dampen, even just talking to him on the phone was arousing her. He had no idea that her hand was between her thighs, stroking herself through her damp and sticky panties. As soon as he said goodnight, and she put the phone down, she went o lay on the bed, softly kissing the head of her new friend, Dave #2.

She pulled her panties to one side, and started to lightly rub the head against her clit, sighing at the absolute pleasure this gave her, thing would it feel this good if it was Dave’s cock down there. And knowing that it would feel even better when he was there, She quickly stripped naked, lying back, with one hand caressing her tits, pulling a twisting her nipples, as she slowly slid “Dave” into her pussy, just running on the slowest speed, wanting it to build, to take her to heaven, and a tumultuous orgasm of delight. She had her eyes closed, visualising Dave, seeing him as he fingered her slowly, and pulled on one of her nipples. Turning the speed up, she pushed “Dave” deeper inside, feeling the beads spinning, rubbing against her G spot. She was so ready to cum, but held back, wanting to build the intensity. Pushing in as far as she could, with the ears against her clit, she lay there, in ecstasy, pulling on her nipples, stretching them, the pain feeling wonderful. She was thinking about him, pounding her, driving his hard meaty cock deep into her wanting sex, she could stand no more, and cried out, as the most intense orgasm hit. Waves and waves of pleasure running through her, hips thrusting upwards, her head rocking, as she gripped the bed, crying out again and again. Sara settled into the afterglow, reaching down to turn the rabbit off, saving the batteries. She lay there, eyes closed, in her post orgasm contentment, her mind wandering, thinking of how it would be with Dave, for now she was certain, that soon, they would make love.

The first thing that Sara noticed on Saturday, was the difference in Dave, he could not seem to stop smiling, especially at her. She smiled back of course, realising that he was at last coming out of his shell. During the lunch break, the main topic of conversation was again the coming evening, Dave sat next to Sara, and kept touching her hand, his leg was also coming into contact with hers, and he could not stop smiling.

As they al returned to work after lunch, Nikki stopped Sara in the ladies room, commenting how nice it was to see her and Dave getting it on. Sara tried to smile, but could only manage a blush, Nikki chuckled quietly, as she left the room. At 5pm, when the grotto closed for the day, they all left quickly, needing to get home and prepare for their evening out. Sara had already decided what she would wear, and left it all ready before leaving for work. It did not take her long to shower, and put her make up on, then the deep red dress that she loved so much, with matching underwear and shoes. To finish it off she wore a set of matching earrings and necklace, in silver, with aquamarine droplets. The cab was on time, and she entered the meeting place at exactly 8pm. Dave was standing just inside the door, obviously awaiting her arrival, and smiled softly, as he lifted her hand to kiss it, telling her how gorgeous she looked, and leading her to a table. They sat there, talking quietly, looking like two star crossed lovers, as Anna told them when she arrived, smiling at them. Nikki arrived soon afterwards, and at ten to nine, the four of them took the short walk to the restaurant. Anna and Nikki holding hands, as Dave and Sara linked arms. Sara felt so comfortable like this, it almost seemed pre-ordained she thought, as she smiled happily.

Dave and Sara sat opposite each other in the restaurant, with Nikki and Anna doing the same. Sara kicked her shoes off, wanting to feel comfortable as she enjoyed the evening, and it wasn’t long before she felt Dave’s foot touching hers, playing footsie under the table. The evening flew by, and 11.30 came by in no time at all, Nikki and Anna left then, going on to a club they said, to find a couple of men for the night. They all laughed at this, Dave and Sara wishing them both good luck in their quest. Once they had gone, Dave took Sara’s hands in his across the table, and thanked her for a wonderful evening, commenting how good she was for him, and how he felt alive again. As they stood outside, waiting for Sara’s cab, Dave took her in his arms, and kissed her, not like before, this was a loving kiss, as his lips caressed hers, and she responded, pushing the tip of her tongue between his lips, as they held each other tight. The kiss deepened, as their passion grew, only to be disturbed by the cab driver honking his horn at them. They whispered their goodnights to each other, and Sara climbed into the cab, waving and smiling as the cab drove away. When she arrived home it was almost midnight, and she sat on the couch for a few moments, collecting her thoughts. Then she began crying softly, knowing that in just a few days time, it would be Christmas, the job would be over, and Dave would be many miles away with his brothers family. She didn’t want him to go, wishing instead that he could spend Christmas with her, here in this quiet and lonely house. She tried to compose herself, undressing and removing her makeup in the bathroom, but it was no good. Sara cried herself to sleep that night, knowing she was falling in love, but that it was all so pointless, or so she thought.

The next few days seemed to fly by for Sara, as she looked forward to her date with Dave on Tuesday night, yet she could not get rid of the trepidation of their imminent parting on Christmas Eve. She was in turmoil, yet tried to hide it, always keeping a smile on her face.

They, Dave and Sara, would talk on the phone each night for an hour, never mentioning the word love, but, at the same time, the conversations became more erotically orientated, as they played with each other verbally. Little hints, innuendos, and double meanings were flying back and forth between them. Just before they stopped speaking on the Monday night, Dave told Sara, that he wanted to make love to her, to spend the night in her arms, in her bed, and inside her. Sara responded, telling him that she too had been dreaming of this, how she wanted him next to her naked skin. Wanted him to explore her, kiss her everywhere, and make love all night long. By the time Dave finally put the phone down, Sara was wet through, her pussy almost aching for him, wishing that she had asked him to come round there and then, and fuck her brains out.