Spring Break at the Cabin


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"Ange, you gotta feel these," Marci insisted, only letting go of Danielle's right breast. As she continued to fondle the left, Andrea grabbed the right and marveled at it.

"Danielle, I'm officially mad at you for not getting more dick. You should have Jeremy and every other guy in school on their knees with these tits and this fucking body to back it up. Fuck me!"

Danielle could not wrap her head around the thought of Jeremy begging her for sex, given all the girls he'd been with. Still, she enjoyed the image. Jeremy before her, naked, eye level with her shaved slit, imploring her to let him slide his tongue inside her. She closed her eyes and clenched her thighs at the thought.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her ass. Her eyes jolted open to see that Marci had slid behind her and was testing the tautness of her booty.

"God damn!" Marci exclaimed. "Her ass is just as good! Why are you always hiding these under all those clothes? The guys are going to faint when they see you in your swimsuit."

Danielle was flattered by the compliment but couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water with these girls so openly ogling her and copping feels. She noticed that Andrea's nipples were poking through her bikini, suggesting that she was turned on by the display, too. She looked up to monitor Andrea's face, only to see that she was staring right back at her.

There was a brief pause as both of them waited for the other to say something. Andrea was inches away, staring lustfully at Danielle like many of the drunken frat guys who had hit on her at parties. Danielle was familiar with the look, just not from a woman.

"I'm sorry," Andrea said. "I have to."

And at that, she closed the brief gap between them and planted her lips on Danielle's. Danielle went up on her toes and gasped as Andrea's tongue tickled the bottom of her upper lip. But before she could react -- before she could even decide how she wanted to react -- she felt Marci press in close from behind, cupping her breasts and grinding her scantily-clad pussy against her ass.

Danielle was experiencing a tumult of emotions, but the dominant one was pleasure. These girls knew what a girl wanted. Marci gently pinched and pulled on her nipples as Andrea dipped her down between her legs. As a finger graced her clit, Danielle moaned into Andrea's mouth in an expression of the purest lust. Marci humped her slowly from behind, pushing her pussy harder into Andrea's hand.

Andrea broke the kiss to address Danielle. "We should have done this a long time ago," she said.

Danielle could only nod urgently as their hands worked wonders on her erogenous zones. Marci gently kissed her neck as Andrea hooked a finger inside her, finding no resistance in Danielle's soaked passage. Danielle began to grind aggressively against Andrea's hand, encouraged by Marci's more eager thrusting against her ass. She was so close!

"Hey girls!" someone yelled from the living room. "We're about to head down. Are you ready?"

As if hypnotized, Marci and Andrea pulled away from Danielle. "Yeah, two minutes!" Andrea shouted back.

Danielle was a sweaty, panting mess, left frustratingly on the precipice of orgasm. "Wait!" she hushed as the girls turned to leave. "What am I supposed to wear?"

"Oh, right, haha," chuckled Marci. "See how distracting you are, Danielle? I almost forgot. Here, this would be appropriate."

She pulled a white bra and panty set out of Danielle's suitcase.

"But that's underwear!" Danielle exclaimed, excitedly but as quietly as possible. "I can't wear that swimming!"

"Babe, it covers more than what either of us are wearing!"

"But it will be see-through once it gets wet. And besides...the implications!"

"The implications? You mean that it would imply that you're here to get fucked? Well, aren't you?"

Danielle gulped. It was true, but she didn't intend to be blatant about it.

"Think about it, Danielle. You wear this swimming, and Ange and I are going to have to pleasure each other this week because all three guys will be lusting after you. I promise, it feels good to hold that power over guys. If you try it this once and don't like it, I'll drive us into town and buy you whatever swimsuit you want tomorrow. Deal?"

It wasn't that Danielle didn't want to agree. It was that she didn't want to admit it. But maybe, being coerced like this was the justification she needed. She could always convince herself that she was only parading around in her underwear in front of three guys because of peer pressure. And maybe she'd love the result, be it getting a royal fucking or a new swimsuit.

"OK, fine. What the hell, it's Spring Break, right?"

Andrea and Marci both jumped and giddily clapped in excitement. They stayed as Danielle applied the bra and panties, then ushered her out towards the living room.

"I hope we pick up where we left off later," Andrea whispered in her ear. Between her legs, Danielle gushed in anticipation.

