Stalking Chelsea


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She made a fist and began pumping her arm in and out of my vagina, which had me beating my little fists on the side of the tub.

"Barbie? Hold your boobies up for me," Chelsea ordered, and I did. She then commenced to tickle my udders with one of her wonderful nipples, which had me orgasming out of my mind. However, those minxes didn't stop there, they kept it up for almost half an hour... at least I think it was half an hour. I remember Vixen adding hot water to the tub three times.

They played with my huge boobs, tickled my erogenous zones, and Vixen went to work seriously on my clittie.

The only thing I vaguely remembered next was a soft patting off with a big fluffy towel and the next thing I knew I was in bed alone.

I moved my hands about as I had a couple of times before and affirmed that it wasn't a dream, she had actually turned me into a huge breasted horny little girl. I also discovered that I was wearing a silky see-through pink teddy, with a note pinned to the strap over my left breast.


You were so lost in, orgasms that we decided to let you nap while we did some work on the web. If you wake up before we are back, put on the outfit I laid out for you on your hope chest, raid the kitchen, (I left you some of your favorite fruits cut up in a bowl in the fridge.) and then knock on the office door.

Love Chelsea

I looked at the clothes she had laid out for me and shouldn't have been surprised at her choices. She put a short plaid skirt, a peasant blouse, panties, garter, and hose with high heel saddle shoes for me to wear with them. I also found a note pinned to them:


Once you have these on, don't forget to put on your makeup.

I love this. It's like being your mom and lover at the same time.

Vixen says she can't wait to see you in this, so do a good job and we'll see you soon.

Love Chelsea

I started putting on the essentials first and had my panties, hose and garter all on when I realized that Chelsea hadn't laid out a bra for me.

'Not, a problem, I'll get one myself,' I thought. I went to my dresser, found an innocuous looking full cup black bra, and slipped it on, just as she had shown me.

I proceeded to put on the peasant blouse and figured out all on my own that the long hanging pieces in front were to be tied-up underneath my bosom.

Something struck me as a little off, but I wasn't going to let it worry me. Into the bathroom, I went and it only took me forty-five minutes to put on my makeup.

When I finally got the Raccoon eyes to go away and begin looking, as a lady should, off I went to the kitchen, proud of my accomplishment.

I pulled out my bowl of fruit, sat down at the table, and fearing I would make a mess of myself, I tucked a napkin in my cleavage and overtop of my blouse to keep from being, stained.

I ate slowly and daintily as Chelsea had taught me, washed the bowl in the sink, put the napkin in the laundry, and with head held high, marched to the office door and knocked.

"Come in!" Vixen shouted.

I grabbed the handle and barged right in... just as I heard Chelsea cry out, "No Vixen! We're on the web cam!"

I froze as if Medusa herself had turned me to stone.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the chat winds ablaze with questions, comments, and saw windows with guys' faces, which Chelsea and Vixen could see as well, go blank, their jaws drop open, and rivers of drool flow down their chins.

I could even hear a couple of voices exclaim, "Damn! Who is THAT?" and, "I'm in love!"

I finally began to be able to move again, but it was towards the hallway I progressed, as if in slow motion. I had gotten to a point where I could swing the girls out of the way and bolt down the corridor when Chelsea called out, "No you don't young lady. The damage is, done. Just get you lovely soft ass back here and face the music."

"Bu... Bu... But... I... I... I..." I stammered while slowly moving back towards Chelsea.

"Well, everyone was bound to find out sooner or later I guess. Everyone? This is my kissing cousin, Barbie Charms. You can tell we share a gene pool, can't you?" she tittered musically at the web cam.

An avalanche of written and spoken responses deluged us, but they all seemed to buy that tale.

"Barbie isn't a public kind of girl. Therefore, everyone be sweet to her. Barbie? Wave at your fans and then take Vixen out and spank her for me will you?" Chelsea asked, quite obviously playing up to the camera and all the horny guys at the other end.

Chelsea whispered in Vixen's ear, and then went back to playing with her boobs for her fans.

Vixen jumped up, buck-naked and snagged my hand to drag me from the office.

Once out the door she asked, "Where did you get that bra?"

"From my dresser..." I meekly replied.

"You act as if you're a guy sometime Barbie! Nobody, but nobody, wears a bra with a peasant blouse girl!"

I quietly and timidly said, "I... I just thought you two forgot..."

Vixen's eyes rolled around as if she thought I was nuts and helped to show me how to wear the peasant blouse.

