Sometimes You Just Need To Scratch


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"I went nuts last night, I had no idea where the hell you were. You could have been dead lying in a ditch for all I knew last night. Would it have hurt you to call and say you were going to be late?" she said hitting me with both barrels.

"You're right, it was a dumb thing to do. I should have at least called to say I was still pissed at you and that I would rather go to Tony's to have a few drinks than to listen to your bullshit again last night," I said giving her a full broad side. "It won't happen again."

"Steve, we have to get past this."

"And how do you propose we do that Donna? It goes without saying that I'll probably never be able to keep up with you and right now; I really don't even want to try. So I guess that leaves just you, Mr. Happy and whom ever you're fucking on the side."

"How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not cheating on you? I never have and never will," an angry Donna spit back at me.

"All right, just for the sake of argument, let's say you're not fucking around on me," I said.

"Which I'm not." was her reply.

"Where in the hell do we go from here? And why in the hell do you need a two foot long dildo the size of a fucking Coke can for Christ's sakes?"

"Steve, you can't understand what it's like to have your pussy stretched to its limit with a big and long cock. The feeling of a hot, thick cock slamming in and out of you is a feeling I can't put into words other than its mind blowing. And when you climax and your pussy muscles latch onto something like that, you just don't want it ever to be pulled out. No man could ever understand," she said looking at me.

"How many time have you been fucked like that? And don't try and tell me you haven't, because you got yourself hot and bothered just telling me what it felt like."

"Steve, it was just before I met you. I had a couple of boyfriends that who were pretty well endowed. Sometimes we'd spend the whole weekend in bed or do it until I couldn't walk. But I haven't done it with anyone since we got married."

"So in other words, when I couldn't measure up, you just fantasized with Mr. Happy that you were with one of them and life was good then. Why in the hell did you even marry me? And again I ask the question, for the first six fucking years, why weren't you doing it back then?"

"Between work, kids, the house and a million other things my time and mind were filled with other things. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I had too much free time and I started to regress."

"But Donna, you weren't this huge three to four years ago, I would have noticed and said something back then."

"I started off small and have been working my way up in size," she said almost getting embarrassed.

"In other words, you started off my size and went up from there," I said now getting pissed again.

"Steve, if I did it once in a while it would shrink back to almost my normal size in a day or two. You never knew. Then when you agreed to spice it up, I guess I went a little crazy."

"A little? Jesus Christ Donna, I could probably put both of my hands in there and fucking clap," I said now exaggerating more than a little to make my point. "You had to know it was me who tossed out your other dildo when you wouldn't."

"I've had this one for about six months under our bed. I kept it hid and never had any reason to use it until my other one came up missing."

"How many damn times do you use it a day?" I said shouting.

"Steve, keep your voice down," she yelled back at me. "We've got kids sleeping and it wasn't everyday. Probably every other day when I got home from work and before you came home. After listening to some of the women at lunch I'd get hot and turned on and did it as I said, to just take the edge off, that's all."

"Didn't you ever consider jumping my bones when I got home from work? To have a quickie before dinner? I thought not," looking at her. "You were too busy fantasying about your past lovers to worry about Tiny Steve even though I said you were getting big as a house and I couldn't even feel the side walls of your cunt."

"Steve, you don't understand," Donna said trying to explain that she loved me and would stop.

"For how long? Forever? I doubt that very much. You'll go for about six months and then you'll feel the need to be stretched again. Once you start, we'll be back to where we are now; at an impasse," I said looking at her as I stood up. "I guess I'll never be enough for you and frankly right now I don't even fucking care anymore. Do what you want with what or whom you want, I can't compete nor will I try," I told her walking out as she started to cry.

I wanted to cry to, but I sucked it up until I got in the spare room. My eyes watered up but I think I was too mad to actually cry. My marriage as I'd known it for the last ten years was over. I didn't know if I wanted a divorce or just a separation, all I knew was that something had died inside me over the last couple of days and nothing was going to bring it back. There was no knock on the door tonight, just the quiet solitude of me lying on the bed feeling sorry for myself. I don't know if it was from complete exhaustion or me just giving up, but I slept through the night.

I was a figgin zombie both at work and home. My boss wanted to know if something was wrong when I came in late for the third day in a row. I told him I was having personal problems but promised him I'd get a handle on it and make sure my job got done. Donna and I talked about bullshit items, the kids our jobs but not our problems. When she said she was stopping after work for a few drinks with her coworkers I was almost relieved that I wouldn't have to face her when I got home. However when she came home at two in the morning drunk it was my turn to get pissed.

"I hope to God you didn't drive yourself home tonight," I said as I let her in. I'd heard her trying to use her key because she kept hitting the doorbell.

"I think Connie drove me home, I'm not sure," she said swaying side to side. "Maybe it was Randy, I'm not sure," she added. "I think I need to go to the bathroom," she said holding her mouth.

