Stalking Chelsea


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Vixen, who wasn't nearly as big as me up on top, wasn't having any problems.

"Are you doingth the breasth sthroke Vixthen?" I asked her, sincerely wanting to know.

"What a great idea, Barbie," Vixen decided. She began groping my floatation devices and I became almost helpless in her hands.

I felt a hand come up between my thighs from behind and grasp my vulva.

"I thought I would help keep you afloat little one," Chelsea told me.

However, I think she had alternative motives in mind, since her hand didn't just hold me up. She worked her way around my thong, into my love box, slowly diddling me, while Vixen tweaked my nipples.

My head jerked backwards all by itself, my legs spread open uncontrollably, and my back arched. Luckily, Chelsea's boobies were behind my head and kept me afloat.

Poor Vixen wasn't able to stay in front of me, since now I was floating on my back with my boobs thrust prominently into the air.

"Let's swim her back to where we can stand up. I want to show you something Vixen."

Once we were where they could stand, Chelsea went on to say, "Okay Vixen, I want you to French kiss Barbie and tickle her nipples."

Vixen looked a little puzzled but dove in for the kiss.

I was frightened, since I knew what the results would be, but I was already so hot from what Chelsea was doing to me, I couldn't bring myself to protest.

Vixen was tickling the end of my nipples. Chelsea was working my pussy and clit as only another woman could, and I was groping her big girls in ecstasy.

Vixen moaned into my mouth while never missing a beat with her tongue, which put me over the top. I orgasmed in the warm pool, muscles locked, and toes clenched, while somewhere far off I heard a girl scream in bliss.

"Wow, and I thought I was easy. Barbie is so quick to cum, and so helpless... I want one of my own Chelsea!"

"Sorry, Barbie is a one of a kind girl. Nevertheless, you can borrow her whenever you come to visit, or if we run into each other on the road. Barbie will be my full-time companion."

"You're so lucky. Will she be a feature dancer too? I don't know if I can stand the competition..." Vixen groused with a mock pout.

"No, Barbie won't be in the public eye, not officially at least. One day we may publish a photo pictorial of her but I'm thinking of doing it and claiming it's a hoax. You know, like those latex and foam girls?" she recalled.

"Yes, I've seen them. I think Barbie is back with us. How was it honey?" Vixen asked, gazing deeply into my green eyes.

"Ith wonderfulth," I declared, clinging to her for support. "I think I came in my pantieth..."

"I think you came in your bikini bottoms honey, but it's okay, they were already wet," Vixen comforted.

"Do you two want to relax in the hot tub a while? I have a full wet bar we can raid for drinks to take with us," Chelsea offered, while she reorganized my thong so it covered most of what it was supposed to.

"Something fruity for me dahling..." Vixen said in a mock Zsa Zsa Gabor voice. She began climbing up the pool stairs and adjusted her bikini bottoms.

Chelsea, her grip still affixed to my derriere, helped me out of the pool, while I leaned into her wonderful boobs for support.

"Vixen, give Barbie a hand to the hot tub, dear. She's still a little wobbly from her climax," Chelsea urged, covering for my difficulty walking.

"My pleasure, Chelsea. Come along Barbie," she declared and took hold of my ample ass with one hand and my hand with her other.

"Be there in a minute girls," Chelsea called after us, "and Vixen, don't make Barbie orgasm so much she passes out... at least until I get there..."

Vixen laughed wickedly.

Once there, Vixen gave me a hand balancing while I climbed into the warm water and then she climbed in after me, sitting very close. She lifted my right leg onto her legs, and then my left and I soon found myself in her lap, and hugged tightly.

I was becoming very warm and relaxed in her arms when Chelsea joined us, drinks on a serving tray, "My, you two look comfy. I hope Mai Tais are all right with everyone. I'll put them in the holders by where you're lounging."

"I'm just cuddling with Barbie after her orgasm. A girl likes to be held after sex yah know!"

"I'm so thoughtless..." Chelsea declared as she entered the tub, "I'll have to make up for it." With that, she came over and held me from the side and behind.

I didn't think she would try anything and was so relaxed when I felt a hand snake up underneath my huge boobs and tickle my under cleavage.

When I jumped a little Vixen asked, "What is it Barbie? Did I jingle your nerves with a boob or something?"

"Chelthea is thickling me," I declared, still squirming.

"I just love to rub my finger gently up and down between boobies, it feels so delicious," she admitted. "I hope you don't mind hon.."