I quickly discovered that it didn't restrain my boobs nearly as well as my bra did, but when I complained, Vixen replied, "Jesus Barbie, that's why you wear them! It's to bring attention to your tits and arouse everyone who sees them dance around."

"Do they arouse you like this?" I asked in confusion.

"Do my boobs arouse me when I wear a peasant blouse, or do your boobs arouse me when you wear one?" Vixen asked, needing clarification.

I blushed realizing I was mining for a compliment, but I knew better than to try to mislead her, "I wanted to... uh... know if my..."

Vixen was way ahead of me and held her finger to my lips to stop me, "Very, very much Barbie. However, I enjoy your breasts in many different types of garb. This look is very hot... well at least without the bra, it is."

"If the bra wasn't hot looking, why did those guys slobber all over themselves?"

"Shit Barbie! You could wear a trash bag and make those guys slobber with boobs like those!"

"That might be an interesting experiment..." I trailed off in thought.

"Well, we might just get the chance to do that yet..." she declared and then took my hand, leading me back to the office.

Vixen didn't knock, was still naked, and still had me in tow, "She's ready, Chelsea."

"Welcome back cousin Barbie! Give me a kiss honey!"

Chelsea sucked onto my face like a Plecostomus. She slipped me her tongue and groped my boobies. I loved it, but it was weird knowing we were being watched by who knows how many guys. My body betrayed me by creaming my panties, embarrassed, yet turned-on and lubricating myself like mad.

My whole world shrunk down until the only thing in it was Chelsea and what she was doing to my breasts and lips.

She whispered in my ear, "Sorry baby, I had to promise them something," and she scooped one of my boobs out of the peasant blouse, exposing it for the entire world to see. She began to lightly tickle my nipple, while still sucked onto my face.

My nipple was scrunching up and I was helpless to stop what was happening.

Chelsea twiddled, teased, and tweaked my nipple until it became nothing but a diamond-like white-hot pleasure center softening my brain. My panties were soaked and I stayed tight to Chelsea's face, so the people on the other side of the web cams couldn't see me clearly.

I briefly opened my eyes and saw Chelsea signal Vixen to come and join us, and the next thing I knew, she was boldly and openly licking my nipple, so that her face wasn't blocking my boob from the cameras.

"Mmmm Barbie has such tasty nipples," Vixen moaned, putting on a show for the camera.

"Come on Barbie, say something for the viewers," Chelsea urged.

"Gahh! Ooh!" I blurted, while squirming on Chelsea's lap.

"Okay, this is Chelsea and..." Chelsea prompted.

"This is Vixen," Vixen added.

"Signing off for now. We have to finish this poor girl off now, so you guys will just have to fantasize about what we are going to do to Barbie... Bye, bye," Chelsea told her viewers, waved, and turned off the incoherent babbling from the many guys who had seen me pleasured.

"Y... Y... You said you wouldn't..." I accused, still squirming since Vixen had gone right back to work on my boob.

"Yes, I said I wouldn't humiliate you. Do you feel humiliated?" Chelsea asked, having slipped her hand up my skirt to cup my vulva.

"I... Uh... Actually, no..." I rambled, "Soooo gooood..."

"She's so cute when she's horny," Vixen laughed and tenderly bit my nipple.

"I think it's time for Barbie to have a pony ride, while you and I watch from the hot tub," Chelsea suggested.

"I'll make the drinks..." Vixen offered.

"Barbie, you are just going to love this!" Chelsea promised as she stood up, setting me on my low heels.

Vixen supported my wobbly little body on the other side as they brought me back to my room.

The girls quickly striped themselves and then helped to strip me. (I'm still not too used to dressing as a woman.) When we were ready, they slipped on bathing suits, however this time they gave me a bikini to wear.

The one-piece was bad enough, but at least it had curtailed some of the shifting of my chest, which was throwing me off balance as we walked back to the hot tub area.

"So, you have a sea horse for me to ride, while you two relax in the tub?" I tried to suggest, hoping it wasn't something worse.

"No such luck honey. Ah, we're here. Take off your bottoms and come over here," Chelsea ordered.

I did as she urged, sporting my hairless crotch, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"Okay Vixen, let's boost her to the saddle," Chelsea declared as she lifted me onto a vinyl-clad, half-round, barrel-like structure, with a flesh colored rounded ridge along the top, and centered upon this is a vertical dildo.

I was immediately scared out of my wits.