As they entered the living room, the boisterous boys immediately fell silent. "Oh shit," said Brandon, speaking for his muted brethren. They all stared unabashedly at Danielle. Jeremy cleared his throat.

"Um, I'm guessing you forgot your bathing suit?" he said.

Danielle blushed. "Something like that."

"Well, to our benefit, I guess!" he said and the boys laughed.

"Don't be a perv," Marci said. "It's the same as a bikini, basically. Are you ready to head down to the water or what?"

"Uh, yeah. You go ahead. I'll meet you down there," Jeremy answered.

"Yeah, I'll just need another minute," said Brandon.

"Me too," said Kevin.

"Come on, Danielle. Just wait 'til you see the lakefront."

The girls followed the trail towards the lake in relative silence for about fifty feet until Andrea prodded on.

"See, not so bad, Danielle, right? Nobody made a big deal about it."

"Yeah, but it definitely felt weird standing in my underwear in front of all three guys so casually."

"OK, but that was only because it was your first time doing something like that. Don't you realize why they wanted us to walk ahead of them?"

"I assumed so it was so they could check out my ass," Danielle replied. But looking over her shoulder, she noticed the guys were still nowhere to be seen. "But I guess they' be behind us if that were the case."

"Ha. That's a good thought, but no. You obviously got them all rock hard. And they don't want to parade around the forest with raging hard-ons sticking out in front of them. They've seen me and Ange before," Marci continued. "We don't get them as excited now that they've had us. But you...fuck...you're like the expensive toy in the gift shop your parents never bought for you. They probably thought they had no chance, but you've titillated them and now they're going to pursue you."

With every step, Danielle felt subconscious. She felt what little wobble her tight ass would allow with each stride, and she was hauntingly aware of what she must look like from the back right now. The panties weren't exactly a thong, but they were skimpier than she ever would have worn in public before today. Her bra was supportive, but her swaying breasts also kept announcing themselves to her psyche. As good as the girls were trying to make her feel, she wished she had their confidence. They strode beside her like runway models, while Danielle felt the strongest compulsion to cover up.

Her concerns were momentarily forgotten once they came down to the lake. A small patch of rock and sand lay before her, with a clear, reflective lake doubling the bucolic horizon in the distance. It was a sunny day, but not sweltering, a fact for which she was grateful, given that she probably would have sweat through her nearly transparent clothes if it were ten degrees hotter.

Andrea and Marci quickened their pace as they stepped on the dock, and a half second later they dove into the water. Upon reemerging, Andrea shouted to Danielle, "Come on in! Water's warm!"

Danielle was anxious about getting her bra and panties wet, knowing they would become fully transparent, but she also realized that if she were underwater, the guys wouldn't be able to make out much anyway. She jumped in feet first and fully submerged herself, letting the warm water envelop her. When she rose, she slicked her hair back, and the girls commented how it made her look like a Bond girl. As flattered as she was, Danielle was sure to keep the rest of her body submerged, knowing that her attire could only offer the paltriest modesty at this point.

Soon, they heard the boys coming down the trail, and Danielle turned to monitor their approach. Kevin was towing a cooler which she could only imagine was packed with alcohol. She noticed his arm muscles rippling as the cooler bounced over the rocky terrain, and she couldn't help but marvel at their physiques, chiseled as if out of stone. Most impressive were their abs, which looked hard enough to chop wood on. They were wearing flip flops and swimming trunks, and nothing else. As Danielle salivated, Marci eased up behind her and whispered in her ear.

"You know what those boys are packing under those shorts? The best cock that Ange or I have ever had. You can have it too, if you want. They'd love to take that body of yours and fuck it until you're an incoherent, blabbering, post-orgasmic puddle on the floor."

She wrapped her arms around Danielle's midsection, holding her just below the belly button.

"That is," she whispered, her tone shifting from sultry to mock indifference, "If that's something you'd like to experience." She emphasized her point with a gentle nibble on Danielle's earlobe.

"I...I...." Danielle couldn't bring herself to say yes, though her body was betraying her.

"Just leave it to Ange and I and we'll make sure you have all sorts of fun this week."

With that, she drifted back and left Danielle to her imagination.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, ladies," Jeremy said as they reached the shoreline. And without further commentary, the three of them cannonballed into the lake. This brought on the expected squealing and giggling from the girls, who swam over to meet the boys once they reemerged.

For a while, all six of them kept relatively to themselves, floating in the early afternoon sun and enjoying the quiet. But soon, Andrea started mixing things up.

