Stand for Love Ch. 02


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After the nurse left, Nicholas kissed Adrian good morning and he went to the bathroom. It was beautiful, luxurious and mind blowingly super exciting.

Nicholas washed his face, took a towel to rub his face. He was all better. He felt he needed a bath and a change of clothes. He only had three days till the wedding.

Nicholas took out his phone to check the time.

"77 missed calls?" Nicholas exclaimed.

How come his phone had been on silent? Could he have put it on silent during that time he was panicking?

Nicholas checked his phone and the missed calls were from his mother, fiancé and brother. They had probably been worried because he had never spent a night outside the house before. He knew they were worried sick and it was his fault. It was already so he decided to give his mother a call.

"Nicholas!" He could already hear that she was pissed.

"Mom," Nicholas muttered. "I'm really sorry. I didn't see any of your calls."

"Finally, you decided to call." she yelled. "Where did you spend the night? Jake and I have been so worried. Why did you do this?"

"I'm sorry, mom." Nicholas apologized to the pissed lady on the phone. "I should have called and told you that I wasn't coming home."

"Just come home, right away." She ordered. "We'll talk about it later."

"Mom, I..."

"Nicholas Miller," She shouted. "I said, now!"

Nicholas had no say in that. He didn't want to leave Adrian but he also didn't want to disobey his mother. Maybe what he needed was grow some balls and tell his mother that he was not a teen whom she had to control.

"Alright, I'll be there in an hour's time."

Nicholas cut the call and went back to the room where he found a nurse checking on Adrian. Nicholas' eyes were only for Adrian. Though he was getting married in just after three days, he still loved the handsome, sexy boy whom he had saved. He was a fool in love.

He didn't want to go but he needed to.

"Can you take care of him while I'm gone?" Nicholas asked the nurse.

"Of course, Mr. Miller," She answered. "It's my job and I'll gladly do it."

"Thanks," Nicholas smiled. "Give him something hot and sweet if he wakes up before I come back and please, don't tell him I brought him here. I'll reveal that to him myself."

"Don't worry," The nurse smiled. "I'll take care of him."

Nicholas took one final glance at Adrian, smiled and left after kissing him on his forehead. He couldn't wait to come back early after he was done with everything.


"Seriously, Nicholas...just what are you trying to do?" Victoria yelled, fuming. "You knew that yesterday was really an important day and you couldn't even call anyone to tell us where you were. Just look at yourself, you are a mess."

"Mom," Nicholas said softly, feeling like a child again. "I really had something important to do."

"What could be more important than your wedding judging under these circumstances?" Victoria yelled. "Don't mess this wedding, Nicholas. Don't even think of messing it up because you'll have me as your enemy."

Nicholas had done absolutely nothing. He didn't want to make his mother an enemy because he loves her a lot. She was just overreacting because though he was in love with Adrian, never for once had he thought of calling off the wedding. It was all for her.

"No," Nicholas chirped, trying to put his mother back in her happy mood. "Mother, why would I do that? I know you like Jake and..."

"No, no you are gravely mistaken," She said, pointing his fingers at him. "I don't like Jake..."

"Mom," Nicholas gasped. To say he was surprised would be an understatement. He was flabbergasted and he struggled to breath for a few seconds. He knew his mother was crazy about Jake. To say that she didn't like him, he was really caught by surprise.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes," she chuckled. "I don't like Jake at all...I love Jake like a son and don't you dare mess this relationship."

"I told you I won't." Nicholas hollered. "I'll marry Jake and my plans haven't changed at all. Just three days and he'll be your son in law.'

"I know that but you need to apologize to him." Victoria demanded. "And don't let me find out that you have someone else. I just hope you didn't sleep at some guy's house."

"No, mother, I just had a lot to do." Nicholas lied. "I had a meeting at the hotel with some investors and the meeting kinda ended really late. In fact, all of us spent the night at the hotel. It was also the reason why I had my phone on silent."

"I hope you are telling me the truth because Jake was pissed."

"I have no reason to lie to you." Nicholas chuckled, putting his arm around his mother's shoulder.

Nicholas could tell that she was pissed but she had no reason to. She need not worry because Nicholas was ready to marry Jake anytime, any day.

