All Comments on 'Something Snapped Inside'

by Dalton402

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shadowjack17shadowjack17about 1 month ago

MIT does not give out "firsts", what ever that is. If you use an American University use American terminology. Not terrible other than that if a bit formulaic. Keep at it.

Bronco56Bronco56about 1 month ago

Excellent story. I didn't understand the the firsts but didn't really give it much thought. Still 5stars

AardieAardieabout 1 month ago

"They won't be the old Ant and Brooke again." Will they be stronger or weaker?

ArdieffArdieffabout 1 month ago

A severe case of stupidity.

MwestohioMwestohioabout 1 month ago

Good story. Not to pile on but to educate, while English colleges use Firsts for grade level in college US colleges use Latin terms: cum laude, magna, summa

LazylonerLazylonerabout 1 month ago

Well, I can say that you definitely were not writing this based on the legal situation in the USA. There were two huge errors that brought this a bit down for me.

First - pressing assault charges would have been completely at the discretion of the local District Attorney. There is no way to "press charges" for a criminal issue unless you work in a district attorney's office and even then there are pretty strict rules that have to be followed. At best you can pressure the office into investigating and deciding if its worth the time and money. and in a case like you describe where the cops were not called to the scene and no arrests were made, there would be no way any district attorney's office would even listen to a complaint from an otherwise ordinary law firm. Its not worth their time to pursue a case that has no paper trail.

Second - You have Brooke offered the option of allowing her husband to be prosecuted for the punch or be fired. This flies in the reality of sexual harassment law in the USA. In fact, Xavier would have been launched out of that office as soon as the video turned up. Sexual Harassment law in the USA is extremely punitive to companies that don't reign in executives who conduct affairs, and the fact that she and only she was being punished for what happened translates into a 7-8 figure lawsuit with little to no chance of the company winning due to the YouTube video which would have been exhibit A in any civil trial.

Its a fun story, but the lack of research regarding some of the legal aspects definitely brought it down more than a bit.

Gram1Gram1about 1 month ago

Just a suggestion, write naturally, i.e., if you're British, make your characters and story details British. Otherwise, the Brit-US conflicts are jarring and distracting. Someone has mentioned the academic grade thing ("first"). In the US, lawyers go to law school, as a post graduate pursuit. I've never heard any US attorney remark about studying "law in college". I'm not trying to be pedantic, but as I'm a lawyer, I noticed it.

Storm113Storm113about 1 month ago

Company should have been sued, dickhead arrested. I like that she didn't sleep with him, and I agree with the reconciliation, but dickhead and her firm should have been sued.

phill1cphill1cabout 1 month ago

"Its a fun story, but the lack of research regarding some of the legal aspects definitely brought it down more than a bit." yep

But more than that, it was the notion that this wife doesn't realize what's happening. I know the author set it up by saying she wasn't too smart, but she'd have to be developmentally delayed not to know when a guy is sniffing around. That ruins the realism for me. Moreover, a martial artist would probably have a leg up with dancing, wouldn't you think? To me, this was completely boilerplate. But it read nicely.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 1 month ago

Pretty good story that could have happened in real life. The whole she had to quit to prevent charges against Ant was a miss. I don’t know of anywhere you can hit someone first and they hit you back is a crime for the person defending themselves. If he had pummeled him after a single, that response will get you in trouble. 4.5*

GreyMatter46GreyMatter46about 1 month ago

Self defense would have been all it would have taken to quell the assholes intention to calling in the cops for assault. Counter suite for false arrest would have taken the wind out of any lawyer's sails. thanks

SimepopSimepopabout 1 month ago

Just another trite RAAC tale, legal stuf was completely wrong, if you’re going to write about American lawyers you have some glimmer factually about it; you clearly had none. But at least now I know to avoid your RAAC bent.

demanderdemanderabout 1 month ago

A six-month emotional affair in which she was getting no sex? Right! D

EightyThousandEightyFiveEightyThousandEightyFiveabout 1 month ago

Don’t let the BTB kids deter you. Reconciliation takes actual thought and effort to construct. So far so good, in my book.

