Sort of Legal Ch. 04


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"Are you fucking kidding?" he screamed in her face.

"No sir."

"Did you listen to what he said about Pathfinder?" he yelled spittle hitting her face.

"Yes Sir," she screamed back at him.

"And you have the fucking arrogance to think you can just walk into the Pathfinders?" he screamed.

Ginger said nothing maintaining her gaze above her head height.

"The rest of you fall out, Young back here, full combat rig, thirty seconds," he yelled.

Ginger and the rest dashed inside, Ginger jumping into her combats, grabbing her helmet, rifle and webbing pulling it all on as she raced back outside checking all the pouches were closed as was the dust cover on the rifle, she skidded to a halt back out front.

Casually Grimshaw walked up as she panted.

"Apply your cam cream," he said softly.

Ginger took a knee and quickly applied the camouflage cream to her face and hands, ensuring she covered the back of her ears and neck. She stood up.

"Standing orders for Marine Young," Grimshaw coughed, "for recruit Young," he corrected himself, "You will be dressed as you are now for the remainder of the course."

"Yes Sir,"

"Do you know what a sugar biscuit is Young?" he asked conversationally.

"No Sir,"

He held a small oval biscuit in her line of site, "this is a sugar biscuit, see how the sugar adheres to the outside?"

"Yes Sir."

"How do you think they make it stick?" he asked casually.

"I have no idea Sir," Ginger said wondering where this whole thing was going, she was sure it wasn't good.

"They get it wet," he said smiling dangerously at her.

"OK Sir."

"Of course, in the Pathfinders a sugar biscuit is something quite different," looking off into the distance he took a bite of the biscuit. He took off his Pathfinder patch and held it out to her.

"Take it," he said quietly.

Ginger took it from his hand looking at it.

"That's right, touch it, look at it, smell it,"

Hesitantly Ginger held it too her nose and sniffed it.

Grimshaw snatched it out of her hand, "that's as fucking close as you will ever get!" he screamed.

Getting right up in her face his nose preictally touching hers, "Every time I call 'sugar biscuit' you will instantly leave everything run, and I mean fucking run, to the tank cross it, then roll in the sand drag then return, at a run, do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," she yelled back.

"Sugar biscuit!"

Ginger turned and ran to the tank, launching herself into the cold water, she gasped for breath as she broke the surface pulling herself through the water squelching from the tank she threw herself down in the sand drag covering herself completely in sand, she ran back to the barracks her boots squelching.

Training continued, a little different form before, the recruits practicing everything they've been taught, hardly any rest as the transitioned from one exercise to the other, Ginger spending the whole time covered in sand and soaked through, even when they were away from sand and water Grimshaw would find mud or something else to ensure she was wet and cold. On ship he simply hosed her down with the fire hose.

Ginger took it all, biting down hard on any show of weakness, other recruits helped her, sneaking hot drinks to her or helping her clean her bay. All of them silently wondering how much the young girl could take.

Running back from the sand drag she saw Master Sargent Hartnell watching her run.

"Halt!" she barked.

Ginger slid to a halt and came to attention.

Hartnell walked around Ginger as she stood panting.

"Young, why are you in this state of dress?" she snapped.

Ginger groaned inwardly remembering the Master Sergeants warning form months past.

"Standing orders from Chief Sargent Grimshaw, Sir," she yelled.

"And why did I just watch you cross the tank and roll in the sand drag?" she asked.

"Standing orders from Chief Sargent Grimshaw."

"I see, you must have committed some major infraction for this level of attention," she said.

Ginger said nothing remaining at attention.

"No comment? Nothing to say, do you want to make a complaint, recruit?" she asked softly.

"No sir!" Ginger shouted.

"Get moving then!" Hartnell yelled.

Ginger took off at a sprint collecting a further fifty press-ups for taking her time.

Wet and sandy Ginger fell asleep as the drop ship took off. She didn't bother to open her eyes as it began its fall back to earth, she only briefly opened her eyes as the recruit next to her vomited, some splattering on her leg, she ignored it and closed her eyes.

"Five minutes out, stand by!" Grimshaw yelled.

Ginger pulled herself from her brief sleep checking her gear again, making sure everything was right, she placed her hand over the release button as the tail door dropped. Felling the ship slow she pressed the button to releases.

"Go!" Grimshaw yelled as the green light came on.

Ginger sprinted down the ramp landing and taking her assigned position.

The drop ship took off pelting the recruits with debris as it blasted away, Ginger concentrating on her arc looking for the enemy.

