All Comments on 'Splashdown Ch. 10'

by Choppedliver

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YouamiYouamiabout 1 year ago

Meh.....there's an RAAC coming...I can smell it! I'm predicting that Gary will end up with both women

bobareenobobareenoabout 1 year ago

It seems clear to me that Gary will end up with Alexi. That spanking was just confused love, a desire to touch the Russian’s tush, sublimated into a spanking. Oh Peg, oh Kath, it was clear from the start, don’t you see? Gary's heart was always with Alexi, and ladies, admitting that stark yet confusing inner truth will allow Gary's love to glow and grow, like the blast of the rocket that takes cosmonauts to the space station. That’s where real love resides, in a fiery explosion pushing a tin can packed with humans skyward. Although Gary’s self knowledge comes at a high price, it is best that everyone know the unvarnished truth. You’re welcome.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is your best and strongest chapter ? Really ? Its even more wimpy than ever , your little taunt to Alexis doesnt make it at all

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story doesn’t make sense to me, two babbling idiots for MC and a story that lacks direction

servant111servant111about 1 year ago

Ok this entire chapter had ONE (1) single action: the German air show spanking of Alexi. That action is buried in a cess pit of mind numbing edging psychobabble melodrama that is so poorly written that you almost see Dudley Doright pontificating, Snidely Whiplash slithering and Pell Pureheart wringing her hands as Dudley cuts her off of the sawmill log just in the nick of time again. This whole chapter is simply sickening. It’s like a thick glop of saccharin flavored peanut butter that is now stuck to the roof of your mouth forcing you to stick your finger in there to dislodge the disgusting glop so that you can spit the vile mess out.

We are way past propriety here. Past the point of Pollyanna. We are now Hellraiser with our head mapped by the pin grid of this terminally tortuous tale…. Please shoot us. We have suffered enough.

2 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yup just the longest RAAC story ever written on this site.

Not worth all the time invested.

I wish you had put a RAAC tag or warning on the first chapter to save readers the time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I have enjoyed it, but fuck, let's end this damn story. Peggy gets to go back to space, Gary has a cosmonaut serve her in space with divorce papers on mission, and Kathy and Gary fuck for Peg on skype, right before the ISS has a catastrophic hull breach, and Alexi shows up on the bottom of rope, hanging from the Kremlin.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I can’t wait to read the comments for this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It takes skill to draw a 3 page story into 11.

OOAAOOAAabout 1 year ago

AMAZING chapter, amazing action in Germany, and amazing spose suport full of care and love... Looking forward the last dose ;) Well done!!!!!

nestorb30nestorb30about 1 year ago

This chapter is stupid. If her having sex with Alexis is not the problem then everytime she brings it up he should be succinctly be saying this is about your unilateral decisions before the mission. He keeps waiting for Peg to figure it out on her own, and she doesn't. So lay it out in black and white. Jeez for such a smart guy, Gary is dumb

Buster2UBuster2Uabout 1 year ago

Can we just get Peggy a Shrink? Please? Marriage counseling as well! Since when can a couple with all these problems Counsel themselves?? Nasa should have supplied more than enough Shrinks and Marriage counselors already, What is the Holdup?? Gary has been so hurt and damaged by this heartless bitch Peggy. Kathy has been suffering all this time falling more and more in love with Gary. These poor folks need professional help, Badly! BTW 5 stars, I have suffered thru the whole ride helplessly waiting for each new episode. Great Story, Pretty Good writing. Tho, as we all know, the words could have been reduced by half. Still, it is a very dramatic story. Gary should have gutted that Russian right on stage or castrated him. Spanking? LOL, a little humiliation, but not half of what Gary and Peggy have suffered thru. Mostly by the mole in NASA who gave her the EVIL meds. Thanks for the great effort! #Buster2U

dragonmann72dragonmann72about 1 year ago

So ten months after she returned to earth, ten months of whining about how she became a whore, ten months of driving everyone insane, the get the bright idea that they need counseling?

And they think they can make it all better with, ‘Baby this is going to sound awful but how about a really angry fuck followed by an attempt at making some sort of compassionate love?’