numbnutz49numbnutz49about 1 month ago

"I promise you, I never slept with him." So I asked my old buddy, Bill Clinton, what she meant by that. His reaction, "I believe that woman - Brooke - meant what she said and sleeping is not on the top 20 things they did together in bed!" A president would never lie to us, would he?

phill1cphill1cabout 1 month ago

One other thing: this change in the URL for stories is not welcome Now, every time I want to read an author's story, I'm instead sent to his homepage where I then have to find the stories link and click it. Then, when I'm in the stories link, instead of the default being alphabetical, which is what seems most reasonable, it's now sorted by Newest. Not needed, not wanted. WTF. It'd be one thing if this was an improvement, like how about being able to sort an author's stories by category. THAT would be useful. This URL redirection is not useful.

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 1 month ago

Not clear what country we are in, but in USA one does not obtain law degrees by studying law in college.

Senior partners who bring business do not become stupid by insulting husbands.

Any husband who orders wife to sleep in spare room while he takes the main bedroom, regardless of the dispute, is a husband worth divorcing.

The story just does not hold together.

TexarManTexarManabout 1 month ago

Although the video didn't show the first attempted punch in the end it did cost him his job and damage his future. It would have been better read for me if a second video would have appeared showing the first failed punch and the conversation about the husband being an electrician and belittling the engineer. She should have been given the opportunity too get her job back. I didn't write the story and have to give the author a 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ for his story.

Bham487Bham487about 1 month ago

Seriously, him being a nice guy was the issue? This is such BS. I understand the concept they are referring to but men aren’t allowed to act like cavemen so why should women be allowed to act like cave women? Also he punched the guy because the guy threw a punch first.

GrimmerGrimmerabout 1 month ago

Decent plot however the ay the characters were fleshed out … I could not find a way to link to them. Felt like a version of the 3LB - Snicker, OMG, and HUH?

TajfaTajfaabout 1 month ago

This was good but she must have a case for constructive dismissal. She was being pursued by a person in a superior position. Everyone seemed to know what was going on. I thought they would have consulted a solicitor - particularly when a second video surfaced showing he acted in self defense. The company got off too lightly. 4 stars

MormonJackMormonJackabout 1 month ago

Ugh... she should be suing the firm over the behavior of a senior partner. And, of course, there WERE witnesses to the first punch. Yeah, it's your story, but I'm pretty sure I would have turned things around if I were in his shoes.

KRD19254KRD19254about 1 month ago

Could have been a 5* but for how HR conducted business allowing Xander (a Sr Partner) to get away with undo fraternization of a lesser employee. And for Ant allowing the firm to throw his wife under the buss.


The vid may have not shown the first Xander punch but all the witnesses could testify of Ant's self-defense. So HR had no foundation for her blackmailed termination.


Ant not getting Xander in a dark alley/parking-lot is what LW readers were waiting to read, without, Ant looks like a mat woosy. And yes, those school princesses do have problems when they no longer are the center of THEE click/class. I'm surprised her mom was not more involved with grounding princess especially after she lost her job.


3.9**** Hooyah

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerabout 1 month ago

That's on H/R. Fuck them. They don't work for a living. Ant does (Even though he's ONLY an Engineer) but real guy, honest and upfront. and not afraid to stand up for his family. 8 stars, because the Bear pays extra for the privilege. The Bear likes it. nice to see the average guy get the hot chick, and it works out. It happened to the Bear and was the best thing that ever happened in his life. More please, sir. I will keep reading.

desecrationdesecrationabout 1 month ago

Might is right, at least in biology. Ethics and morality are projections. Men need to be dangerous. Women love noti-nice men. I liked this story although the lack of a full affair makes it easier to keep holding on to the silly wife.

BigDee44BigDee44about 1 month ago

Wow. This could be a version of my own marriage. In my version, the husband does not find out of the affair (that he should have probably not been clueless ab out) 4 years after the fact. I can see some of the same issues with my wife as was shown here. Dang.