"Contact front!" someone yelled as the crackle of rifle fire began.

The recruits who could see the enemy began returning fire.

"Move right flank!" Grimshaw yelled.

Gingers section moved position enabling them to apply more fire to the target, seeing a figure Ginger flicked off her safety and began engaging the target.

The enemy fell back as they poured more fire onto them.

"Fix bayonets, fight through!" Grimshaw yelled.

Ginger smiled as she heard the recruits all snap the wickedly sharp blade to the muzzle of the rifle.

"Go, move fucking move!" Grimshaw yelled grabbing the web belt of one recruit hurling him forward, Ginger sprinted forward to the enemy position seeing the bayonet target on the floor she pictured Grimshaw laying there as she drove her bayonet deep into the target, with a twist and a sharp tug she pulled free, smiling as simulated blood and guts poured from the wounds.

Pushing through the recruits stopped a few meters past the cleared position panting heavily from the exertion.

Artillery rounds landed behind them crashing into the former enemy position, the recruits diving to the ground. Gingers ears rang despite the hearing protection, clods of earth landing around her.

More rifle fire started from ahead of them up a fierce slope.

"Enemy front!" Ginger yelled, returning fire to the flashes she could see from the hillside.

Other recruits began engaging the enemy as well, Ginger watched the figures run away again up the hill.

"Lets fucking get them!" She yelled her blood lust rising, her section followed pepper potting up the hill, half moving half firing at the retreating enemy.

Grimshaw drove the rest of the platoon up the hill, Gingers section taking the lead following her as she snarled up the hill, driving her bayonet into any target she found, imagining each one of them was Grimshaw laying there.

Artillery rounds continued to drop behind them as the climbed, all of them panting and sweating as they climbed close to the top of the hill.

Focused on the task Ginger hardly paid any attention to the noise of the rounds falling only the screamed orders in her headset as she struggled up the hill, teeth beared as she sought to close with the enemy who, frustratingly, kept pulling back up the hill.

Seeing the enemy soldiers break from cover on the crest of the hill and retreat again Ginger smiled, "Lets go they're broken finish the cunts!"

Her section pushed forward again all of them charging the last few meters to the top, they burst over the lip catching the enemy soldiers still trying to get to a fall-back position. They panicked starting to run down the reverse slope of the hill.

Ginger whooped with delight lost in the blood lust she was finally going to kill these fuckers for making her fight up the slope. She aimed her bayonet at the nearest and screamed running forward.

The enemy troops ran pell-mell down the reverse slope, Gingers section chasing them down.

"Halt! End ex, recover," Grimshaw yelled over the comm net.

Sliding to a halt Ginger suddenly looked up from her target as he continued to pull away.

"That's it you scum, re group on the top of the hill," Grimshaw said.

Wearily Ginger and her section puled back to the top of the hill. The platoon re grouped and checked they were still fit to fight.

"Ok get a brew going, you shouldn't need telling maggots," Grimshaw said walking around the platoon. Smiling Ginger pulled the self-heating can out and waited for it to warm.

"Young!" Grimshaw yelled.

Still holding her coffee, she dashed over to Grimshaw.

"Sir!" she barked.

"Open your mouth," he said.

Obediently she did. Grimshaw grunted and stuffed a sugar biscuit in her mouth. He pushed some packets into her arms.

"Hand them round," he said with a smile.

Shocked Ginger handed the rest of the biscuits to the smiling recruits.

They sat on the top of the hill drinking coffee and eating some field rations all of them enjoying the sudden chance to relax.

The noise of the returning drop ship stirred the recruits packing away the equipment as they prepared to move onto the next exercise.

Sighing Ginger pulled herself to her feet.

"Fall in" Grimshaw yelled as the rear ramp dropped.

They were surprised to see Hartnell and an office come down the ramp, two other marines followed carrying a box. The recruits fell in as Grimshaw saluted the officer.

"Attention," Hartnell barked.

The officer stepped forward, "the Marines of the Terran Federation are a fighting force, you have been forged into marines here in this crucible. It is my pleasure to welcome you to this brotherhood, you are Marines, you will always be Marines. Congratulations."

The officer progressed down the rank of Marines, shaking each one by the hand and giving them their distinctive black beret. Hartnell and Grimshaw shook hands with the recruits as they followed.

The officer and Sergeants returned to the front of the formation.