Thank god there is only one more.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelyloveabout 1 year ago

No hidden agenda? Really? And the end of this chapter—abrupt and left mid sentence. Peg cannot admit she loves her vocation more than her husband. As an analyst—a psycho-analyst, you want the patient to make the. Real through themselves. Why not just tell her and be done and that he can’t go on living that way. After all he is not her therapist, with non-judgemental viewpoint. He has skin in the game. What does she want to do? Take her time—the weekend, say. And he will hear her out. Sometimes you have to shit AND get off the pot. Catharsis. may come via your way, but I am rooting for Peg to frustrate his attempts so he has to be a tad human in his response—you know—to get his hands dirty in this exercise—to acquire a little guilt of his own. And embrace it. That is what makes us human rather than a Shel Silversteinian GIVING TREE…

irinmikeirinmikeabout 1 year ago

There have been so many comments written about the nine chapters of this story before chapter 10. When the story first appeared on literotica I could hardly wait for the next one. After wading through so many words that you have written, we come to this? The hero and heroine are back together but Gary does not think Peggy is committed. They are talking everything out (over and over again!) and yet the ultimate victim Gary does not think Peggy is invested enough. On the other hand Gary nurtures Kathy's ridiculous crush on him while blaming Peggy for not consumating their marriage with enough sincerity. The whole thing just does not jive! If Gary was committed enough he would discourage Kathy if not just totally cut her off. Now Peggy is going to throw Gary at Kathy and create an impossible love triangle? At this point we the readers are supposed to be hanging on every word wondering will Gary choose his wife Peggy or Kathy. I am sure chapter 11 will once again be a rehash of all the mountains Gary has to climb to win Peggy back in whatever way he sees is missing while Kathy will pant and pant with sexual excitement wondering if Gary will turn her way. Good luck with chapter 11 but I have to tell you I really don't care that much whichever way Gary the ultimate victim goes. He is about as weak mentally as any person can be no matter how many times he spanks his wife's lover Alexi. My wish for you is that your writing grows from this and you realize that length of this magnitude does not inhance a story line. For the last time I will say what many others have said, you could have condensed this ten fold and made it a more concise and readible story line.

miket0422miket0422about 1 year ago

To become an astronaut a person obviously has to be intelligent. Yet, again Peggy is portrayed as being completely incapable of intelligent much as the repetitive dialogue became tiresome many chapters ago ...this constant image of Gary being the super noble good guy and Peggy being incapable of thinking her way through their problems has now become worse.

phill1cphill1cabout 1 year ago

I get the feeling that when all fo this is over, when the rehashing has stopped, when Peggy is either with or Gary, Peggy's not going to be happy. This is her personality. So, if Gary is expecting anything else, he's just the same as she is, never happy.

For me, the notion that someone fucked with her meds for some unknown reason--to get her fucked--just seems ridiculously contrived.

I DO find it hilarious how the author finds a way to rehash every slight to date in every chapter. How does he/she find the energy to care about these harpy 'tweens with jobs?

groaningbumpgroaningbumpabout 1 year ago

One step forward, two steps back. Back to unnecessarily stretching out this story. And AGAIN with the spacewalk? Jesus. Not a great chapter. Thankful there is only one more.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 1 year ago

So much detail yet you overlook the most basic of plot points and never bring them up. He is having an emotional affair with Kathy and has for months now. She is well beyond an unbiased observer and yet you try to present a situation as if nothing has changed between Kathy and Gary since the beginning, it's all above board? Where's your detail now? 3*

KRD19254KRD19254about 1 year ago

The only redeeming quality to this story segment (that raised this a star) was the SPANKING, otherwise it was just more crappy psycho-babble. Shit or get off the pot.


My biggest let down is in NASA/CIA not fixing future RAPE and faux imprisonment issues for future female astronauts. And no follow up to how effective the SPANKING was?


What is Gary doing now just sitting at home grieving his lost job?!?

What is Peg doing at NASA - still on R&R?!? No NASA fallout?!?


3***, hooyah, boring

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

And, as it was anticipated in the previous chapters comments, what happend ?

Well, in every good RAAC worth its name, the cheater will never pay and never will be the one to blame, so how the cheated will get his revenge ? But going against the cheater lover of course, and that's all well explained in the famous best seller "The 100 best justifications of the smart cheater and how to get away with it, blaming the lover". Poor Alexander, Rasputin and Alexei: Rambo is coming. And maybe we can also expect some revenge against some U.S. high level people. Totally unrealistic and incoherent plot.

servant111servant111about 1 year ago

Bobareno you have nailed it. He abandons all betrayal and spends his new like playing for hole with Alexi.

katibkatibabout 1 year ago

It is now clearly apparent that something is wrong with Gary's thought processes.