6King6Kingabout 1 month ago

⭐⭐⭐ Sorry, very average plot.

ForensicFossilForensicFossilabout 1 month ago


The law studies in college by Brooke make no sense. Law school is a post-graduate course. Not many law graduates end up as paralegals. Write what you know, and this author knows little about the law business or training.

A "first" in electrical engineering from MIT? The classifying degrees by number-first, second, etc-is a British thing, not US. Write what you know, and this author knows little about US university degrees.

A martial artist who has two left feet? Very, very unlikely. Martial arts training emphasizes body awareness, control, and flexibility. So does dancing. Write what you know. This author knows nothing about martial arts training or dance.

The video captures the MC punching but not Xander's punch immediately preceeding? Doubtful, but in any case the witnesses saw it. As an inferior paralegal Brooke held all the cards in a sexual harassment suit. No way the firm fires her. No way Xander can credibly threaten criminal charges. Write what you know. This author knows nothing about HR work or applicable law or about criminal prosecution.

truthandjustice99truthandjustice99about 1 month ago

Like it but I would like to see Husband and Wife get their pound of Flesh out of the firm A apology and $50,000

for allow executives to prey on women

Pappy7Pappy7about 1 month ago

Not a good wife to hang your marriage on. There is something fundamentally wrong with that woman and she will run again each time she hits a landmark age or starts wrinkling a lot. First she will shun the poor hapless cuck again, have massive amounts of plastic surgery and fuck the cable TV guy. He needs to find his little balls, encourage them to actually fall out of his stomach and hopefully grow and begin to produce testosterone and find out who fathered his two children.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 1 month ago

I like this. I actually like "close call" stories better than I do btb or reconciliation stories. There is a lot of tension in them usually. Not so much this one because the confrontation leads the story, but still, following the fallout is fun.


If anything I would say, if you do another story like this, then lead up to the confrontation a bit longer. It creates some good dramatic tension and rising action (especially in the case of fisticuffs lol).


Great story, 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

As an author, you need to write more than "When we got home Brooke almost dragged me to the bedroom and we had sex. Brooke was almost possessed. It felt like there wasn't anything she wouldn't do as we had the most passionate sex in years."

What new things did they try? How was she different? Did the MC suspect wifey HAD fucked the work-partner because of her enthusiasm? Did she climax a lot, or was she focussed on giving MC the most pleasure? Does "most passionate" mean new positions and holes, or huge climaxes, or a much longer session?

You have "yadda-yadda-ed" over the best part.

MC might do better with a wife that can control herself, in the face of an attractive flatterer Their is always the next guy, and another guy who might be better-looking, stronger (initial session with therapist was a little odd), or an excellent flatterer, or some combination. She needs to take responsibility as her own fully-functioning moral agent, and control herself.

Then the wife starts trying to put real effort into just that.

Good luck to this fictional couple, and to this author!

RosenkavalierRosenkavalierabout 1 month ago

And what do we learn from this story?

No matter how clever you are (MIT degree, top lawyer), in the end the stronger Neandertal wins.

Is that how you want to make us understand that we are no better than animals?

Or even that we are animals because your characters act like this?

May be your next story could show a little more brains, please?

And thank you for sharing with us! I appreciate that a lot!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Good story, well written. Only criticism is, at least this side of the Atlantic, Brooke has a very good case for wrongful termination, I would have expected her to sue her employer.

Tomh1966Tomh1966about 1 month ago

Not bad. Your writing ability is exceptional.

Little nits. The fall of Xander was rushed and it should have been more immediate or at least the beginnings of it. Dunno your country (UK?) but that is a harassment suit waiting to happen. He had dozens of witnesses that it was self-defense.

The line about Xander spending the night with MC wife was important then nothing happened about it. He said he was going to screw the MC wife all night AND NOTHING HAPPENED.

Please take my nits as constructive as I enjoy your well written stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

An enjoyable read over all but there were some all too familiar features. First, the somewhat unfeasibly obtuse MC who daubed 'WELCOME' across his forehead, laid down outside his front door then became bewildered at being used as a doormat. That scene at the therapists' where he couldn't grasp the very obvious meaning of what he was being told didn't sit very well with me nor did the therapist's analysis of Brooke's primal response first to Xander then to her husband after he lamped the oily work colleague. I think we've evolved beyond that.

