Son and Lover Pt. 02


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"OK Stacey, light touch warm, harder touch hot, circles are pain relief." She nodded.

We went through the motions again, reinforcing what I'd said. All worked OK.

"Stacey, the lower you go, the better, the more sexier are the tingles until your fingers feel like the best, most expensive, super vibrator. Every time I click my fingers the feelings will get better and better."

The first few *Clicks* brought visible pleasure, the next few and Stacey had forgotten all about stomach cramps. Her fingers were just inside her skirt waistband. I *Clicked* two more times and Stacey ... OMG, Stacey unzipped her skirt, tugged it down and her vibrator fingers tucked inside her panties

*Click* and the vibrator speed went up a notch. *Click*more. Her mouth opened, her gasps of breath told me she was getting nearer *Click* and nearer *Click* and suddenly her fingers sought out her clit *Click* and soon it was *Click* all too much for her sex nerves to take.

"Eyes open, wide awake."

"Chris, you are one fucking huge pervert."

Stacey's smile told me all was super good with her. Clothes straightened, hands thankfully washed, we talked for ages. She told me (as in any hypno trance) she was totally aware of all I'd said.

"I didn't know any better way to thank you," she said, with a huge smile.

"Your tits are absolutely gorgeous." That was a absolutely true.

"You think so?" She beamed a warm smile, lifting her top to give me a second look. "My boyfriend thinks they're too small."

"No. They're perfection, but your puss is a bit of a mess."

"Tell you what," Stacey winked. "Next time you're offering a hypno-cum, I'll strip off first."

"Hmmm. How about now?" My cock was talking. I already had quite a boner.

"CHRIS! No. That's too much to ask."

"I'll make it real good. Come on, you're still horny now, aren't you? I can still click and you'll ...

Actions speak louder than words.

*Click* "Chris! No."

*Click* Stacey shivered head to toe.

*Click* "Chris ..."

*Click* OK, OK You win.

Her top came off first. *Click*Then her panties, revealing a neatly trimmed landing strip. A short piece of string hung down. *Click* *Click*

*Click*"Oh Chris"

*Click* "Ohhhh!"


The semester went well. I worked hard and learned a lot. I rang mom regularly and we were both looking forward to the long summer break. Mom had been doing the shower exercise regularly, using her fingers, the jet spray and 'a household object' to make her cum. Surely she could now engulf my lifelong friend inside her.

Angie had been learning to drive almost as soon as she started work, going round different driving schools who offered the first half dozen lessons cheap. With her test now passed she borrowed mom's car. I had heaps of stuff to bring back, so it was real good she picked me up from my HR apartment. She'd taken a half day off work and after getting lost (how the hell can you lose a huge university campus?) arrived around 3.30pm.

By 5pm we were back on the road. The rush hour starts early on Friday so we weren't delayed too much. It gave us the chance for a good chat.

As I mentioned, Angie and I worked together after dad left, so apart from the odd brother/ sister spat we were cool. Mom and dad (as you might have guessed) had always been open about things and mom continued that way after he died. Of course I'd seen Angie naked when we were kids, but bath times became separated as we grew.

It was Angie who started quite an interesting conversation. "Mom was saying you're studying some kind of therapy course."

"Yes. More and more people are living stressful lives but don't want to be hooked on happy pills."

"And something about sex ...?"

"Well yes, it depends on how my studies go. Trying to cure people's sex hangup, misunderstandings, even avoid divorces."

"Mom said something about pain relief too ... without drugs."

"Yes, I'm studying hypnotherapy as part of the course. I'd like to pursue clinical hypnotherapy."

"Chris ... hmm, I don't really know how to ask this but ... you know I get days every month when I feel really yeuk. "

"Yes I do."

"It's a girl thing. Periods. Mom said you hypnotised someone at university so it all felt a lot better."

"Yes, Stacey. And one of her friends too."

"Really? And you didn't do anything gross?"

"No. Not gross. Look, Angie you're my little sister. It's not easy to talk, like, about sexual things."

Angie pulled the car over, off the road, into a disused driveway.

"Listen, Chris. We've always been open. Mom and dad decided that. Even after dad died, that day at Blackpool when I accidentally flashed my tits while I was getting changed on the beach, you never said anything or tried it on afterwards."

"Tits?" I teased. "I thought they were grapes."

"You cheeky devil. They have grown a bit more."

"What's the point? They're mostly covered now. Except for that cleavage when you're going out."

"You shouldn't be looking."

"So I have a little sister who's grown tits and I can't admire them?"