I helped her upstairs, sat her in front of the toilet and she did her thing; a couple of times. When I heard her have the dry heaves I remembered how that felt and felt sorry for her. I gave her another twenty minutes before picking her up and wiping her face off with a wet cloth, she was a mess. I literally had to carry her to the bed as I now took her dress off as I laid her down on the sheets. When I pulled it down past her waist I got my surprise; she no longer had panties on. I pulled off her dress, tossed it onto the floor and looked at my wife. She always wore panties or a thong; she must have had a better time than I did tonight.

Did I look to see if she had a swollen cunt or if there was semen dripping from a used pussy? Nope, because if I did, I probably would have lost it and done something really stupid. It hurt enough just knowing what she had probably done with who knows whom, without me going nuts. I couldn't talk to or accuse her anyway, she'd passed out. Well at least I knew what I had to do next.

I made the kids breakfast Saturday morning. Donna didn't stir until after 11:00. I had made a full pot and left her more than enough to get her through what was left of the morning. I on the other hand took the kids grocery shopping and after that I fiddled around in the yard. It was almost 5:00 before I came back into the house.

"You want me to grill tonight?" I asked.

"Only if you want to go through the trouble," a timid Donna told me.

"The kids always like it, so I just grab hamburgers and hot dogs, it's no big deal."

Dinner was even quieter than it'd been all of last week. The kids now could sense that something was wrong especially since they knew I was sleeping in the spare bedroom.

"Are you two getting divorced?" Tom, our oldest, said out of the blue while we ate.

"Of course not honey," Donna replied trying to sound convincing but it wasn't.

"Well then, why is dad sleeping in the spare room and the two of you aren't talking to each other anymore?"

At nine, he wasn't pulling any punches at this point.

"We're just going through a rough patch, that's all."

"Half the kids in my class are from divorced homes. I never expected our family to be one of them," he said as he put his fork down and ran upstairs as Donna and I looked at one another.

Our two other kids just looked at us, said nothing as they finished their dinner.

"I'll be back," I said as I followed Tom upstairs.

I knocked on his door, went in and found him crying lying on his bed.

"I don't want you and mom to get a divorce," he said crying. "Don't you love mom anymore?"

"Yes I do love your mom, but it's not as simple as that."

"Why not? You love us and you wouldn't leave us if you got tired of us, would you?"

"I would never leave you or your sisters, I love you guys way too much."

"Then why would you leave mom if you love her? I don't understand," he said hugging me.

We didn't talk any more after that. We just hugged one another until we both pulled away at almost the same time. Before I left, I kissed him on the head, told him I loved him and that I always would.

The girls were gone by the time I got back downstairs. Donna was finishing up in the kitchen and I went for a beer in the refrigerator.

"That wasn't much fun," I told her taking my first sip. "He asked if I got tired of him and his sisters would I leave them to. I told him no but I'm not sure he believed me. Did the girls say anything?"

"They just asked if you were leaving us,' she told me. "Steve, I'm sorry."

"I just hope he was worth it Donna," I said with my temperature starting to rise.

"Steve, I didn't do anything last night."

"Like I said Donna, I'm tired of the bullshit, the lies and damn games. Remember, I'm the one who undressed you last night. Let's see, you left with panties on and came back without them. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out something happened between the time you left and when you came home."

"Steve, I didn't cheat on you, you've got to believe that. Do you think I'm lying?"

"Donna, I just don't have it in me to do this anymore. I love you to death but I guess I'm not the person you need or I guess want," I said grabbing my beer. I'll start looking for a place next week and will be out of your hair as soon as possible. I'll make it as painless as possible for the kids if for no one else. So if you'll excuse me, I think I want to spend a little time with my kids," I told her as I walked upstairs.

I never saw Donna the rest of the night or at all on Sunday. She was in her bedroom with the door locked and told me to go away when I finally knocked on her door to say dinner was ready. It was a quiet meal and without her at the table it just added to the tension in the room.

I made sure the kids had something to eat before I left for work on Monday. They were visibly down and even though I tried to crack a few jokes I bombed. At least school would keep their minds off what was going on if for only a few hours.

I got a recommendation for a good lawyer and sent him what I was looking for. The last thing in the world I wanted was for this to get ugly. I figured it would be best for Donna and the kids if they kept the house, at least until they turned eighteen. Money was going to get a little tight, paying for two households, but cutting back on a few things we could just make it.

By the end of the day I was drained physically and mentally. At 4:00 I called it a day. I was worthless and figured I'd spend a little more quality time with my kids before I left. With my car on autopilot I somehow made it home. For once I beat Donna home and found the kids in the living room playing some video game. I grabbed one of the controllers and announced I was going to kick their butts, all of them.

All right I lost again. I think they felt sorry for me and cut me a little slack but they still kicked my ass. We got a little wild, screaming and hollering and never noticed Donna come home. I wanted a rematch but my son told me to practice and he'd think about it. I was about to push the issue when we were all told dinner was on the table.

We all sat around the table and put of the best faces we all could. The kids told us about their day and my youngest said she'd need an outfit made for her class play. The elephant was still in the room but no one acknowledged it. We just let it sit quietly in the corner as we made the best of our time together.

Games, schoolwork, dishes all took up the next hour and a half to two hours. I stayed busy and as far away from Donna as I could. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs and shake her until I'd gotten all the anger in me out. It wasn't until some time after nine that she snuck up on me.