"You should have called. You should have also postponed the meeting till after the wedding." Victoria suggested. "In fact, I think it'll be better if you stay in the house the few remaining days. We still have a wedding on our hands, your wedding. There are still a lot of things to do."

Oh no, Nicholas couldn't just sit in the house. Adrian was in the hospital, still unconscious because of Jake and his family. He couldn't just stay home without Adrian. He couldn't do it.

"Mom, I don't think I can do that." Nicholas said confidently. "I still have a lot of things to do."

"What could be more important than your own wedding?" Victoria yelled. "I shouldn't be telling you this. You should know it by yourself and besides, everything else can wait, can't it?"

No it couldn't wait. Nicholas couldn't just stay away from Adrian now that he knew that he was still around. Even if it was gonna be just a few days, Nicholas needed to spend a little time with Adrian. He couldn't just stay at home whole day for three days. He was a fucking business man for God's sake.

"Please, mom, you need to understand."

"There are fittings, rings, clothes and even photos to be published in the next magazine."

"What?" Nicholas hollered. He tried to get into his head whatever his mother was saying. "Another magazine, I thought we were done with that?"

"It is not just some ordinary guy's wedding," Victoria chuckled. "You are Nicholas miller, a famous business man. Isn't that enough reason for people to see the grandest wedding in the history of the city?"

"Mom, it's just a wedding,"

"Maybe to you," Victoria yelled. "All my children must have the grandest of weddings, like your brother."

Victoria was right. Noah's wedding was really a wedding to remember and Nicholas had admired it a lot and wished for his wedding to be like that but...

"So do what you have to do, young man." Victoria chirped. "Jake will be here in the next thirty minutes...and also the people to take your measurements for the suit. Then you have to go to the jeweler to..."

Yeah, she was preaching. Nicholas moved his mind from her and it became as quiet as night in the desert. Nicholas' mind went straight to the hospital, wondering if at all Adrian had already awakened.

He wondered how Adrian would react to seeing him and also what he would say. Whatever it was, Nicholas was glad he saved Adrian. He just hoped the guard who had helped him wouldn't be in trouble after they find out that Adrian had escaped, sort of.

"Nicholas!" Victoria yelled. Seeing her son looking straight at his shoes smiling made her feel like he had not been listening at all.

"Got it, mom," Nicholas smiled. "Now, I want to take a bath before Jake arrives or should I take it with you here?" Nicholas said, already stripping his shirt off.

"No," Victoria chuckled. "I'll leave you to do your...stuff."

She left. She actually left. Nicholas was able to breathe again. He knew he had a lot to do but no matter what it was going to take, he was gonna go back to the hospital. He just had to, even if it meant getting scolded by his mother even though he was old enough to handle himself.

Nicholas quickly stripped his dirty clothes off and threw them in the dirty laundry. He was sort of tired since he didn't have any good sleep, taking care of Adrian. He had to wake up at some point to check if Adrian was doing well at all.

Nicholas rushed into the bathroom and stood under the shower for a few minutes, thinking before he washed his body. He quickly got out and wore a simple jean, brown shirt and green snickers. He wanted to feel at least like a free man instead of all those jackets he wears almost on a daily basis.

He came down the stairs just in time to see the designer entering the house for the fitting. It was not long and everything was done. He knew he had a lot to do but his mind was at the hospital. He kept glancing at his watch from time even though he knew his mother wouldn't allow him to go.

"Finally," Nicholas heard Jake's voice from behind him. "You decided to show up after all."

Nicholas slowly turned and faced Jake who was dressed in his black skinny trouser, pink shirt and brown shoes. He had a frown on his face, meaning he was mad at Nicholas.

As soon as Nicholas saw him, he felt anger take a part of his body and he found himself clenching his fists. There was the guy who had almost killed Adrian but he couldn't still do anything because that same guy was still his fiancé, ready to be married in three days.

"Hey, Jake," Nicholas finally said after bringing himself under control. "Sorry, I had a meeting yesterday and that's..."

Nicholas got angry when he saw Jake signaling him to shut up. That was not the kind of behavior that he was looking for in his partner. He wanted someone innocent, sweet, passionate...just like Adrian.

Oh Adrian, Jake sighed. Adrian was really so cute. If only he could wake up one day to find Adrian in his arms with his long hair covering his face. That would be one of the sweetest moments in life, so romantic.