"Justh sthartled a little. It feeths so good," I admitted, relaxing and enjoying her strokes.

"Aw, Chelsea, she's purring," she declared a short time later.


"Yes, she moans almost like she's purring. Listen close to her," Vixen claimed.

I barely heard her, lost in relaxation and comfort.

"It does sound like purring doesn't it... Here, let me hold her while you take a break for a bit to grab your drink."

I was passed back to Chelsea, and held so my head was laying on top of her wonderful breasts, if anything would make me purr, those will. The warm bubbling water, her strokes, and my generally tired state added up to Barbie taking a nap in her happy place...


When they roused me, it was by taking turns tonguing my tonsils. I like it better than waking up to a huge need to pee behind an even bigger boner and I'll take it any day.

"You sure were tired, Barbie. You have been asleep for fifteen minutes. We should get out of the tub now. It's not good to stay in here more than twenty minutes at a time," Chelsea whispered in my ear, which means that the face stuck to mine belongs to Vixen.

"Back to the pool or dress for dinner?" Vixen inquired, once she came up for breath. (With the size of her lungs, she can kiss for a long time...)

"Dress for dinner I think. Do you want to help me dress Barbie?" Chelsea asked, as she started from the tub, helping me as she went.

"Can I pick what she wears?"

"Of course you can hon.. Why do you think she's called Barbie? She's my very own living Barbie Doll. I can dress her any way I want and she loves to do it for me, don't you sweetie?"

"Yeth, I loveth it," I agreed, concerned with what might happen should I contradict her.

"Goody! I'll grab my stuff and meet you in the Barbie Playhouse."

"Playhouthe?" I asked, wondering how much Vixen really knew.

"That's a perfect name for Barbie's room. I'll have a sign made for her door. Thanks Vixen."

"Barbie was fun to play with when we were little, but this Barbie I like better..." she declared and then jetted off to grab her own clothes.

We made our way slowly to my room. I was so relaxed my muscles didn't want to work right, so by the time we made the door, Vixen was right on our heels.

When we entered, I was sent to my canopy bed and Chelsea quickly whispered into Vixen's ear. What, I don't know, but Vixen disappeared into my walk-in closet.

"What?" I asked, knowing she knew what I meant.

"I was just giving her a plausible explanation for your ignorance about feminine clothing. We don't want her to come out with something sexy that virtually all girls know how to wear, but with which you will have trouble. So she thinks you were brought-up in the wilds of Alaska now, with nothing but brothers and a father. She thinks you didn't have a mother to teach you feminine ways," Chelsea explained and further added, "Now she will be more maternal and want to help you be sexy and feminine."

When Vixen popped out again she said, "Damn girl, don't you have any pants?"

"Barbie had such a deprived childhood, she wants to make up for it now. She isn't to wear pants or jeans, unless they are hot pants, or maybe Daisy Mae Cutoffs."

"Suits me just fine. I love lipstick lesbians. Here is her outerwear. Can I get some lingerie to accompany these?"

"Be our guest Vix. Just keep in mind what I told you..." Chelsea grinned expectantly.

When Vixen came back she was carrying bright blue panties and a matching bra, "I love these. If I tried them on though it would be like a guy trying to wear my bra..." she giggled. "This living bra would starve without Barbies big girls to feed it."

"Why don't you put it on her, while I help her with the panties?"

"Sure. Stand up Barbie, we'll get you dressed and then we can do ourselves," Vixen told me, and then the two girls worked diligently to enfold me in luxurious femininity.

Once they were finished with my and their dressing, both ladies started in on my makeup. I sat still while they discussed the pros and cons of each type and what would suit my clothes and our activities. I never knew how many parameters had to be met, just for me to get dressed and put on makeup. This is going to be a lot tougher to learn than I had thought.

Both ladies had already done their own makeup, so once they had finished mine, we were ready to eat. However, they had to stop and show me how I looked in the mirror before we left my room.

I was looking at a small busty angel, dressed all in blue taffeta, showing nearly a yard of cleavage, and even wearing heels, with the two other stunning ladies who were taller than me.

Once we walked outside the room, I was led down a corridor that I discovered only too late, led to the garage.

"Thith isn'th the kitchen..." I blurted out in my fright.

"No, Vixen has offered to take us both out for dinner," Chelsea calmly answered, then unlocked the doors on her SUV with the remote.

Chelsea wheeled us onto the highway and eventually after quite a long drive we came to a very large building and you can imagine my surprise when we pulled into the parking lot area designated for the local Hooters Restaurant.