"You certainly enjoyed yourself at my 18th party."

"But those weren't your tits I was looking at. "

"OK, OK, I'm not going to win. So, when you hypnotised them? What?"

"A few of us got talking about stuff on the Internet, where a guy made this woman cum when she was hypnotised."

"No way. Did he molest her when she was under his spell."

"And post it on that internet site? Get real, sis. No, just by talking to her and touching her leg, like this." I ran my fingers along Angie's leg.

"NO WAY! And get the fuck off my leg."

"Chill, sis. You know it felt good."

"Yeah. Felt good for you."

She touched the rapidly growing bulge in my pants.

"Sis! Get the fuck off my cock."

"We're even. We'd best get moving again."

Angie started the car, pulled off the driveway, back into the traffic.

For the next few miles nothing much we said but I noticed Angie shifting a little on her seat.

All of a sudden she said, "Anyway, how did your cock start to get that big?"

"Well, for example when my little sister comes up with some horny chat."

"Oh, so it was my fault?"

"Chill, sis. It's no big deal."

Angie laughed. "It WAS a big deal." She glanced down, pouted. "It isn't now though. Did it like being touched?"

Without warning she reached over. Gave it a rub.

"SIS NO!" Oh fuck. Too late. Even the very quick feel had got my poor love rod all excited again. "For fuck's sake watch the road."

"It's all your fault. You made me horny."

Angie came back at me as she always did. Shit, I swear if the earth stopped spinning she'd blame it on me.

When Angie finally convinced herself that I hadn't pushed a sock down my underpants, she stopped exploring.

We passed through a large chunk of open countryside just before we got into town. Angie pulled off the road again, into a picnic area which was deserted this time of day.

"OK, clever dick. You've got me real curious. What's this cum-when-I-tell-you-to trick?"

"Bloody hell. Here? Are you serious?"

"Yes. I'm curious. Never turn a girl down when she's curious."

"You want me to hypnotise you and make you cum?"

"Yes. To be truthful I've been horny all day."

I just could not understand Angie but she was more than willing.

"Clasp your hands, concentrate."

*Click* "Deeper" etc.

I lowered the angle of the driver seat. Angie was slumped in a deep, deep sleep.

The patter was very much as before, except with the extra tuition I could induce a very deep trance. Angie was now in very suggestable state.

*Click* "With each touch the pleasure tickles get stronger."

And so my patter went on ...

My hand went further up her leg, *Click*, her thigh *Click*, her inner thigh *Click, click, click*. Her orgasm was strong, but I wanted more.

"When you wake you will know you've had the best cum of your life. It won't be enough for you."

I paused, made sure the command sank in.

"Angie. You will wake refreshed, buzzing, able to drive safely home. Every time I *Click*, even though you are awake, your clit and your pussy will tingle, as if an invisible tongue is licking your clit. Nod if you understand."

Angie was well out of it, but she nodded.

"You will not remember what I've said until I tell you so, but you'll know you've cum, and you'll know why."

She nodded again.

"Remember. Every *Click* will feel more and more like the best clit lick you've EVER had. You'll still drive safely and when we get home you'll be as horny as hell."

Again I waited.

"You'll plead with me for release. Only I can quench your horny feelings. You will decide how you want me to do it."

I could have said 'you will fuck me' but hey, I love surprises. And giving Angie the choice would mean she was OK with it.

With Angie's mind fully programmed I decided to see what happened.

"3 2 1 wide awake." It took her a few seconds to realise where she was.

"OK, little sis. Did you cum?"

She smiled. "Yeah, I feel fantastic. Thanks big brother." She leaned over, gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I guess I owe you a treat." Angie unbuttoned her plain white office blouse a bit more. Where there was cotton there was now deep cleavage. My little sister didn't believe in chain store bras. This was more an upmarket style.

"Nice." *Click*

The look on Angie's face was a picture. She shifted position on her seat.

"How about a little more?" Sis was teasing. Another button.

"Even nicer." *Click* There was puzzlement spreading across her face.

"How about ... " Angie clicked open the front fastener. The bra cups parted. " Sorry big bro. That's all you're gonna get while I'm driving."

"That's OK. Your rules." *Click*

Her legs visibly parted. "What the fuck?" She shivered that kind of wow shiver.

*Click* "Anything wrong, sis."

"I just don't ..." *Click* "Ohhhh."

" Sis?" *Click*

"Christopher. What have you?" *Click*

"Chris, please, no." *Click* "Ohhhh!"