"Forget it," Jake smiled. "Just don't do that again,"

Nicholas felt like he was being ordered around. In fact Jake was ordering him around. What if they got married and Nicholas woke up one morning to find that Jake was not only controlling his life but also his companies. It could happen and Nicholas was sure it was gonna happen. Maybe he needed to be a man for once and yell at Jake.

Maybe he needed to bring back the mood that he had been in the last three days. But what surprised him was that he couldn't do it. He had found Adrian and couldn't have happier. He was angry at Jake and his family though. Had Adrian been his boyfriend, Jake would have paid the price.

"Shall we," Jake said, planting a kiss on Nicholas' lips. Nicholas felt nothing from that kiss but he still went all the way.

He knew there was a lot to be done. He just hoped he would leave a little time to pass by the hospital and check on Adrian's condition.


Adrian slowly and weakly opened his eyes. At first the vision was not clear but he was lying on a bed, in a room and it was beautiful. Though he couldn't see clearly, it was beautiful.

The aroma was magnificent and the sound of a fridge made him open his eyes a bit wide. He was able to see everything clearly and he was truly in a wonderful room. Last he remembered, he was in a dark room, cold and scary too.

Maybe he had died and brought to heaven. If this was heaven, then it was a great place. That was the only thing that came to his mind at that time. It was what he could think.

" I dead?" Adrian mumbled his voice weak and curious.

"No," Adrian heard a happy voice. "You are still alive."

" I?" Adrian said softly.

"You are in a hospital." He heard the voice get closer.

He diverted his eyes and saw a really beautiful nurse in her clean uniform smiling at him brightly. Adrian was definitely in the hospital, but what kind of hospital was it? The room looked so magnificent.

"" Adrian tried to get up but his strength failed him and he fell back.

"Don't get up," the nurse said, holding him carefully. "You are still weak."

"Wait!" Adrian mumbled. "How did..."

"Don't talk," the nurse instructed. "Just wait, I'll go and call the doctor."

The nurse left and Adrian weakly moved his eyes around the room. It was truly a wonderful room and it didn't look at all like a hospital room but rather a five star hotel. It had every luxurious thing anyone could ever need just like in a hotel. Man, he had no idea who had found him and brought him to the hospital.

His uncle's family couldn't have done it. They had told him that he would die in that room so it was definitely not them. Adrian really had no hint as to why he was saved. He had nothing to live for. He should have just died and left the cruel world behind.

"You are awake." Adrian heard a sweet voice coming from the doctor.

He slowly moved his eyes and saw him, a handsome doctor who looked like he was in his mid 40s. He was wearing a smile. Adrian couldn't smile no matter what he tried to do. His body was just too weak to move his jaws and most importantly, he was hungry like never before.

Without saying anything, the doctor checked him and smiled.

"Good news, Adrian," The doctor smiled in a friendly way. "Your body is responding really well and you'll regain most of your energy before the day ends."

He knew his name. The doctor knew his name! Adrian didn't know how but he had never met that doctor before. To know that he actually knew his name was quiet surprising.

"Doctor, how did I get here?" Adrian asked in a tired voice.

"You were brought here by someone."

"Who," Adrian asked, feeling himself get weaker.

"I don't think you have enough energy to talk." The doctor smiled. "You need to take some food or the little energy you have will live you."


"No buts, Adrian. I'll tell you everything but later."

Adrian kept quiet.

The doctor instructed a nurse to bring Adrian something to start off with. Adrian didn't know what but he was ready to dive into whatever he was to be given. He was that hungry.

In a matter of minutes, the nurse came back with a bowl and it was only later when Adrian realized what it was. It was porridge and by the looks of it, it was really hot perfect for his empty stomach. It smelled delicious.

The doctor took some pillows, made him sit and lay his back on them. He was still weak but maybe after eating he would feel better.

He watched as the nurse brought a spoonful of porridge close to his mouth. He weakly opened his mouth, letting the spoon inside. Having some food in his mouth was really good and he felt a bit better. He swallowed the porridge and it tasted better.

It was after the second spoon when Adrian suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. It was hot all over like he just had hot pepper in an empty stomach.

"Ouch!" Adrian winced.

"Are you okay?" the nurse asked.