"OK, enough peace and quiet. Let's have a chicken fight!"

"Oh, Ange...why do you keep doing this to yourself?" Kevin asked. "You know Marci and I are going to kick your ass!"

"Ha, that was last year!" Andrea replied. "I've got a few new tricks up my sleeve. Come on, Brandon. Let's get revenge for last year!"

The boys did not need any additional encouragement. Brandon teamed with Andrea, and Kevin with Marci. Both guys went underwater, only to reappear a second later with the girls on their shoulders. Danielle marveled at the glistening forms before her. The sculpted shoulders and necks had no trouble supporting the lithe, splashing beauties above them. And Andrea and Marci were simply stunning, especially the way their butts perched, cocked and ready to launch forward at their opponent.

Marci, in her cutout one-piece, looked a bit more secure, but Andrea looked like any part of her could be exposed at any second in her barely-there two-piece. Both donned thongs that drew constant attention to their shapely asses, pointing to the treasure below. Danielle had a hard time believing that these girls could possibly think she was more beautiful than them and knew that they attracted the hotter guys. And in a sudden moment of realization, she computed that it wasn't just looks, it was attitude. Maybe she was just as beautiful as these girls, but they exuded confidence. They owned their sexuality. It wasn't the frat guys who were scoring with them, it was them scoring with frat guys. They used their beauty to get what they wanted, and they were honest about what they wanted. After all, here they were, literally sitting on a couple dudes while they wrestled with each other, giggling and splashing without a care in the world.

In that moment, Danielle decided to play the part, just to see how it felt. She reached behind her, still underwater, and pulled her panties up into a thong. It was exhilarating! Knowing that she was so scantily clad around three guys she had a crush on -- even if they couldn't see her makeshift thong -- got her juices running again.

As Marci and Andrea battled before her, Jeremy sidled up and put his arm around her waist.

"We've got winner, OK?"

Danielle locked eyes with him and just nodded, knowing that if she tried to speak it would just come out as a stuttering mess. With his arm around her, she gripped his bicep and simply floated without effort. She felt totally at ease in his strength despite the butterflies in her stomach.

Together, they watched as the girls tussled, giggling and caterwauling with every splash and near collapse. Finally, Marci succeeded in toppling Andrea, sending her and Brandon crashing beneath the surface in a cacophony of laughter and yelping. Andrea rose demanding a rematch.

"Nah nah," said Marci, still riding her steed Kevin. "It's Danielle's turn!"

"No, one rematch first!" Andrea insisted, showing her trademark competitiveness.

"OK, fine," Marci said, her hands resting on top of Kevin's head calmly. "But we have to up the ante. Winner isn't the one who topples the other. Winner is the one who exposes the other's tits!"

"Haha, OK. Didn't realize we were going to escalate things so quickly, Marci," Andrea said as she remounted Brandon. "But you know I've got nothing to hide! Bring it, bitch!"

The slander was all in fun, and once again the girls gripped each other's hands as they struggled for advantage.

Danielle turned to Jeremy, still snuggled comfortably and confidently in his grasp.

"This hardly seems fair," she said. "Marci's swimsuit is much sturdier than Andrea's. No way Marci can lose this."

Jeremy smiled. "Andrea wanted the rematch, so Marci named the terms. Ange knew what she was getting into. Besides, Ange seems to always find an excuse to remove her top."

Danielle laughed. "Yeah, I guess it won't be the first time I've seen them. Or even the fifth."

Jeremy chuckled and held her a bit tighter. Danielle liked the rapport they were developing. If he had asked her to walk with her down the path alone, she would have let him fuck her right there on the forest floor. Alas, he wasn't being quite so authoritative yet.

Their premonition came true. Marci slipped her hand free of Andrea's grasp and darted for her top. Andrea was quick to defend, but not quick enough. Marci gave a hard yank and the front of her top, pulling Andrea and Brandon forward. As Andrea fell, Marci continued pulling on the bikini top, eventually freeing it from her breasts and sliding it smoothly over her head. Andrea face-planted in the water, dragging Brandon down with her.

Marci threw her arms in the air in celebration, tossing Andrea's top onto the dock. As Andrea regained her senses, she expressed mock outrage.

"You bitch! I hate you!"

Marci played along.

"You said you wanted a rematch. I was trying to take it easy on you and only beat you once."