Joeyiluv69Joeyiluv69about 1 year ago

And the whore was grateful. And all the sudden the hubby act like he did in the first chapter. Then switches back when "he gets his balls back" huge inconsistency in characters here. Characters are in the top 5% of the population in jobs,skill set and intelligence yet they're incapable of acting accordingly

Wildbill314Wildbill314about 1 year ago

Never end a paragraph after two sentences when you can add ten or twelve

fred324afred324aabout 1 year ago

So, the CIA/whatever analyst and his operator buddies meet up in Germany and the payback.. is spanking and embarrassing Alexi? Oooh, what a BURN! Maybe the plot twist is that we find out in the last chapter that our sensitive, touchy-feely superman wore a ring and injected Alexi with some incurable disease during the spanking. Surely there must be some good tricks in the black bag for the wet work. That'd be fun.

I almost don't care what happens to the rest of them.

It's annoying that endless dialog is spewed forth and we miss no opportunity to dig deeper and deeper into FEELINGS and endless analysis. But when something interesting happens, like the call from the CIA, it's that part that's left to our imagination. Why not spare that the smallest bit of exposition so we can know WTF is happening first hand. We are deep inside the heads of these 3 characters, you can't let us in on the phone call?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Given how this SLOW March is going I read part of page 1 and last two of page 5. Didn' t miss a dam thing.

The ever diminishing scores got to be a clue to the author that the horse has been beaten to death.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You have some serious mental issues I’m over this crap

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I waited 11 stinking chapters for this? If this is your best chapter, I truly wasted my time. He screws your wife and you get him back by spanking him? Ridiculous. He might remember the spanking but I guarantee he remembers fucking the wife. Thanks I've wasted enough on this shitty story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You have written a story that to me is the classic case of two people very much in love that should not marry. They are two different and really not on the same page.

He is a most confusing man. He consistently states that basically she can do whatever she wants and he will stand by her out of love but at the same time tells her if she does he will be angry and hurt and he does show that. Yet, knowing that, she does it time and time again. SO they both wonder why they are miserable? He allows it (bad word) and she does it. He hates her for it yet cries love and she is so guilty feeling and angry at herself it is impossible to live with her..

They need to divorce.

Oh, and a spanking of the Russian on stage? Really?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You have a very unique writing style, probably out of synch with the average LW reader. It makes me wonder who your best audience might be. Sometimes it gets very lonely when you are at the extreme end of the bell-shaped curve. But I think you are used to it. Good luck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

To much pandering to a self absorbed, narcistic, career obsessed, manipulative, cheating wife. If he was as smart as he seems to be, he would have left her within the first month of her coming home.

rockdoctor63rockdoctor63about 1 year ago

I read the first and last page and that did the job. The author is making this guy, who did unmentionable things, look like a Saint. It's like he is bi-polar. Lets kill some people but then he will do anything to anything to make it better for his cheating wife. He is just s glorified cuck. No one would stay with Peggy, no one. No one would act like he us acting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story is not fish, no meat. Too much incoherence in the plot and in the characters behaviours. The words, too much often, contradict the facts. And too many words needed to compensate and justify the incoherence. So being more coherent with a well structured plot and the main characters profiles, wouldn't require a lot of words spent for compensation: good facts speak more than one thousand words. And, these psychological manipulative tactics playing with guilty feelings, don't pay well in the end, because they sound fake.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Let me get this straight the Russian fucks his wife for 2 days and has her screaming for more and his retribution for this is to spank him.......? This has got to be one of the DUMBEST stories I've ever read on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This was painful to read.

Other then his revenge didn't serve a point.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don't very often comment, but you've twisted this tale in circles like a dog chasing it's tail so much that it no longer makes sense. The dialogue is so convoluted and over dramatic it makes the characters look completely unbelievable. Real people don't act this way, these characters lack believability.