I also feel that there were strong grounds for wrongful/constructive dismissal after the way Brooke was forced to resign from her job.

I was fine with the outcome of the story, though as I've seen for myself the catastrophic mistakes that people have made and somehow come back from.


FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartabout 1 month ago

Decent other then the bit about the "nice guy" not being a good thing and trying to excuse the wife's behavior with primordial instincts it wasn't bad. Those two things just annoyed me, both for seeming to imply being a legit nice guy (and not the creeper kind) is a bad thing and seemed to imply the wife is all but a mindless animal who would be unable to stop herself from chasing the biggest strongest mate. That just sounds like therapy technobabble. Other then that it wasn't too terrible, just felt if anything the therapist bit (usually quite enjoyable in these type stories) weighed the story down.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I enjoyed it. As always in these reconciliation stories the wife was unbelievably penitent. In almost all cases there is some room for improvement on both sides-just learning to dance isn't enough!

Why all the comments about US law? Who cares?

Pity 'discreetly' was spelled wrongly, so careless.

Rayjag1980Rayjag1980about 1 month ago

Average, but had potential. Could have gone down the path of unjust firing, revenge on the firm for throwing wife under bus. Then the pyscho babble with the therapist diminished story.

MountainMan1336MountainMan1336about 1 month ago

I liked it and gave you 5 stars. For once an author writes the main character to have some balls and actually punch the scumbag lawyer sniffing around his wife. And I agree that while Brooke was terminated unjustly there was a major sexual harassment suite that could have netted Brooke millions of dollars. Here in the United States the firm would have fired Xander and kept Brooke employed with deepest apologies. And while Ant may have been prosecuted it is unlikely he would have done any jail time. If he did he would have gone to jail a hero. After all who in today's world doesn't want to beat the hell out of an attorney?

kirei8kirei8about 1 month ago

"Trust but verify"!!! Set up secret "home security" cameras and drop in for lunches now and then. Narcissists don't change stripes easily especially when getting unsolicited compliments, at say, a grocery store. Then file a wrongful termination suit against her company.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This was good, but for some reason his inability to regain trust with Brooke for so long seemed a bit strange given everything she actually DID to repair their marriage. Of course, maybe he was smarter than it seemed given how utterly immature she was —- the therapy opened his eyes to it and he necessarily adjusted.


4 ****

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 1 month ago

"It wasn't a compliment, Anthony, and a nice guy isn't a good thing to be," the therapist explained.

This is why I rated this a 1*. You certainly need a therapist, you clearly have no fucking clue how one works.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So, no fallout for Coulsen from Ant. Incredible stupidity and liability for a law firm to dismiss Brooke to protect a predator.

Escape_WithinEscape_Withinabout 1 month ago

A fun story like those who have commented before me. I am not in the U.S. but I can understand legal processes were glossed over (whether intentional or unintentional) or incorrect. My dissatisfaction arises from the therapist's perspective. If a wife's perspective is to be believed and has any researched or documented validity, I am disheartened. As adaptive as the human species has become we still have a "caveman" mentality. Otherwise a good read. Please keep us entertained.

GardenshedGardenshedabout 1 month ago

I like these stories where company party becomes the turning point to a marriage.Enjoyed the emotion I felt in my gut while reading this story. Well written happy ending all the way around. Except Xander, he should have be mugged or is accident prone and keep tripping and falling……

Thanks for sharing.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

It was a decent story until it got stupid. She was a paralegal but doesn't know the law well enough to file a sexual harassment lawsuit against the company? She was a paralegal but doesn't know anything about how criminal charges work? I'm guessing she was actually fired for incompetence.