*Click* "Chris. Please. It's like a hundred tongues are licking me out."

"Oh come on little sis. That's good isn't it?"

"NO, Chris, not when I'm trying to fucking drive. Quit it mister."

"OK, OK. We're nearly home anyway. But as soon as we get home, it'll be *Click* straight away."

Oops! I almost saw the orgasm ripple through her.

"Chris, you bastard. You just made me cum."


To Angie's delight we finally arrived home with the car still intact. It was a good job we got upstairs with the first lot of my stuff before mom had chance to see Angie's open blouse and unfastened bra.

"You sod," she told me with a face halfway between grin and mock anger. "I've half a mind to kick you in the bollocks."

Thankfully she didn't. Blouse and bra niftily corrected she helped me take the rest of my stuff upstairs.

Mom, of course, had appeared. The hugs and kisses were a little embarrassing with my little sister looking on, but they were to be expected.

Mom didn't see Angie stood behind her, two fingers in her mouth in a mock gagging gesture.

We took the stuff up. *Click*

"Chris, please don't ..." *Click*

"Don't what?" I answered. *Click*

"If you don't stop, I'm ... *Click*

"Going to what, Angie baby?" *Click*

She grabbed hold of me before I could click any more, fell backwards on to the bed and lifted her skirt.

"You've got me so fucking horny. You sort it. Lick me out. NOW."

My cock was so hard from teasing her so, I could hardly contain myself. But I'd given her the choice. I could fuck her later. Right now she wanted eating out.

I almost ripped her soaked panties off her. Knelt on the floor I dragged her level with my mouth. The scent was divine, but I admit I hate eating pussy hair.

Not content with having just my tongue on her soaked twat, I *Clicked* several times. Now hypnosis might be good for remembering or visualising how 100 tongues licking might feel, but it sure didn't beat having a real one there.

Her cunt was leaking gallons of pussy juice and by god it tasted heavenly. Her clit was engorged and super sensitive. It took a very short time to make her see stars. Is 3 cums enough for one day? This summer I intended to find out. If I had my way she'd be cumming until she was sore ... even with a tampon inside her.

I honestly thought little sis would be angry with me for taking such liberties, not to mention being called 'Angie baby' which she hated. No way. A little dazed from the super cum she rose from the bed and went straight for my zipper.

Angie was no BJ expert but she sure could fix a solid hard-on.

"Well, big brother," she noted before munching my pecker, "If I'd known about this before it could have been quite different."

Angie was obviously a no frills all thrills kind of girl. What she lacked in technique she made up for in enthusiasm. Given that I was probably more ready to cum than Angie, I soon blew my load. Disappointingly most of my cum ended up outside her mouth, kind of splattered all around it.

Both satisfied and both relatively even we decided we'd had enough for one day.

As it was, mom called up saying dinner was ready. It was the first time since January that we'd all eaten together. Thankfully mom didn't believe in student diets of burgers, fries, kebabs, pizzas and Indian takeaways.

"So you've decided to swap courses?" asked mom. Did we have to talk about studies?

"Yes, I decided to concentrate on hypnotherapy, but I'll still keep on with massage and reflexology, possibly other alternatives too."

"Didn't you mention too about helping couples?"

As the conversation went on, mom seemed to just be talking to me. I felt Angie's hand on my zipper. The bitch probably didn't care much about the chat, or she was seeking revenge for my hypno teasing and, most probably, for calling her Angie baby. As mom and I got locked more and more in our own little world, Angie tried her hardest to make me take notice. To her disgust it wasn't working.

Of course it was Friday, Angie's night in at one of her friends houses. Dinner finally over, she went up to get changed and put on her war paint. Why she needed it for a night in, god only knows.

As soon as she was gone, mom changed the subject. We were still at the dinner table, the bottle of rosé pleading to be finished.

"I've been doing your exercises, and more," she proclaimed.

"I noticed the empty wine bottle in the bathroom," I said, "You weren't drinking as well, we're you?'

I swear I thought I saw mom blush.

"Oh ... no ... I must admit I got carried away a couple of times."


"Well, bottles fit quite nicely."

"You didn't ...?" Mom nodded. "How much of it?"

"I guess I was really afraid when Ray forced his giant cock me. When I masturbated, like you told me, I'd cum and I felt really buzzing."

She paused, as if feeling guilty. I let her take her time. Angie always took an eternity to apply her war paint.

"It was just the neck of the bottle at first. All my juices were flowing, just like before Ray hurt me, so I tried opening myself a bit more each time."

