Sort of Legal Ch. 04


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"Look at me, maggots," he said, "my name is Chief Sargent Grimshaw, and it is my distinct displeasure to have you maggots in my care."

He glared at them as he continued pacing round the room, he pulled a battery out his pocket and held it up.

"This battery has a serial number, it is a part of the T-Fed machine, you have a number, you are part of the T-Fed machine, and like this battery when it is useless, you throw it away, get that in your dumb heads, you are disposable, when you are no use to us I will have no hesitation in throwing you away!"

He tossed the battery away as the recruits watched.

"I have rules, you will discover them, but this one I explain on day one so there is no confusion; do not touch any of your platoon mates in any inappropriate way. Do not perv on them, do not make comments about them. I will not tolerate any of that shit, and my wrath is something to fear, do I make myself clear?" he asked.

"Yes sir," the recruits replied disjointedly.

"Oh, for fucks sake, get it together, when I ask a question the answer is 'Yes Sir', nice and loud as one, try again!"

Grimshaw made them practice several more times till the recruits could complete it to his satisfaction before he left them for the night. Ginger was disappointed when she realised Lyn wasn't in her platoon. The recruits busied themselves putting their equipment away.

She smiled putting the jump suit, black dress, wig and heels in the personal space.

At zero four the shouting started again, Grimshaw bursting into the barrack room yelling at the top of his lungs, two other instructors, dressed in the same vest as the Jager company instructors accompanied him, one of them female, tipping beds over to encourage slow recruits to jump to.

They drove the recruits outside onto the morning rain, they were off running again, Ginger pushing her way through the squad till she was second.

As they got to the end of the run Grimshaw glared at Ginger, making a 'watching you' gesture.

"Get that bog cleaned up, twenty minutes!" Grimshaw yelled as the recruits panted in the early morning gloom.

The recruits piled inside and rapidly started cleaning the barracks, the time flew by faster then they could believe, Grimshaw stalking into the room as they hurried back to their bay's standing to attention at the foot of the bed.

He stalked down the room throwing random items everywhere as he found they had failed to clean properly.

"You should know better!" he yelled in Gingers face, "fifty."

Ginger got down and started her press-ups as Grimshaw threw everything, including the bed out of her bay.

The first two weeks were much like Jager company, running, running more running, weights, assault courses. Cleaning and inspections, everyone ending with equipment and furniture strewn around the barracks room.

Gradually the platoon came together, and the inspections were less likely to end in the room destroyed.

"Time to step it up maggots," Grimshaw announced, "get your combats on."

The recruits tumbled into the room changing quickly int the combat pants and jacket before forming up again outside.

Grimsaw ran them over to a new assault course.

"Go!" he yelled.

The recruits burst forward, Ginger pushing hard as she crossed each obstacle.

Panting hard she ran towards the edge, suddenly she froze at the edge of the deep pool in front of her, easily ten meters wide and over thirty long, one other recruit was already in it, water up to his neck as he waded through the dark water.

"Get in!" one of the instructors yelled in her ear, panicked Ginger looked round at him.

"Get fucking moving!" he screamed as another recruit leapt into the frigid water beginning his crossing.

Ginger was paralysed with fear she stood trembling at the edge unable to move.

"Are you fucking quitting?" Grimshaw bellowed in her ear.

"No, Sir," Ginger gasped.

"Then fucking move, get your ass in there!" he screamed as she trembled.

Ginger stood on the edge watching the water intensely.

"Ok that's it, your finished, step out," he said putting his hand on her shoulder.

"No, Sir," she said shaking his hand off.

"Then get the fuck on, Young," Grimshaw screamed grabbing her and throwing her directly into the pool.

Ginger shrieked as she flew through the air. The water swallowed her up as she sunk into the tank, panicking Ginger fought her way to the surface, she took big gasping breaths as she broke the surface, shorter than most of the recruits she was only just able to keep her face above the water.

Desperately she looked around trying to work out how to get out of the pool, she saw the female instructor waving at her, pointing the right way for her to go, "move your ass, bitch!"

Fighting down her panic she waded thought the freezing water. She staggered up the ramp water pouring off her. Gaping she stood with her hands on her knees sucking great lung full of fresh air.