I'm okay with them getting back together, but I don't see it lasting unless she brings in other potential lovers for him to beat up. Her "love" for him is clearly linked to his violent side and wilts when she experiences only his loving side.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

And the counselor said, "It wasn't a compliment, Anthony, and a nice guy isn't a good thing to be,"

That's a bunch of bullshit. That means setting boundaries is being an asshole. That is stupid. Setting boundaries IS being nice. It's being nice to one's self. It's respecting one's self.

This author has a lot to learn about setting boundaries.

1 star.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerabout 1 month ago

So, Ant continued to be a "nice guy" and a bit of a moron. Why the hell didn't HE have Xander charged for the assault? There was video evidence plus many, many witnesses for the initial punch thrown by Xander, to prove self defence. Ant only hit him once, in response to Xander's attack.

Plus, why didn't Ant sue the Law Firm for Brooke's unfair dismissal. The HR department well knew that a Senior Partner having an affair with a junior, married, staff member, provides huge grounds. She said she was "forced" to resign. But nothing happened officially to Xander. Really? A HR lawsuit would win handsomely.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Just one aside. At least 95 percent of Lit. Writers misuse discrete, as you have. The intended word is discreet. Discrete basically means apart from.

The story? Four solid stars.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This is a story that went in a completely different direction than I thought it would but it was still a fun read and really enjoyable. I wasn’t looking for an all out BtB and considering how much of a non event the “affair” was, I feel breaking his nose was good enough revenge/justice. I actually would have liked to see them go after the place that fired her. Considering how many people saw the actual fight and that he hit Ant first, there would be no grounds for legal action but having the firm pull the crap they did by basically using blackmail, I would have liked to see them burned to the ground and between the media storm and the lawsuit, it could cause the firm a pretty penny to protect a piece of crap like Xander.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The writing was passable. Didn't care for the mother forcing Brooke to go to church to help her. Religion sucks.

Also don't like dancing. Never learned how and never will. For myself, or anyone else.

HATE the idea the women always want men to fight for them, even after they're married, together, whatever. If you don't like a nice guy, then let him go the right way.

Lastly, the worst part of the entire story was the inclusion of the gay couple. GROSS! LBGTQ characters are worthless, not just in stories but IRL as well. As usual, just for that, I gave the story 1*. Not sorry.

Ridiculous69Ridiculous69about 1 month ago

Your female character basically checked out her marriage for 6 months and didn’t seem to be stopping. Hard to believe nothing physical happened since she was so into the other guy. You kept the couple together but I don’t think they would be a strong couple for years and years. Too many doubts and lingering concerns to reconcile and be ok.

nixroxnixroxabout 1 month ago

3 stars - you lost 2 stars for the 'THERAPY' crap. Nothing pushes a story into the boring category faster than any legal or therapy type long-winded discussions.

This woman 'knew' she was in the WRONG, when she accepted lunches and private after work drinks with a man, other than her husband. EVERY woman and man in the world knows that kind of behavior is just not acceptable in a monogamous relationship, let alone a marriage. This SLUT might as well have worn a sign on her back saying - 'please fuck me' - just by the way she was dancing with the ASSHOLE. The TRUST&RESPECT in this marriage has been damaged beyond recovery by her actions. Her mother even ripped her a new one.

It is my opinion, that this woman committed a significant emotional affair over several months and that is even more damaging than a sexual affair. This husband was waaaaay too lenient and should have forced this wife to sign a really significant and punitive post-nupt agreement, BEFORE allowing her back into the house. To regain the TRUST&RESPECT would take decades, if they ever could be.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

"thanks to my training in martial arts, I bulked up a lot." - I wasn't aware that martial arts bulked you up.


"or me or Brooke go out leaving the other to stay at home to look after the kids." - How old to kids have to be where they only need one parent to stay with them?


"I have a first in Electrical Engineering from MIT" - As shadowjack17 said, What the fuck is "have a first?" Is that a British term, but I don't believe MIT uses it.


I'm surprised that he didn't bring up the "electrician/electrical engineer" thing when she told ANT not to be rude! And ask why he punched Xander when Xander punched him first.