"It hurts," Adrian mumbled. " stomach hurts."

"Don't worry," the doctor assured. "It's expected since you haven't had anything in there for some days. Just continue and it'll stop."

Adrian continued eating until the stomach pains subsided and later stopped. He had so much porridge but it was worth it if he truly wanted to be well. He had the whole bowl and felt a bit alive though he was still hungry.

The porridge really helped a lot and he somehow felt a little better.

"How's that," The doctor asked, bringing his hands further to check his temperature. "I feel a bit fine but I'm still angry."

"Good thing that just the starter." The doctor chuckled. "You'll have the main meal in a few minutes."

The doctor checked him again and asked about his stomach pain. Truly he was fine and he knew he was gonna feel really better after the main meal. About 30 minutes later the main meal came and it was rice, sauce, sausage, pork chops and juice.

The nurse fed it all to him and he was so full. To his surprise, his energy didn't come back after that heavy meal but he at least felt something.

"I still don't have my energy back." Adrian said softly.

"Don't worry," the doctor said as he removed the pillows to make him lie down again. "You'll need a lot of hours of for complete recovery. I'll give you an injection and you'll possibly sleep for more than 12 hours. You'll possibly wake up tomorrow morning feeling all your lost energy back."

Adrian was ready for anything just so that he could have his energy back. He was still worried though because if someone had really saved him, his uncle would definitely kill him when he goes back to the house. He was gonna worry about that later.

"I need to pee." Adrian said and later felt embarrassed.

"Excuse me," the doctor left for some room and came back with a small toilet like thing.

Adrian felt shy and he hesitated when the doctor was about to unzip him. Adrian couldn't do it in front of the nurse. The doctor probably got the hint as he sent the nurse away to get some medicine and an injection for him.

As soon as the nurse left, the doctor unzipped him up and without asking got Adrian's 3 inch flaccid cock out. Adrian was embarrassed but hey, it was the doctor who was doing it. Adrian peed and then the doctor zipped him up. That was when he realized that he was in new clothes and they seemed expensive too.

Okay, first he was probably in the most luxurious room in the hospital and now he was in expensive clothes. What was going on here?

Adrian had a lot of questions but he didn't ask any as the nurse came back with everything the doctor had instructed her to. He took the injection,

"Alright, Adrian," the doctor smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Adrian smiled faintly. He felt his arm being pierced by the needle and he immediately felt his eyes get heavy. Everything began spinning and he eventually began his journey in dream world.


Adrian slowly opened his eyes. He was lying on the bed, glancing at the large electronic clock on the wall, 08.54 am. He couldn't believe it was morning already. He felt some form of energy and wondered if truly he had got his strength.

He slowly got up from the bed and was glad to feel that he his energy was back. He didn't have the drip anymore. He was now ready to get out and go...well he had no idea where he would go after he leaves the hospital.

"Thanks," Adrian heard a really familiar voice outside his room. "I'll take it from here. I'll call if I need anything."

The voice was really familiar to Adrian but he couldn't just put his finger on the person it belonged to. It couldn't possibly be one of the masters', could it.

Adrian fixed his eyes at the door, scared and ready to meet whoever was gonna come in. He literally fell down when he saw who it was, Nicholas. Nicholas Miller was at the hospital. Adrian didn't know why he got angry but he blamed him for what the masters had done to him. He was probably the one who had told them everything.

"Hey," Nicholas gushed. He was really happy to see Adrian awake and sitting at the edge of the bed. That only showed that he was now fine. Nicholas ran to Adrian.

"I'm glad you..."

"You bastard," Adrian yelled loudly, hitting Nicholas hard on the chest. "How could you do this to me, you bastard?"

That was some welcome for someone who had saved Adrian's life. Nicholas had come rushing all the way to the hospital risking everything just to come and see him. He hadn't come yesterday because they had a lot to buy plus some photo shoots for the estranged magazine his mother wanted.

Nicholas had literally sneaked early morning out of the house just to be called a bastard by his...well his friend. He had risked it all just to be called a bastard.

"Hey," Nicholas said, holding Adrian's hands. "What did I do?"

"You bastard," Adrian yelled. He felt tears building in his eyes. "This is your entire fault. How dare you show up here after everything that you did?"