For a story to truly be captivating the characters have to be believable. Some authors write their characters as if the girl is mentally deficient and the guy is the second coming of Chuck Norris. You've done that here using different character qualities.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Again just when I thought this shit show couldn't get any worse BAM!!!!!! you managed to make it worse. Spanking?????? Really??? Spanking???? Do you have any idea just how pathetic that makes Gary look??? Of course you don't have any idea because you're either the biggest wimp on the planet or you're a woman writing this shit. Spanking??? LMFAO!!! Yeah, Gary really showed the world what a real man looks like. More like he showed the world what a laughing stock he really is. Can't wait to see how you can fuck this story up anymore in the final chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

@OOAA...Other than Gary you have to be the dumbest cuck on the planet.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 1 year ago

This author actually wrote THIS..... "Two left, this and the climax. I think this is one of the stronger chapters"

Think about this. This author actually wrote this chapter thinking this is his best one yet when it is clearly the worst 1 yet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yep…got worse.


First — the incoherent plot. Chapter opens up some weeks after last one ended, and tne cuck is riding the RAAC train. Then, literally out of nowhere, one of his pals shows up and the fly to Germany to spank the Russki 🤗. STILL no hint of learning who was behind all the BS related to the space flight. He still hasn’t gotten any legal help, or counseling. Not a single confrontation with NASA. Not a single hint about what happened to his job. Total silence. Just infuriating for any reader trying to make sense of the plot.


Then there is the whole Peggy crap. Good fucking lord what is it going to take for this cuck to dump her?


Finally…this dick is literally TORTURING that idiot Kathy.


What a total mess of a story.


1 *

Frank66Frank66about 1 year ago

It's good to see that mole in NASA get his. Yep, payback! revenge! the bastard's getting burned! How so?, you ask. Well, he's going to be 'prosecuted'. Yes, Gary was worried that he was going to be 'terminated' by his colleagues because of being a loose end, even tho innocent. This mole, this traitor, this low life scum who set aside his Hippocratic oath, his loyalty to his associates and people in his care, his concern for Peggy and her family, his loyalty to his country- he's going to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Of course, that means a plea bargain; I can see a letter of reprimand in his file, maybe a missed promotion down the line, and of course he can say goodby to his exclusive parking space at the center. Oh he's sorry now....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A spanking is his revenge? Get F-N real. Maybe in some feminized fantasy world. But, as wussified as this world is... a real man would ditch the cheating wife and if he had the opportunity, there'd be a Russian with boot prints on his nut sack. The only good thing about all these chapters is getting to trash this cuck crap multiple times. Please get another hobby... maybe adult coloring books or something.

lujon2019lujon2019about 1 year ago

I wasnt aware the CIA recruited people this fucking stupid, might explain why the world is such a mess

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just when I thought this story couldn't become any more childish, mawkish, insipid, or inadvertently hilarious...

"Gary" really is written as a woman in a man's body. Men don't wallow in silly emotional drama like this. I strongly suspect the author is a tranny.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 1 year ago

Got it. Gary is playing a Christ figure and Peg is the human who can’t accept undeserved grace/forgiveness which is of course an insult to the gift/giver. A bit deep for this venue but impressive

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The concept for this story was really good, like 5 star potential. Have the hero somehow go to space to deal with the Russians, or have him go to Russia and rescue her from her captors....but a German airshow months after the fact to spank Alexi? Really? Add to it, the video and audio are still there, there is no reason for the Russians not to release it and embarrass her if that was the goal. Why did the Russians wait so long for the video to be released?

And Gary's employer and NASA...I know some people have issues with the Federal Government, but come on, an astronaut and high talent planner are huge,. highly invested assets for the US...they would have been better protected and not been subject to this kind of exposure.

For the writer, you have a great concept. If the goal is a thriller, then make it one. If the goal is the cerebral component, then focus on that but without the redundancies. Your reader base here is pretty intelligent

SexecutionerSexecutionerabout 1 year ago

Yep, we know exactly what Gary is made of. He's UltraSimp! Newest super hero for the beta bitches. And of course this shit show has all requisite raac clichés.

Called this a long time ago....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

How about chapter 11 opens with a Soviet era operative being reactivated put a bullet through Gary's head in response to Gary's butt whipping of their cosmonaut poster boy? Then the rest of the chapter can be about Gary's funeral and Peggy and Kathy becoming lesbian lovers. That fits the current LW model pretty good and should only take one page.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Easily the worst chapter yet.

Look, I’m going to finish what I started. I’m not going to further disgrace the time I spent on 10 chapters by quitting with one to go.