Ugh, not the compliments from the husband don't mean as much BS. It's the compliments from the pussy hound that shouldn't mean so much, since they have an ulterior motive. And "being made to feel attractive?" What is she some frump who doesn't know that she's attractive?


Even if it wasn't on the video, I'm sure there are plenty of witnesses that Xander struck first, and even if they "can't" fire him, since she's the junior person, that's sexual harassment, and being forced to quit should have gotten her a huge settlement. Right on Lazyloner.


There was no mention at the counselor about Xander striking first, other than Ant mentioning provoking him.


"Myself and Brooke" - Brooke and I.


Gram1 Re: Law school, isn't there an undergrad specialty, Pre-Law?

muskyboymuskyboyabout 1 month ago

So the affair was his fault for being a nice guy? Nope. She deserves some kind of humiliation or burn.. Maybe not divorce, but something more creative than counselling that insinuates it was partially his fault!

Chuckles1966Chuckles1966about 1 month ago

Writer missed that there's a clear workplace sexual harassment claim against Xander. The wife may have been terminated, but it would have been with a big fat check. The liability would otherwise be huge.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

It was a good story, but the counseling session was a joke. Writers who have no idea how the process works shouldn’t write about it. The story was well written otherwise. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Is that feminised moron Someoneother still trying to sell his so called morality which is a poor disguise for for cum sucking wimpishness. His pathetic stories could use some learning from authors like Dalton402.

You can't fool the readers Someoneother. They can discriminate quality writing and see through your jealous putdowns. Shame on you. Go learn to flip burgers that's as much as you can aspire to.


AnotherChapterAnotherChapterabout 1 month ago

So many problems it sort of fell apart. It is ok to like RAAC stories, and to write them, but this was muddled. Xander struck first, so no law suit from him. Forcing her resignation? This was a law firm, they had to know better than to invite a law suit. Her actions of virtually abandoning the marriage for 6 months and she was oblivious? NO, I don’t think so… Counselling opens her eyes, or her mother did? If she had them closed it was a deliberate act. The “cave woman” response to the fight was just another simplistic excuse. ‘She had to follow the stronger man” ? Says all women are weak emotional creatures not responsible. Ouch!

heydog52heydog52about 1 month ago

Good story. The ending was too abrupt. 4.5 🌟

Big_Tim99Big_Tim99about 1 month ago

AnotherChapter says the woman following the stronger man says all women are weak emotional creatures.

Some people seem to believe that as I have seen many people defend women who behave badly, because of hormones. It seems to say women have no real self-control.

looking4itlooking4itabout 1 month ago

Seems to me the law firm owes that family a little money for wrongful termination, sexual harassment and generally being complete asshats. They got off too easy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Lighten up fossil. Don't take things so serious.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Kind of hard to have a Martial Arts expert who has no idea how to dance "two left feet" really? Kills the story before it starts. Cripes!

mndhanson017mndhanson017about 1 month ago

I agree with you, FlynnTaggart, why do you need boundaries with your partner, isn't that what marriage vows are for? The nice guy thing made no sense to me.

Rwg7Rwg7about 1 month ago

I write reconciliation stories as well. This was done well, very enjoyable. Thanks for sharing.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 1 month ago

It seems like he stopped her just in time before she did anything physical with the ahole lawyer, so a reconciliation was still a slim possibility. Public disrespect and humiliation is very, very difficult to forgive though, as the million btb variants of February Sucks can attest.


The therapist shifting the blame onto the husband sucked. While it's true that you should never let a woman walk all over you, and Brooke got complacent about his love for her, she didn't have the emotional affair because he was a nice guy.

Brooke was vain, and her looks were fading as she got older. The simple truth is that Xander flattered her ego, and she loved all the attention and validation. It's the #1 reason fwhy middle-aged women will be tempted to have an affair.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 month ago

Great story, but I wish that he had given Xander a proper beating instead of just one shot. Reconciliation was a little too easy.

Happily_Married87Happily_Married87about 1 month ago

Good story I enjoyed it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

For a paralegal she is a dummy. Her superior at work wines and dines her and when it goes south the firm makes her quit? That’s quite a sexual harassment lawsuit. Especially if this guy had a rep that’s the gay couple knew about.

