Spring Break


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I told her to pick the rifle up and point it toward the target like she was going to shoot it and then to stay just like that. I then began to walk around her and move her around a little like she was a puppet. At first she resisted until I told her to relax and let me adjust her as I moved her head to get a better cheek weld, her off side arm to get better balance and support for the rifle, etc. Finally, I had to come around behind her where I could stand almost paired with her to see where her balance and aim were. I was so close to her that I was virtually pressed against her backside. I reached around her to do another minor adjustment of her shooting hand and had the other hand around her ribs just under her breasts adjusting her posture. Completely enveloped, she ground her buttocks against my groin playfully.

I may have overreacted a little and definitely shocked her as I replied with a very stern "not here; under any circumstances!"

She definitely got the message though because she immediately stopped goofing around and it was just then that I noticed that my step-daughter had come over to join us and give her friend a little pep talk. Hearing the sharp retort that I had given Riley, she said "whoa...what's that Dad?"

I couldn't really think of an explanation other than the truth but was not about to say that so I simply said that we were working on some issues to help her out. She didn't ask anything more but I'm not sure that she bought the explanation. A few more tweaks and then I told her to stay exactly like she was and I inserted the magazine into her rifle with more ammo and then reached around to chamber the first round.

"Remember everything that we just went over," I told her and then stood right next to her to watch closely everything that she did. This time each round landed on the target and they were spread about an area of a dollar bill. Although not great shooting, it was a drastic improvement from the last magazine that she had fired. Another magazine full had her improve slightly but most importantly she was beginning to have more fun with it.

I gave the two girls another box of ammunition each and then went to go get a rifle for me to shoot. I returned to the line in the lane next to them and the three of us sent some lead down range. I had the girls shooting with targets at the 25 meter line but the other advantage to being down at the end of the range was that these lanes went out to 500 meters. I immediately ran my target out to the 100 line for a warm up and quickly ran through two 15 round magazines. Riley couldn't believe when I got the target back and all thirty rounds were in a group a little bit larger than a quarter. I made a couple of minor adjustments to the sights and sent a fresh target out to 250 meters. Two magazines later and it returned with a grouping that was still smaller than a half dollar.

"My God," Riley started; "you really keep it tight, don't you."

My step-daughter quickly answered "oh yeah, he really likes it tight; don't you Dad?"

"He's great at getting things into a really small hole over and over again," she continued without pause. The innuendo was extremely thick but I felt it best to simply ignore it.

In one word I replied "practice."

Both girls giggled and we resumed our shooting until we were out of ammo. Riley had actually gotten good enough that she saved one of her targets to show off and told us that she wanted to do this again sometime. We linked back up with the others and once the cleanup was done decided to head back home. When we arrived at the cabin it was only a little after two o'clock and we still had plenty of day left to go do something else if we wanted to.

There was way too much day left to call it a wrap so the discussion quickly turned to what we would like to do with the rest of the afternoon. A consensus was finally reached that no one really wanted to just sit around the cabin but also no one really felt like doing anything terribly active. Leave it to my step-daughter, who would probably choose to spend every waking moment under the sun's rays if she could get away with it, to suggest heading off to the island to bask the afternoon away.

Oddly enough, since he never liked to agree with his sister, the older of the two boys jumped at the chance. We all looked around the room at each other and seeing that there were neither any arguments against the idea nor did anyone have a better idea, it was decided that we would pack up and head out there.

Once the decision had been made, Riley asked if we were allowed to make a fire out there and when I gave her an affirmative response she suggested that since it was a late start that we should stay later. We could build a fire, have dinner, and generally stay as late as we felt like. That idea, as well, seemed to appeal to the group so we quickly packed some things up and headed out to the boat.