"Don't be frightened Barbie. It's okay. Vix and I both ride the pony from time to time," soothed Chelsea, however she neither stopped, nor slowed my unavoidable decent onto the dildo.

When I hadn't been looking apparently, Vixen had lubed up the dildo with K-Y Jelly, so they easily slipped me onto the protrusion.

"Oof! Hey, my feet don't reach the ground," I complained, legs dangling on both sides of the unit.

Chelsea brought up a center post in front of me, which angled at about 45 degrees and she had me lay against the padding with my boobs straddling both sides of it. Next, they belted me to it with four different belts and it was obvious that I couldn't even fall off the thing.

"Just lie there and enjoy, Barbie," Vixen suggested, "We are going to take the control to the hot tub with us and supervise your ride from there."

They scurried off to the Hot tub, Vixen hurriedly making drinks and splashing in after Chelsea.

The girls started counting down together, "Five, four, three, two, one...!"

Immediately after hearing, "one," I felt a low vibration start up in the 'pony', "Wha..."

"What you are riding on sweet Barbie, is called a Sybian, and you are in for a wild ride girl," Chelsea declared as I heard and felt the vibrations increase.

"Uuuh!" I squealed in and even higher tones than, I have almost, gotten used to.

Dimly off in the distance I heard Chelsea and Vixen chatting, laughing, and necking, while I screamed through orgasm after orgasm. Only after having orgasmed so much that I couldn't even scream, let alone sit up, they turned of the infernal machine and gently lifted me off the probe. Random electric pulses fired muscles all over my body, totally beyond my ability to control them, twitching and jerking as the two women carried me back to bed, where they cuddled me until I fell asleep.


Chelsea and Vixen were in bed with me when I came around and it seems they had dressed me in a pink nightie, before donning their own bedclothes.

"Morning Barbie," Vixen declared with a stretch.

"Oh is my pussy sore..." I answered right back.

"I don't doubt it," Chelsea added from behind me.

"I didn't think a girl could cum that much," I returned in disbelief.

"You did last longer than anyone I ever saw ride the wild Sybian," Vixen informed me, "We should get you a rodeo buckle or something..."

"Maybe we could get that Superman guy from TV and have Guinness validate the record next time..." Chelsea giggled.

I quickly dove under the pillows and covers trying to hide.

"Damn, I wish I didn't have to leave town tonight," Vixen exclaimed while rubbing the large bump sticking up nearest her... my butt.

"Yah, that sucks. We better get up and make the most of the day we have though," Chelsea declared as she dragged me towards the edge of the bed.

"Eep!" I squawked as I slid, finally winding up with my knees dangling over the edge of the bed.

"Let's see how well you are walking today Barbie," she insisted as she led the way to the bathroom.

"Okay..." I planted my feet on the floor, raised myself up, wobbled, and Vixen steadied me before I could topple onto my boobs.

"Still getting your balance, eh Barbie?" she asked, and swatted my big soft bottom playfully.

"I guess so. Thanks Vixen, I would have gotten sore boobs if you hadn't caught me," I hugged her in thanks. It is an amazing feeling squishing our big breasts together... especially for me, since mine are so much bigger than hers are... and since hers are huge by any standard, that's saying a lot.

Vixen escorted me to the shower and all three of us climbed in together. That was some experience too, all of the boobage in that shower made turning around, or bending over one hell of a lot of fun.

"Hey Barbie, while you're down there, could you get the underside of my boobs for me?" Chelsea asked.

"Sure. My pleasure, ma'am," I busied myself with sudsing and caressing her wonderful tits and then of course Vixen asked me to do hers as well.

"Barbie, while you are at it, could you use the wash cloth on my pussy..." Vixen added for good measure.

After finishing off Vixen, and without her asking, I began work on Chelsea's lovely labia, cleaning and teasing as much as she would allow...

"Okay, your turn Barbie," Vixen declared, lifting me up so Chelsea could do me without bending over. I must have been extra dirty too, cause she really went to town on my crotch.

"God, she can even cum when you wash her pussy!" Vixen declared shaking her head in amazement.

"Well let's get dressed and ready, before we wind up blowing a couple of hours screwing Barbie's brains out," Chelsea laughed as she exited the shower, handing towels to Vixen and me.

I started to rub the towel over myself as I used to, "Ouch..."

"Barbie, you need to pat yourself dry. Your skin is too sensitive for rubbing that towel over yourself," Chelsea instructed.