"Mom, you could have hurt yourself, stretched too far."

"Chris," she put her hand on my arm. "I wanted to prepare myself for you."

"Mom ... are you saying ...?"

"Yes, Chris."

My cock was solid with what I'd heard ... plus Angie's attention. I thought I heard her coming out of the bathroom.

"Mom," I finally admitted. "I'd just love that."

Our conversation changed again as Angie came downstairs. My sister, my once chubby, gawky, tiny titted sister, was no longer the ugly duckling. What would I give to be able to fuck mom, then Angie, in tandem. Angie looked ravishing. There was a time her going-out clothes and her war paint made her look like a cheap street girl.

Not any more. Angie was wet dream material; short but not indecent skirt, stylish blouse tight enough to emphasise her gorgeous tits but not make her look cheap, hair hot brushed to perfection. And as she passed by me, my nose took in the perfume of an expensive brand. I could have fucked her there and then. Little sis, Angie baby, had just grown up.

Angie collected a bottle of tequila from the fridge, her contribution towards the Friday night-in party. With a smile, and a sly wink to me, she left to catch the 7.15 bus.


Mom and I were alone again. The second bottle of rosé was already open, glasses refilled. Mom's kiss, on it's own, was deeply satisfying and very sexual. The way she ground her pubis against my rapidly swelling cock was reassuring. Mom meant business.

We moved over to the large sofa.

"Hypnotise me," mom said, "Make me obey you."

"I can't make you do anything, mom. All I can do is ease your inhibitions."

"Chris, you must know what I've wanted for some while now. Say what you need to say to make it fantastic for both of us."

I began the spell. Mom was reawakened, refreshed, revitalised. I was horny as hell. I clicked my fingers once.

*Click* "I want you to fuck me, Chris. I want you to ram your cock inside me and fuck me till it hurts. Ram it in hard. I want you to fuck me hard Chris. Tear off my filthy, soaked panties and fuck me."

OK, so the gutter language was working.

*Click* "Stronger pleasure tickles mom. Stronger, sexier, clit buzzing tingles every time I click.'

*Click* Mom got impatient and pulled her panties off with some force. Her legs widened, showing her open cunt.

My pants and boxers came off with equal speed. My cock sprang out, eager to fill the hole she'd shown me. *Click* The angle and awkwardness of fucking on the sofa made it more pleasurable for both of us,*Click* and even if I didn't cum, mom would. *Click*Already her breathing was deepening and *Click* feeling me inside her would *Click* speed things up.

Mom was almost in tears. "Chris, if only you knew just how special this is to me ..." Her voice tapered off as her climax was building. "It's ... been ... so ... many ... years."

As Vesuvius erupted and the eruption subsided, so mom burst into tears. Absolutely inconsolable, she sobbed her heart out. It took several minutes before she calmed down.

She hugged and kissed me.

"Chris, you just don't know what this means to me. Thank you ever so much."

Despite being given wonderful blow job, my mood was as reflective as mom's. Doubtless she had dad on her mind and for the rest of the evening we sat sipping more rosé wine and watching TV.

The following morning she was her bright and breezy self, and the rest of the day ... indeed the rest of the summer ... well that was to become another chapter.

Epilogue: It bugged me for a while how my little sister had suddenly shown much interest. Apart from mom's gospel spreading, I found out that one of Angie's friends had posted some details about my pocket rocket on her Internet blog. This, you may remember, came from what happened during Angie's 18th birthday party. It would be well into summer before I found out the girl's name ... and her phone number, address and the brand label of the panties she wore.

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RuckinLguardRuckinLguardover 2 years ago

Good story so far, but it really seems like you rushed the ending with mom. Given that making love to his mother was the driving factor for everything the MC did up until this point, closing off with "we moved to the dove came really big...The End" was disappointing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
More Please

I love these two stories. Please post another chapter, or two.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
of course this excellent story needs another chapter

Chris's blown his brotherly balls in Angie's warm wet mouth. Now he needs to do it up his baby sister's warm wet twat. As for mom, the boy did a great job jamming his head between his mother's thighs, where it last was some 20 or so years before, and slurping mom's babyhole half to death. But now Chris's got to stick his fat young cock up between her thighs, up into the mother-lode, so to speak. Then her son can shoot her his own load. Face it, it's the truth--a boy's penis and his mother's vagina--made for each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
you need at least one more chapter

and that chapter is the love and raw sex the mother will give him now w/o being under his spell!!!

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 9 years ago
Progressing very nicely

Can't wait for more

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