Once we got into open water I took the opportunity to let the boys take the helm for a little while, teaching them how to handle the boat. They did pretty well except once when they nearly threw my wife out of the boat after hitting a swell at a bad angle causing the boat to suddenly lurch toward the port side that she was sitting on. Luckily she caught her balance quickly enough and didn't end up in the water. I made them slow down a little bit after that but to be honest I think that the event itself had already taught them the lesson. We made it to the island without further ado and had actually made pretty good time; arriving about 3:30. Before we left I had made sure to check the tides and knew that we were going into a flood tide so I brought the boat nice and close to the shoreline to make it easier to offload everyone and the items that we had brought with us. Once I had made sure that the anchor was secure, I turned off the boat and headed in myself joining the rest of the family who were already setting up a little "camp."

My wife, Riley, and the younger of the two boys stayed on the beach to set up while the other three of us headed into the woods to collect some wood to build a fire with later and by 4:00 we had enough to cover us through the evening and decided that it was time to relax. Riley, the boys and I began to throw a Frisbee around the beach a little and were having fun but after about twenty minutes the boys asked to see where we had been getting the clams from. Shrugging my shoulders, I announced to the group that we were heading over to the cove and asked if anyone wanted to come. My wife and step-daughter simply waved for us to go on and Riley stated that she was going to catch some rays with them so it was just going to be the guys.

Remembering the route that I had been shown the day before, I led the group over there and upon our arrival we got straight to work collecting the tasty shellfish. With all three of us going at it, it wasn't long before we had plenty and decided to bring them back to the cooler and put them on ice. About halfway back we got to a split in the trail and the younger of the boys stated that he wanted to do a little beachcombing and his brother readily agreed after asking if I would bring the clams back for them. I stated that I would, ensured that they knew how to get back to where we had set up, and told them to ensure that they were with us before the sun dropped too low.

When I got back to the ladies, I figured that I had been gone for about an hour and didn't really pay them much mind as I made some room in the cooler for the clams. Once they were safely on ice though, I received a huge shock...all three of them were lying on their backs with their breasts completely exposed and seemed to have no care in the world about it. Obviously, I knew from the day before that the two girls had no problem sunbathing topless but seeing them do so in my wife's presence, not to mention her participation, was a bit shocking. Honestly, I was not sure what to do or say; should I simply ignore it or would that seem odd in and of itself?

Despite the fact that I was truly enjoying the sight of three beautiful women that I was intimate with, lying there topless on display for me, I decided that I should at least say something. I grabbed a drink and sat down next to my wife. Trying my hardest to sound lighthearted and aloof about it I said "my, we're feeling pretty open today aren't we?" I hoped that I gave no impression of being offended by the display and mentally crossed my fingers that nothing was suspect.

My wife simply glanced in my direction and gave a little shrug; "well, the girls brought up a good point that the tan lines look awful in a nice summer dress and this place is plenty secluded enough so why not..."

"What about the boys?" I replied.

"They both saw plenty of topless women at the beach last summer in St Martin. It shouldn't be a big deal."

I couldn't argue with that logic so I gave her a shrug back in reply and tried to at least "act" as if I didn't care. Secretly though, it was hard to ignore the three of them after the heightened sexuality that had been surrounding me all week; especially the previous day's escapades in this same general area. Eventually I drifted off in a doze for a little and awoke to my wife gently shaking me telling me that it was time to start building the fire if we were going to be able to cook the food at a reasonable hour.

Glancing at my watch, I agreed so I got up and went right to work. A few minutes later the youngest of the children came over to help and I spent a while teaching him the skills necessary in order to build a proper fire and even opted for lighting it without a lighter or matches just so he could get the practice.

Once it was going well enough to leave it alone, I went for a quick swim to cool off a little bit. I swam "laps" for about ten minutes and when I stopped I stood up in about five feet of water. I was wiping the water off of my face and away from my eyes when I suddenly felt a pair of squishy breasts pressed firmly against my back and hands gently squeezing my biceps. Without even turning to look, I knew from the size that they felt that it was my step-daughter behind me.