I started to pat myself dry as she had told me when I heard, "That's it! Now, are you two going to let me in on this? There is no way a girl doesn't know to pat her skin dry. What the hell is going on?"

I must have blushed all the way down to my toes.

"Can I tell her Barbie?"

I nodded. I couldn't see any way around it now.

"Vixen, what I am going to tell you, you must promise to keep secret. Barbie's life would be in total turmoil if the word got out," Chelsea began, "Do you promise?"

"Uh... sure... do I have to cross my heart and spit or something?"

"If it makes you feel better..." Chelsea replied and laughed with Vixen in answer.

With all of us wrapped in towels, bottom and top, we went in and sat on the bed while Chelsea told Vixen my story.

"That's unbelievable Barbie. I wouldn't have ever know you are a guy," Vixen declared.

"Barbie isn't a guy, Vixen. Barbie is a woman. She has a uterus and ovaries, with all of the plumbing that goes with them. She had her genitals transplanted in exchange with a lady doctor in Bangkok. So I don't want you referring to her as male in any way," Chelsea admonished.

"Sorry... But, isn't that impossible?"

"Nope, it just hadn't been done until Barbie here."

"She must have been one heck of a short guy then," Vixen surmised.

"Not really... Barbie is over a foot shorter than she started out."

"How did that happen? You can't make bones shrink," Vixen inquired suspiciously.

"Actually they did it arthroscopically. They inserted two hollow tubes until they were on opposite sides of the bones, then they pushed a loop through one side, and a flexible saw blade, which has a knot on the end. The knot is caught by the loop, which is tightened, pulled through the loop's tube a ways, drawing the saw blade out and around the bone, allowing the doctors to saw through the bone. The procedure is then repeated down the limb a ways, releasing the bone segment, which is pulverized by an ultrasound probe they insert through the small cut. Irrigation is provided allowing the bone dust and water mix to exit the body. Once that is complete, they use a small amount of autogenous paste to speed healing of the bones together."

"The really cool thing is that autogenous paste was also used to widen Barbie's hips. The doctors used the arthroscopic procedure to separate the hipbone and filled in the void with the paste. The bones were speed healed with an electrical bone growth stimulator. The whole thing was cutting edge surgery. It was a good thing that Barbie owned a house and a couple of cars, or she couldn't have afforded the surgery, even though the medical students all volunteered their time."

"The special surgeries that came later were due to a fluke of timing. Barbie was there during the time the tsunami hit the area and a young girl died in the hospital. It turned out that she was a perfect donor match with Barbie, so the Doctors wanted to do something special for Barbie. They gave Barbie the girl's ovaries in addition to the ones they had already transplanted from the doctor. They knew that Barbie was to be a lesbian love slave. Her high voice is from the same donor, which is why it sounds so childlike. That about covers it, other than the fact that I am rehabilitating Barbie, by mentoring her in the ways of femininity. Any questions?" Chelsea took a big breath after such a long dissertation.

"Wow. So little Barbie was really a man and you made her one of us? I like it," Vixen determined. She walked over to me and drew me into a big hug, "Barbie, your secret is safe with me. Not that anybody would believe me if I told them. If I can help with girl lessons please ask. I would love to help you become as sweet a girl as Chelsea is."

"Th... thanks Vixen. Aren't you grossed out or put-off, now that you know?" I asked uncertainly, worried that she wouldn't like me anymore, or worse yet, would think me a pervert for stalking Chelsea in the first place.

"I think that if Chelsea believes you can be reformed that you must be a good girl inside. I don't know why I would be upset with you, since you are one of us girls now. My knowing how you got this way, doesn't change what we shared the past couple of days," she rubbed my platinum blonde head and then asked, "You aren't put-off me, because I still like you, are you?"

I shook my head, hair flying all over, and started to blubber into Vixen's terry cloth towel, "Damn hormones!"

Vixen and Chelsea laughed and comforted me.

"New lesson for today Barbie, 'Dressing to minimize the attention you will draw when out in public: 101'. Today you get to start out with the bra you showed up wearing underneath your peasant blouse. Dark pantyhose, navy pumps and skirt, and a big, loose-fitting, lace-covered, white blouse with three quarter length sleeves that buttons up so only six inches of your cleavage shows. Accent that with the low inch and a half pumps in your closet, two bracelets, and a tight string of pearls necklace around your neck and you should be very understated. Well... understated for a girl built like us that is," she blushed and winked at me.