"There is one other award, best recruit, this is the recruit who has embodies the Marine traditions of discipline, attitude, fitness and fighting spirit, Chief Sargent Grimshaw," he said.

Grimshaw locked eyes with Ginger momentarily, "Best recruit, Marine Young." He barked, the marines either side of her patter her heartily on the back as she grinned.

The marines were dismissed, and they stood around congratulating each other, all of them as proud as they have ever been. A barbeque was started. Beers were handed out to the recruits, Grimshaw making sure every one of them got a beer. Handing one to Ginger he looked her in the eye saying nothing. Ginger shrugged and turned away, chatting animatedly with the platoon.

As darkness fell they flew back to the barracks, they marched filthy but proudly back to the Barracks, all of them still sporting the Black beret.

The following days were spent rehearsing for the formal passing out parade. Grimshaw said nothing directly to Ginger but she noticed him watching her intently from time to time, often seeing him as she took extra runs once they were finished work for the day.

Spotting him ahead of her one day she pushed to catch him up, he noticed her as she pulled alongside him. Increasing his pace, he pulled away from her turning down the road adjacent to the assault course.

Ginger picked up her pace catching him, she grinned as they neared the assault course, pushing ahead of Grimshaw she darted off to the tank, sprinting as she approached launching herself full into the tank and dragging herself out of it, sprinting to the sand drag she dropped and rolled covering herself in sand.

Catching up to Grimshaw she pulled alongside him.

"Didn't want you to think I was getting soft."

Grimshaw said nothing as he continued to run, Ginger pealed away and ran back to the barracks.


Walking down the ranks of the newly passed out Marines Grimshaw handed each of them an envelope of orders, all of them clutching them tightly behind their backs as he progressed. He stared coldly at Ginger ash he pushed her envelope into her hand.

Grimshaw took his post back in front of the Marines, "Platoon, to your duties, fall out!"

The Marines took the right turn and fell out of formation, several of them dashing over to shake hands with Grimshaw, the gruff Chief Sargent letting his pride show through as he congratulated each of them in turn.

Ignoring him Ginger ripped her orders open, scanning them she whooped with delight seeing she was to report for Pathfinder training in ten days. She hugged and congratulated the other Marines wondering if she'd ever see them again as they began their own paths in the Marines.

Grimshaw pushed himself out of the knot of Marines as Ginger approached.

She held up her orders, "Pathfinder's"

"You have no fucking idea the shit storm you've brought down on yourself, when your laying in the cold wet dirt crying your eyes out, think of me. I'll be home, with my family, eating a lovely dinner, drinking a cold beer."

Stepping closer to Grimshaw, "fuck you, I'll never give you the satisfaction," she whispered. Turning on her heel she didn't see the smile on Grimshaw's face.

Still seething Ginger broke down her bay, packing her gear into the large bag, she pulled the few civilian clothes from the personal space and stowed them, and her wash kit and PT gear, in the knapsack she had first been issued at Jager company.

She carried her gear to the store and checked it in, determined to get out of the training base as quickly as possible. Marching quickly towards the gate house she stewed on Grimshaw's treatment of her.

"Yo! Wait the fuck up bitch!" Lyn yelled running up to her.

Separated for months the girls hugged excitedly.

"What did you put down for?" she asked Lyn.

"Flight crew, and I got it!" Lyn said excitedly, making a door gunner pose pretending to fire a machine gun.

"Cool," Ginger laughed.

"What about you?"

"Pathfinder," Ginger said with a smile.

"Are you fucking kidding?"

"Nah, my Chief was Pathfinder, I kinda did it to piss him off."

"How did that work out for you?" Lyn asked as the marched to the gate.

"Well it pissed him off," Ginger laughed.

Lyn laughed, "crazy bitch."

Signing off base the girls stood outside looking in.

"How many days leave you got?" Ginger asked.

"Five, you?"

"Ten," Ginger said.

"Wanna have some fun?"

"Oh, fuck yes" Ginger said, calling over a cab.

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MarshallaMarshallaover 4 years ago
Yeah ...

"You have been forged into Marines here in this crucible. It is my pleasure to welcome you to this brotherhood, you are Marines, you will always be Marines."

I had an extremely visceral reaction to these words, slightly different from those I heard so many years ago.

Chills up and down my spine. Trembling. And tears. Of pride, and remembrance of those that graduated with me. Things that just cannot be forgotten.

And I cannot recall any other story here that has provoked that reaction.

You did good here, Stacey.


"Once a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine!"

Semper Fi!

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