Grimshaw grabbed her by the collar hauling her upright, "You're not in the top five, quit now!"

Ginger shook her head and pulled away and ran after the other recruits her boots squelching as they shed their water.

She pushed and pushed, catching the recruits ahead of her one by one, finally the end of the course was in sight, the dug deep forcing her tired body to respond, determined not to fail.

"Seventh," Grimshaw smirked, "Time to go home."

Ginger panted wiping her face staring him down.

He raised his eyebrow as Ginger looked at him.

"Hundred," he said.

Ginger snorted and dropped starting the hundred, determined not to give him the satisfaction of quitting.

She could hear other recruits arriving panting heavily.

Grimshaw's boots came into her field of view as she continued the push ups. A cloth patch, the shape of a spear tip was dangled in front of her eyes.

"This is my pathfinder badge, you maggot, are not even close to good enough to stand near me, I don't want weak feeble worms in my corps."

Ginger said nothing just kept pushing.

"You couldn't even do the tank, how do you think you can pass the rest of the course?" he asked.

Gingers arms felt like they were on fire as she continued pushing.

Grimshaw rapped his knuckles on her bald head, "are you listening to me?"

"Yes Sir," she barked getting to her feet breathing heavily.

"Well quit then, you're not cut out for this," he said.

Gingers temper exploded, she turned and ran off back down the assault course.

"Where the fuck are you going?" he yelled after her as the rest of the platoon watched her run off.

Ginger ran as fast as she could, pushing the fatigue back as she passed the obstacles. Seeing the tank she skidded round back onto the course. Stopping to collect herself at the run up to the tank.

"I don't have the time for this shit!" yelled Grimshaw closing in.

Ginger narrowed her eyes, she snarled at Grimshaw, screaming she sprinted to the edge jumping as high and as far as she could.

The water exploded as Ginger hit it, sinking fast she panicked and pushed up, gasping as she broke the surface.

"Get the fuck out of there," Grimshaw yelled, Ginger waded as quickly as she could pulling herself through the water. As soon as she was free of the cold water she ran back to the finish of the course as the rest of the recruits waited. The other instructors glaring at her.

Grimshaw slid to a halt in front of her, "that did not impress me maggot," he snarled.

The tired platoon jogged back to the barracks. Ginger staring daggers into Grimshaw's back as they ran.

"Fuck, you pissed him off," one of the recruits said as she pushed the broom around as Ginger polished the chair legs.

Ginger grunted, "he can kiss my ass, I'm not quitting."

"Yeah, I hear you, better try to keep your head down though," she said.

The course continued, Grimshaw never letting up on Ginger pushing her harder and harder, she bit down hard on her fear of water every time she had to cross the tank, always throwing herself fully into it. Gradually they became harder and harder, route marches, infantry tactics and weapons. Ginger found the weapons easy to master and found she had a good aim, keeping her amongst the top five recruits.

The weeks rolled by, Grimshaw staying with them as they transitioned to advanced infantry school.

Collecting the recruits in full combat gear Grimshaw ran them to the flight line, the other platoons arrived, Ginger caught a glimpse of Lyn as she passed.

They boarded the dropship, the crew chief checking each weapon as they entered, the recruits sitting with the muzzle on the deck.

"Orbital insertion training today," Grimshaw said as the drop ship took off, "it's the same as disembarking from armour, so just do the same, and do not embarrass me when we get on the troop ship."

Ginger looked out the window watching the curve of Terra as the drop ship climbed to orbit.

"This is the Indomitable, an assault cruiser," Grimsaw said pointing the wedge-shaped craft as they approached, Ginger could see the name painted on white letters towards the bow.

"For those of you who pass," Grimshaw looked pointedly at Ginger, "You will be spending a lot of time on this or one of her sister ships, Invincible or Invictus."

Ginger watched as the ship got bigger till it filled the window forming a solid wall of grey. The ship bumped as it touched down.

The ramp dropped, and the recruits exited the ship taking a knee as instructed.

"Ok so this is a full tactical drop, so listen to my orders and be ready, remember to fan out and cover our arcs of fire. Each section to your arc," Grimshaw said.

The recruits boarded the drop ship and once the crew chief was satisfied the drop ship flew out of the hanger, it dropped fast reminding Ginger of her initial drop to Jager Company.