"I love coming to theses," Vixen declared, "It gives the waitresses an inferiority complex." Then she giggled loudly.

I knew that we would be the objects of much attention, but steeled myself for the experience.

Once we had entered the door, the hostess, who was wearing the usual satin shorts, nylons, and silk tank top, greeted us. But not however, before her eyes nearly bugged out of her head and she stammered, "G... G... Good evening ladies, a table for three?"

"Yes please," Chelsea answered, "and can you tell Vic that Chelsea is here?"

"Oh... yes... Chelsea. I'll tell Vic you're here," she replied and then spun and escorted us to an out of the way booth.

As we progressed through the restaurant, people were gawking, stunned, intrigued, amused, and even uncouth and nasty. Some would point and elbow their neighbor. Others would whisper and titter to each other and still others dropped their utensils and just stared, open mouth and trying to resist drooling.

Chelsea whispered in my ear, "Now you know a little of what being me is like."

I had very mixed emotions. I wasn't sure whether to be flattered, angry, or defiant. I just tried to keep my head up and walk to the booth behind the busty little hottie in front of me. (Well, little to most people. She is still taller than I am.)

Chelsea slipped easily into the booth ahead of me and beckoned to me to follow her.

I wish that I had slid into the booth as easily as Chelsea and Vixen had. I had trouble with my boobies, if they tried to go under the table, I was hunched over, above the table, they were in my face, so I had to ask for a booster seat, which embarrassed me no end.

To top it all off, the booster seat was a little too narrow for my ample asset, so they wound up using two phone books for me. Talk about blushing! I thought I would melt into the floor until Chelsea stood up, and allowed me to slip into the corner and relative obscurity.

One guy who was watching with obvious mirth, snorted out his amusement and Chelsea shot him a look that must have made his blood run cold, since he quickly turned his attention to the food on his plate.

Vic showed up quickly after we were seated, saying, "Chelsea! It's so good to see you again. I see you have friends with you this evening, and lovely ladies they both are too. As always, if you have any complaints about the service, or if unruly patrons bother you, don't hesitate to call me. Barry over at the bar knows the deal. He will be watching out for you."

"Thanks so much, Vic. I love your place and really appreciate how you look out for me. Hey, you wouldn't have any more of those tank tops my friends could wear to help advertise your place, would you?" Chelsea asked him brazenly.

"Are you kidding? I can't buy that kind of advertising! What size ladies?" Vic asked eager to publicize the restaurant.

I was clueless, so Chelsea answered for me, "Barbie takes a double Extra Large, the same as me."

Vixen piped in with, "I only need an Extra Large."

"Can I ask if you'll sign T-Shirts for us again for a while tonight?" Vic pleaded eagerly. "I know Vixen LaMoore through her career, but I haven't seen your lovely blonde companion anywhere..." Vic subtly asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry Vic. This is Barbie Charms. She is my new traveling companion and girl Friday. You will probably be seeing her a lot more. Barbie, this is Victor Damien, the manager and owner of the restaurant," Chelsea introduced.

I held out my hand, wrist up, limply, as I had seen Chelsea do, and that fink actually kissed it!

"So grand to meet you Miss Barbie," Vic then turned to Vixen, who also proffered her hand and said, "I'm so glad to meet you in person Miss LaMoore. Any friend of Chelsea's is an honored patron in this restaurant."

Vixen tittered and said, "Call me Vixen, Vic."

I haven't seen a man so pleased that he was almost goofy looking before, but Vic must look as I did whenever I had met a stunning lady.

"I'll be right back," he declared.

Vixen and Chelsea shared a little giggle, though I was still in the dark as to why until Chelsea shared, "Guys are so silly around us sometimes. It's sweet though. He's a really great guy and his wife is terrific too."

Vic slipped up with almost astonishing speed, a tray in one hand, and some shirts under his arm, "I picked up three Mai Tais on the way by the bar. Barry had them all ready made and waiting for me." He placed the drinks in front of each of us and then started handing out tank tops, "One for Chelsea, one for Vixen, and one for Miss Barbie."

"Pleathe, call me Barbie, Vic," I asked, following Vixen's example.

"Bad tongue piercing," Chelsea, announced before Vic could coagulate the question onto his face.

"Barbie it is then, gorgeous," Vic agreed, blushing up a storm himself.

I noticed that Vic still had tank tops and t-shirts under his arm, and when my gaze went to them, Vic said, "Would you ladies please sign this tank top for the restaurant?"