But as God as my witness, I’ll blow my brains out before I start another story written by this author. This chapter is worse in the useless angst department than any of Cagivagurl’s early works.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Concerning Gary's payback of Alexi. I find that less believable and more problematic than him actually getting physical with Alexi. I could see Gary and his team getting into Alexi's hotel suite while Alexi and his date were about to get busy. Gary and team would have the entire evening to make a damning video about how the Russians conspired to screw up Peggy's mission embarrassing NASA. They could have employed the drug techniques and made Alexi look like a rampant homosexual. Then before leaving in a gay gone wrong evening, Gary could remove Alexi's pouch puppies and bring them back for Peggy.

patilliepatillieabout 1 year ago

Wow you beat this argument over the head by rehashing it again for five pages. I will skim the last chapt like I did this one, I just have to see if there is anything surprising left to happen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nothing exceeds like excess!

EZ8ltEZ8ltabout 1 year ago

He shows he's made of cuck I guess? Couldn't bothered with this for a while now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You seem very indecisive. One paragraph has him begging for her to forget what happened which is followed by an extremely accusatory diatribe of her actions. This is a train wreck with no acceptable ending. You could have written 4 good stories with various endings with all the twists and turns here.

FordF150guyFordF150guyabout 1 year ago

All I can say at this point is I am glad there is only one more chapter. As good as the writing has been apart from the repetitiveness, nothing has been fully resolved, and I tend to believe the final chapter will not bring a satisfying resolution and conclusion to the saga.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So, what happens next?

Peggy will get shortlisted for another mission. Then she will realise she is pregnant, followed by an immediate unilateral decision on her part to abort the foetus to favour her career path. When Gary finds out he goes more ballistic than her next rocket and loses all feelings for his wife, then commences divorce proceedings. Kathy is now more over the moon than Peggy ever was and jumps Gary's bones. Peggy's family find out the details of her erroneous behaviour and abandon her. Alexei realizes his true fetishes of both spanking and public humiliation and initiates a career change from astronaut to working in an underground Moscow 'mens' club. Meanwhile Peggy finally realizes just how badly she has screwed up, shrugs, and just reports for duty back at NASA. Finally Gary gets his old job back at the agency as his is no longer a security risk having kicked his bitch wife to the kerb.

Gary and Kathy settle down together and start breeding and live happily ever after.

Not so much Peggy, but WTF - life's never perfect eh.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

First few chapters were junk, too many words. but they got me angry and annoyed and I am beginning to understand why it was written that way to feel. I have also realized the story is is centered on Greg. Not Peg and Kathy are just bit actors. I did enjoy the humiliation to little Alexi, just a fun lighter portion to the story. No matter what Greg and Peggy need to go to a real therapist and stay away from Kathy. Really enjoying the story.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1about 1 year ago

Just awful. So many unnecessary topics discussed. Over and over and over. I think group self deletion would be great ending. Was there a reason I missed for why the Russians would do this?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ten long chapters with 2 remaining to tell a story that should've only taken 2or 3 chapters at best.

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonabout 1 year ago

I like the Alexi/Gary idea... it's either that or this whole thing is a fever dream someone is having after eating bad shellfish.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I didn't think this could get stupider... I was wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

We’re waiting for your really awesome, mind blowing, and very loving heartfelt ending - with some needed payback to the Russians and NASA - and?????

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 1 year ago

Hope he ends up with Kathy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I know there is no way to rewrite the last chapter but you have a MC who is touted as being an observer and fixer who does everything for his wife and all she thinks of is herself and how to attain the satisfaction of her ambitions. Time for both of them to decide what is important and what is detritus in their marriage. Sadly, I don't see that occurring in the final pages no long they might be.