The ship began to buck and weave as it fell. Ginger felt eyes on her and looked up to see Grimshaw staring at her, his anger seemingly barely contained.

He pulled the crew chief down and said something to him, intelligible over the noise of the drop. The crew chief nodded and looked around at the recruits grinning as he spoke into the mike on his helmet.

The buffeting on the ship grew worse throwing the recruits back and fourth as the ship lurched ever downwards. Ginger looked again at Grimshaw he hadn't taken his eyes off her.

Ignoring him, she mentally rehearsed her part in the initial deployment, covering her arc, twenty meters out from the ramp. Right rear quarter.

As the ship lurched hard she looked across at the recruit sat there, he looked sick, suddenly he vomited hard, another lurch sent most of it flying across the ship splattering into Ginger and the recruits either side of her.

She wiped the slimy mess of her face flicking it to the floor.

"Fucking seriously?" she asked the recruit across from her, holding up her hands.

"Sorry," he muttered wiping his own face.

"Problem Young?" Grimshaw yelled.

"I though he'd buy me a drink before he blew all over me, Sir," she yelled back.

Even Grimshaw joining in the laughter as the ship fell.

The red light came on in the cabin, "five minutes," Grimshaw yelled.

The recruits checked over their gear one last time getting ready for the run in and disembark. The crew chief opening the ramp and side doors. Ginger sat with one hand on the release button of her harness as she waited for the ship to touch down.

Swooping low the recruits were pressed hard down into the seat, the warning light changed to green.

"Go!" Grimshaw ordered, the recruits slapping the harness release button and racing out the doors to take their assigned position. Debits were kicked up pelting the recruits as the ship took off leaving them eerily quiet as Ginger scanned he arc.

The recruits spent the rest of the week perfecting orbital drops, Ginger wonder idly where on Terra they were, sometimes it was tropical, sometimes it was freezing cold. Terrain varied from desert to mountains and rain forests, in stages they expanded from basic drops and recovery to drops with assaults or patrols. Always recovering to the Indomitable.

Half of the course seemed to be learning ship routine as Grimshaw chased them down, working them hard. Jumping on them any time one of them made the slightest mistake, Ginger feeling like she was pushing out press ups almost continuously.

The days blended together for Ginger, they shifted from the initial orbital drops to fighting on the ship, clearing rooms much the same as they did on Terra in the urban warfare training, or FISH as the recruits called it, fighting in someone's house.

Eventually Grimshaw declared they were good enough and they were issued the Zero-zero suit, zero gravity, zero atmosphere. More commonly referred to as Triple zero suit, zero gravity, zero atmosphere, zero chance. More training was carried out with the compartments vented and the artificial gravity turned off.

"Right, time for boarding training, this is one of the most hazardous tasks we have to perform, the target is interdicted, hopefully weapons disabled and then we go in and ask them nicely to stop being naughty," Grimshaw said as the recruits knelt on the flight line. "make sure all of your pouches are closed and locked, lanyards on everything, anything not secured you will lose and you don't want to watch your rifle floating away in deep space."

Boarding the drop ship they ran though the pre-flight check, each recruit answering as they confirmed they had communications working. The ship drifted out of the hanger, doors open depressurising the ship as it left the protection of the hanger. Ginger watched as they approached a string of cargo pods, bright warning lights flashed from the corners as it drifted in space.

Grimshaw took station at the rear ramp, he turned to face the recruits, "obviously the drop ship is a valuable piece of equipment and we don't want to lose it so it will be rare for us to land on the target, so we come in close and then, well you jump, get lined up on your run before you exit, get your boots down first and get to your arc, same as always. All we're doing this time is the landing. Everyone clear?"

"Yes Sir," the recruits chanted back as one.

"Stand up," he yelled, the recruits obeying instantly, "right from the cockpit back, face the ramp and then run the length of the ship, aim and jump. Young, you first."

Ginger rolled her eyes behind her armoured face plate, this had been Grimshaw's latest trick to force her to quit, make her go first, every breach, every entry. She wondered what his problem was with her. Squaring her shoulders, she collected herself and stared down the bay as she waited for the order to disembark.

"Go!" he yelled.