"I did it for you, you know..." came her greeting followed by her coming around front of me to talk face to face as she stood there still topless.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Convincing Mom that we should all go topless. I knew that you would appreciate the sight and, to be honest, I like showing myself off to you. Seeing the way that you look at me always brightens my mood and makes me feel really good about myself."

"There's no reason that you shouldn't feel good about yourself, honey. You are a beautiful young woman," I replied. "You are making it rather difficult for me though because I can't exactly let myself get a hard on in front of everyone now, can I?"

An impish grin formed on her face as a reply to that comment followed by her appearing to be pondering a thought. "Too bad we couldn't forgo the swimsuits altogether..."

With that thought still in my mind, she gave me a quick goose on the ass and swam off, leaving me standing there hoping that things were not about to get out of control.

A few minutes later, I headed back up to the beach right around the same time that I saw the boys approaching the spot we had set up. I tried to kind of cut them off at the pass, so to say, but was just a little too late to intercept them. I saw the shocked looks on their faces when they saw the three pairs of exposed breasts but to their credit, they exchanged a short comment or two between them and then quickly composed themselves before they got to the area where everyone was.

We had a great time that evening; cooking dinner over the open fire, swimming, and playing catch and Frisbee. A little while after we ate dinner, we decided to take a moonlight swim. There was still a hint of red in the sky but it had gotten dark enough that we could only clearly see each other for a hundred feet or so. Thankfully, none of them did it at the same time but all three women seemed intent on molesting me. It started first with Riley swimming underwater and yanking my trunks down to my ankles. After surfacing for a quick breath she headed back under and took me in her mouth until she needed to come up for another breath. Hearing the sound of splashing getting closer she swam away and I pulled the trunks back up.

The next one by was my wife only a moment later who swam right up to me and pressed herself against my chest, kissing me deeply and wrapping her legs around my waist. After Riley had left, my hardness had abated slightly but came right back as soon as my wife did that. She noticed my stiffness and ground her crotch into it before shoving my waistband down enough to free my member, pull her bikini to the side, and stuff me into her hot pussy. She rolled her hips around me and ground her clit against my pubes until only a quick moment later I felt her cum around my cock. After she came down from her euphoria, she resumed her motions a bit to get me off but was interrupted by nearby sounds and disengaged from me, stating that she would take care of it later.

As soon as my wife left, I was approached from behind by my step-daughter who said "did you two do what I think you did?" Without waiting for an answer, she ducked underwater and quickly swallowed my dick in her mouth running her tongue over every inch. She popped back up whispering "mmm, yes you did...very hot. I can still taste her on you and I must say it is nice." While, she said that, she stood there jerking me under the water. With the tormenting that all three of them had been giving me I was not about to last long. She sensed this and ducked back under the water taking the head into her mouth and I suddenly felt her finger probe my ass. This sent me over the edge and I exploded torrents of cum into her as she sucked to get it all out. She removed her finger, pulled my trunks up and surfaced to give me a deep kiss with the taste of my cum still in her mouth.

A short while later, we all had gotten out of the water and went to dry off by the fire and snack a bit. The three ladies remained topless long after the sun had gone down despite the fact that their reason of masking tan lines had ended. It was fun to watch the flickering light of the campfire dance around and cause odd shadows across their breasts. Only after the air had cooled enough that even the boys and I were throwing shirts on did they decide to cover up. We chatted for hours until we decided that it was really too late to stay longer and packed our gear up. The last act before our departure was to extinguish the campfire which cast us into complete darkness. I'm still not sure who, but one of them gave me a quick grope and grab on the ass in that moment before anyone's eyes had adjusted to the darkness.

All of us were pretty tired so the ride back was quiet. I took it a little slower than normal as well since it was dark and I also realized that I was a bit tired too. We finally got back to the cabin a bit after midnight, tied the boat up, and headed straight to bed.