He handed each of us a 'Hooters' pen to sign with and then carried on with, "Barry asked if you would sign his t-shirt too?"

Chelsea had finished the first one and passed it to me. I signed the name he knew me by, 'Barbie Charms'. It weirded me out that my penmanship was now much more fluid and feminine, but I didn't say anything and passed the shirt to Vixen.

"A... A... And could you sign this one for me?" Vic was blushing up a storm, but I could see he really was, honored to get our signatures on a t-shirt.

Chelsea signed that one, 'To Victor and Vicki, I love you both, Chelsea Charms'.

I didn't know Vicki, so I signed, 'To Victor, All my love, Barbie Charms'. That should be appropriate I guess.

I signed the same thing to Barry's t-shirt, and the one tank top for the restaurant, however that one was, handed to a waitress who grabbed a short stepladder and pinned it to the wall in a prominent place.

Vic worked up his courage and asked me, "Are you in the 'business', or are you..." he let the statement fade into the distance.

"Barbie isn't a feature Vic, she's just my companion. You want your tank top back?" she tittered.

"Dear god no! Chelsea what a thing to ask honey, I have Barbie Charm's autograph, something very few have I'll bet, and how many people have all three of your autographs?" Vic quickly defended. "I'm most honored to have your autograph Barbie. If you ever need work, you can be a Hooters waitress any time your heart desires... I'd even let a girl go if you offered!"

"I could never leave Chelthea..." I declared. (For more than one reason.)

"I know what you mean. Ah, there go my dreams of mega wealth..." Vic sighed.

"Oh stop it Vic. You'll frighten Barbie," Chelsea teased.

"That would never be my intention. My, my, look at me. I've kept you ladies from ordering for far too long. As always Chelsea, please allow me to cover the tab," Vic finished with a slight bow as he backed away and ushered a waitress to our table.

"Thank you Vic. Give my love to Vicki," Chelsea said to his retreating form. "Vic is such good people. Barbie, if you want to moonlight..." she let it fade into a snicker at the terrified look on my face.

"Darn, sometimes it's just tough to buy your girlfriends dinner," pouted Vixen, in an exaggeratedly poor act.

Chelsea and Vixen cracked up laughing.

When she'd calmed down, Vixen explained, "Barbie honey, this happens to us all of the time, and not just in 'Hooters' either."

"Yes, if not the manager, or owner, or head waiter, then quite often we are recognized by patrons who want to show their appreciation," Chelsea finished for her. "The only way to avoid it is to wear big sweatshirts or moo moos to disguise ourselves."

"Moo mooths?" I questioned.

"Big loose straight dresses, which hide a girl's figure hon., usually affected by extremely overweight women," Chelsea explained.

Vixen was looking a little suspicious but held her piece.

The buxom waitress was standing expressionless, waiting for us to acknowledge her. (Buxom compared to average women. Compared to us, she's built like twiggy.)

I made indications with my eyes to Chelsea that we weren't alone and needed to quit wasting the poor girl's time.

We all ordered, so she could get to other patrons. (I had to say everything I wanted two times or more... damn lisp.)

We had a great meal and no other problems, other than when Vixen slipped her shoeless foot up under my skirt to get a rise out of me. (It worked too!)

When we got up to leave, some drunken loud mouth yelled out, "Yah! Strippers! How about a table dance honey?" He snagged me by the waist and put me on his lap.

The stench of his alcohol-laden breath was pretty bad, and his rough handling of me was frightful. I tried to wriggle free. I tried to slap him, or punch him, but I wasn't strong enough.

Chelsea was about to dive in when a large well-built guy hopped the bar top and ran to my aide, "Let go of the lady, friend," was all he said. It must have been in the way he said it, because the guy instantly let go of me and I was out of his lap in a shot.

Vic ran out from the back and told the guy, "Please, leave my restaurant and never come back."

The guy looked defiant for a moment, but even as drunken as he was, the sheer size of Barry told him to shut up and leave while he could.

Vic turned to us and quickly apologized directly to me, "I am so sorry Barbie. We usually attract a much better clientele. Please don't hold it against us."

"Thankths Vic, You didn'th do ith and Sthuperman here resthcued me quick enoughth he didn'th even hath a chanth at a good grope," I acknowledged. I hugged him to show my appreciation and thank him, and of course, I had to hug Barry's thighs to thank him too.

"My pleasure lil' lady," Barry's deep voice thanked me from far above. "I hope to see you in here again real soon."