FordF150guyFordF150guyabout 1 month ago

What? No going after the law firm? No balls, no stars.

Calico75Calico75about 1 month ago

I hate the idea that being a good guy isn't a good thing. It is a good thing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So completely broken that I don’t know where to start. 402.. you’re the one that needs counseling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

To everyone talking about the female stereotypes, and how that seems wrong. It is wrong morally. But it's a cliche' for a reason.

The therapist wasn't defending nor excusing the wife. Just explaining normal human stimuli and response.

In an ideal world women wouldnt be lead by their clits, nor men by their dicks. But here we are. She was basic. Her husband has to accept her basic-ness if he wants to keep her. But that's reality. Women commonly conflate arrogance with competence. Showmanship with power. And fist fights with winners and losers.

He should have had to win a fist fight to get her to cherish him. But that's how it played out if for no other reason that alone is enough for me to never trust her again. Even if that trust went back to 98%. That was a big reason the therapist made him establish boundaries, because even they didn't trust the wife 100%.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 1 month ago

Good job with the story, enjoyed seeing the couple remain together. Thanks for your writing.

Diecast1Diecast1about 1 month ago

Nice story, I like it a lot. AAAA++++

ExiledfromNYExiledfromNYabout 1 month ago

I don’t hate reconciliation stories. I actually love them when the spouse is truly remorseful.

Brooke had an affair. Worse than that is the blatant disrespect she displayed. And then she goes to defend the cheater when he gets decked. She didn’t quit her job proactively. She had to quit or the guy would have pressed charges. There’s NO JURISDICTION in the UK or US where he would have been convicted for assault. It was self defense. So she did not really quit for her marriage. She quit or she would have been fired.

And I know this is the authors story but in the real world, the odds of them going on dates and drinks and not having it turn physical are infintessimal. Someone like Brooke who was used to make attention would have known. The lawyer would have worked much more quickly. He wouldn’t have waited that long.

And then she demands he learn how to dance? On what planet is she in a position to push him for dance lessons. Every time he dances with her, it will trigger him to remember how she danced with another man right in front of him.

Finally, regret is when you realize what you have done to blow up your life. Remorse is when you realize the damage you have done to your partner.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Quid pro quo. Any law firm would know what it means and wouldn't fire her because of that knowledge.

BSreaderBSreaderabout 1 month ago

Was good up until she quit, she should have filed harassment suit against him and the company. This one only got 3 stars not for the husband defending himself and his wife but because nothing really happened to the asshole or the company.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Sue the bastards, wrongful termination.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I think it's funny that marriage counselors, whenever used in a Lit story, in their hurry to absolve the female of any blame, tend to group all women together and place them in the "childish emotional airhead" category. Is that true? Are we supposed to believe that all women are that shallow and scatterbrained?


It only took the counselor about 90 seconds to smile and give them her prognosis: husband is one of those candy-assed nice guys that treats his wife well and lets her have everything she wants. Obviously, the wife is innocent because of her cave-woman genes. Problem solved, all is well. It was the stupid man all along.


So gentlemen, all we have to do is backhand the wife at least once a month, and we'll never have to worry about them cheating on us! I'm starting today!

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 month ago

Loved the first part, the setup, but what followed was pablum and blather.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Since when would a martial artist not figure out dancing?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Terrible ending

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Brooke should have filed a sexual harassment suit against her former employer. Firing her for the actions of a more powerful employee is classic

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Good story. One omission. Obtain the complete video. Get testimony. Husband defended himself against senior staff member making an inappropriate advance on a subordinate and attacking her husband when he objected. Sue the firm very publicly since the affair was widely known within the firm. Senior staff hitting on junior married staff is very actionable. The senior partners firing her should cost them a lot of the thing most lawyers love most.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 1 month ago

That's damn good but I think with the video Xander would have been in trouble rather than the MC.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeabout 1 month ago

A reconciliation

with a shallow stupid woman.

What a treat.

But there were some good things here.

Someone said that life is a journey,

not a destination.