I awoke in the morning to a very welcome sensation; that of my dick being not only sucked, but made love to. I remained as I was for a few minutes, simply savoring the feeling. Trying not to give away the fact that I was now awake, I glanced down to see my wife's head moving up and down in my lap and feeling her tongue swirling around as my shaft moved in and out of her mouth. After all of the action over the last few days, I hoped that I hadn't said anything in my sleep that would get me in trouble but figured that I was safe since she was still happily sucking on me. Finally letting on that I was awake, I gently ran my fingers through her hair and softly moaned at the wonderful job that she was doing.

She looked up and gave me a big grin with her mouth still full of dick. A few more bobs, followed by her locking her lips firmly around the base of my cock while she slowly withdrew, maintaining eye contact and swirling her marvelous tongue around me. She expertly used her lips to catch all of the saliva and any precum that may have leaked out the whole way up. When my head finally left her lips with an audible popping sound, she said "I never got to finish what I started last night..."

She slid up my body until she was straddling my waist and placed the tip of my penis just inside the entrance to her pussy. I couldn't believe just how hot and wet she was. I wasn't even really inside of her yet and I could feel her juices running freely down my length. Oh so slowly, she allowed her weight to drop and impaled herself on me. She performed this so artfully that it felt like it took three to four minutes before she had me fully inside of her. The motion was so slow that I couldn't really feel her moving down my shaft but could only tell that she was from the difference of the cool air compared to the radiant heat that she was enveloping me with.

For the next fifteen minutes my wife rode me like she was a champion bull rider until finally she exploded in an intense orgasm. She collapsed on top of me exhausted and I rolled her onto her side. Without withdrawing from her, I changed positions so that I was straddling one of her legs and placed the other one over my shoulder. I slowly began thrusting in and out of her while one hand stroked the calf and thigh of the leg on my shoulder and the other hand played with her nipples. Occasionally I would change from rubbing her breasts to toying with her clit. With all of the stimulation, my wife quickly returned to a passionate state and I could tell that the intensity was building for her.

After about seven or eight minutes in that position I carefully turned her body once again while continuing to pump my cock into her. When we were finally done with the repositioning we were basically going at it doggy style except that she seemed to have no energy to support herself so her face was flat against the pillow and both of her arms were stretched out above her head. Her lower body weight was raised only because of her folded legs propping her up with her calves, thighs, and abdomen pressed tightly together. Unfortunately this arched, outstretched position made it extremely difficult for me to reach her breasts or her pussy so I put my thumb into my mouth and withdrew it leaving a nice dollop of spit on it. Carefully moving the hand to her, I used the spit as lubrication while I firmly rubbed her puckered ass hole.

The pressure was obviously driving her wild and she was talking dirty like I had never heard her do before. I could feel myself getting close to an orgasm and wanted her to join me so with a little more lubrication, I popped the thumb into her ass up to the knuckle. She let out a short yelp in surprise quickly followed by a deep and guttural moan. Next, she actually started pushing back into my hand, apparently loving the additional pressure.

"Cum in me. Cum in my pussy. Cum in my ass. Cum all over me! I want your hot load in me. Ohhhh! Yes!" she screamed.

Wanting to give her everything that she wanted I did my best to hold out until I could tell that she was past the point of no return for her own orgasm and then let myself go. I few deep, hard, strokes later and my balls released the first jet of cum into her pussy just as I felt her start to quake. I withdrew both my dick and thumb from her holes simultaneously while I tried to stem the flow by firmly grasping the base of my cock as I pulled out.

With her new found emptiness right as she was beginning to orgasm she let out a somewhat loud "nooooo!"

As quickly as I could manage I slid into her slightly open and puckered ass hole, releasing my hold and letting the next jet of cum squirt in her ass. It helped lubricate the way for me to drive into her, releasing a third strong jet, this time deep in her bowels. Feeling that her orgasm had crested as well, I withdrew from her ass and let out a small spurt that hit her at the very top of her cleft and promptly began running right down the crack of her ass.