"Here," she said handling me a large manila envelope.

"What's this?"

"Just read it. It cost you a thousand dollars so you might as well read it."

For a moment I thought it was divorce papers because of the formal first page, but I quickly found that it was just a list of references and qualifications of the firm that had prepared it. I glanced at the next ten pages before sitting down to look at them in detail, as Donna watched me. It was the results of a polygraph test.

For the next twenty minutes I read questions and the analysis of the answers given. It wasn't just Donna, but Connie and the two other women that been with Donna last Friday night.

Were you with Donna Moore last Friday night?


Did Donna flirt and dance with Randy?


Did she leave with or have sex with Randy?


The test showed they were telling the truth. Donna's questions and answers were next.

Did you dance with Randy?


Did you carry your flirting too far with him?


Did you give him your panties?


Was he physically well endowed?


Did you want to have sex with him?


Did you have sex with him?


Have you ever had sex with anyone other than your husband since you got married?


Do you love your kids?


Do you love your husband?

More than anything.

More than sex with a big cock?


Do you want to stay married to your husband?


Do you think you can stay faithful to him?


Do you think he still loves you?


And so the questions and answers went. On the last page there was an analysis that stated that in their professional judgment, all parties answered all the questions truthfully. It was signed and notarized.

How long I held the papers, reading and rereading them is anyone's guess. Donna sat their quietly fidgeting but not saying a word, until I put the papers on the table.

"I knew you weren't going to believe me or anyone else, that's why I did this. If it saves our marriage it was worth every penny."

"Ok, you didn't cheat, but that's only one issue. I'll still never be able to keep up with you and no matter what I do, I'll still only be six and a half inches long."

"Steve I love you and the kids more than I'll ever love a big cock. Sex is great but what we have is so much better," she said now sitting on my lap. "Look, nothing in life is certain but my love for you. I could have married either one of my old boyfriends but I chose you; shouldn't that tell you something?"

We started kissing in the kitchen but quickly took it to our bedroom. She trashed my shirt as buttons flew everywhere but it had to come off and there were way too many buttons.

We took each other to new heights as we spent the next two hours making up for what we hadn't done in over a week. She was still a little sloppy but I didn't care at that point. When we finally finished, we just lay there, sticky, smelly with fluids escaping every orifice. But we were happy.

"I never want you to replacement me again," I told her. " Mr. Happy has to go but the vibrator can stay. If I have to have a damn Viagra drip by the side of our bed, so be it," at which we both laughed. "No more secrets, no more games just the two of us."

"Steve, you're all I want," she said kissing me.

"Just one question," I said propping myself up on my elbow. "Who in the hell was Randy?"

"Randy was one of the Chip N Dale dancers."

"Was he really that hung," I asked not really wanting to bring that subject up again.

"Steve, let's just say; you know that A T & T commercial that say reach out and touch someone? Well Randy could do it from half way across the room."

I called in sick Tuesday and Wednesday and I really wasn't lying. I was sore, tired and chained to the bed at one point or another. I told them that I'd be in Thursday if I felt better or if Donna would let me out of bed for more than an hour or two. After two days even Donna said it was time to take a breather, or a little while anyway.

Do I think Donna and I will make it? I give us a fifty fifty chance. I love her to death and will do whatever it takes to keep her happy, but you didn't see the look in her eyes when she described being stretched by a big cock. How long do I think she can hold out? I'm hoping until at least the kids are eighteen and maybe a lot longer. Only time will tell.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Seriously. Offensively you must me a woman with raac. Your endings are not good fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

She cheated emotionally…physical is one step away

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Love the armchair pop psychology commenters who are convinced she will cheat because she usees large dildos and uses to be a size queen. Did they read the lie detector report? She isn't a psychopath or trained to.resust interrogation, so she had no credible basis to.lie.and get away with it with the lie detector. She got drunk (really drunk), flirted too hard, and wanted Randy but did not engage beyond give her panties. That is all about being super drunk and the tension at home. Sorry but in chapter 1, hubby cane off as a whiny bitch. He had more reasons to be insecure and upset in this story, but fantasies and real life actions are two totally different beasts.

She places her love for her husband and her family above the big Os from huge penises, which is a fallacy for most women. Seeing as the Goldilocks range for penis length is 7 to 8 inches, well above average, but not massive. In a large study of sexually active women age 18 to 56, women said that maximal fulfillment drops rapidly with large pensises over 8 inches and the number of women who claim they can feel satisfied, drops precipitously to less than 10% above 10 inches, with pain as the number one complaint. Sure size does matter, but hubby needs to step up and learn some better sex techniques. At 6.5 inches he is big enough to at least graze her cervix with the right position and angle as he is 1 inch above normal and already in the top 15-20%. For her part, losses the bigger dildoes, and give hubby a chance to catch up with the pace. But hubby needs to man up. Too much complaining and then rushing to playing the divorce card. The both need better sex communication. And she needs to focus on the two of them in the bedroom aandhr needs to get his gane on.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

She will cheat. She is addicted to big cock

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago I'm clearly not man enough for her, so I'm out. Hasta.

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