I guess same goes for marriages.

If the journey is on wheels,

you better keep your eyes on the road.

3 out of 5 from me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Hum. All she had to do was whisper "Constructive Dismissal", and they would have folded like a cheap suit, financing her stay-at-home and aspiring-writer career.

3½ stars


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

It’s a story people . I don’t understand the comments when they take the story personally. I understand comments on the topic of what actions were done and you wouldn’t agree with . It was a good story where forgiveness was the right choice in my opinion. In the professional business world there are plenty of pompous assholes like that jerk with many woman that would fall for him. The many I knew over the years that worked in the high power business world all we’re having many woman to fuck and a lot of them were supposed happily married women. The hubby in this story just happened to catch it before it was too late .

SmugglerjimSmugglerjimabout 1 month ago

I Agree with anon

Anonymously About 9 hours ago

Sue the bastards, wrongful termination.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I guess I am just ordinary guy as I liked to see the good guy win and the bad guy lose. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

You cheated in my mind. This isn't really much of a reconciliation because other than a few harmless dates, nothing AT ALL happened, at least physically. Why don't you see if you can maneuver a full blown reconciliation involving the full gamut of problems: public humiliation, pregnancy, STD, etc. Good luck. You'll need it. )

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Defending your AP over your spouse cannot be reconciled. It goes beyond cheating, to the realm of humiliation on top of everything. Any male with red blood in 'em would never get past that blatant disrespect.

Feel free to write what you like. But you are falling into the trap of most RAAC obsessed authors. The outcome is known from the start so what happens before becomes irrelevant. Which makes the author lose scope of the drama and if what they are writing can reasonably lead to a reconciliation outcome. It often doesn't and we see the most horrible shit just being shoved under the carpet in order to reach the favored outcome. Just like this story of a slut defending her affair partner over her husband.

AllNigherAllNigherabout 1 month ago

That's a tough one. She is clearly ready to cheat... Says she didn't but how could you be sure. The dancing sexy with someone else and defending that person instead of your husband when he's clearly being a jerk to your husband... That's also rough, even when it's her boss. .. or one if then.

Then there's her being completely lost as to why her husband would be upset, Even after the guy told her husband she's with me and will be an night.... Then the Idea it was an easy decision between quitting or letting them prosecute the husband (good luck with that)... Clearly anything between her and the other guy was over so what's the choice there for her, really? And that's a dumb choice, it's likely they could show that what he did was self defense. So while I liked the writing there was allot about the story that didn't ring true.... Nevertheless, I enjoyed it overall.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

4 Solid stars from GW on this one . I would have left her their ask any of the ladies i dated in college . If they were more then 10 minutes late that meant i was gone . I waited on a cheerleader and she took her time so me and my best fried the Defensive End had some beers at his ladies house . His Lady had a sister who was a soph. in college while i was a senior . We got married but it did not work out . I did not realize she was a tease when i married her

silverthorne16silverthorne16about 1 month ago

Okay, so when Xander said "Brooke is with me tonight and will be with me all night", to me it meant that he intended on keeping all night and fucking her. Why didn't Ant bring that up in any discussion? That would also be a legitimate provocation on his part to warrant retaliation from Ant.

Lastly, it would have been much more satisfying if Ant was able to somehow be the cause of Xander's fall from grace. At the very least, and especially with them firing his wife, he should have tried suing the company for contributing to the possible failure of a marriage and not enforcing any sort of morality rules in the company.

DazzyDDazzyDabout 1 month ago

Enviabler vs, Inevitalbe

I still gave ir5

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 1 month ago

Disliked it because of the following.

That was textbook sexual harassment. The threat against Ant should have been refuted by the gay couple and the crowd that watched.

Xander should have been fired first thing Monday morning, not brooke.

She'd have a slam dunk wrongful termination case.

Fix those things and it was a really good near-miss story of reconciliation.

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I have a weakness for happy endings. When people face the worst, no matter how bad it is, I like people seeing come out better people for it. Remember what I write is fiction, it doesn't always have to make sense.