Perhaps you need to follow the admonitions to good speakers: Stand Up, Speak up, Shut up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The characters talk too much, and they don’t talk like real people. “Peggy. Peggy no. Making a sacrifice for me this way isn't cogent. You must understand what's happening. ”

muskyboymuskyboyabout 1 year ago

I'm impressed with all the signed comments, not really that many anonymous comments. The negative comments this story has generated are sincere and I hope you take them to heart. This story is WAY too long. None of the characters are likeable or believable. You need to learn to use accurate tags. Generally, you need to pay attention to your readers comments and thoughts. before you start another story. An 11 chapter cuckold story that is tagged incorrectly and ends with an unfathomable RAAC will probably not ever be enjoyed by many readers. I will read the comments on the final chapter and MAYBE even skim thru it. The comments are better than the story so far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Gary wants to dump Peggy but is too much of a wimp to do so. So he's dropping hints everywhere hoping that she will dump him so that he can go to Kathy guilt free.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story is not fish, no meat. Too much incoherence in the plot and in the characters behaviours. The words, too much often, contradict the facts. And too many words needed to compensate and justify the incoherence. So being more coherent with a well structured plot and the main characters profiles, wouldn't require a lot of words spent for compensation: good facts speak more than one thousand words. And, these psychological manipulative tactics playing with guilty feelings, don't pay well in the end, because they sound fake.

DirtySingleMomDirtySingleMomabout 1 year ago

I can't put my finger on it but Kathy doesn't add up. She stinks like yesterday's tampon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hi Author,

Could you please clarify? Wasn't Peggy drugged when she slept with another man? Which would make that rape. Did she sleep with someone without being drugged? I know she took the shot to kill her sex drive before the mission and agree she should have talked to her husband first. But I'm just trying to see where she truly cheated. I have skimmed some so may have missed it. Thanks if you could please answer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

If Gary wants to focus on his marriage, he needs to stop his relationship with Kathy. Period.

mattenwmattenwabout 1 year ago

As I mentioned in one of my first comments, as a cuckold he gets Kathy as a consolation prize. She doesn't even want to fight for him. She's never had him at the top of her priority list.

Your trip to Germany and the slapstick interlude with the Russian cosmonaut was funny, but completely unrealistic. Even with all the sophistication, your plot would not have been possible. Don't think the Russians are complete idiots.

Your story has way too much psychobabble that I don't think would happen in a realistic marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This whole story reminds me of a scene from a movie:

Only a fool would accept what is offered to him so clearly i cannot choose the wine...

Clearly you have a dizzying intellect.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelyloveabout 1 year ago

You are trying to get me to give something away; it won’t work you know …

Remember the classic blunders!

Never fight a land war in Asia!

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 1 year ago

@ - Hi Author

Her rape started by a Rusky-bribed NASA while she was being ‘protected’ in the meeting where she had not been give time to consult with Hubby, which caused his great disappointment. She was given the wrong ‘protection’ procedures to take on the Space Shuttle for the half-year mission. One that was a sex-drive-suppressor for most of it. Then towards the end the pills were less suppressive. The three male Ruskies started watching porno videos and she joined to be a good shipmate and the 3 tried to subtly hint at sex with one or more, but it didn’t work on the Shuttle. But after landing in Commie lands with the Cosmonaut. the Ground Intel agents insisted she be detained for further testing on the affects of Space on her. They took her and the Cosmonaut to a remote cabin and gave her a group os drugs like Ecstasy and date rape as something to heal. After that she gave it up to the Rusky over 4 episodes She managed (with covert US help) to escape and reach friendly territory and the drugs and other abuses were documented. Then to the US, but her Hubby had been warning her that the attack was directed against him from the start for a very successful major attack he was able pull-off.

But YES, she was set-up for rape by a US and the Russ agency and then by the Russian and his drug-cocktail.

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 1 year ago

There is a good story her that is hidden in the mass of words. The story would have been great if author stopped repeating and just writing words, and focused on clarity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

One brief bit of action then back to being so boring I just skimmed through looking for something to actually happen.

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNice9 months ago

So instead of making chapters shorter, the writer stretches things out? I just read the first few paragraphs and the end. Flows better that way.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Was this farce written by ChatGBT? Artificially intelligent indeed!

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit8 months ago

Gary seems driven to have Peg recognize that their marriage is and will remain secondary to her career. He could make it easier on everyone by walking out. Instead he’s forcing her to admit she doesn’t want be married to anyone.

xhunter4uxhunter4u5 months ago

I kept jumping ahead to see if I could find anything to interest me in actually reading this overwrought drivel. Nope.

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I started reading on Literotica in 2013 after a small case of what was supposed to be terminal cancer. I had a lot of chemo, radiation, and surgery. Yet (obviously) here we are. My body had been though the ringer and simply didn't function in all sorts of ways. I married my hi...


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