Ginger exploded forwards sprinting as fast as she could, locking her eyes on the target she leapt into the void. Eyes locked on her landing place she fought to get her legs forward as she closed in, breathing hard she managed to plant her feet firmly, the magnetic soles activating as she landed, squatting she pulled her rifle up and scanned her arc.

She grinned at the burst of adrenalin from the jump, surely Grimshaw couldn't fault her this time.

Ginger could hear other recruits landing behind her as they took their own leap onto the target, suddenly the comms burst to life.

"Get your feet out!" Grimshaw yelled.

Ginger turned her head slightly and watched one of the recruit's tumble through the void, she wondered who it was as they crashed into the deck scrabbling for a hand hold as they slid over the metal surface.

Two of the closest recruits made a grab for the tumbling figure, none of them were close enough and he skidded off the target and away onto space.

He screamed as he floated away, the comms cutting out suddenly.

"Shut your fucking hole, you sound like Young at the tank," Grimshaw yelled at the flailing figure. The recruits watched as the recruit tumbled further away from the target unable to save himself. Grimshaw launched himself from the back of the drop ship, his trajectory much higher as he sailed across to the recruit. He grabbed hold of the figure and rockets flared on his back halting them a good hundred meters from the target.

The drop ship touched down on the target as Grimshaw landed with the recruit, "again," he barked.

Again, and again the recruits practiced making the leap to the target, twice more someone made a mistake and each time Grimshaw pulled them back to the target.

Landing back in the hanger the recruits removed their helmets and laughed shaking out the sweat that filled them. Grimshaw spoke to each recruit that had cocked up the landing, giving them each a hundred press ups.

Ginger tensed as he approached her, "I probably would have let you go," he snarled as he passed.

She shook her head watching his retreating back.

"He fucking hates you," one of the recruits said sadly.

Ginger just shrugged as they headed off for lunch.

The recruits returned to the surface a few days later, most of them so tired they slept on the flight down despite the buffeting.

Formed up the platoon waited for Grimshaw. A few minutes he marched up.

"Right, maggots, this morning you'll be choosing your speciality trade, so listen carefully to the presentation, right turn! Quick march!" he yelled.

Filing into the auditorium the recruits were seated by platoon, on the stage several officers waited.

Master Sargent Hartnell marched to the front of the stage, "maggots, listen to the briefing from these officers, here is where you decided your future."

First up was a Major from the infantry, Ginger paid scant attention as he described life in an infantry company to them.

A Captain from the signals branch spoke next, Ginger listened distractedly as he made his pitch.

Next came a Major from the air branch, explaining the role of the aircrew, door gunners and crew chiefs, holding out the carrot of a possibility of earning a commission and undertaking pilot training. Ginger smiled wondering if she should apply for that, it seemed pretty cool. Her eye was drawn to the Marine at the end, the only non-commissioned officer who sat bored, examining his nails. She wondered what he was there for.

Following him was another Major, from the Intelligence section, he explained how valuable they were to the battlefield and listed the minimum requirements for application.

Next came officers from the armoured branch, mech and tracked. Artillery made their pitch. None of the roles on offer sparked any interest in Ginger, except infantry, she'd joined to fight, everything else seemed to be cheating to her.

With a sigh the non-commissioned officer stood up and made his way to the front, "pathfinder, tip of the spear, you can apply, but take my advice, don't bother, you'll need two years infantry experience before you try out with us," with nothing else he turned and sat back down. Ginger looked round at Grimshaw, his eyes boring into her, she smiled. Looking down at the pad on the arm of the chair she ticked Pathfinder.

Next to her the recruit snorted, "have you got a fucking death wish?" he asked.

Ginger snorted, "fuck him, I can take any shit that cunt wants to hand out."

"I hope your right, for your sake," he said with a chuckle.

Dismissed once all the recruits had made a selection they formed up outside, the whole platoon knew already Ginger had put down for Pathfinder. She felt the platoon tense guessing Grimshaw was closing in, he stopped in front of Ginger his fists clenching and unclenching as he glared at her, defiantly Ginger stuck her chin out, daring him to hit her.

He marched to the front of the platoon, 'Left turn, quick march!" he screamed.

Arriving back to the barracks he halted them out the front. He marched up to Ginger standing inches from her, his body vibrating with furry.