She then turned to Danielle. "Let's go, babe. You're my next victim."

"Come on, we got this," Jeremy said. "Don't be nervous."

He steered Danielle around so that she was facing Marci, then, as Brandon and Kevin had before, he ducked underwater, sliding his head between Danielle's legs before lifting her out of the water in the most impressive of squat exercises.

"Whoa!" Danielle yelped as she rose out of the water. The brisk spring air enrobed her, heightening her senses and causing a tingling sensation all over. She was suddenly urgently aware of how exposed she was. She could feel the water gliding down her back, tracing the outline of her makeshift thong and converging just below her cheeks. Goosebumps popped up on her arm, her microscopic hairs standing on end. Her breasts seemed to tighten a bit, and she could feel her nipples hardening.

"Shit, babe," Marci said, glaring at her chest. "I don't even need to remove your top, do I?"

Danielle looked down and was horrified at the sight. Her lacey bra, soaking wet, looked like a soaked tissue clinging tightly to her tits. It provided only a thin veil, adding an element of eroticism more than any kind of coverage.

"Fuck yeah," said Kevin. "Been wanting to see those for two years, and they did not disappoint!"

Danielle wanted to cover herself up but knew that there was no point to that now. Everyone had seen her breasts, and they were all complimentary. She felt as though she was witnessing this happen, rather than experiencing it firsthand. But of the many swirling emotions eating at her, she was mostly excited. Instead of grabbing her boobs and running for cover -- something she would have done this time yesterday -- she threw her arms forward and challenged Marci.

"Enough talk! Let's do this!"

Soon, both girls were giggling hysterically as the wrestled each other, encouraged by the rooting of the guys below and their defeated compatriots serving as spectators. Danielle surprised herself by wresting her hand free and lunging for Marci's chest. She managed to grab ahold of the swimsuit, but she didn't have a good angle for yanking it off. She pulled it forward a bit, but Marci was able to lean into it so it didn't distance from her body.

In turn, Marci found a sturdy clutch at the intersection of Danielle's cups. Like an experienced Chicken Fighter, she balanced herself and twisted her fist, pulling back and up on Danielle's bra. Danielle shrieked, letting go over Marci's suit and shifting to the defense. But it was too late.

First, a portion of the cup ripped, separating from the underwire and leaving a segment of underboob fully exposed. Then, with one quick motion, Marci managed to pull the rest of the top up and off. Danielle flailed in defiance, but that only caused her newly exposed breasts to jiggle for everyone's amusement.

"Noooo!" she screamed in fake angst. Even she couldn't believe how playfully she was taking it. They were all having fun, and the guys were being respectful.

"Damnit, Danielle! We almost had her!" Jeremy chided.

"In your dreams you almost had me," Marci mocked.

Jeremy hoisted Danielle off his shoulders and placed her sitting on the edge of the dock. He then turned to examine what everyone else had been enjoying.

Danielle just cocked her eyebrow at him, her hands on her hips. "Really, Jeremy? Not very gentlemanly of you."

"Hey, what's fair is fair. Everyone else got to see while I was carrying you on my shoulders."

Now more than ever, with all eyes on her, out from the concealment of the water, Danielle felt fully on display. Not even the thin veil of her tattered and removed bra concealed her rock hard nipples from her five observers. Again, the urge to cover up echoed in the back of her mind, but she pushed it aside. Instead, she took things a step further.

"I think I'll lie on the sand for a while, since I'm out of the water anyway," she said.

Receiving no objections, she rose to her feet, turning her wedgie-d backside to the group of waders. A chorus of catcalls and whistles exploded behind her as she sashayed to the beach.

"God damn! How did I not know that was hidden beneath all those frumpy clothes," Kevin said.

"Might as well take the bottoms off too, Danielle," Brandon said. "Wouldn't want to get tan lines."

"I think tan lines are sexy," said Jeremy.

"I guess I'm keeping them on, then," said Danielle with a wink. In the distance behind the boys, Danielle could see smiles of approval on the faces of Andrea and Marci.

Danielle found a patch of soft sand in the sun and stretched out on her back. As she sat down, she noticed that her panties were as transparent as her top had been, and was glad, idly, that she'd trimmed the night before. With her hands behind her head and her right knee bent towards the sky, she laid back and let any onlookers ogle her. This was easier than watching them ogle her, and she was able to drift away into fantasy for a brief period of time.